Chapter 31
"here you go!"

Kristal praised the little girl, and the little girl shyly rubbed the hem of her clothes.

the other side.

"What's the matter with you guys?" Aso looked at Heiduo and Jian Zhilang and his wife, and asked with a serious face.

When Jian Zhilang and his wife saw Aso, they changed their faces and put away their aggressive expressions.

Jian Zhilang took the lead and said: "Police officer! That little girl commanded her electric shock monster to attack my son! As a result, my son's baby bear was eager to protect the Lord and helped my son block the attack. Now he is unconscious in the hospital. You have to uphold justice for us!"

Conversing black and white, full of lies, right and wrong, nothing more.

Aso raised his eyebrows, and asked Kristal, "Is there such a thing?"

"No!" Kristal shook her head firmly.

Jian Zhilang quickly defended: "Officer, you can't listen to her one-sided words! This little girl is full of lies, she is obviously her electric shock monster——"

Before he finished speaking, Hei Duo silently used the elf ball to put the electric shock monster away.

"I'm sorry, the electric shock monster is my elf." Heiduo showed his white teeth with a playful expression.

Kenzhiro: "..."

His expression was as ugly as eating a pile of shit for an instant.

"...It turned out to be your elf, I said, why do you come out to meddle in other people's business!" Jianzhilang gritted his teeth and stared at Heiduo, as if he was going to eat him alive.

Pointing at Hei Duo, he shouted at Asu: "Officer! It's his electric shock monster that sneaked up on my son!"

"Whose is it?" Ah Su frowned, and said seriously: "You have to think clearly! It is illegal to slander others with nonsense!"

Hearing words such as slander and illegality, Jian Zhilang's face was covered with haze, but he still said with certainty: "That's him! His electric shock monster attacked my son!"

"Okay!" Ah Suo nodded, looked at Heiduo before Jian Zhilang was overjoyed, and said, "What is your statement?"

"You have to ask Krista about this matter, she is the one involved, I just bully Krista because of these two people together, I really can't see it." Heduo shrugged and gave the initiative to Krista.

He figured it out, Ah Suo and Kristal knew each other, and they looked familiar?
"Officer..." Jian Zhilang also felt that something was wrong, he was about to intervene, but A Su gave him a cold look and he didn't dare to speak.

"Krista, tell me!" Aso raised his head at Krista.

Christaer hurriedly said: "It's like this. Their son and those two people found me and wanted to fight me with the elves, using the wind speed dog as a bet. I didn't want to, so that person attacked my Milip baby with the bear baby, and then the baby bear was blown away by the electric shock monster. Then they came to me and said that the baby bear's medical expenses would cost 10 yuan, and they wanted me to pay for it!"

She briefly described the reasons for the incident to Aso, without embellishing the whole process.

But the expressions of Kenzhiro and his wife changed again and again.

"Officer! She lied! That's her own story! There is no evidence!" Jian Zhilang and his wife hurriedly retorted. If Aso believed Christa's words, they would be miserable.

"Then you said that the electric shock monster attacked your son on its own initiative, do you have evidence?" Kristal angrily scolded Kenzhiro and his wife.

Kenzhiro and his wife brought their son's companion up.

The two little boys lowered their heads and didn't say a word, their bodies trembling slightly, obviously extremely scared.

Jian Zhilang said: "They can testify! They—"

Beep beep!

The loud siren sounded quickly approaching from a distance, and a gust of wind whizzed towards everyone present.

It was Wind Speed ​​Dog, with an anxious woman on its back, and stopped beside them.


The woman jumped off the wind speed dog and ran to Kristal in a hurry.

"Are you okay? Kristal!" The woman looked at Kristal carefully from beginning to end, and after confirming that she was not being bullied, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The police car stopped at the gate of the trainer school at the same time.

Miss Junsha came to the crowd with a Katie dog and several police officers by her side.

More and more people made Jian Zhilang and his wife pale.

Isn't it the school for poor ghosts?Why did the police come in such a timely manner?

And look at this posture... There is someone on the head!

"Don't say anything. What's the matter? Whether it's mediation or compensation, go to the police station first." A Su stopped Jianzhilang and his wife from talking, and directly sent them half-detained and half-led into the police car.

Including those little boys.

Kristal and her mother got into the car together, but when Hei Duo wanted to go up too, A Suo stopped him.

"You don't have to follow, and you won't be able to sit in the car." A Su patted the six-seater police car. If there were no police officers who were going to drive the car of Jian Zhilang and his wife, it would be even more difficult to sit in.

"My electric shock monster is the client... the elf is the client, don't you need to go?" Heiduo was slightly startled, didn't the police always take the client away when they handle cases?No matter how bad it is, you have to record a transcript.

Asu said impatiently: "No, no, no, the result of this kind of thing will only be insufficient evidence. The two parties reconcile, and it doesn't matter whether you go or not. Even if you ask something in the end, the case will not be filed because the person involved is too young."

I see!It seems that the laws of the Elf Alliance also have shortcomings!
Hei Duo suddenly realized that without evidence, Kristal could not prove that Jian Zhilang and his wife blackmailed her. This matter can only be reversed and returned to the beginning.

Well... Forget it, anyway, I didn't come to the elf world to study law.

"Big brother!"

Just as Heido was about to turn around and leave, Kristal stopped him.

"What's wrong?" Heido asked puzzled.

Kristal pursed her lower lip and said, "The electric shock monster got into trouble for helping me, I hope you don't criticize it!"

"... Harsh? No, don't worry." Hei Duo waved his hand, it would be too chilling if he would be harshly reprimanded for his actions.


Kikyo City Pokémon Center.

"Your elf is very healthy and doesn't need any treatment." Miss Joy returned the four elf balls to Heiduo's hand.

Although elves have a strong physique and strong recovery ability, regular physical examinations are also essential.

Pay attention to the status of elves at all times - this is the minimum quality to be a breeder.

"Thank you! Miss Joey, is there a library in Kikyo City?" Heido put the poke ball on his waist and asked Joey with his head down.

Joey thought for a while and said: "If you want to ask about the kind of particularly large library... I remember there is one in the Tower of Trumpet Buds, but they are generally not open for people to visit."

She gave an apologetic smile to show that she was helpless.

Ban people from visiting?Is it the Buddhist scriptures pavilion?

Heiduo was helpless, took the elevator upstairs with the room card.

The sky outside is already dim, and it is estimated that it will be dark in a short time.

Time to make dinner.

Heiduo started homemade dinner two days ago. He knew how to cook in his previous life, so as long as he knows how to use seasonings and ingredients, whether it is making elf food or cooking in this world, it is not a difficult problem.

I don’t know if it’s because the prototype is from Japan. There are very few seasonings in the elf world, and most of the ingredients remain the original flavor. But fortunately, the elf world pays attention to environmental protection, and the original taste has a different flavor.

4 floors 301.

Heiduo opened the door of the room, a simple one bedroom and one living room with its own toilet and kitchenette, Heiduo left the door for Shuangye.

There are only multiple rooms in the Elf Center, no single rooms. Unless there are enough free rooms, Miss Joy will generally arrange you to live with other people.

You don't have to worry about your property being stolen. The accommodation registration here by Ms. Joy is connected to the Internet, with everything from your information to your parents' information.

As for the difference between men and women... Hei Duo had asked Shuang Ye about it, and this girl ignored him. In this case, Hei Duo should assume that she acquiesced.

He opened the Poké Ball of the Zap Monster.


The electric shock monster jumped to the ground, it looked up at Heiduo, and lowered its head, not daring to speak.

Seeing its frightened look, Heido smiled and patted its head, "Okay, although you didn't listen to my words, you did nothing wrong. You deserve to be rewarded for being brave!"


The electric shock monster didn't understand the meaning of this idiom, but Heiduo's smile made him feel relieved, and his arms spun like a small spinning top.


A smile appeared on its face again.

In fact, it didn't know why it made the move, but when it saw the sneak attacking baby bear, it couldn't help but flashed up.

After all, it hates sneak attacks the most, man, you have to face it!
Now it seems that it did the right thing?
"But! It's a fact that you didn't listen to me!" Heiduo changed his tone and became serious.

The electric shock monster's heart skipped a beat.

Heiduo lowered his head and said, "I was going to make pancakes tonight, yes, it's your favorite resin pancakes. But you are disobedient, so there are no more."

If the electric shock monster hates mathematics the most, then it likes the three cans of resin the most, oh, one can.

The electric shock monster helped, so out of the three cans, Heduo decided to use one can for himself, and the remaining two cans were shared by the rest of the members.

In Heiduo's team, both Yuanlu Shark and Electric Shock Monster like to eat sweets, but Electric Shock Monster is the only one who is obsessed with sweets to the point of madness.

The resin in hand flew away, which was the biggest punishment for it.


The electric shock monster instantly petrified, and then his expression turned gray.

Heiduo said calmly: "However, because you help the weak and act bravely, I decided to reward you with two resin pancakes!"

Treat children with rewards and punishments. Blind encouragement will lead to complacency.Blindly blaming will make people feel inferior and afraid of taking responsibility in the future.

Sure enough, the electric shock monster who heard that he had been rewarded with two rewards regained his vitality in a blink of an eye.

Elves are such simple creatures, they are like human children with a blank sheet of paper, and what they look like in the end depends on what paint you sprinkle.

(End of this chapter)

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