Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 180 Almost Dinner, Shame

Chapter 180 Almost Dinner, Shame
Without thinking too much, Yong also quickly dispatched his third elf.

The white light flashed away, and an emerald green figure that was about half a head taller than the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus appeared, showing its strong body!


The hostile roar immediately filled the entire arena!
The invisible sound waves are attacking the brains of all the audience at this moment!

"Oh! What a terrifying cry!"

"What kind of elf is that! So handsome!"

"Monster? Why is it so big?!"

"Bankiras! That's Bankiras! I've seen them before! Very rare elves!"

"Huh? Where did the sand come from?"

The audience either panicked or looked at the field with great interest.

Since most of Yukira's family lives in the dangerous Silver Mountain, only a few will settle in other places, so even the aborigines in the Chengdu area, there are many people who don't know the existence of elves like Bankiras without surfing the Internet or reading books.

"The main event is coming!!" Hei Duo slapped the armrest fiercely, he sat here and didn't even go to the toilet just for Bankiras, finally he didn't let him down!

[Elf: Bankiras / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 65]

[Characteristic: Blowing Sand / Attribute: Rock + Evil / Trainer: Yongya]

[Skills: Crush lv6/Iron Tail lv6/Sharp Stone Attack lv6]

[Evil Wave lv6/Ice Fang lv6/Rock Avalanche lv5/Brute Force lv5]

【Destroy death light lv5/kick down lv4/eye for an eye lv4】

Ten moves!Are you the second fast dragon?

After seeing so many elves with eight or nine moves, this is the first time that Heiduo has seen ten moves and none of them are low-level.

Sure enough, this Bankera is Yuya's trump card, right?

It's amazing, and it can raise all the elves under it to level [-] or above while raising a classy one. It's worthy of being a "senior".

The gap is a bit big, and the wind speed dog is very dangerous.

But even if it's as strong as Bankiras, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive a few close combat rounds, right?
Yuan Hao can still win, the gap of three levels is not too big!

I thought you were so amazing, you look so good, you are so far away from the younger generation when you co-author~
Also because of underestimating the enemy, the Scorpio King was sent away, and the battle experience is not high~
Heiduo's heart was full of ridicule. As Yuanhao's new friend, Yongye's "you are all weak chickens, it's a waste of time to fight with you" disgusted him very much.

Not to mention Wonho's hot face sticking to Yongya's cold ass.

Hei Duo was frustrated when he saw Yuan Hao go over to say hello and was directly ignored.

Such a great lad.

It's not about moral kidnapping, you must say hello to the younger generation, and do what you want.Anyway, people called you senior so respectfully that they almost bowed their heads. Even if you don't respond, what can you do with a smile or a nod?Less meat?
Arrogance is ok, contempt is ok.

As long as you cheat enough, no one will gossip about you, because you are great.Four Heavenly Kings, Gym Master, Top Trainer, Champion, these titles are placed on a young man's head, it's normal to be proud of his talents when he swells up.

But the gap between you and your junior is not very big, is it?Are you not a top trainer?
Is there a lot of three levels between ace and ace?
You don't know how enthusiastic the fighting people are to A Jin who calls him a senior?

What is Chi Ye's identity?You're not even a top trainer.

So this kind of person, Hei Duo, is not even interested in striking up a conversation with him, and it's over if he smashes his head.

But in the current situation, maybe this guy can turn over when he meets his junior.

What a shame, senior.

Heiduo changed his posture and took a sip of the drink brought by the staff. On his left sat Christina who was sleep-deprived and drowsy. God knows what this little girl did last night.

"The form is not good for Yuanhao." Fred frowned tightly, he didn't have Heiduo's detection system, and his daily battle experience and Yong also's past in school told him that the Bankera was very dangerous.

Yuan Hao's wind speed dog is most likely not the opponent of that Bankiras!
Fred, who knew everything about Yuanhao, estimated the odds in his mind, and [-]% was the most.

And it depends on luck.

on the battlefield.

When Yuan Hao saw Yongya's Bankiras, he immediately realized that his chances of winning this round should be based on the melee combat move.

The sand and dust raised by Bankiras made Yuan Hao squint his eyes. The dusty weather will increase Bankiras' special defense by [-] times. In addition, Bankiras' own blood volume is not low, so it should be difficult for fire-attributed special attacks to cause damage to him.

Sure enough, we still have to increase the distance!
"Flash Charge speeds up!"

This is the shortcoming of not being able to use super speed. The displacement actually depends on the flashing flame charge that counter-injuries. How good is it to use super speed to move after learning super speed?
Fast and hard.

The wind speed dog stepped on the fire with all four hooves, and then was bathed in flames, and ran towards Bankiras ferociously!
Rumble rumble——! !

Seeing how powerful the opponent's momentum was, Bankiras, who released Kuangsha, was not at all cowardly. With a violent roar, energy continued in his mouth!

The black-purple light beam was launched by Bankiras, and hit the running wind speed dog in the middle!

boom! ! !
The air vibrated, and an invisible ripple carried dust to the surroundings. The violent wind caused many spectators to cover their eyes. The two trainers and referees in the center of the "storm" squatted on the ground, lest the strong wind be blown away!
At this time, the elf can no longer hear the trainer's instructions, so if there is no resonance, the elf can only rely on its own judgment to decide whether to attack.

The flames on Wind Speed ​​Dog dissipated, and it crouched down and bared its teeth at Bankiras, with a threatening growl from its throat.

Bankiras, who was full of viciousness, looked at the wind speed dog with disdain, ignored the scorched black traces of the flames on his body, opened his mouth full of sharp fangs, brewed dark evil energy, and bit at the wind speed dog's head!

If he bites down on this bite, it is estimated that the dog's head of the wind speed dog will be gnawed out of two holes!

But the wind speed dog is not stupid, seeing Bankiras' bloody mouth close in front of his eyes, a flame ignited in his lungs, and spit towards Bankiras' open mouth!
Bankiras: "Roar?!"

toast toast——

The flames swept across Bankiras' cheeks, and this foolish man closed his eyes and mouth tightly a second before the flames were about to enter its body, otherwise even if it bit the head of the wind speed dog, it would hurt one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-damages.

A tooth for a tooth!

Bankiras swelled his muscles and slammed into the body of the wind speed dog. With a weight of more than 400 kilograms, the body of the wind speed dog was sent flying, and the distance between them was successfully opened!


Banjilas, whose face was in severe pain, slowly opened his eyes, and saw the wind speed dog ten meters away, staring at it with one leg raised, and a trace of flames overflowing from the corner of its mouth.

Bankiras, who ate a shot of flames for nothing, was furious immediately, and stomped on the ground with a roar!
Clusters of blue stalagmites rose from the ground!

Sharp Stone Attack!

The wind speed dog was startled when he saw the sharper and thicker stalagmites on the ground, and quickly dodged.

As the so-called beast with a copper head and iron bone tofu waist, this metaphor is equally applicable to the wind speed dog, whose soft belly is always its weakness.

"Rock collapse!"

Yong also shouted from behind.

Bankiras blinked his eyes, and immediately changed his attack strategy. With a wave of his arm, three boulders flew out in a whirl, and smashed towards the wind speed dog!

"Dodge with Flame Charge!"

Yuan Hao, who also came back to his senses, hurriedly directed the action of the wind speed dog.

Yong is really experienced enough, using sharp rock attacks and rock avalanches to block the wind speed dog's movement and forcefully slow it down.

We must know that Fengsu Dog is not as cheating as Pishen, he can step on other people's or his own moves, and it is trivial to step on rocks and water.

What's wrong with Nima stepping on the current and the wind?
Ti Yun Zong?
You can just step on the right foot with your left foot, and you still do so many bells and whistles.

"Close combat!"

Seeing the wind speed dog approaching Bankiras, Yuan Hao couldn't hold back anymore, and exposed his trump card!

The wind speed dog jumped up from the fire, its eyes were bigger than copper bells, and a pair of fluffy paws beat Bankiras on the head like Wing Chun!
"Don't be afraid! Use brute force!"

Bankiras looked grim, turned half of his body, twisted his waist, turned his hips and punched Feng Speed ​​Dog's head with a powerful brown-red shock wave!

Compared with the previous invisible ripples, this time the air waves are not so breathtaking, but it makes the audience feel the most intuitive scene of two non-fighting elves punching me with a claw!

"Iron tail!"

Seeing that Bankiras' brute force was about to end, Yuya quickly issued an order.

When Bankiras saw this, his half-twisted body simply turned around, and his thick tail slammed on the head of the wind speed dog with a "bang"!

The unfinished melee battle of Wind Speed ​​Dog was interrupted immediately, and the whole body flew high again!
"Sharp Stone Attack!"

Yong also gained power and was not forgiving, and Bankiras also connected his moves to perfection. As soon as his tail drooped, his feet stomped on the ground with a "boom"!
rub rub!
Sharp stalagmites protruding from the ground!

"Dodge with Flame Charge... No! Crash!"

Yuan Hao wanted to repeat the old trick and use Flame Charge to avoid the sharp stone attack, but suddenly found that the wind speed dog was inevitable!

Because it's so undead, the wind speed dog landed at the gathering place where rockslides and sharp rocks attacked before!
There is no way to hide!


The wind speed dog roared, soaked in the flames and smashed through the stalagmites that were stabbing towards it!

"Continue to attack with sharp rocks!"

Yong Ye's face was distorted, he never believed that the wind speed dog could last forever!
Sure enough, in the face of endless ground stab attacks, although the wind speed dog worked tirelessly to smash one after another, there was a limit after all.

When the wind speed dog was only one step away from the blockade of the boulder and stalagmites, a thorn stabbed straight into the wind speed dog's soft abdomen like a ghost!
In an instant, the wind speed dog lost most of its physical strength!


(End of this chapter)

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