Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 529 Super Black Wave! The unique secret skills of the 3 evil dragons!

Chapter 529 Super Black Wave!The unique secret technique of the three evil dragons!

"What's going on with this shield and sword monster? It can still have this kind of attack with half the burn damage!"

Heiduo looked distressedly at the scarred giant marsh monster inside the ball, and the two main hideous wounds on its body.

The giant marsh monster had been with him for so long, and it was the first time he had suffered such a serious injury.

This made him feel uncomfortable.

However, if the giant marsh monster didn't want to prove that he could win the opponent in an open and honest manner, things would not have become so complicated, and it would not have suffered such serious injuries.


Forget it, just win.

Even the giant swamp monster itself has no possibility of playing.

Heiduo let the giant marsh monster use [Sleep] to rest at ease, and cast his eyes into the distance.

That sword monster with a strong shield is truly terrifyingly strong!
Is its [Shadow Claw] really only level six?

Or is it that the shield sword monster after losing the shield is more powerful than the shield sword monster before losing the shield?
If the move just now hadn't halved its physical attack, it wouldn't be able to withstand the two arms of the giant marsh monster.

Absolutely wrong!
Hei Duo glanced at Taki Xing who was looming in the distance in the slowly dissipating water vapor. The Shield Sword Monster possessed such unimaginable strength in melee combat. He didn't believe that there was nothing tricky about it.


Taki Xing hooped the sword monster's elf ball, thinking that the sword monster still hadn't fully mastered the moves he taught it.

Otherwise, even if the burn attack is halved, the giant marsh monster will not be able to resist.

Just like what Heiduo thought, the move of the sword monster abandoning his shield and bursting out with all his strength was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

It is actually a mixture of the fighting skills that Taki Xing has learned abroad—part of the principles of extreme fighting.

He Lvye combined the skills he learned under Ah Si with the moves of the little elves, and finally let his flying mantis [Split] kill Chrysanthemum like Geng Gui.

It is a special skill that does not exist in the game.

And what Long Xing taught to the Shield Sword Monster is a skill similar to Heduo Lucario's [Super Big Jade Wave Missile] and Electric Shock Warcraft's [Ultimate Current Shock] that consumes all the energy of ghost attributes in an instant.

In short, it is to empty all your PP and transform it into one blow.

it's for--


Well, in a sense, the magic changes in the special chapter are more serious than some fan works.

I like to pay attention to the unity of power and intelligence between the trainer and the elf.

No less than one will do.


Start the third round.

To be honest, Long Xing is very popular now.

Because from the current battle table, she and Hei Duo have a tie and a loss, which is unacceptable to her.

and so.


Takihoshi raised his hand and threw a black poke ball full of green circles.

Special Poké Ball: Dark Ball!
The capture rate is tripled at night and in caves!
And the little elf inside.


Three evil dragons!


The three heads of the pitch-black flying dragon raised their heads to the sky and roared loudly. A sense of ferocity rushed straight into the heads of the audience, making them feel fearful just by looking at it!

What a strong pressure!

Heiduo frowned slightly, remembering the terrifying strength that easily and comfortably suppressed him when he licked the wave with the big tongue.

It's not easy to fight.

The elf ball opened in mid-air, and bounced back into Heduo's hand following the force of the shock.

The dark blue fire-breathing dragon came out of the ball and flew in the sky. Its slender figure, which is different from ordinary fire-breathing dragons, makes it as elegant and charming as the elf dragon in the DND world. The blue flame at its tail is also extraordinarily vigorous!

A roar that was slightly shriller than the three evil dragons came from the fire-breathing dragon's throat!

The rain was sparse and fell on the body of the fire-breathing dragon. The high temperature on the body surface made all the rain water turn into water vapor.

Looks like it's about to clear up.

Heiduo looked at the three-headed evil dragon whose wings were flapping gently like three cloth belts in the distance, but didn't take out the keystone. He didn't think it was necessary to expose the mega evolution of the fire-breathing dragon. This card didn't need to be turned so early!
[Elf: Three Dragons/Gender: ♂/Level: 68]

[Characteristic: Levitation / Attribute: Evil + Dragon / Trainer: Long Xing]

[Support moves: Evil Wave lv7/Dragon Wave lv7/Big Character Explosion Flame lv6]

[Provocation lv6/Zhenqi Bomb lv6/Feather Habitat lv6]

[Power of the Earth lv6/Cannon Light Cannon lv6/Trickery lv6]

Almost the perfect special attacker!

There are basically no shortcomings except for the quadruple weak elves!
The attack surface is also wide!
The only embarrassment is that.

It's 98 speeds, and the Charizard, it's 100 speeds!
Game start!
"Sunny day!"


Sure enough, it was predicting that the fire-breathing dragon would manually have a sunny day, but the fire-breathing dragon was one step ahead of you!
The fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth wide, and spewed a red fireball into the sky!

The fireball exploded in the high-altitude clouds in an instant, directly blowing away the closed dark clouds, revealing the fierce sun that is about to noon!

Under the effect of [Sunny Day], the sunlight gathers in the venue quickly!

At this time, the three evil dragons roared at the fire-breathing dragon, with a strange force in their voices, which made the fire-breathing dragon restless!

Its changing attribute moves are all sealed!

The sealing time is unknown!

[Provocation], the evil attribute change moves, so that the opponent cannot use the change moves, it will be unlocked after three to five rounds in the game, unknown in reality!

For a Charizard with a lot of changing skills, it is quite deadly!
"I can't strengthen it here! You don't allow it either! Air Slash!"

Hei Duo quickly ordered.

The fire-breathing dragon in the sky immediately flapped its wings and fired four or five piercing transparent wind blades towards the three evil dragons in the distance!

The wind blade cut through the air fiercely, and it reached the three dragons almost instantly, and it was about to hit its body!

But before that, three dragon-shaped green and red two-color energy sprayed out from the three mouths of the three evil dragons, and collided with the air blade with a bang!

A cloud of white mist exploded and quickly dissipated into the air again!

"Dragon Wave!"

Takixing's voice sounded as if she was belatedly aware. She looked at the fire-breathing dragon in the sky with deep eyes.

Fast speed means the right to shoot. In order to be able to attack one step faster than others, her three evil dragons specially exercised their speed. Not to mention the top in terms of shooting speed, they can be regarded as the best among them.

But he never thought that he would lose to Heiduo's fire-breathing dragon!
"Come again!"

Heiduo didn't feel annoyed when he saw that the air slash didn't make any achievements. It would be strange if he could attack the three evil dragons so easily!
Several wind blades roared out from the wings of the fire-breathing dragon, and compared with the previous wind blades, these blades were faster and had a larger damage range!
"The wave of evil!"

After Long Xing gave the order, the three evil dragons did not dodge or avoid the [Air Slash] flying towards them at a very high speed. They turned their left and right heads downwards, and the main one in the center upwards, closing their scarlet eyes as if doing some ritual!

Then, a weird scene happened!

A layer of black air waves centered on the three evil dragons, and swung towards the surroundings like a tide. The sharp wind blades disintegrated in front of the air waves, and they couldn't get close to its body at all!

Not only that, this layer of black air waves hit the fire-breathing dragon in the distance almost in the blink of an eye. While inflicting damage on it, Hei Duo clearly felt a wave of fear in the fire-breathing dragon's heart!
Just like the fear of human beings in the face of fire!
It was also like the sudden fear that came from my heart when I was walking at night!

——The wave of evil that attacks the whole field? !
And cringe 100%?impossible!

The wave of evil that Heiduo usually sees is often a thick beam of light, and within the beam of light are black and purple auras that overlap each other.

This is the first time he has seen such an evil wave that looks a bit like the one in the game!
Level seven moves are terrifying!
Heiduo's face is solemn, [Evil Wave] has a very low probability of causing the opponent to cower, if Taki Xing can really make this small probability event into a 100% probability, plus the release method of the three-headed evil dragon is the same as the ordinary evil wave, the fire-breathing dragon will not have to fight even after mega!
It's all over with fear!

Fortunately, the fear in the fire-breathing dragon's heart only lasted for a very short moment, far from reaching the standard of shrinking into a cowering state!

This made Heiduo slightly relieved, but he still didn't let go of his vigilance.

The black air wave swept across the body of the fire-breathing dragon. Heiduo thought it would dissipate, but found that it was unabated and flew towards the trainer's seat quickly, which made him a little unbelievable about the range of the three evil dragons!

You must know that he is more than 30 meters away from the location of the three evil dragons!
The power of the little elf's moves is great, but it is rare that the attack range can be so far and the momentum is not diminished!

The audience who were far away also noticed this, and they all exclaimed, and some even shouted for the staff to save them.

Compared with the elves, the human body is definitely far inferior. After all, there are only a few super true newcomers like Zhiye who can resist [-] volts and spray flames!

It's just that they reacted too slowly.

The black air had already swept across Heiduo's body with his hands in front of him, so fast that the referee didn't even have time to blow his whistle to warn him!

But to Heiduo's surprise, the air wave seemed to be the same as other ordinary air waves. After reaching his position, the power became extremely slight, and the feeling it gave him was no different from that of a breeze!

He waved at the referee, indicating that he was fine. He raised his head and looked at Takixing, who was calm and even a little joking in the distance, and a little anger rose in his heart.

This is a long time ago that he knew that the black air would not harm him, and he was watching him play!
Hey!The little girl is crazy?

"Hot air!"

Heiduo's anger was conveyed to the heart of the fire-breathing dragon, making it slightly angry. The dark blue wings ignited a faint blue flame, and frantically flapped towards the three evil dragons in the distance!
A violent gust of wind mixed with many bright blue stars flew towards the three evil dragons, and it was the fire-breathing dragon that used its ultra-high-temperature blue fire!

The scorching air instantly evaporated the accumulated water on the ground, and even the vegetation began to smoke and ignite faint blue sparks!

Taki Xing frowned, and said loudly: "Dragon Wave!"

The three mouths of the three evil dragons quickly filled with blue and crimson flames, and they sprayed towards the blue wind!
It's the three-in-one Longbo who licked his tongue before!

The energy flying dragon with its fangs and claws collided with the high-heat airflow!
Rumble rumble——! ! ! !

There was no explosion, only the rising high temperature in the center of the field!
(End of this chapter)

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