Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 332 ×

Chapter 332 ×
The three communicated for a while, and Naginashira's door opened.


Naginata asked Heiduo with a smile.

Heiduo nodded, "I met many times on the way, so it must be fate."

The other two introduced themselves.

"Hello, my name is Naginabai, I am from Qianxi Town, the capital city, and I am a breeder." Naginabai saluted lightly.

Millennium Town is located on the left side of Light Yellow City. In the game, there is an endless forest, but in this world, it is replaced by a bustling small city.

Liu and Qingyou looked at each other, and they both saw some deep meaning in each other's eyes, then they turned around and said goodbye to Heiduo, saying that they were going to pack their luggage.

"Huh? Aren't you going to sign up for the Dragon King Festival together?" Heiduo was slightly stunned, turning his head and refusing to recognize what he just said?

Liu hurriedly waved his hands, "It's fine for Qingyou and I to go, it doesn't matter, you go first."

Just don't go.

Heiduo had no choice but to go downstairs with the smiling Nabai.

The teenagers watched the two leave, and did not communicate in a low voice until they entered the elevator.

"I don't want to be a shining light bulb. When did this guy have more girls around him? There were none when I saw him two days ago."

"It must have been met on the way! Now charge! Now charge to the extreme!"

"you are single?"

"Mother and fetus have been single for 17 years."

"Same as above."

The two clasped their hands tightly, showing a look of sympathy.


Heiduo, who got out of the elevator, looked sideways at Naginabai, "By the way, aren't you here to work? Are you not going to find your client?"

"I haven't arrived yet, it will probably be tomorrow afternoon." Naginai followed Heiduo, she had contacted Na Qi in the room just now, it was said that it was because of the flight delay, and she didn't come by herself, she had her boyfriend by her side!
Boy friend!
Hearing this news, Naginai almost died of fright. After not seeing each other in just two years, why did he have an extra boyfriend? If two years later, would he even be married?

I'm afraid I'm going to have a baby in four years!
Obviously they are the same age!

The place to sign up for the Dragon King Festival is in the center of the temple fair on the way to the establishment.

Although it is in the process of construction, the basic structure has been completed, including the temporary buildings needed for the first day of the Dragon King Festival.

—a small house resembling a temple.

The small house is still empty now, but on the day of the Dragon King Festival, there will be an additional shrine inside, which enshrines the statue of Liekong sitting.

There is also a similar building in the depths of the Dragon Cave. The shrine where Lie Kong sat was enshrined there in the past, but it will only be taken out during the ten days of the Dragon King Sacrifice.

The registration place was under a big tree [-] meters away from the temple, surrounded by crowds.

"A lot of people signed up!"

Naginai was a little shocked, "There are so many contestants in the Dragon King Festival?" She couldn't help but feel worried for Heiduo, how strong is it to stand out from thousands of people?

Hei Duo was also quite shocked, it was agreed that only more than 600 people participated in the competition!Could it be because someone was sure that A'Du would not be able to participate in the Dragon King Festival?
Indeed, with being wanted by the Elf Association, even Du wouldn't dare to appear in the public eye so blatantly, right?

By the time he destroyed Dead Leaf City, he had already seen it all.

But who can say for sure about this kind of thing, after all, Yanmo City is the Yanmo City of the Dragon People, and the power of the Elf Association here must be very weak.

The two wandered around for a while, only to realize that most of the crowded crowd were watching the show, joining in the fun, wanting to know the strength of the contestants, and trying to gain knowledge.

There are very few actual contestants.

That's right.

The two walked to the front of the registration place. There was a three-meter-wide gap cleared here, which was set up to prevent people who watched the theater from hindering other people's registration.

"Are you waiting here for a while?" Heiduo asked tentatively, and got a positive reply from Naginabashi.

She doesn't like to show her face in front of people, especially in full view.

Heiduo walked in through the gap alone, but there were quite a few people who signed up with him already queuing up there.

And when he was at the end of the queue, he attracted the attention of many people.

But because the face was too young, most people didn't take it seriously, and mainly focused on the person who showed the elf in front.

Although there is a database for comparison when registering, there are still guys who want to show off their muscles and show their elves to accept the exclamation of the crowd eating melons.

Heiduo looked sideways to the front.

Beside a young man with gaudy hair, stood a red-headed and blue-body vicious elf with spikes on his elbows, hands, back, and head.

It's you again, Shame of the Dragon Clan, Crimson Faced Dragon.

As one of the most friendly dragon attribute elves, red-faced dragons are not uncommon, and Hezhong dragon spiral towers can be seen everywhere.

"The repeatability is too high." Heiduo retracted his gaze disappointedly. After all, there are not many dragon-type elves, and when many dragon-type elves are extremely rare and precious, the repeatability is even higher.

There were more than a dozen people lined up in front of Heiduo, and there were not a few people who took out the Thorn Dragon King and Hack Dragon.

He wondered if he stayed in Yanmo City for a few more days, would he feel that the Mini Dragon and Thorn Dragon King were not rare at all.

Also, the condition for the evolution of the Thorn Dragon King is to carry the dragon scales to communicate and evolve. Yanmo City lacks everything, and the dragon scales are definitely not lacking.

As for the subsequent communication evolution... I believe that the people of the dragon should have a special solution, maybe the dragon's lair has mysterious power, which can make the thorn dragon king evolve?

Not necessarily impossible, in the special chapter, in a world where mighty power can directly evolve into strange power, everything is possible.

Finally it was Heduo's turn.

Long Zhimin, who was in charge of registering the contestants' names and inputting them into the computer, was not surprised to see that Heiduo didn't take out the elf for a long time.

Not everyone wants to show their strength or attract the attention of others.

But inevitably, Heiduo was ridiculed and ridiculed by the spectators around him. They thought Heiduo's elf was too weak and embarrassed to take it out.

The people of the Dragon who were in charge of maintaining order frowned, shouting to be quiet and pay attention to their words. They hated this kind of sarcastic behavior.

However, there are a few people who rely on themselves to be in the crowd, conceal their bodies, and speak unscrupulously without the slightest limit.

——There are actually many such people in reality, whether they are young or middle-aged, they don't blame the public by relying on the law, and they dare to say anything nonsense when making a fuss.


Then when he was in trouble, he started messing around again.

"Your registration has been completed. Please don't be influenced by those outsiders. This kind of thing is very common. Most of them benefit from it or their brains are not very good." The dragon citizen who registered him showed a relieved smile.

Heiduo shook his head, indicating that nothing happened, but he didn't turn around and leave, but walked towards the group of guys who were hiding in the crowd and beeping loudly.

There are evil pens on both sides of the east and west, so he chose to find the most swearing one on the east side first, and teach it to be a human being.

"This dragon trainer, please keep calm." The people of dragons are used to calling trainers with elves with dragon attributes dragon trainers, just like everyone called trainers Warcraft Envoys thousands of years ago.

Hei Duo smiled at him, and then opened the Poké Ball.

It's the Pokeball of Big Needle Bee.

"Go, grab the one from the west, you should have seen it."

Big Needle Bee nodded, it could see clearly in the poke ball, and silently remembered it in its heart.

The melon-eating crowd found that Heiduo's visitor was not kind, but they did nothing. They were sure that Heiduo could do nothing with them because it had nothing to do with them.

But they didn't expect that Heiduo would use his sixty points of strength to separate the crowded crowd, as easily as pushing weeds.

"Don't push!"

"What are you looking for?"

Those who didn't know the situation glared at Heiduo.

Heiduo ignored him, and fixed his eyes on a guy who was just looking at it, and stepped in to grab that guy!
The man saw the crowd in front of him suddenly parting, revealing Heiduo's indifferent face, he was horrified, he couldn't believe how Heiduo could accurately find out that the person who spoke was him?Heiduo didn't even turn his head to take a look when he signed up obviously!
Could it be that he has eyes in the back of his head?
Immediately, he planned to run away, but the crowd was too crowded, and he would not be able to go far for a while.

And when he turned his head, a hand had already grabbed his neck and pulled him out of the crowd abruptly!

Yes, take it out!

A boy in his early 1.7 meters is carrying a mature man over 1.8 meters!

Full marks for visual impact!
"Let go of me! Let me go!" The man struggled, breaking with his hands and kicking with his feet, but it was obvious that his resistance was useless. Heiduo's hands were like iron clamps, as long as he was struggling, he would tighten it a little bit, otherwise, he would loosen it a bit.

Most of the people around were dissatisfied and complained about Heido, and even planned to take action.

The dragon people who maintained order saw this and wanted to stop it, but then remembered that what this guy said in the crowd was really ugly, so he turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Every year when the Dragon King Festival is held, there will be one or two such rat droppings that interfere with the mentality of the contestants, but they are often not caught.

On the west side, the Big Needle Bee threw two people into the circle vacated by the crowd with its double guns. The lightning-fast movement was invisible to most people. The Dragon People who were in charge of maintaining order over there and the Dragon People in the east looked at each other and nodded at each other.

They are only responsible for keeping the people who eat melons from crowding over. It is the police's duty to protect the people and has nothing to do with them.

And they also hate this kind of outspoken people.

The guys who scolded the most in the three crowds were all thrown to the ground, so that the applicant who was at the top of the queue didn't know whether to release the elf.

All three are men, and they are not young.

"Sorry to bother you." Heiduo bowed slightly to the dragon people, grabbed the three people who had fallen to pieces, and planned to leave.

But here, a beautiful woman with a light blue ponytail, wearing a one-piece training uniform, and a cloak on her shoulders walked in through the gap. When she saw Heiduo and the three people on the ground, she frowned slightly.

"what's the situation?"

She looked at Heiduo first, and then at the dragon people who were maintaining order.

The dragon people hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Master Xiaochun, this is a contestant, because he didn't release the elves to visit, so he was ridiculed by the three people on the ground..."

Without the slightest extravagance, a male dragon citizen told the story of what happened.

Hei Duo silently put away the big needle bee, and held down a guy who wanted to run away by the way.

Want to leave after scolding someone?How can there be such a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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