Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 731 Dialga Vajra Orb!Palkia White Jade Orb!

Chapter 731 Dialga Vajra Orb!Palkia White Jade Orb!

Heduo was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but blush when he remembered that he was Dialga and Palkia before.

The scene in front of him was obviously telling Heiduo that the abnormal shape of this mountain had nothing to do with them, it was entirely caused by the cosmic energy of the meteorite.

But what about the space that can only enter but cannot exit?

Can cosmic energy interfere with space?

"My head is getting bigger."

Heiduo sighed, really didn't know the meaning of his guessing before, and opened the waveguide to look down. As expected, there was a colorful chaos.

"Well, doesn't the energy you mentioned look colorful and weird?" Heduo asked Lugia.

Lugia hesitated for two seconds, then nodded, "It seems so, I'm not very clear, because I saw the weird color you mentioned with my spiritual power, but I felt the throbbing of energy with my body, and it has nothing to do with spiritual power."

Different ways of feeling.

Just like the mouth, nose, and ears get different information.

Probably the same thing.

"Why didn't you feel the energy fluctuations before?"

"It's said that you only feel it when you get close. Although the intensity of this energy fluctuation is high, it is very hidden... Tsk, in other words, it is the kind of bomb in TV dramas that compresses and explodes in a very small range."

Rogia explained to Heduo that it is so troublesome to explain things differently with logical thinking.

With the metaphor, Heiduo naturally understood.

However, radiation is the cosmic energy that Lugia said?
No, the radiation on the meteorite cannot persist for too long, it will weaken over time, and even the radiation of ordinary rocks will be inferior to it later.

It is unrealistic to allow so many elves to inhabit here, and the resulting radiation is so high that people can blur their vision.

Rogia felt that there was high intensity radiation, and it was outrageous for him to stand here and do nothing.

It seems that cosmic energy and radiation are not equivalent.

And what blocks Heduo's sight is probably not the radiation he expected, but the cosmic energy that the elves themselves cannot use.

...Talking to Lugia is exhausting.

Of course, this is something that can’t be helped. Heiduo and Rogia are completely different lives, just like the world in the eyes of dogs is different from the world in human eyes. Before Heduo can’t resonate with Rogia, they can’t empathize with each other.


After tossing for a long time and outputting the air for a long time, it was not what he thought at all.

The magnetic field is mostly disturbed by these cosmic energies, so the only question left now is what happened to the air wall that recognized people before.

The place where the crater group is located is a sunken gentle slope. Except for the largest crater, there are also many slightly smaller craters here and there.

The black and jagged strange rocks that can be seen everywhere stand inside or outside the crater, with all kinds of strange things, like a stone forest.

It seems that these moat dragons came here because this is their lair, or the venue for their activities.

Some other prehistoric elves are also here, like fossil pterosaurs and so on. Heduo found a lot of water-filled craters in farther places. It seems that the fossilized helmets of cockroaches and nautilus and ammonite beasts are staying there.

But the expected mineral deposits did not appear, and these stones were not eaten by elves, just like the furniture at home.

"Why didn't the moat dragon say anything before?"

Heiduo's face turned dark when he thought of the moat dragon who responded vaguely.But this is still really embarrassing for him. They don't know what meteorites are or are not, and they don't know the type of stones. To them, this crater is just a home, without any special meaning.

These stones are not their food either.

"These are the stones."

Lugia's expression was indifferent. It doesn't care about life energy, spiritual energy, and cosmic energy. It has nothing to do with it. If Heduo insisted on coming here, it wouldn't even be interested in looking at these stones.

I want to see flying into the sky, after breaking through that layer of resistance, these things are all over the sky, what's so strange.

Bankiras stood beside Heido, feeling no strangeness at all.

And Heido walked to the nearest piece of "meteorite" and took a small piece off.

"Meteorite... can this thing be eaten?"

He put the swarthy stone in front of Bankiras, Bankiras turned his head away with a look of disgust, it only ate dirt when it was crazy, although it often ate dirt when it was young, but at that time it was mainly because there were not as many good things in Heiduo's hands.

Heiduo had no choice but to throw the meteorite fragments into Geng Gui's storage space, and find someone to test it after he got out.

"Let's search in a few other places. There may be other things. The secret of this space has not been solved yet." Heiduo asked Rogia to use his spiritual power to drive himself to fly. Besides here, there are three separate invisible locations on the top of the mountain and the lake deep in the cave.

"it is good."

Rogia agreed, and then sent Heduo into the sky, flying all the way up along the place where the spiritual power could not sweep before.

Pieces of large and small dark rocks are inlaid on the cliff, which is quite eye-catching.

"Sure enough, it's still a meteorite, but what happened to the two single ones on the top and the innermost one? Flying so far alone?"

Heiduo frowned, but he wasn't too entangled, after all, after so many years, anything is possible.

It took 10 minutes to fly directly to the top of the mountain under the protection of superpowers, ignoring the wind pressure and airflow.

Heiduo's expression was even more shocked when he saw the new scene in front of him.

"Ruins!!! And in this way, it is the pillar of the spear? How is it possible! The pillar of the spear is in Tianguan Mountain!"

In front of his eyes was an ancient relic in the shape of an altar without a roof. Except for a raised rock with a square outside and a triangle inside, there were only countless broken columns left on the altar.

Each one is like a giant gun soaring into the sky.

——[Pillar of the Spear], an ancient relic located on the top of Tianguan Mountain, is the place where Arceus created Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina according to legend. It is said that the Sinnoh region was also established on the Pillar of the Spear.

How is it possible that there is also a pillar of spears here? Arceus needs to open an altar twice to create a world?

It can only be a copy, but who copied the altar, and it is still in this kind of place...

"There's something up there."

Under the sunlight, objects that suddenly reflected light attracted Heiduo's attention, causing Heiduo to temporarily put aside distracting thoughts and fly down.

After getting closer, Heiduo discovered that there were four different stone pillars that were separated from each other but seemed to have been glued together to form a door. There were two gemstones at most no bigger than fists.

One is extremely transparent, like white glass, with edges and corners.

The other one, like a bubble, is extremely smooth and reveals a light pink brilliance.

[Item: Vajra Orb/Effect: After Dialga carries it, the power of steel attribute and dragon attribute moves will increase/The pillar of the spear can be used to summon Dialga]

[Item: White Jade Orb/Effect: After Palkia carries it, the power of water attribute and dragon attribute moves will increase/The pillar of the spear can be used to summon Palkia]


Heiduo frowned, but he wasn't excited because there were two more tokens in front of him to summon the two gods of time and space.

In fact, after experiencing so many strange and incomprehensible things, he didn't bother to be surprised anymore, he just felt that everything in front of him revealed a strange atmosphere.

Blocked space, meteorites that release energy, diamond orbs and white jade orbs.

So what could be in the lake?
Giratina's physical possession, the platinum orb that can help Giratina change its shape?

"The energy in these two things is terrifying. Moreover, they seem to be connected to the mountain. The energy inside is connected to the entire mountain, as if it is suppressing the energy of the meteorite? Well, it's a new feeling."

Lugia said coldly, but Heduo was used to the way this guy squeezed toothpaste.

"It turns out that the magnetic field is caused by meteorites, and the strange space is caused by two orbs, but why are the orbs here, and why are they connected to this mountain?"

Heiduo didn't dare to go down, God knows what danger is here, just floating in the air, thinking silently.

These two orbs did not appear in the special chapter. The red chains created by the power of the three holy mushrooms were used by the red sun to summon the space-time gods, so the whereabouts of this thing that only appeared in the game has been unknown.

And it stands to reason that these two gems are things that only Dialga and Palkia can use, just like the two orbs in the gem chapter can only be used for flying and swimming in water.

Why is there such a strange space here?
Is it possible that this mountain is man-made?For the purpose of breeding ancient elves?

But who are those people?Are you still alive?How did they manage to use the orb's power across Dialga and Palkia?
Heiduo looked at the two introverted orbs below, which only showed signs of reflection under the sunlight, and always felt that the twin gods of time and space had been NTRed.

This is as if one day someone suddenly used a vermilion orb to return Bankiras to the original state, leaving Gulardo, the original owner of the orb, aside.

"Although I know you like to talk half-spoken, this time you have to tell me clearly whether there is any danger down here."

Heiduo really wanted to go down to find out, but he was afraid that Rogia would discover new abnormalities again.

"...I'll take a closer look."

Rogia was speechless. It is not an omniscient and omnipotent god. Isn't it normal not to know something, but since Heduo said so, then it will read it carefully several times.

The result was, of course, nothing out of the ordinary.

Hei Duo heard the words, once again fully armed.

Step on the ancient khaki altar with both feet, looking at the two orbs not far away.

I couldn't see it on the top before, but after I got down, there seems to be a base under the two orbs?
"Can you pick them up with psychic power?"

"I'm afraid that won't work. The energy they release underground has isolated my spiritual power, so I have to use physical intervention... er, to hold it with my hands."

"Would it be a problem if I tried to pick them up?"

"To be honest, I don't know. There shouldn't be a problem. The orb is connected to the base, so it doesn't leak energy. The energy inside is very peaceful and doesn't look aggressive."

"I'm asking if there's going to be something wrong with the mountain."

"Then don't worry, this mountain doesn't exist with two orbs. If you take the orbs away, the wall we saw before is probably gone. Yes, the cosmic energy of the meteorite will also be released, but the cosmic energy is not aggressive, it's almost just glowing."

Rogia paused, "I think so."

Hearing this, Heiduo thought for two seconds, released the biting land shark, and asked Moon Eevee and Rogia to put shields on it.

"Don't shake me, I'm really going to die, let's all die together. Biting Lu Shark, please."

Lugia: "..."

"Kabu." Bite Lu Sha promised, stepped forward quickly, and bent down to pick up the vajra orb with water chestnut.

But just as it was probing its claws, two dark tentacles burst out from under the altar, binding the claws that bit the land shark!

At the same time, a voice sounded beside their ears.

"Stop it, don't do it."

The voice is unisex and intermittent, like a radio with a bad volume.

Heiduo's face darkened instantly.

Gan!Salted fish is unreliable!
(End of this chapter)

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