Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 563 Benefits of the Super Pendant

Chapter 563 Benefits of the Super Pendant

"Want it?"

Cocoble held the Lucario evolution stone in his hand, and looked at Heduo and Lucario with a smile.

The two nodded wildly.

"As long as you want it." Ke Kebu put the box on the table and sat down with a serious expression on his face. "Before, I agreed to exchange super stones with you. The requirement is that you can't use super evolution to kill. Now you want Lucario evolution stones, so my request will also change."

Hei Duo was silent for a while, and said, "Say it."

No matter what, just listen to it first, if you can't accept rejection, it's fine, anyway, there is no loss in listening to it.

"Your keystone is not inherited from me, so I won't make too harsh demands on you—I hope you can become a kind person." He looked into Heiduo's eyes with an extremely serious expression, "I don't know how other regions are, but I can clearly feel that the people of Carlos are gradually losing empathy and kindness."

"Carlos in the early days was a home built with mutual help and mutual support between people, people and elves. Including this refining tower, this place was originally a tiny and tiny deserted island. With the help of the residents of Salo City, my ancestors were able to build such a magnificent building." Coco Bull stood up and lamented, "You must have seen the huge super Lucario stone statue outside. Do you know how it was built?"

Heido shook his head.

"In order to repay the help of the ancestors, the best craftsmen in Sala City worked hard and carved them out one by one as a gift to the ancestors day and night. The sincerity and friendship between people were vividly displayed at that moment!" Ke Kebul was fascinated, "It is said that it took him a whole year just to find the right stone!"

Is the co-authored one outside still a cultural relic?

Ke Kebuer changed the subject, "However, in the current Carlos people, I found this kind of good quality that a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. People help each other, and there are fewer and fewer cases of gratitude."

"People nowadays focus on money, reputation, and status...I'm not saying that it's wrong to pursue these things, but their approach is wrong." Cocobull bowed his head, "Exploitation, bullying, and struggle. 3000 years ago, the ancient Karos people did something wrong, so they disappeared into history.

great prophet.

Heiduo was silent, and there will really be a 30 years ago in the future, but the holder of the illustrated book is strong, and no major accidents occurred.

Speaking of which, the Carlos really like war.

3000 years ago, a world war was caused.

300 years ago, there was a war with the neighboring region (Hador didn't know Galar).

Now, soon Fradali is going to do something again.

Carlos always wakes up from pain again and again, and makes mistakes again and again.

is enough.

Ke Kebull poured a cup of tea for Heiduo, "I don't know who you are, nor do you know your past, and the only thing I know about you is Long Xing. But to be honest, you have a pair of great parents."

"You know them?"

"No, I've only heard about their deeds." Ke Kebull smiled slightly, "They are much more powerful than me, an old man huddled in a tower, so I thought, since you are their son, your character should not be too bad."

Heiduo was speechless, he couldn't tell Ke Kebul that he came from another world, could he?

Just shut up and default.

"What's a new word called? Morality... that's right, moral kidnapping." Cocoble pushed the Lucario's evolutionary stone towards Heido, "Maybe you think I'm moral kidnapping, but I sincerely hope that you can help people and elves in distress. Humans are your compatriots, and elves are your partners. We should develop together instead of hurting each other."

"It's yours, whether you accept it or not."

Pretty classic heart attack behavior.

Heiduo looked at the Lucario evolution stone in front of him, and Ke Kebull's attitude was to show that I don't care whether you agree to my request, as long as you can live with your conscience, you can treat me as shit before, take the stone away, and do whatever you like.

As long as you feel a little shaken in your heart, then Coco Bull will know that this evolutionary stone was not given away in vain.

Maybe for some people who hit the sugar-coated shells and eat the sugar-coated shells and shoot them back, such a small trick as Coco Bull is useless. I promise you, if you lose face, you will regret it. What can you do with him?
Or simply did not hear clearly before.

Heduo is different.

He has many shortcomings, timid and fearful, troublesome, petty and vengeful, but only when it comes to promises, Heiduo is a person who "speaks" and keeps it.

No matter how difficult and dangerous it is.

"I can only say, do your best, this strength may not satisfy you." Heiduo did not touch the Lucario evolution stone, but first agreed with Coco Bull that he has the right to refuse help.

Hearing this, Ke Kebull laughed, "Of course, no matter how small the force is, he is also a force. As long as you do things that are worthy of your conscience, I am very pleased that you can agree to my request."


Heiduo put the Lucario evolution stone in the bag.

Cocoble stood up, "Follow me."

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Hei Duo opened Lucario's hand that was impatiently reaching for his backpack, and looked at Ke Kebul in confusion.

Ke Kebull said with a smile: "Didn't you find the evolution stones of your biting land sharks yet? Let me teach you a method. You can try your luck. By the way, show me your keystone?"

Without hesitation, Heiduo took off the keystone from his bosom and put it in Ke Kebul's hands.

"Sure enough, this is the jewelry you made yourself, right?" Cocoble took the bracelet that Heiduo handed over.

Heiduo nodded, "Yes."

"After the super evolution is over, do you feel tired every time?" Ke Kebull said with a smile: "It seems that the person who passed the keystone to you is not the inheritor, otherwise he wouldn't just give you a keystone."

"how to say?"

"The keystone is an item that can be matched with an accessory to maximize its benefits." Coco Bull poked Heiduo's chest, "What do you think is the principle of super evolution?"

Heiduo was startled, and after thinking for two seconds, he said: "The bond between the trainer and the elf turned into strength?"

"That's five points right." Ke Kebull walked forward, followed by Heduo and a group of elves. "Super evolution is essentially the communication between the elves and the trainer on the soul. It is the power of the mind. Some elves will become irritable, ruthless, and full of destructive desires after super evolution. They are all manifestations of insufficient spiritual communication."

Cocoble raised his wrist, revealing the super wristband inlaid with the keystone, "This thing is called a super wristband, it can amplify the trainer's emotional and spiritual power to a certain extent, so as to release it and collide with the elf's spiritual power."

"With it, you won't feel so tired when you super-evolve with the elves in the future." Cocoble took Heduo to the bottom of the super Lucario stone statue, where there was a room.

There is such a thing?Is this what a super ring looks like?

Heiduo followed in, and suddenly found that it was a study and work room, with a bed.

When Cocoble came to the workbench, he first removed the keystone from the necklace, and then took out a string of pendants from the drawer. The style of the pendants was rather monotonous.

While grinding the hole of the pendant so that the keystone can be perfectly embedded, he said to Heiduo: "Do you remember the craftsman I told you about?"


"Later, the craftsman's daughter became the wife of the ancestor's son, and the two families got married, so in terms of blood, that craftsman is also my ancestor." Cocoble smiled slightly at Heiduo, and put the keystone into the pendant with a click.

I remember that Moon Ibrahimovic said that in the animation, Ke Kebul has a friend who is very good at manual work.

In the special chapter, did he do it himself?

Heiduo silently took the pendant handed over by Cocobul and thanked him.

He originally thought that these carrying devices were useless, just carrying supplies, but now it seems that he was wrong.

"Is it alright if you gave me the Lucario evolution stone?"

Heiduo asked softly. To be honest, he was a little puzzled why Ke Kebul gave her the super stone. The Lucario evolution stone should be given to his granddaughter, but Kerni.

Coco Bull said: "Of course it doesn't matter. The super stone is not unique like the key stone. You don't have to worry about my Lucario not being able to super evolve after giving you the Lucario evolution stone."

"When Long Xing came here, the super stone I was going to give her was also the Lucario evolution stone at the beginning, but she thought the big mouth baby evolution stone was more suitable for her eyes." He sighed, obviously did not expect that the Lucario evolution stone he had prepared could not enter Long Xing's eyes.


Takihoshi is as individual as ever.

"Everything has been handed over to you, and I won't keep you if I still have challengers later." Cocobull began to issue an order to evict the guest.

Heiduo had nothing to do, put away the elves behind him, turned and left.

Generally speaking, the trip to Sala City was worthwhile. I thought it was a waste of time, but I never thought that Ke Kebul would be willing to hand over the Lucario evolution stone to him.

The only regrettable point is that the intimacy between Heduo and Lucario has not yet reached 250 points, and he cannot super evolve for the time being.

"Are the inheritors so concerned about the country and the people?" Moon Ibrahimovic looked back at the towering refining tower.

Heiduo replied: "They are at different heights, have you forgotten what the champion Karuna called him?"

Carunai called Ke Kebu her master, because her Xanadu evolution stone and keystone were given by Ke Kebu, and she studied under Ke Kebu for a while.

The same is true for Dr. Bratano, a doctor who focuses on the mystery of super evolution. He came to the Tower of Refinement to study, but he left soon after.

Go to Shenao to worship under Dr. Yamanashi, and continue to study the secret of elf evolution.

(End of this chapter)

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