Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 714 A Raichu Who Can’t Surf Is Not a Good Raichu

Chapter 714 A Raichu Who Can’t Surf Is Not a Good Raichu

Although he knew early on that Heiduo would not be able to join his main team to fight against him, but thinking of the Maxuanla just now, Chong Jin couldn't help but imagine that these two elves might be Heiduo's candidates.

"Hmph, this Raichu is an elf I borrowed, and it's not the one you thought of as a candidate." Heiduo saw through Chong Jin's thoughts at a glance, "Choose the elf simply, don't take it easy."

Raichu really hasn't been trained at all, and his attribute points are not so many that everyone can give them a little. At most, he just learned one or two moves to increase the fun of the battle, and he didn't upgrade him to level six.

Chong Jin's odds of winning this time are not low.


Chong Jin nodded hurriedly, raised his hand and threw his second elf.

It seems that the defeat of Flying Leg Lang just now was a big blow to him. It's okay to panic, but even at the Silver Conference, people who should panic still panic.


The huge light green long-necked Brachiosaurus landed on the ground, with a delicate flower blooming around its neck.

——Geranium, one of the three imperial families of the city, has an energy level of 41, [luxuriant] characteristics, no sixth-level moves, only one fifth-level move, and common fourth-level moves.

Weaker than the previous Flying Legs, Flying Legs might not be the trump card of this kid.

But with four badges, you only have the strength of four badges... This kid's fifth badge is not so easy to get.

Come again with seven badges.

"Sweet aroma!"

A trace of pink smoke gushed out from Geranium's neck, and quickly spread towards Raichu's position!

[Sweet Scent], the effect in the game is to reduce the opponent's dodge rate, but in reality, it can unknowingly make people relax their vigilance, and their spirits are decadent, which is another way to reduce the dodge rate.

However, although the scent moves and powder moves are pervasive, they are also very simple to crack.

"If you don't learn moves for it, this move is really hard to break, surfing."

【surf】? ! ! !

Heiduo's order surprised the surrounding people.

Raichu used 【Surf】?Can it be used?
Naturally it can be used.

Leiqiu jumped up suddenly, stepped on his tail like a foot on a waveboard, and the water waves behind him rolled up out of thin air. In less than two seconds, a huge wave formed by water attribute energy was set off, rushing towards the geranium!
The pink smoke of the sweet aroma was also dispersed by the waves of the waves and the strong wind!

But Leiqiu, who was stepping on the waveboard with his tail, did not rush over with the huge waves, but stayed not far from Geranium.

It seems that the tail of the thunderbolt is like a javelin, and it shoots towards the geranium that is washed by the water waves until it is hard to see!
At the same time, bright silver light flickered on the lightning tail!
【Iron Tail】!
It's true that Raichu is not a skin god, but how can such a classic move be missed?
The metal tail hits!
Being attacked twice in a row, even though Geranium's dual defenses are not bad, it is inevitable that she will show a painful look.

"Magic Leaf!"

Chong Jin gritted his teeth, resisted the idea of ​​using [Photosynthesis], and chose to attack.

This move is not wrong, Geranium's remaining physical strength at this time is [-]% lost with recovery moves.

Countless colorful brown leaves flew towards Raichu!
[Magic Leaf], a move that must be hit in the game, has the feature of automatic tracking, and it cannot be avoided by hard hiding. It can be done no matter turning a corner or hitting a needle, and it can only be resisted with moves.

"One hundred thousand volts."

Bright yellow lightning surged from Leiqiu's body and attacked the magic leaf!
Crackling, crackling, several crisp explosions sounded one after another.

On the opposite side, Geranium has exhausted its old strength and just started to absorb new energy under Chong Jin's order.

Knowing that the electric attribute has a powerful ability to interrupt moves, so use the magic leaf to block the opponent's attack first?
This is a bonus item.

The boy calmed down.

So what do you do?


Thunder in the clear sky, in addition to consuming energy, also needs a short period of time to accumulate, because the thunder and lightning will come from the sky in rainy days, and the thunder and lightning in other weathers will come from the elves themselves.

If Heiduo's calculations are correct, the timing is just right when the Geranium [Sun Beam] has finished accumulating.

as predicted.

The blue-yellow energy column, like the main gun of a space battleship, burst out from the flowers on the neck of the geranium, making a piercing roar!
And Raichu also raised his tail high, and shot towards the geranium a thick electric current that was as large as the sun's flames, as if it could deafen people's ears!
Two energies of different attributes meet in mid-air!

boom--! ! ! !

It's a pity that the scene in the animation where you can be evenly matched for half a minute, you won't let me, I won't let you, and you can roar and try harder at the end, didn't appear.

The energy emitted by both sides is fixed and not continuous.

People looking forward to long-term confrontation may be disappointed.

The dazzling afterglow of the explosion engulfed the entire battlefield.

Chong Jin couldn't help but closed his eyes and put his right hand in front of him. This was the natural reaction of his body.

But because of this, he also missed the best time to attack Bo Hou.

This technique Heiduo has never used before, because his elf is too exaggerated to the aftermath of the wave, and rushing in rashly will be bad luck.

But Raichu is far from reaching this level, and neither is Geranium.

The aftermath after the confrontation between the two, as long as you find a suitable insertion point, you will not suffer any harm!

And this insertion point needs to be found by the trainer. The elf is in the center of the aftermath of the explosion, and the impact it receives is by no means comparable to that of the trainer's seat. It cannot consider so much.

Only safe trainers can take this into consideration.

"Volt attack."

When the light gradually faded and Chongjin and the bystanders just opened their eyes to see the result of the explosion, Heiduo's order had already sounded.

Choose to attack without confirming the situation of your elf? ? ?

The audience around were at a loss, wondering why Heduo was so sure that Raichu was fine.

At this time, the importance of resonance is reflected, but before the resonance is lost, how can the trainer confirm the state of his elf after being attacked?
——Rely on experience.

After fighting with elves of different stages, after the probing attack is over, I will naturally gradually understand how much the opponent is. Of course, the possibility of the opponent pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger cannot be ruled out.

But the trainer must have an accurate perception and judgment of the power of the opponent's moves.

Don't ask the elf whether the opponent's attack is strong or weak, you have to figure it out yourself.

In general, it is still those two words, experience.

If you play a lot, you will understand it naturally.

in the field.

The smoke and dust after the explosion slowly drifted away, but before that, a figure bathed in lightning, like a thunderball, ran at top speed, and rushed towards the geranium that had just seen it!

Bark - bang! !

Thunder and lightning!

After the muffled sound of the impact, the sound of thunder and lightning continued to reach Chongjin's ears.

As a grass-type elf, Geranium is resistant to electricity, but it is not enough to face the successive attacks.

Not even giving Chongjin a chance to [Photosynthesis], Geranium wailed and fell to the ground powerlessly.

[Surfing], [Iron Tail], [Sun Beam] and [Thunderstorm] aftermath plus [Volt Attack], after taking so much damage, I was exhausted. Geranium was not wronged to "die".

After the [Volt Attack], Raichu jumped back with an unsightly expression as well. It also ate the aftermath, and even rushed out before the aftermath was completely over, adding the [Volt Attack] back injury.

Maybe the geranium persisted for a while and used the [photosynthesis], and it would be Raichu who fell.

"Beep - Geraniums can't fight! The winner is Raichu!"

The referee blows his whistle.

The crowd of onlookers began to chat in low voices.

"This challenge gym is so weak, I think I can do it myself."

"Are you stupid? It's not that he's weak, it's that Heduo is strong! I think Raichu and Ma Yula are at least level 50."

"Such a gym challenge will definitely fail, right?"

"I want to try it too..."

"Current students can't participate in the gymnasium challenge. If you drop out of school, you can participate. Go."

The thorough and undisguised evaluation made Chong Jin's already unattractive complexion even more ugly.

The fellow challengers who came with him looked at him worriedly, while those with a bit more temper immediately started to face off with some students on the spot.

Seeing this, the staff responsible for maintaining order shouted at them loudly to keep them quiet.

They rushed over from the trainer academy and wanted to take the students away, but the dean and police officers who were fascinated by the battle also began to restrain the students and tried to take them away.

The students also began to complain.

The scene suddenly became extremely noisy.

Chong Jin, who was in the center of the venue, also had an ugly face, his mentality collapsed.

And at this moment, suddenly.


A voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the wind suddenly picked up!
As if being stared at from behind by a ferocious beast, the trembling feeling that might bite their throats at any moment surged in everyone's heart.


Everyone around the battlefield closed their mouths and held their breath unconsciously.

Some even showed expressions of fear.

All that was left was the sound of tinkling and clanging construction from the construction site in the distance.

Time seems to stop at this second——

Until five or six seconds later.

The middle-aged bald dean reacted in time, and turned to look at Hei Duo, who was stroking an elf ball with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Hold, I'm sorry, Master Heiduo, I'll take them away right away, I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

The dean's attitude was very low. After all, it was their fault for watching without permission, and disturbing the challenge of the gymnasium.

"No, you can watch it if you want, I don't mind, just keep quiet and don't make noise."

Heiduo waved his hand, and put the poke ball that bit Lusha fiercely back on his waist, "It will be the same from now on, if you want to see it, it's okay, keep quiet, or keep your voice down. You have worked hard."

That last sentence was addressed to the officers.

"Ah, it's alright."

The three police officers who were startled scratched their heads in embarrassment.


The director of teaching responded gratefully. He knew the meaning of Heduo's promise. For growing trainers, it is very beneficial to watch the battles commanded by top trainers or gym trainers up close!

Especially this gym trainer is good at comprehensive attributes!
(End of this chapter)

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