Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 532 Expansion representatives will suffer

Chapter 532 Expansion representatives will suffer

Hei Duo narrowed his eyes slightly, wiping the rainwater off his face.

[Crazy Volt] is definitely not as powerful as [Ultimate Electric Shock], so he is not sure who will win this time.

"I really won't give it a chance."

If the flame chicken can give him a little more time——

But it doesn't help to think about it now.

in the field.

The rain quickly washed away the dense fog produced by the explosion of flames and electric currents, revealing the two figures standing in place inside.

One was glowing with electric sparks all over his body, his face and pupils were ferocious.

The other was covered with white smoke, which looked like freshly baked sorghum steamed buns.

They didn't even fall down!



They stared at each other, but made no move.

Because both parties are in a state of enduring pain, the flame chicken has no ability to block the paralysis, and the electric current that shocks the monster stings its body and brain crazily, and even when it speaks, its tongue is trembling for a while!

But its luck is really good, the stiffness effect of [Paralysis] has never been triggered, and with the help of the acceleration feature, its current speed is the same as before it was paralyzed, or even slightly faster.

Opposite it, the Electric Shock Beast endured double damage.

One is the turbulent burns from the flame chicken [Flying Knee Kick], and the other is the back injury from [Crazy Volt]!

[Crazy Volt]'s anti-injury amount is one-fourth of the damage the opponent said it would take, which is based on the output of the electric shock monster plus the increase in the electric field.

Obediently, let's count down how much damage the electric shock beast took.

Two flying knee kicks, a third of overheating, and Crazy Volt's counter-injury.

——Electric shock monsters are really resistant!

"Hold it! Don't faint! Think about the three honey cakes you ate last night!" Heiduo keenly noticed that the consciousness of the electric shock monster was a little lax, and called it in his heart in time!
Success or failure is here!
"Amplify the Lightning Fist with the tail!"


The Electric Shock Beast stared wide-eyed and let out a low growl. The two tails behind it were wrapped around its right arm, and it frantically injected electric current into its palm!


Thunderous explosions and dazzling light surround the hands of the Electric Shock Beast!


The flame chicken, who had already been ordered by Taki star, let the flames on his wrist burn violently again, and used his fist, which was shining with brown-red light, like a rocket, to blast towards the head of the electric shock monster!
The electric shock monster also punched the flame chicken's jaw with its [Thunder Fist] with its two tails enhanced by electric current!
Both sides use the right hand!
As a result, a scene that can be called a famous historical painting appeared in the field. The flame of the flame chicken accelerated [Sky Fist] and hit the head of the electric shock monster first, but the electric shock monster's [Thunder Fist] also successfully hit the flame chicken's chin almost at the same time!
all hit!

The two sides also flew backwards at a terrifying speed!

These are two sounds hitting the wall at the edge of the arena!

Heiduo and Longxing also turned around suddenly when the two elves hit the wall!
"You can do it! Get up!"

"Stand up and take it!"

They yelled at their little elves, no one cares about their demeanor at this time, they only know that the one who gets up and returns to the arena first has the possibility of winning!
The electric shock monster sat slumped under the wall, its mind was blank, and it couldn't think of anything. It was stunned by the flame chicken's punch, and it was currently in a shutdown state. However, when its ears heard Heiduo's voice, its body still subconsciously followed suit.

On the other wall in the distance.

The Flame Chicken suffered much less damage than the Electric Shock Beast, but even so, it was still shaking its head, its feet were weak, and the flames on its wrists turned into soft flames as if it had been drugged.

The two elves, both over two meters tall, leaned on their bodies and slowly moved forward like zombies!

In order to ensure the safety of the audience, the edge of the arena is about 40 meters away from the arena, which can knock opponents 40 meters away. One can only imagine how hard the electric monster and flame chicken are!

And this walk is about 2 minutes.

Some female viewers couldn't bear to look directly at it. They were so sentimental that they couldn't imagine why the flame chicken and the electric shock monster fought so hard.

The male audience next to them stared at the arena without blinking, their fists clenched, their blood boiling!

Apart from victory, what else is there for the elves to fight for?

What is a magic baby?
Make the impossible possible!Don't be discouraged in the face of danger!

Never give up until the last moment!

This is Pokémon!
The actions of the flame chicken and the electric monster at this time undoubtedly hit their burning point!
I swear not to give up!

And when the two elves walked into the battlefield, most of the male audience got up and shouted, cheering for the flame chicken and cheering for the electric monster, as if there was a fire burning in the bottom of their hearts, they shouted until their faces were red, and the girl next to him looked at him with amazed eyes and didn't stop!

In the end, their voices were reduced to two words.

--"come on!"

If Taki Xing entered Heiduo's home court at the beginning, the audience would all be cheering for Heiduo.

So now, this is the home field of Flame Chicken and Electric Shock Beast!



The eyes of the two little elves were blurred, and it was almost impossible to see the exact position of the opponent, especially the electric monster, which forcibly inserted its tail into the ground to support its body, preventing itself from falling down.

It knows this fall, 80.00% cannot stand up.

Heiduo wiped off the sweat from his head, his eyes were calm, and he looked at Taki Xing in the distance.

There is no doubt that this time he missed a move.

He should have known that in the face of a powerful enemy like the flame chicken, it was impossible to pave the way for the electric shock monster, but in order to maximize its power, he still chose [Ultimate Electric Shock].

Maybe he didn't think about doing those things at the beginning, but if he just used the old routine, it is not necessary for the electric monster to eat so many moves.

Most of them can retain more physical strength.

It was the amazing big move of the fire-breathing dragon that made him swell.

"The last trick, if you catch it, you win, if you don't catch it, you will die together." He opened his mouth slightly, knowing that Takixing could judge what he said based on the shape of his mouth, "Discharge, go."

The [-]-point spirit in his brain boiled, and it was transmitted to the heart of the electric shock monster through resonance. He couldn't master the power of waveguide, but he also got some small means similar to superpowers, which were basically useless.


Stimulate the consciousness of the electric shock monster and force it to be clear for a moment.

A moment is enough.

The Electric Shock Beast, who suddenly woke up from the chaos, didn't even think about it. When Heiduo said the word "discharge", it stirred up the lightning inside its body and released it suddenly!
The yellow light suddenly shines!

When the flame chicken regained consciousness with the help of Long Xing, it saw an electric ball the size of a human head on the chest of the electric shock monster in the distance, which suddenly spread around and turned into a semicircle, swallowing the entire battle field, including it, in an instant!
【Discharge】!A move of the electric attribute group attack type!

Electricity clings to its body again!
The strong numbness even made it unable to open its mouth!
Fortunately, the discharge only lasted two seconds.

After two seconds.

The flame chicken half-kneeled on the ground with a "puff", its body was as stiff as a piece of wood, panting like a broken bellows, with its eyes closed, it might slam on the ground and become unconscious at any time!

In the distance, there was also a popping sound.

This made the Flame Chicken's eyes open a small slit, and when he looked over, he suddenly saw the electric shock monster who had used the move earlier, lying on the ground, and the circle on his face was extremely conspicuous!
The referee blows the whistle immediately!

The flame chicken's tense nerves also relaxed slightly following the referee's whistle, and then, his thin body fell sideways, the flames on his wrists went out, and he lay on his back on the ground, drenched in the heavy rain, breathing in foul air and white smoke.

It also obviously lost the ability to fight, and it didn't even have the strength to half-kneel!
It's just that it's still awake!

The referee who had just sentenced the electric shock monster to lose froze, and raised the flag at the position of the flame chicken.

The flame chicken didn't lose. To be precise, it won, but it still has to end. In order to reduce the bloody and inhumane scenes in the elf competitive battle, it will try to make a judgment that does not endanger the life of the elf.

Even if the trainer is willing to fight this kind of thing even if the trainer is willing, the competition and the referee are not willing.



"Okay, this time it's my fault, and it has nothing to do with you." Heiduo shook his head, rejecting the apology from the electric monster, "You have done your best, rest at ease, and then leave it to Lie Bite Lu Sharks."

Electric Shock Monster is the elf in his team who has lost the most times, and is also the elf who has played the most times.

For it, which has always regarded Lie Bite Lu Shark as its competitor, losing in strength is not terrible, but losing in heart is the real loss.

Therefore, Heiduo didn't need to comfort the electric shock beast, he knew that the electric shock beast would not lose heart because of this, its ability to withstand stress was the strongest in the team!
"Lesson learned...less layout..."

Hei Duo closed his eyes, he was used to playing against the wind, and occasionally played against the wind, such "evenly matched" games are rarely played, so he has little experience.

Strategies have to be readjusted.


Longxing took back the exhausted flame chicken, and after a few words of relief, she released her fifth elf without much hesitation.

——Big Mouth Baby.

And it's a big-mouthed baby wearing a crown. In front of the crown, there is a super evolutionary stone inlaid with yellow and black.

Heiduo squinted his eyes, no wonder Long Xing didn't usually take out the super evolution stone of Big Mouth Baby, unexpectedly it was in the shape of a crown!
There is no suspense.

The Giant Pincer Mantis is here.

The light red, gray and dark red super evolutionary stones on the neck are extremely conspicuous.

"Another super evolutionary stone!"

Taki Xing squinted her eyes, she naturally knew Heiduo's idea of ​​a one-on-one, but she thought Heiduo would meet the Lizard King.

Unexpectedly, Heiduo took another super evolution stone out!

How lucky is he? !

For the first time, Long Xing felt jealous in her heart, even if it was her, she didn't know how much she suffered on the way to get the evolution stone of the big mouth baby!
(End of this chapter)

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