Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 526 Desperate for Destiny, Desperate!

Chapter 526 Desperate for Destiny, Desperate!

"Sword Dance!"

Heiduo and Long Xing once again tacitly used boost moves, but one is a special attack and the other is a physical attack!

Lucario (♂) in the sky is full of question marks, and Lucario (♀) in the ground is surrounded by swords!
But the orange light of the former lights up faster!

The gap between the seventh level and the sixth level is thus reflected!
Quickly means the right to shoot!
"Bo missiles!"

Lucario (♂) raised his right hand, and a bright blue ball of light instantly condensed into shape, flying towards Lucario (♀) on the ground!

"see through!"

Taki Xing naturally has no way to deal with this situation!

I saw Lucario (♀) flashing blue light suddenly from his eyes, as if he had the ability to predict, he jumped back abruptly, dodging the wave missiles flying down!

The wave missile exploded on the ground, splashing a lot of water!
[Take over] Not only let Lucario (♀) inherit the [bodybuilding] of the flame chicken, but also inherit the speed of the flame chicken after [acceleration]!

It is very intuitive to turn it into a reaction force!
"God fast!"

Lucario (♀) did not stop at all. With a kick of his right foot, he rushed towards Lucario (♂) in the sky!

The silver-white light controls its thin but firm body, like a bullet that has been fired from its chamber!
Flying in the sky has advantages and disadvantages. As I said before, because there is no point of leverage in the sky, using [Superspeed] in the sky will be much slower than on the ground. In addition, Lucario (♀) has increased the speed, so Heduo is not so stupid as to let Lucario (♂) dodge with superspeed!
"Fast defense!"

Lucario (♂) put his hands on his chest, and successfully pushed back Lucario (♀) who rushed up to use the move!

Lucario (♀) fell to the ground with a bang!
[Quick defense], the fighting attribute changes moves, the effect is to prevent oneself from being attacked by preemptive moves!

The speed is impressively listed here!

Long Xing sneered, "Humph! Sure enough, you know a lot of moves! Then do it again! Bone sticks hit randomly! Super fast!"

Lucario (♀) on the ground twisted out a long bright blue bone like twisting a twist. When he lifted his head, he planned to use the strength of [Super Speed] to rush to Lucario (♂) in the sky again!

But how could it be possible for Heiduo to let Lucario (♂) sit and wait for death, and when Lucario of Longxing raised his head, he asked him to use [Metallic Sound]!
Lucario (♂) rubbed the two shining silver spikes on the back of his hand with all his strength, and made a burst of sound and rushed towards Lucario (♀) below!
The annoying sound of sharp instruments cutting glass echoed in Lucario's (♀) mind, causing him to lower his head in pain!

Its special defense has dropped!
"Continue to use divine speed!"

Lucario (♀) received Takixing's order, gritted his teeth, and exerted force on his legs, causing a splash of water, turning into a silver light and rushing towards Lucario (♂) in the air for the second time!
Seeing this, Hei Duo frowned. At first glance, the flight was an advantage, but with the help of [Super Speed], unless Lucario (♂) flew a thousand and 800 meters high, Lucario of Longxing could still attack Lucario (♂) in the sky in a very short time!
"It's not as good as the next one! I also use the bone stick to hit the next one!"

He yelled, and Lucario (♂) immediately understood his thoughts, a brown-red airflow surrounded his claws, and with a sudden pinch, he instantly condensed a long stick of energy just like Lucario (♀), and struck towards Lucario (♀) who was wielding the long stick!

At the same time, the electrons around him disappeared rapidly, and the body fell rapidly!
The two Lucarios who were falling and rushing up had a fierce confrontation, like two Shaolin monks, swinging their long sticks to attack their opponents!
It's just that the strength of one of the monks is obviously stronger than that of the other monk, slowly suppressing the opponent!

Suddenly, the powerful monk found the opponent's flaw, his eyes lit up, and he swung his stick at the opponent's void, knocking him down from the air to the ground!
Lucario (♂) had a close contact with the ground, which immediately stirred up a lot of rainwater accumulated on the ground!


"Take advantage of the victory and pursue!"

Takixing ordered in a deep voice, and Lucario (♀), who was in the falling stage, waved the blue long stick in his hand, and slammed it at Lucario (♂) on the ground!

Lucario (♂) saw that the situation was not good, his pupils shrank suddenly, and suddenly rolled to the right, almost passing the long stick that Lucario (♀) flew down!

The ground burst!

Countless flowers and soil were blown away!
"Ow!" Murder for money!

Lucario (♂) looked at the small hole beside him in disbelief, and immediately glared at his sister!
As for what? !

"Howling." As for!
Lucario of Takixing let out a low growl, and kept moving his hands. For the second time, he swiped at Lucario (♂) next to him with the long blue stick in his hand!
Lucario (♂) was prepared for this, and immediately rolled away like a ground bug. The speed was so fast that even the accelerated Lucario (♀) couldn't react in time, and the stick hit the air!

There was a screaming sound that pierced the air!

"It's so good to run! Cowhide candy! And the timeliness of this guy's order - can actually resonate! Have you been lying?"

Taki Xing couldn't help but want to swear, Heiduo's little elf could block and dodge it, it seemed to be output, but it turned out that one or two of them had terrible defensive abilities!
Lucario (♂), who had rolled away, hit the ground with his palm, turned 360 degrees vertically like a gymnast, and looked up at Lucario (♀), who was chasing him!
I'm chasing it again!
Heiduo said with hatred: "I really won't give it a chance! Run! Block it with wave missiles!"

Lucario (♂) quickly moved its two long legs, quickly ran around the field, and condensed a blue light ball in its hand and threw it towards Lucario (♀) who was chasing it!
Blind hit!

"Knock it off!"

Lucario (♀) kicked the wave missile away with a stick, but due to the transfer of strength to his hands and shoulders, the speed under his feet inevitably slowed down a little!
Give Lucario (♂) another chance to distance himself!
But the acceleration given by the flame chicken to Lucario (♀) is to increase its speed to a terrifying level. Lucario (♂) managed to pull away a little distance, and was caught up by it immediately!
Seeing that Heiduo gritted his teeth hard, he was extremely nervous!

This woman, Long Xing, really didn't give him a chance, her Lucario was so clingy that Heiduo's Lucario didn't dare to relax for a moment!

Never stop!

Three-stage attack plus at least three-stage speed, if in the game, Lucario (♀) can completely defeat Heiduo's entire team without any match, but in reality, Heiduo's Lucario still has a chance to counterattack!
If only 【Mischievous Heart】had been done long ago!

With this feature, Heido can play the routine of fighting ghost attribute gyms, [Hold on] and [Back to Life], but without this feature, Lucario (♂) may not be able to use his moves before Lucario (♀) deals a fatal blow to him!

"In this case, we can only fight!"

Heiduo's expression turned grim, Lucario of Longxing didn't give his Lucario any chance to strengthen, and he didn't let Lucario (♂) distance himself. If it keeps going like this, it will undoubtedly lose!

"Go back and hit it with 'Melee Combat'!"


Lucario (♂) who was running away let out a muffled growl, without any hesitation, turned around and rushed towards Lucario (♀) who was chasing him!
Under the blessing of [Superior Speed], it looks like a silver-armored general!
No hesitation!

Taki Xing's eyes brightened, "Stop running? Good! Close combat!"

Lucario (♀) immediately let go of the long blue stick in his hand, and the brown-red airflow in both hands swirled, quickly illuminating the tip of its claws, the pupils shrunk, and punched Lucario (♂) who was rushing towards him!

Lucario, who was attacking in reverse, also swung a fist covered in brown-red fighting attribute energy at a very high speed, and suddenly collided with Lucario of Takixing!
Countless fist shadows suddenly appeared between the two!
The vigor turned into a wave of air and dissipated, and everyone could hear the muffled sound of punches colliding with each other!
Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola! ! !

Big wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big wood big! !
The two Lucarios roared wildly, and used their best [Close Combat], their fists were like two machine guns, and when they punched, there was a terrifying sound of breaking the wind. It was difficult for the audience to distinguish the speed of their punches, and they could only look at the battle below in shock!
But at this time, Lucario (♂) in the arena is self-aware. Originally, due to the existence of extra attributes, its punching power can have a slight upper hand, and its punching speed is at a disadvantage, but now its punching speed and punching power are at a disadvantage!
Every time I punched out, when I collided with Lucario (♀), I gave it a tingling sensation like a broken bone!

I can still hold on!
Lucario (♂) looked ferocious, and the crazy secretion of adrenaline in his body made him excited, and his fist speed and strength were also improving very slowly!

Fighting against it, Lucario (♀) was keenly aware of this, and also began to choose to explode with all his strength without leaving any room!

You are faster and I am faster!You weigh me more!
Lucario (♂) wanted to explode, but the opposite party also had the same idea!
Moreover, Lucario of Long Xing has a lot of fighting experience, and perhaps it is also due to the extreme fighting that Long Xing has learned. Heduo's Lucario is gradually suppressed by it!
Unable to stand on both feet, he went deep into the soil, creating two long ravines!

Heduo's Lucario may lose at any time!
It is powerless!

Both Lucario's trainers understand this!
and so!
"Fight your life!"

Heiduo let out the only roar in many games!

It is to give confidence to Lucario (♂) who is doing his best!

I stand behind you!

Go win!

in the arena.

The eyes of Lucario (♂), who was about to be suppressed to the limit, lit up like two stars, and he no longer resisted Lucario's (♀) punch, but let go of his hand and ate them all!

Then, it turned into a punch!
A shining punch that kills both!
boom--! ! ! !

A violent explosion occurred in the center of the arena!
An unprecedented wave of terrifying air rushed towards the surroundings in an instant, blowing everyone's hair!
At the same time, two blue shadows smashed through the smoke in the center, one from the left and the other from the right, and hit the wall at the edge of the arena!
Make two muffled sounds of "dong dong"!
Then, both fell to the ground powerlessly, revealing two faces that had passed out.


The referee's whistle sounded!

Get up!

(End of this chapter)

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