Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 766 Large-scale Documentary——Fire Red Leaf Green Details Raiders

Chapter 766 Large-scale Documentary——Fire Red Leaf Green Details Raiders

"Uh... What's the difference between these two messages?"

The movements of the tentacles on the right arm of Individual Three stopped suddenly, but it was a pity that it had no eyelids and could not close its eyes, otherwise the blinking movements would better reflect its bewildered heart at this time.

"The difference is that you're happy when you hear good news and sad when you hear bad news."

Moon Eevee yawned, not interested in Heido's wicked taste.

Subject Three was silent for two or three seconds after hearing the words, as if thinking, and then opened his mouth and said, "Please tell me the good news."

Pretty polite.

Heiduo flipped through the information transmitted by Dawu. To be honest, he didn't quite understand the specific content in it, such as DNA data and so on, with too many scientific names.

"You have the same kind, and there are two more. Just like you, they all fell from the sky. I don't know if you recognize them."

Heiduo said something silently, but how could individual three know it, it was still a cosmic virus without thinking ability at that time.

"Companions! Two!"

Deoxys, who fell into ecstasy after only listening to half a sentence, twisted his body, and the main body in the black triangle couldn't help dancing wildly with excitement. No one wanted the same kind more than it did. It didn't want to be the only lonely individual in the world. Even Rogia can have the same kind, and it should too.

Deoxys, who couldn't even bear being alone for half a year, began to hate loneliness as early as when it possessed human-like intelligence, especially when seeing groups of elves on the different magnetic mountains, communicating with each other.

Loneliness ate into Deoxys' heart.

But now Heiduo told it that it has companions, and there are still two!

"It's the same kind, not a companion. It's true that people are of the same kind as you, but they don't necessarily take you seriously." Heiduo flipped through the information, "They fell off the year before last, and unlike you who have phantoms and mobility when they fall, they didn't even have wisdom at that time, and their growth rate was much slower than yours."

In a sense, Individual [-] and Individual [-] should be regarded as elves born and raised on the earth.

After they fell into the Green Ridge Cosmic Center, they did not enter a period of rapid growth. Instead, they fell into a period of growth stagnation because Dr. Solans took away the Gulan Meteorite, which had cosmic energy that helped them grow.

It wasn't until being snatched away by the Rockets that it grew rapidly with their help, and the second individual found an opportunity to grow out of the petri dish and use the island of birth to fully mature itself.

The excitement of Deoxys faded slightly with Heduo's words, "The growth rate is much slower than mine, how far have they grown? If possible, can I trouble you to take them over, I can share the energy here with them..."

"This is about another piece of bad news." Heiduo turned the notebook upside down and showed it to Individual Three, on which was a surveillance video.

Surveillance video recorded that the Green Ridge Cosmic Center was destroyed by fire geese, and the rocket team secretly took away two broken Deoxys.

Unlike the individual one and individual two named by the Rockets, the Green Ridge Cosmic Center took the names of the two Deoxyses, but the different individuals are only called number one and number two.

It's better to listen to one individual and one individual two.

"Stolen by...?"

Subject Three stared blankly at the recording on the notebook.

"Well, I know this force. It is the Rockets that have been destroyed. At present, there are only a bunch of remnants hiding in the dark, and their whereabouts are unknown."

Hei Duo quickly talked about the composition of the Rockets, their past feats and individuals.

Instance [-] was silent. The appearance of its companion made it extremely happy, but when it came, the news of the disappearance of its companion made it angry, but at the same time it was full of confusion.

The companion that I waited so hard for is gone, maybe I can’t find it, what should it do?
"Lianzhu, since they took your two species away, they will definitely help them grow so that they can be used by them. You won't be able to find them if you search for them, but they will definitely appear after they become complete like you."

After the Rockets’ base in the Kanto area was destroyed, the Rockets’ base was never drawn in the special episode. God knows where they built such a big plane, and even built a high-tech trainer tower on the Seven Islands.

There are many islands in this world, Team Rocket is determined to build bases on overseas islands, just like Team Shadow, no one can find them.

Just wait for them to show up.


"Of course it's true. The Rockets are still called the Rockets if they don't make trouble? When did your black brother lie to you?"

Heiduo patted Subject Three on the head. The latter's face made of soil showed no expression, but his voice was full of joy and gratitude.

Of course, Heduo didn't tell Deoxys that the individual was almost made useless by the Rockets.


The interval between the gem chapter and the fire red leaf green chapter is half a year, that is, in April next year, the fire red leaf green chapter will start.

At the same time, because the content of the Fire Red and Leaf Green Chapter is not much, the general content of the entire chapter can be completed within a month or even a week, so Heido can carefully think about how to get through the Fire Red and Leaf Green Chapter.

There are many options.

First, using the power of Deoxys and Rogia to use Little Silver's identity to launch a fierce attack on Sakagi from the very beginning. Although the three beast warriors are troublesome, they can completely gank the entire Rockets team at the beginning with their strength.

Second, just like the gold and silver chapter, the whole process is soy sauced, and only at the end does it appear on the scene to do things and be the mastermind behind the scenes.

Third, replace Chi Hong's position and board the airship, while Chi Hong and the others go to get rid of the three beast warriors.

The latter two are relatively stable strategies, and will not disturb the smooth progress of the plot.

But Heiduo prefers the most unstable first one.

It might be the most interesting choice to kill the signs from the very beginning and send Xiaoyin back to Sakagi on his own initiative.

But after finding Xiaoyin, Sakagi would not just wait for death because of an "incurable" serious illness according to common sense.

He estimated that he would hand over the Rockets to Xiaoyin and train Xiaoyin to be the next generation successor of the Rockets. Xiaoyin was definitely unwilling at first, but after knowing that Sakagi's time was numbered, Xiaoyin, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, would definitely take over the Rockets.

Then work on transforming the Rockets into a legitimate organization.

It's just that it's really hard to say whether the Rockets influenced Xiaoyin or Xiaoyin influenced the Rockets.

With Xiaoyin's soft heart, Heiduo was quite worried that it would be the former.

Follow the process of the first plan.

There will still be an emerald chapter, because when Heduo let go of the red speeding car, Sage probably gave the set of armor that may have come from the Obribia region to Shui Wutong.

Heart Gold Soul Silver is to be determined, there should be, because Arceus had made up his mind to cleanse mankind at that time.

At the same time, the newly-appointed cadre Fourth General is very likely to reverse, and Xiao Yin does not have the strong personality charm of Sakagi.

There may be no gem reprints, because the meteorite that is said to be able to destroy the earth was provoked by Individual One who forcibly reversed its orbit in order to avenge Sakagi.

Maybe it would be nice to not have meteorites, but then there might be no way to ease the relationship between the Meteor People and the Devon Corporation.

Although the Meteor People are not popular, they still have the extraordinary power of mega evolution. Their existence is like a group of potential militants, and the radical other side has already revealed part of the fangs of the militants.

Fortunately, with the restraint of the elders, most of the people of Meteor chose to keep their mouths shut.

But how long can an elder live?

Once they get into a complete confrontation with Devon, the only ones who will be hurt will always be ordinary people.

——Of course, the premise is that this bank is really dead.

Heiduo's sudden discovery that this side is not dead, maybe it can really become a point of relaxation between Meteor Village and Devon Company?

Essentially the reason they would fight was because Ray Kongza was caught and Tokishi died.

If Sogishi didn't die, Lie Kongzai escaped successfully, and Devon apologized to Meteor Village, maybe Meteor Village could come out of the closure and become a place like Yanmo City?

Then, subtly, it turned Meteor Village into Meteor City.

In this way, no matter who it is, it may be a good choice.

There's something going on.

Heiduo was deliberating, and at the same time, he was thinking about whether to artificially create a meteorite to fall down.

This is to avoid world line convergence.

What is the end of the world line?
That is, no matter how you struggle and how you change history and the future, what should happen will still happen. It may be that the individual made the meteorite and turned into a meteorite to reverse itself, or it may be due to some other reasons.

And in order to prevent the world line from converging, a new meteorite is forcibly created, so that the fluctuating future becomes fixed.

Heduo can completely let individual three fly into the universe, and artificially bring down a meteorite, so that the ancient prophecy of Celebi and the Meteor People is fulfilled as it should be.

"There's something wrong!"

Heiduo clapped his hands violently, startling Moon Ibrahimovic beside him.

"What's the matter?"

"It's nothing."

Heiduo silently perfunctory,

With PlanA, he had to design a PlanB, because things might not go as smoothly as he thought, and even if there were individual three and Lugia, plus his own elves, they would not be Sakagi's opponents.

Perhaps the second individual showed up on his own initiative, regardless of Sakagi, and took the initiative to smash the red head, so that Heiduo lost a general first.

All in all, to be on the safe side, there must be preparations for the backhand.

It would be best if he could become the new leader of the gymnasium trainer within half a year.

The odds of winning with the full-level move Heiduo will undoubtedly be greatly increased, and the confidence in facing Sakagi will also increase.

At the same time, Sage, who owns Darkley, also has to be on guard. This guy really can bear it. It's useless to be blown up by the Fritos explosion. He only released Darkley at the end.

The leader of the gymnasium trainer... the leader of the gymnasium trainer.

Hei Duo rubbed his chin. To be honest, he only learned later that although the leader of the gymnasium trainer does not need to fight like the Champions League, it still has to be decided by the decision-making board meeting.

Through the hands of the Elf Association, but the Elf Association only has the right to nominate.

The decision-making meeting is held twice a year.

Once in spring and once in autumn.

The next decision-making meeting will be in the spring, that is, from March to April next year... Maybe it will be in time?

(End of this chapter)

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