Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 334 The Smell of the Dragon

Chapter 334 The Smell of the Dragon
Heiduo and Naginata didn't stay in the tent for long, because the sky was getting dark and it was almost dinner time.

Xiaochun tried to keep the two of them for dinner, but Heiduo declined.

Asking someone to send him off was also declined.

Heiduo doesn't want to waste more time on human relations, he has to come one by one to make friends, at present, Nabai alone is enough to give him a headache.

"Multiple friends, multiple paths" sounds simple, but maintaining it is really troublesome!

Naginabai had no objection, and he didn't care if he agreed to go out for a stroll, but ended up going out with Heiduo.

The two walked towards the elf center on foot.

"...Just now, those three people scolded you?" Naginabai kicked the stones on the ground, consciously or unconsciously asking about what happened at the registration office before.

Heiduo nodded indifferently, "Hiding in the crowd with a dirty mouth, I thought I wouldn't be able to catch him." He didn't care whether Nabai had a positive or negative image of himself in his mind, he behaved rightly, and cursing people was wrong in itself, so could it be possible for him to tell those people whether he scolded well?
Of course, if Xiaochun didn't show up, he wouldn't do anything excessive to those people, at most he would punch their kidneys a few times, um, he would just punch them a few times for cursing.

"Next time, the next time something like this happens, I think I can call the police first... Ah! I'm not preaching to you." Naginai was flustered, waving his hands, "It's just that they are three people after all, it's too dangerous, if they team up to beat you—"

Heiduo laughed at Naginabai's action, "Don't worry, as long as I want to, they will fall down before they get three steps away from me."

A three-step siege, this is the confidence brought to Heiduo by an average ability of [-] points. Humans are much more fragile than elves. Even if the thing in their hands is a wooden stick covered in iron, it is enough to smash their heads.

Naginabai obviously doesn't know what martial arts are, but she finds Heiduo's confident look surprisingly cute.

The two chatted without saying a word, most of them were Natsubai's questions and Heiduo's answers.

Finally, at six o'clock in the evening, the two returned to the elf center.

"Shall I cook tonight? It's also a repayment for your care these past few days." Naginabai planned to give money to Heiduo, but Heiduo refused.

Forget about money, giving money will pollute the relationship between two people. Human relations cannot be strengthened by money exchanges, and most of the friendship between friends is maintained by friendship.

"Yes." Hei Duo nodded, and he didn't include meals in his commission, but in the spirit of making one serving is cooking, and two servings is just a matter of adding a la carte, he packed Nakibai's rice.

After eating a meal, he can also ask about the breeder's knowledge. Not only the elf massage, he also wants to consolidate other breeder's skills.

It's good that Naginashiro didn't leave for work tonight.

Heiduo stepped into Naginabai's room, the decoration inside was extremely neat, there were no clothes flying around and underwear thrown everywhere.

On the bed, Pichu and Shuttlecock were sleeping soundly together, and the two Pokkigu were preparing something in the kitchen. No wonder I didn't see these noisy guys in the afternoon, and they all stayed in the room together.

"Remember to take the elf out next time you go out." Heiduo frowned and reminded, "Maybe when an accident happens, the elf can protect your safety."

Naginashiro smiled casually, "It's okay, aren't you here? Considering this, I didn't bother Pichu and them."

Listening to this tone, sneaked out while the two were sleeping?

What about Pokkiguts?

It is estimated that I was relieved to hear that I came out with him.

That guy was still waiting outside just now!
Big heart, big heart!

"The next time you don't bring the elves out, tell me earlier, don't stay too far away from me!" Heiduo frowned. Although Yanmo City's security is very good, but the Dragon King Festival will be held soon, and there may be a lot of dragons and snakes in the city. There may not be some Xiaoxiaohui who will do strange things.

But immediately, he remembered that there might be no next time, and the purpose of the two of them coming to Yanmo City was different.

Naginabai was secretly happy, even though she didn't know what she was happy about.


Finished meal.

Moon Ibrahimovic, who was brought over by Heiduo to eat, walked back to the room with heavy steps, picky about Naginabashi's dishes.

It's either that the taste is too weak, or that the coat is too thick.

Fortunately, this guy eats salt and soy sauce without losing his hair, otherwise he would like to see what the shaved Moon Eevee looks like.

Heiduo took the initiative to clean up the bowls and chopsticks, and went downstairs to throw away the kitchen waste. Heiduo, who returned to Nabai's room, humbly asked her for knowledge about breeders.

It is better to learn as much as you can, than not to learn at all.

"Well... let's take Riolu as an example." Nashiro picked up Riolu who was playing with Pichu, and put it in front of Heduo.

Riolu and Hei Duo looked at each other, and with an "ow", he reached out to want him to hug him, but Hei Duo made him stand still.

Naginashira took out a brush from his bag, and said softly: "Different elves have different hair treatments. Canine elves like Riolu have soft hair, so it's best to be gentle when combing. You should also choose a comb with a lot of bristles..."

Her teaching method is so detailed that it cannot be further refined. Heiduo has to nod to show that she understands every summary before she can tell the next one.

When teaching until nine o'clock in the evening, Heido even felt that he had just learned the beginning?
It's a pity to go to night training.

"Eh? Do you still have to go out so late?" Nabai was startled, "It's past nine o'clock."

Heduo zipped up his coat, and put Leolu, who was rushing towards him, on his shoulders, "Unless my elf and I are paralyzed on the bed and can't get up, the night training cannot be interrupted."

Naginashira opened his mouth and muttered to himself in a low voice, "It's been hard work..."

"Compared to the pain after failure, hard work is actually nothing." Heduo scratched Leolu's chin, "If you want to chase people forward and throw those behind you off, if you don't work hard at this time, should you try harder after you fail?"

He could see very clearly that the elf trainer was definitely not a flat avenue where he could just play around and reach the summit. There were wolves in front and tigers in the back, and they were all rushing forward as he ran forward.

Since you have chosen to climb to the top, you are absolutely not allowed to slack off.

Nabai stared blankly at Heiduo, obviously the light was on in the room, but she felt the light on Heiduo's body so dazzling that she wanted to close her eyes.

But she couldn't keep her eyes away.

What did grandma say?

People who have dreams and know how to persevere are the brightest, so bright that they are like a black hole, which can attract everyone's attention.

Perhaps she followed Heiduo at the beginning because she was looking for an opportunity to repay her. The previous series of behaviors were just the little daughter's thoughts. In essence, she didn't like Heiduo very much. The benefactor who saved Heiduo's life made her look at Heiduo differently.

...Of course appearance is also very important.

How do you say that?When you see a handsome one, you promise yourself with your body, and when you meet an ugly one, you will repay it in the next life.

very real.

But at this time, Naginai knew very well that he had ignored Heiduo's face, ignored the fact that he had saved his life, and was completely immersed in Heiduo's confident and resolute face.

love at first sight?
No, no, this is no longer a one-off.

Naginabai watched Heiduo open the door and walked out, his heart pounding like a deer, his face turned red hot.


"The little classmate in front."

A man in a light blue uniform catches up to Heiduo, who is pulling a large team to run at night, and his title is similar to that of his previous life.

The tiger-skinned and white-faced puppy followed him, sticking out its tongue.

This is Katie Dog, known as one of the best partners of the police. He is powerful, gentle and extremely loyal. He is good at hunting and searching.

Loyal, smart, brave, reliable.

Both are nouns that belong to the katti dog.

Heiduo stopped, panting slightly, "Hi, what's the matter?"

"Are you running at night?" The policeman held a notebook in his hand, and found that there were many elves behind Heiduo that he had never seen before.

Heiduo nodded lightly, "Yes, it's more convenient when there are fewer people at night. During the day, there are too many people, and I don't like to attract attention. Did it bother you?"

"There's no trouble, it's mainly at night, and your elf is so strong and looks scary, so I came up and asked, what grade are you?" The policeman found that Heiduo was indeed young through the light, and his voice slowed down a lot.

Heiduo said: "I am a traditional trainer, not a student of the academy, sorry."

"Oh! Traditional trainer! It's really rare for someone as young as you, but it doesn't matter if you just run. If you want to train moves, you can't do it on the street." The policeman pointed him to a place, "That place is an empty battle field. Few people go there at night. If you don't want to be noticed, go to that place. Dragon King Festival and Gym Challenge, come on!"

He took off his hat and bowed, put it on again as a gesture of salute.

"Thank you very much... I would like to ask, do you know Lie Bite Lu Shark?" Heiduo was a little curious, could it be that this police officer also surfs the Internet or is simply a member of the Dragon's Den?

The police officer smiled and said: "No, no, I don't know what kind of elf Lie Bite Lu Sha is, but don't try to hide the dragon smell from this big guy." He walked up to Lie Bite Lu Sha and patted him lightly.

A small force is not enough to make the [rough skin] feature hurt him.

"Kabu?" Lie Bite Lusha didn't understand what the human was talking about, it could only understand some simple human sentences.

The communication with Heiduo relies on tacit understanding, movements, expressions and behaviors, and human language only accounts for a very small part.

"Dragon smell?" Heiduo was slightly startled, and biting Lu Sha has this special smell?Why didn't he smell it?
"Yes, Longwei, how should I put it, I'm sorry that I'm not good at expressing it. All in all, it's a violent smell, which makes people feel excited." The policeman had a yearning expression, but then realized that he was on duty, "I still have to be on duty, so let's go! Goodbye!"

He ran away laughing.

Hei Duo watched him go away, until the figure of the police officer disappeared into the night, then turned and ran to the battlefield he mentioned.

Night patrols and routine inquiries are really hard work.

But this dragon flavor...

I'm afraid it doesn't belong to Long Zhimin's innate ability like Long Yunxian.

(End of this chapter)

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