Chapter 396

The Kaji Gym's challenge is scheduled for ten o'clock this morning.

Heiduo had to get up at 04:30 in the morning, make breakfast and watch the elves eat them. After finishing the morning training, he went around and around until [-] o'clock, and got on the Bite Land Shark aircraft to go to Kaji Town, which is half a plain and field away.

Moon Eevee is still asleep.

Although woke up in the sky.

This guy hid in Heiduo's arms and shivered.

Hei Duo looked at the scene in the field below.

The little Lada in this world, like the voles in the previous life, loves food. They have never been in contact with human society, and their brains don’t know what they can touch and what they can’t.

So Heduo can often see this scene in the air.

Seven or eight small Ladas, led by one Lada, rushed into the green fields with unknown winter crops, while the motley army formed by Cat Boss, Miaomiao, Deluby, and Katie Dog resisted them.

It can be seen that it should be a defense force assembled by elves from all the farmhouses in the nearby fields.

However, the enemies of the farmland defense force are not only Lada and the little Lada family.

People like Bobo, Sparrow, Hula, and Messenger Bird all have a lot of interest in crops.

"I think these guys are a bunch of fat, why do you want to come here to seek guilt?" Moon Ibrahimovic is an elf after all, with a strong physique, poking his dog's head and looking down.

The wild elves in inland and coastal cities are different. The endless forest has not been cultivated by humans, so the soil inside is extremely fertile, enough to make any wild elf vomit.

If Celebi came for another lap or two, there would be so many boars that they wouldn't even want to eat them.

Heiduo breathed out two cold breaths, "I guess I want to change my taste, and grind my teeth and claws in a fight."

Rat elves have the same characteristics as rodents, they need to grind their teeth and claws, so there are often traces of trees being gnawed on the land where Radha Little Radha lives, and the Alola region even calls it a natural disaster.

One can imagine how much the peasants hated Lada and Little Lada.

If one fails, all the results of the less than half a year will become their food.

Hei Duo looks back, maybe in the future, like the resurrected Huoyan (bonfire), he will find a field to spend the rest of his life, or he will be an otaku, relying on the accumulation of his youth to eat and die.

But that's not now.


On the outskirts of Kaji Town, in front of the cliff.

Heiduo accidentally saw Xiaoyin's Huanla on the big tree by the cliff.

This small creature with a cat's head was standing on a low branch, looking at him eagerly, and didn't know what it was looking at.

Heiduo beckoned at it, but it ignored it and showed no hostility, but it just didn't approach it anyway.

"Stupid?" Moon Ibrahimovic jumped out of Heiduo's arms, and ran towards Xunla, but Xunla didn't leave, and still stood there stupidly.

Heiduo hesitated for two seconds, walked over, and met Xiaoyin's Huola face to face, "He asked you to come?"

Huola obviously couldn't understand what Heiduo said, but fortunately there was a Moon Eevee interpreter.

After hearing Moon Eevee's words, Yura answered in the affirmative.

"Ah, swish." Moon Ibrahimovic suddenly turned his head to Heiduo and said, "It's to see if you have successfully challenged the gymnasium. It's quite an alternative way of caring, but it fits the personality of autistic children."

God he meow autistic children.

Heiduo didn't answer, and took out a piece of Baofen from his bag. It was a mixed flavor, and any elf could be eaten. Of course, the premise was that it had a mouth. It would definitely not be able to eat magnetite gears.

Huola hesitated for two seconds, Xiaoyin had always taught it not to eat food from strangers, but Heiduo...shouldn't it be considered a stranger?

It remembered how Xiaoyin and Heiduo had a happy conversation yesterday, and sniffed Baofen who was close at hand, and swallowed rather disappointingly.

Heiduo smiled slightly, handed Baofen forward, and stuffed the smaller half into Huanla's mouth.

Huanla thought in her heart, if she had eaten everything, she might as well just eat it.

It took Baofen, which was like a big cake to it, with both hands and ate it.

Then I couldn't stop.

Moon Ibrahimovic sighed, "I think your food deception skills are already superb, you can be called a master!"

Heiduo didn't bother to pay attention to it, he patted Xunla's head, turned and left.

It's getting late, it's time to get the last badge and focus on training elves and nurturing new ones.

Moon Ibrahimovic hurriedly followed, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart the importance of following to people. Fortunately, he met Heiduo, who is also a fellow villager, otherwise he would probably be living a miserable life like Xunla now, haha?

Maybe they have to play against each other, tsk tsk tsk, that kind of life is called hell.

Come down to the cliff.

The goal of entering is still the big round egg-shaped ice sculpture house.

The wooden door was locked tightly, but there were many footprints at the door. Heiduo walked forward slowly, knocked on the door lightly, and stood there waiting.

Not long after, the door opened, and the one who opened the door for Heiduo was still the naive-looking little sea lion with its tongue sticking out.

Saying it is small is actually not small at all, it is five or six circles bigger than Moon Eevee.But if you want to say big, that's all.


The little sea lion turned around and let out a low cry, signaling Heiduo to follow it.

Heiduo stepped in and saw the scene inside.

The first to catch the eye is the white ice surface, and a short section of carpet.Since there are no lights on it, it is easy to mistake it for a tile floor if you don't look carefully.

There is also ice on both sides, and there is a small door in the front, which is probably going to the inside.


The little sea lion lay down on the ice, yelled at Heiduo sideways, and raised its tail.

Moon Eevee relayed: "It makes you stand on it."

Heiduo: "..."

Did Uncle Liu not go out to greet him?

It's a bit deceitful.

Fortunately, there is an interpreter by his side, otherwise no one else would know what this little sea lion is talking about.

Heiduo silently stood on the little sea lion, and the little sea lion didn't do much else. It moved forward slowly with two snow-white paws.

It took about 30 seconds.

When he reached the inner door, the little sea lion directly pushed the inner door open, moved his body and continued to walk in.

So that thing outside is used to tease the trainer?
According to what Liu Bo said in the Gold and Silver Chapter, the icy ground outside is used to deter intruders, but Heiduo doesn't think the icy ground is useful, it can only be used to tease others.

Heiduo slowly followed behind the little sea lion, looking left and right.

There is a long tunnel in front of you, and on both sides are lifelike ice sculptures in the shape of elves.

Not sand sculptures, but ice sculptures.

"There's something!" Moon Ibrahimovic looked at the elf ice sculptures on both sides with great interest. If you don't look at this thing, you don't know how dazzling it is. If you put paint on it, Moon Ibrahimovic will believe it if it came alive on the spot.

Heiduo walked all the way forward, and soon came to the end of this corridor, and at the same time saw the biggest ice sculpture.

——The ice sculpture of Suicune.

Was it built so early?

Heiduo is not surprised why there are no ice sculptures of Fengwang and Lugia in it, because the legendary elves like Liu Bolong are used to practice hands. Heiduo doesn't know how big the equivalent Lugia and Fengwang are.

Get out of the tunnel.

The room in front of him was finally the battleground for elves.

At the end of the battlefield, a kind-hearted old man sat in a wheelchair, squinting, with a high hairline and short stature.

"Welcome to Khaji Gym, Challenger."

Liu Bo looked at Heiduo in the distance, his voice was kind and hoarse, no different from ordinary old people.

He was holding a cane in his hand, and there was no buggy boar in his lap.

Heiduo took a deep breath and said loudly: "Hello, I am today's challenger. My name is Heiduo. I currently have seven badges, and Kaji Gymnasium is the last one!"

To be honest, at the first glance, he didn't find anything unusual on Uncle Liu.

But take a second look.

Perception is crazily reminding him, reminding him that the old man is so dangerous that he can easily kill him anytime and anywhere, telling him to run as fast as he can.

Liu Bo himself has limited mobility and is not aggressive, and his body is far less powerful than Heiduo.

It can be said that Heiduo strangled him with one hand without any problem, even effortlessly.

However, he is really good at playing with ice. He can use ice to create a body that can move freely, and this kind of ice can only be melted by the sulfur hot spring of Baiyin Mountain and the flame of Emperor Yan.

It is almost no different from those ice-controlling abilities in fantasy novels!

With his physical body alone, Hei Duo couldn't even get close to him, let alone attack him!
"Hehehe, don't be nervous, relax a little bit." Liu Bo smiled and looked at Hei Duo's slightly frowning brows. His life experience was three times that of Hei Duo's.

But he never imagined that the reason why the boy in front of him was nervous was not because he challenged the gym, but because he was familiar with his details and plans.

After taking a few deep breaths, Hei Duo forced himself to calm down, and ignored the alarm of perception.

Uncle Liu at this stage is undoubtedly violent in his heart. Anyone who stops him can only die in front of him, but this guy is very good at pretending. Before his identity is revealed, all his negative hostility will be hidden.

"Sorry, I made you laugh." Heiduo regained his composure, ignoring Moon Ibrahimovic who was at his feet with his head bowed. This guy was worse than him, and he was afraid of death to a certain extent.

Uncle Liu still had a smile on his face, "It's okay, it's okay, I understand your feelings very well, I was also like this when I was young... let's start as soon as possible without further ado, please forgive my poor health as an old man."

If you are not in good health, few people in this world will be in good health.

Heiduo slandered in his heart that Uncle Liu was only inconvenient in his legs and feet, and his body was much stronger than Dr. Damu's old bones, otherwise he would not have the ability to hit time gaps again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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