Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 541 The Silver Conference Concluded Successfully

Chapter 541 The Silver Conference Concluded Successfully
This person's memory is sometimes very unreliable, especially when he is concentrating on one thing, he may often forget other "irrelevant" things.

Hmm... Heiduo also thought that the giant pincer mantis was playing close to the normal giant pincer mantis, and then remembered that he was on the shore of Daming Lake... Ah bah, there is a giant pincer mantis with a scar on the lower jaw in the forest of the natural park, and he is still waiting for his giant pincer mantis to go back to test it.

Tsk tsk, I feel infatuated when I hear it.

Just don't know if it's still there.

The giant pincer mantis was silent, and the happy life by Heiduo's side almost made it forget the promise it had made.


"What else can I do! Let's take a trip. If you say it, the water will be splashed out. At least you promised others."

Heiduo folded his arms and said helplessly, at first he thought he had nothing to do, but now he realizes it's because he didn't think about it.

By the way, did he make any promises?

...It seems that there is really something coming.

Heiduo suddenly remembered that he had made a promise to a ghost stone in Kanto, saying that he would pick it up when he had the opportunity.

I have to go to Kanto.

And there is also the Firestorm Beast from Silver Mountain.

Obediently wants to join the group again, the burden on her body is getting heavier and heavier.

Heiduo found that he was really catching elves, or he didn't do it, and he got a bunch of them at a time.

Fortunately, Lie Bite Lu Shark and they have basically entered the period of strength shackles. He doesn't need to put too much energy into it for the time being. It's okay to have two more players at this time.

And with the addition of them, Heiduo has successfully gathered the members of the two teams.

Although most of the attributes are mixed and have nothing in common, but this kind of thing doesn't matter anymore, and Heiduo doesn't have to worry about learning moves for the elves.

Normally, elf trainers will specialize in one attribute in order to let their elves learn moves faster, so that they can learn faster and master it faster, because the moves of the same attribute basically have something in common, but the usage of attribute energy is different.


The next day.

The Silver Conference came to an end, and the audience went home satisfied with the commemorative video of the finals given by the competition party. Many of the audience also took souvenirs bought from Xiaolan and Xiaoyin's booths.

This conference can be said to be a fight between gods and gods. It is not like a competition in the Chengdu area at all. It is filled with elves from other areas and things that are not common to people in other areas!
mega evolution!

Exclusive Z moves!

Worth the trip, value for money!
Especially in the finals, although some people were a little disappointed that Heiduo no longer crushed their opponents, this little disappointment dissipated after seeing the big scene that can be called a spectacle of heaven and earth.

The contestants are also leaving one after another.

The stage of receiving the awards was completed yesterday. The runner-up won the runner-up medals, the top four... nobody claimed, and some of the top eight were unclaimed, but it doesn't matter, except for the champion who will be awarded the trophy in front of a large audience, the rest will be awarded on other occasions.

Moreover, Fuji Hayao, the planner, is also one of the organizers of the Silver Conference.

In the player's village.

Hei Duo first bid farewell to Fred, Yuan Hao and Rosa. These three 19-year-old elder brothers and sisters will graduate next year, and they will go their separate ways. Yuan Hao intends to pursue his dream, and after becoming a top trainer, he will go to the gymnasium trainer qualification examination.

Fred and Rosa plan to return to the public. One of them wants to continue to challenge the Alliance Conference, and the other wants to become a novelist like Wanlong and plans to write a novel.


Hei Duo has read Rosa's masterpiece, and found that she is a writer of detective novels. The novels she writes are well written, and the content...is hard to describe in words, because the criminal's criminal methods are too nonsense and completely divorced from reality.

She is more suitable for writing fantasy novels.

Well, of course it depends on her own hobbies.

The second batch went to Hesu. He was two years away from graduation. This time he took the opportunity of his seniors to win the qualification in advance and came to participate in the competition.

However, the academic school also said that strength is paramount, and there is nothing to say about skills that are inferior to others.

Before leaving, he exchanged phone calls with Heiduo, and told Heiduo the address of his home by the way, and made an appointment to come to a full team battle if there is a chance in the future.

Heiduo naturally agreed.

The third group was the trio of breeders. They followed the school team that brought Tuo Nan. They wanted to take Heiduo for a ride, but they gave up when they heard that Heiduo's elf was still in the hospital.

The three girls with colorful hair left reluctantly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to hug Heiduo again, and at the same time asked Heiduo about his plans.

When he heard that he was going to other areas, his expression was depressed.

They thought that Heiduo would stay in Chengdu.

——I will stay in Chengdu, but it will take two years.

Finally, there are sisters Xiaolan and Xiaoyin. They have earned a lot of money this time, and they will not be short of activity funds for at least two or three years. They can use it as they want.

And the reason why she left so early was because Xiaolan was well versed in the principle of accepting what was good, and there was no need to be greedy any more. The booming business and the steady stream of money put into the cabinet had already attracted the attention of several nearby stallholders.

So, they sold all the remaining things to the people they hired as their assistants, and they "run away" with the money.

"Thank you this time! Mr. Champion!"

Xiaolan smiled and hugged Heiduo, if Xiaoyin wasn't there, she actually wanted to kiss Heiduo, but because Xiaoyin was there, she gave up because she was afraid of bad influence.

Xiaoyin also stepped forward and hugged Heiduo, "Brother Heiduo, I will definitely become a strong trainer like you!"

"I believe you can do it, but I'm not strong yet." Hei Duo smiled and patted Little Silver on the back. Now he can only be regarded as having crossed the threshold of top trainers, standing with those young gym trainers.

Far from being powerful.

The siblings came here in the car of a kind-hearted man, and when they went back, they themselves also took the car of a kind-hearted man. Before leaving, they did not forget to divide the spoils and repaid the money owed to Heiduo by the way.

Heiduo was holding a bag of money in a somewhat dumbfounded manner, inside which were neatly stacked [-] stacks of hundred-yuan bills.

18, obviously money is still valuable in this era, but a pair of young siblings earned almost 30 by selling puppet toys, photos and some posters.

Well, like the Rockets selling soda bottle caps, they are business geniuses.

After sending off these four waves of people, no one left that day.

On the way back to the elf center, I met the Pokédex holder twice.

The first time was Ah Jin, who was full of ruffian at a young age and did not hesitate to act like a hooligan.

Although he only met Ah Jin once, this guy was familiar with him by nature, and he talked a lot of nonsense. He babbled on for a long time, and later even wanted to fight Heiduo elf, but he was dragged away by his mother just after he finished speaking.

"Remember you owe me a duel!"

He yelled and disappeared at the entrance of Baiyin Town.

It made Hei Duo not know what expression to use to reply him.

"This self-talking character is no different from the original book."

Moon Ibrahimovic flicked its tail and hid behind Young Kiras. Just now Akin's long-tailed monster hand wanted to tease it, stir up its anger, and let it fight against him. Fortunately, Young Kiras reacted quickly and used [ghost face (fear face)] in front of Moon Ibrahimovic. It did no harm but shocked the long-tailed monster hand.

Heiduo gave it a blank look, "You're talking nonsense."

The second time was of course Christa who was known as a capture expert in later generations and was no longer a student at the elf school.

They didn't talk much, they exchanged pleasantries and then separated.

They were not very familiar with each other, they could only be regarded as acquaintances.


"Oh! You came just in time!"

In the ward, Miss Joy and Jillie, who were dismantling the bandages for the giant marsh monster, saw Heduo walking in, and said:

"The wounds on the giant swamp monster's shoulders and hands are almost healed. If you apply the medicine on time, you will be able to fully heal the day after tomorrow. Your fascia and bones were not cut this time. Your giant swamp monster is lucky."

The elf's self-healing ability is so terrifying. Most of the non-fatal injuries can heal itself at a speed several times or even ten times that of the human body as long as it is given a warm enough environment and sufficient food.

"Wow cool!"

The giant swamp monster climbed down from the hospital bed, smiled innocently at Heiduo, and at the same time raised his sore arm that had been immobilized for a long time.

The electric shock beast and biting land shark on the two hospital beds next to them were envious. They didn't recover so quickly, and they had to suffer on the bed.

Estimated to get out of bed tomorrow.

Heiduo saw through the thoughts of these two guys at a glance, and glared at them, "What's the hurry! I'm not in a hurry!"


Biting Lu Sha rubbing his hands aggrievedly, isn't he afraid of delaying Heiduo's business.

And after lying on the hospital bed for so long, my body became stiff.

The electric shock monster didn't say a word, it knew that it would be scolded if it said it, so it might as well not say it.

It doesn't like to make trouble with Heduo like biting the land shark.

Miss Joy left with a smile on her face. Behind her, the lucky egg called "lucky~lucky~" and pushed away a medical tool cart.

Heiduo couldn't help but go up and touch it. It looked like a bald head, but it was actually a head full of tiny fluff.

Soft to the touch, fluffy and warm.


Ji Lidan straightened his crooked nurse's cap with a serious face, quite dissatisfied with Heiduo's behavior.

Hei Duo hurriedly apologized, he couldn't help it.

Moon Eevee couldn't help it either, but it couldn't reach as high as Lucky Egg's head, so it couldn't touch it.

Very regrettable.

Not long after the lucky egg left, Longxing appeared out of nowhere, and knocked on the door to remind Heiduo to turn back.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Hei Duo looked at her strangely.

Long Xing's expression was flat, "We're leaving tomorrow morning, are we going to take you back to Manjinshi?"

"No, no, I still have to go to Silver Mountain."

Heiduo declined, because he still has a lot of belongings left in Baiyinshan, and he has to clean up, and the fiery beast has to be taken away.

"That's fine."

Takixing didn't beep any more, turned around and left.

Her elf's injuries were no worse than those of Lie Bite Lu Sharks. She didn't know which ward the body was lying in at the moment, so it was normal for her to come and have a look.

Seeing Takixing leave, Moon Ibrahimovic stuck out his tongue, "Why do I feel like she forgot that she just lost to you yesterday? The expression is so normal. If I lose, I will definitely not be so calm."

"So it's different from person to person."

Heiduo was checking the giant marsh monster's wound, and said a word without looking back.

Longxing's mentality is so good is beyond his expectations, but it's good to have a good mentality, so as not to increase the embarrassment between him and Longxing.

Another day passed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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