Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 160 Tragicly Been Genuine

Chapter 160 Tragicly Been Genuine

Hei Duo sat back in the auditorium, ignoring Asuka's kisses and winks.

Seeing that Heiduo pretended not to see her greeting, Asuka below was not annoyed, she smiled and looked away.

Because the game has been announced to start.

The two each released their own elves.

Asuka chose the emperor Nabo who played before. With a rather robust body and a huge crown connected to its face and beak, it looks extraordinary.

[Elf: Emperor Nabo / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 61]

[Feature: Torrent / Attribute: Water + Steel / Trainer: Asuka]

[Motion: Tide Spin lv6/Water Cannon lv6/Peck Drilling lv5/Steel Wing lv5]


On the opposite side of Emperor Nabo, there is an elf that looks very bulky, looks a bit like a dinosaur, has a gray body like a heavy armor, a sharp drill cone on its forehead, and an elf with spikes on its back.

"It's Li! The iron-clad tyrannosaurus whose name was tragically changed!" Hei Duo couldn't help complaining in a low voice when he saw the iron-clad tyrannosaurus.

[Elf: Rhinoceros / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 59]

[Feature: Lightning Rod / Attribute: Ground + Rock / Trainer: Gang Ke]

[Skills: Straight Drill lv5/Bump lv5/Super Horn Strike lv5]


To say that the one whose name was changed the most was neither the marsupial who lost its title of dragon, nor Laplace who had a foreign name, nor the polygonal beast that had nothing to do with dragons.

It's an armored rhinoceros that has been modified for three generations in a row, oh oh oh, it's called a one-horned rhino now.

Ironclad Rhinoceros was changed to One-horned Rhinoceros, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus was changed to Diamond Rhinoceros, and Heavy Armored (Super Iron) Tyrannosaurus was changed to Super Armored Rhinoceros.

What is the real hatred?A name full of characters was forced to be changed to a leaky name, which sounds silly.

I don't know what's going on in the head of the person who chose the name.

When Heiduo slowly complained that there was nowhere to release it, the lower part had already started to attack.

I saw the armored Tyrannosaurus smiling foolishly at Emperor Nabo, and swung its powerful arms vigorously. Three huge rocks that came out of nowhere and were still spinning flew towards Emperor Nabo!

Rock-type moves are not very effective against the water-and-steel Emperor Nabo, but they are superior in deterrence. Anyone who sees the three huge rocks that will definitely burst their brains if they hit the forehead can't help but feel terrified.

Emperor Nabo looked at the huge boulder flying in, but he didn't move his feet in his heart. Under the command of his own trainer, he used [Steel Wings]. A pair of wide wings with sharp edges shone with a metallic light and split the three rocks!

The boulder shattered and scattered, brushing against the body of Emperor Nabo and falling to the ground with a heavy, muffled sound!

But after breaking through the rock, what broke into Emperor Nabo's eyes was the huge body of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rushing forward with its head lowered.

Boom boom boom!
The ground trembled with the movement of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, and the drill bit on the tip of its nose turned unscientifically and rapidly, making a breathtaking scream, just like the conical drill bit of a ground digging vehicle!
[Straight into the drill]!
The moves of the ground attribute are extremely effective against Emperor Nabo!


Heiduo seemed to understand Gang Ke's thoughts in hindsight. The rock avalanche was used to block the sight of Emperor Nabo, and the straight-forward drilling behind was the ultimate move.

Judging by the speed at which this move is connected, it must not be the first time it has been done.

Asuka obviously didn't expect the attack speed of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus to be so fast, she frowned and shouted: "Iron Wall!"

Before it was too late, the emperor Nabo suddenly raised his steel-colored wings, and resisted the drill head of the armored tyrannosaurus!
The huge impact crushed Emperor Nabo's body, and it was inevitably pushed back several meters by the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, six deep ravines were drawn on the ground by its sharp soles!
Even so, under the successive "retreats", Emperor Nabo still stood firm, exerted all his muscles, and leaned in front of him. Hearing the neighing of the drill bit, the iron wall did not dare to relax for a moment.

The two elves were in a stalemate for a while!
Between the two sides attacking and defending, Emperor Nabo inevitably saw the sneering face of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus through the gap between its wings, and a burst of rage burst into its proud heart immediately.

Because what hangs on the face of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus is an expression that I still have some strength left, but you are no longer able to do it.

Provocative means full!

It's just a pity that Ironclad Tyrannosaurus can't learn provocative moves, so Emperor Nabo can continue to use Iron Wall.

"Don't mess! It's the one who should be angry! It can't beat you! Don't be provoked!" Asuka clearly felt the restlessness of Emperor Nabo, and the idea that Emperor Nabo conveyed to her to go head-to-head with Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus was rejected by her. The ground attribute and rock attribute are all weaker than water attributes, so there is no need to play tough with Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus!
Hearing Asuka's comfort, Emperor Nabo's heart gradually calmed down.It is not a fool, it is very clear that it has an advantage in attributes, the restlessness just now is just the outbreak of pride in its heart.

The trust in Asuka drove it to ignore the iron armored tyrannosaur's mocking smile!

Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus and Gang Ke's expressions darkened. They originally wanted to use Emperor Nabo's proud racial personality to force him to face up, but they didn't expect the plan to fail.

Don't feel so sharp!
"In that case, arm hammer!"

If Emperor Nabo is not provoked, there is no point in stalemate, it is better to take it away with a quick attack!

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus suddenly withdrew its force to push forward, Emperor Nabo's force point was emptied, and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

What greeted it was the claws of the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus with brown rays!
The arm hammer bombarded Emperor Nabo's fat abdomen. The severe pain caused his eyes to protrude, and he almost vomited his lunch!
The damage is outstanding!

"Water cannon!" Asuka's face was indifferent, as if she didn't see the damage that Emperor Nabo had suffered.

Hearing Asuka's order, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus shuddered, retracting its fists and trying to lower its head to avoid Emperor Nabo's mouthparts.

But Emperor Nabo held back for so long, how could he let the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus go so easily.Seeing that it wanted to bow its head, Emperor Nabo immediately suppressed the desire to vomit, inflated the water bladder in his body, and the three-fingered sharp claws under the wings were deeply stuck into the rock armor of the Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus, preventing it from escaping!

The terrifying water column hit the face of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus like a flood!
The quadruple weakness made the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus's physical strength quickly disappear, its body began to weaken, and the pain on its cheek was almost uncontrollable.

But it didn't even dare to scream, for fear that it would be filled with water. Now, it could only grit its teeth and endure the water cannon attack on its face!
"Drill straight! Divide the water flow with the drill bit!" Gang Ke yelled, trying to make the armored Tyrannosaurus hear his instructions.

Fortunately, even though it was full of pain, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus still did not give up the chance to win, and endured the severe pain to turn the drill on the tip of its nose, intending to separate the rushing water!

Sure enough, when the terrifying water cannon came into contact with the rotating drill bit, it was instantly dispersed and attacked all around, no longer attacking the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rex's face, giving it a chance to breathe!
Emperor Nabo frowned, not doing any useless work, he let go of his claws and kicked his feet away from the body of the armored tyrannosaurus, landing on the ground not far away.

The two elves looked at each other again with a distance of five meters away, silent.

But whether it's the drenched body of Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, panting and exhausted; or the sunken injury on Emperor Nabo's belly, and the twitching corners of his mouth from time to time, it shows that they are about to reach their limit at this moment.

Both sides deal extremely effective damage to their opponents!

The trainers on both sides are also very clear about the limits of the two elves. Although they are reluctant to admit it, the next blow must decide the winner!
Gang Ke's expression turned serious, and he felt that he had to take a gamble!
"Earth Crack!" He roared, trying to use this move to kill with one blow and end the battle.

Almost at the same moment when Gang Ke roared, the armored tyrannosaurus clenched its teeth and stepped on the ground with all its strength, and the thick ground cracked open under its enslavement!The entire battle field has become devastated and there is nowhere to stay!

A huge ravine appeared at the feet of Emperor Nabo in the blink of an eye!
It worked!
Gang Ke was ecstatic in his heart. The uncertainty of the ground fissure lies in the fact that the position of the gully is difficult to control, and it is difficult to accurately appear below the enemy!


Gang Ke sentenced Emperor Nabo to death in his heart.

But something happened that he didn't expect, just when Emperor Nabo couldn't stand still because of the momentary earthquake caused by the crack of the ground and couldn't escape the ravine below him.

Asuka gave her orders.

"Pecking drill!"

Emperor Nabo's body was pulled up out of thin air, like the drill bit of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, the entire sturdy body unscientifically turned into a spiral, and rushed straight towards the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!
squeak--! !

Helix and Ironclad rex collide!It made an extremely unpleasant noise!

The armored tyrannosaurus had a ferocious face, and it was hard to resist. The rock armor on its chest was drilled and cracked by the emperor Nabo, and the severe pain invaded its brain!
- Bang!

In Gang Ke's desperate eyes, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus lost consciousness due to pain.The huge body fell to the ground, splashing countless dust.

When the Earth Fissure was forcibly defeated, the flying attribute move, which had only half the effect, became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Ironclad Tyrannosaurus lost the ability to continue fighting.

The battle is over.

The referee began to blow the whistle, "Tyrannosaurus rex loses the ability to fight, Emperor Nabo wins, and the promotion is - Asuka player!"


Asuka and Emperor Nabo, who staggered towards him, clapped hands. Nothing brings more joy to a Trainer than victory.

Gang Ke didn't say a word, turned his head and left in despair, and didn't even shake hands with Asuka friendly. He was a little suspicious of life after losing to women twice, and needed to find a place to be quiet.

The little elves who didn't care whether Gang Ke left or not at all finished their high-fives, and they were all very happy.

After the celebration, Emperor Nabo covered his abdomen in pain again. The arm hammer of the armored Tyrannosaurus really almost killed him, and his stomach throbbed in pain.

"Come back and rest, thank you for being here!" Asuka smiled and retracted Emperor Nabo, looking up at the auditorium.


Not seeing Heiduo's figure, Asuka was stunned for a while, but she didn't care too much, she believed that Heiduo left after watching.

(End of this chapter)

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