Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 445 Young Kiras Get☆daze! ! !

Chapter 445 Young Kiras Get☆daze! ! !

Young Kiras would definitely not be able to take this absorbing punch, no matter how much dragon-type energy there is around it.

Facing Riolu, who is as high as level [-] and has [-] additional attributes, the mere level [-] Young Kiras is definitely not enough to look at.

Fortunately, Leolu was merciful, he knew that the purpose of Heido's trip was to increase his companions, so he would not disrupt it.

I don't know how much better than some little jealous man, hum!
It is still a routine to cure fluctuations and Baofen.

Facing the steaming hot Baofen, the young Kiras, who was slumped on the ground, hesitated, and did not directly take it over and gnaw it like the previous one.

It couldn't help looking at its mother standing in the distance.

Looking at it this way, Hei Duo was completely convinced that the baby Kiras in front of him was indeed the cub of the giant.

And when Bankiras saw his little cub looking at it, he couldn't help but want to sigh in his heart, knowing that his relationship with the little Kiras had been exposed.


Silly boy.

Let's eat, let's eat, anyway, it's not the first time, and it won't be the last time.

Blessed are you in the future.

After observing Heduo's relationship with his elf for several days, Bankiras knew that this guy would definitely love Young Kiras.After all, he wasn't angry with Little Fire Dragon's unreasonable troubles. If he had a hot temper, not to mention breaking out on the spot, at least his face would not look good.

But Heiduo's reaction at that time was only helplessness and pampering, not the embarrassment of losing face and the irritability of having his plan disrupted.

——If it wasn't his own cub, how many people could show such an attitude?
Only your parents can give you countless opportunities, and only your parents can forgive you infinitely.

Bankeras looked at the young Kiras who was happily eating Baofen, and thought: I hope you can spread out like your grandmother.

Different from the plot that Heiduo expected in the middle of the night when Banjilas's mother went down the mountain to drain his father, Double Axe Fighting Dragon, Banjilas's mother originally came from Carlos, but left him in Silver Mountain.


Open branches and leaves.

Its mother felt that Silver Mountain was a good place to thrive, so she kept Bankiras who was just born.

It was done with the trainer's tacit approval.

It's just that Bankiras didn't expect Bankiras to settle in Silver Mountain!
It's a coincidence, isn't it!
The idea of ​​spreading branches and leaves was ruthlessly smashed like this.

And with the help of his fellow clansmen, Bankiras gained a firm foothold on this mountain full of gangsters, and now, 25 years later, he has successfully become a leader of the generation of Silver Mountain.

All high-level elves have to look at its face.

Low-level elves have "low" IQs and can't understand them.

It can be said to be quite inspiring.

It is enough to make a large series of forty or fifty episodes.


"Why did you get started so quickly? Is the young Kiras so unprincipled?" Moon Ibrahimovic was surprised at how fast Heduo started masturbating.

And Heiduo was also a little surprised why the young Kiras didn't resist.

Is it possible...

Did the boss help?
Heiduo couldn't help but look back at the boss, and saw that he was recalling something with a sad face.

But it should be the boss who helped, otherwise the vigilance of the young Kiras would not have dropped so quickly.

But even so, Heido did not rashly suggest to Young Kiras whether to go with him, because it would be rejected if it was too abrupt, and the most urgent thing was to make Young Kiras familiar with his smell and completely let go of his guard against him.

Then use some small, under-the-radar tactics.

Only in this way can this little guy be taken away 100%.

Little Charmander looked at all Heiduo's actions from the side, and his face was a bit disgusted.

It is sure that after the baby Kiras comes, it will not be the most favored baby in the team.

This made it difficult to accept for a while.

When I used to play with others, I called them cute, but now I call them Mrs. Long~


Little Charmander buried his face in Heiduo's clothes, with a rather dissatisfied expression.

Anyway, it won't agree with Young Kiras, hum...how about agreeing with it a little bit?
As an elf hatched by Heiduo, Charmander, although very jealous and clingy, has also inherited Heiduo's soft-hearted character, being kind and unwilling to offend others easily.

Charmander turned his head to look at Young Kiras, only to find that it was playing with Riolu, while Heduo was looking at it with a half-smile with his head down.


"Are you jealous?" Heido hugged the little golden Charmander into his arms.

The little charmander was hatched by him himself and it was the first time he hatched, and he had been with him for several months when he was still an egg.

It has a different meaning for Heduo.

He is a nostalgic person, and he cares a lot about the feelings of the people around him, so he can tolerate Charmander's not wanting to evolve, and can tolerate Charmander's mischievous behavior.

But correspondingly, he also hoped that Charmander could understand him.

It is impossible for him to maintain the current lineup of nine elves forever. After finally coming to this world, he will inevitably breed all kinds of elves.

And to reap the touch that belongs to me.


The little fire dragon let out a low cry, as if it sensed Heiduo's heart, and threw itself into his arms. In fact, it just liked Heiduo so much that it wanted to monopolize it, and was unwilling to share it with others.

It wants to stay by Heduo's side all the time.

Don't be separated for the rest of your life.

Heiduo gently stroked the head of the little golden fire dragon, his eyes were soft.

Why is he not?

The relationship between Heduo and Young Kiras has been semi-confirmed.

And get the approval of his mother.

Now it's just a step away.

——Advance by retreat, play hard to get!
Heiduo stood up, and said to Leo Lulu who was having fun with a group of young Kiras: "Let's go, let's go home!"

Riolu was slightly stunned, and the young Kiras next to it was also stunned.

Eh?Is there a process missing?
Thinking that he was going to be forced to hang out with Hei Duo, the little Kiras who had a poke ball flying on his head was a little confused.

It couldn't help looking at its old mother again.

The old mother was almost overwhelmed by her cub's IQ, she turned sideways and covered her face with her paws, unable to bear to look directly.


Riolu tilted his head, and its meaning is roughly: Why did you leave?Didn't you say you were going to catch Young Kiras?

here you go!
Heiduo silently praised Leolu in his heart.

He said with a sigh, "I think so too. I really want to take it away, but they don't trust us yet, so we can't force them, right?"

Heiduo glanced in the direction of Young Kiras intentionally or unintentionally, and seeing its panicked expression, he couldn't help laughing wildly, but instantly returned to his original expression of moaning and sighing.

Young Kiras should have been struggling just now, and was a little confused about whether to go to Heiduo's side or not, but what Heiduo did was to push it behind the back silently, making it open to speak!
Nima, if it wasn't for the boss of Banjilas who watched him throw a Poké Ball in the past!

Still talking a little bit here!

The situation is stronger than the people!

Sure enough, the young Kiras who couldn't get a response from Bankiras was completely flustered, and fluttered and ran to Heiduo's feet with his little feet, his eyes were so dark that he didn't even know what he was doing, so he hugged his trousers directly!
As the big brother's cub, in fact, its ideological awareness is higher than that of any young Kiras present. He knows that if Heduo chooses him, he will most likely shoulder the great task of spreading branches and leaves for the Bankieras group.

But it still wants to see Heiduo's character.

When Hei Duo comforted the little Charmander just now, it actually saw it. It has to be said that this behavior has completely convinced the young Kiras, making it determined to follow Hei Duo.

It's just that it's still young. Don't look at the hatching under it who doesn't know whether it's a younger brother or a younger sister. In fact, it's only four months old now, and it suddenly wants to be far away from home, relatives and friends.

Young Kiras was quite confused.

So I couldn't make up my mind for a while.

But it's all right now, under Heiduo's hard-to-catch, young Kiras closed his eyes and didn't care about anything, he stepped forward and hugged him.

Anyway, Heiduo can't be allowed to leave like this.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Heiduo suppressed the joy deep in his heart, squatted down, and said softly: "Do you still want to eat Baofen? I still have it here."

A Baofen was stuffed into Young Kiras's arms.

Young Kiras blinked his ignorant eyes, and looked at Hei Duo in disbelief, I am so active, you still don't understand what I mean?
Heiduo couldn't help the deep meaning in those dark eyes, and burst out laughing.

"Hahahahaha, I won't tease you anymore." Heiduo smiled and took out a luxurious ball, and put it in front of Young Kiras, the expression on his face gradually became confident and flamboyant, "Are you ready to stand on top of the world with me?"

The Silver Conference is the first step!
Young Kiras couldn't understand such a complicated sentence structure, but it didn't prevent it from reaching out and clapping on the button of the luxury ball.

This little guy never knows that its behavior at this time will give it the most important day in its life.

It also doesn't understand what a glorious era the future self will achieve by standing beside this man!
Bankillas, born to be at the top!
The luxurious ball opened, and a suction force wrapped around Young Kilas' body and sent him into the ball.

And after shaking it gently three times.

The luxury ball became quieter.

Heiduo bent down, picked up the luxury ball, and couldn't help but pose in a middle-two pose, "Young Kiras! Get☆daze!"

Have fun watching Ibrahimovic Moon.

"You're now just short of a hat and a jumping Pikachu."

Hei Duo smiled and released the young Kiras, "Happy! Welcome to our big family! Young Kiras!"

He set all his elves out.

A group of big brothers and sisters landed on the ground, their fierce breath and huge body made the surrounding young Kiras feel like an enemy!

Bankiras, who was watching from the sidelines, saw the three guys who bit the land shark, the giant pincer mantis, and the electric shock monster, and his calm face was slightly surprised.

Oh?I didn't notice it before, but Heiduo's elves are very powerful!

Young Kiras was also taken aback, almost thinking that he was going to be bullied.

It turned out that these big guys were actually very friendly.

The most ferocious guy (biting the land shark) even offered to put it on his back for him to play with.

Even the nonchalant hunk of metal (the pincer mantis) nods when it sees it.

Very big man temperament!
what the hell!Much better than expected!
The young Kiras got carried away and played with the biting land sharks.

The last and most important member of the Baiyin Mountain Sandstorm team has officially joined the team!

This matter is also considered to be over.

Heiduo let out a long breath of relief.

 ps: Adding it is to prevent you from killing me! !Sudden death, I fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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