I made myths

Chapter 75 The Clan and the Patriarch

Chapter 75 The Clan and the Patriarch

"How far is it from Ye's house?"

"We'll be there in about 10 minutes."

Ye Wu responded to Ban Tian's question, and Ban Tian slowly stepped on the brakes to stop the off-road vehicle on the side of the road.

"Since it's almost here, let's deal with the traitor. There are secret signals that are constantly being transmitted, making me feel restless."

"Send the signal? Why didn't Master say it earlier?"

Ye Wu frowned, "I have long suspected that someone tipped off the news, otherwise why would those killers just ambush on the return route?"

"Anyway, I didn't hear such annoying things when I arrived. Maybe the original device has been destroyed."

"Go to the last car and look for the person sitting on the outermost side. That's where the signal comes from."

With my own ears, I can easily hear many sounds that ordinary people cannot hear, and even some signals that cannot be felt by biological organs.

He didn't pay attention when he heard it at first, thinking it was the Ye family who was reporting the situation.

But gradually he realized that something was wrong, could he report the situation intermittently, would he post and rest?
Isn't this kind of frequency just like the main body, Wen Qian, when he cheated on exams and read cheat sheets when he was a child?

Ye Wu frowned even more when he heard what it said, and jumped out of the car without saying a word, Lu Chu also wanted to join in the fun and followed behind him.

The two ignored the people who got out of the car and asked, and walked all the way to the last car.

Ye Wu pulled that man, that is, the driver who drove for him at the beginning, out of the car and fell to the ground hard.

"If you hate me to the bone, you can bring it up, why do you do things that endanger the family?"

"Don't you know the purpose of our trip to Kunlun!"

He was so angry that he kicked the driver, breaking his arm, and the sound of bone cracking was clear and piercing.

He can accept being chased and killed by the enemy for profit reasons, or even cut off relations with his friends.

But he couldn't accept that he gave up his dignity, gave up his qualifications as a human being, and the tribe he went to save betrayed him!

What's more, the person who betrayed himself didn't know how to repent after the enemy regarded him as an abandoned son and saved his life himself!

Should good intentions be betrayed?

The driver smiled miserably, his face full of resentment, "Don't talk about those big truths! You are only doing it for yourself!"

"What are you talking about? Haven't those who opposed you been killed by you?"

"Look at your appearance! Do you have the face to call yourself human now?"

"You're a bastard! You're a trash who betrayed your people! What you say about the Fuxing family is nothing more than a lackey of the imperial court!"

"Under your leadership, the Ye family will only go to perish!"

"Ye Wu, the spiritual recovery has come! The era belonging to the Ye family has returned! Why did you break the family's way!"

"As long as we unite as one, fight for the spiritual energy recovery site, grab the best resources, and sooner or later we can regain the glory of the past!"

The driver looked crazy, laughing and weeping at the same time, scolding Ye Wu's crimes, all kinds of insulting words spewed out.

Even Lu Chu, who hadn't been mentioned before, got angry and wanted to beat him up.

But being stopped by Ye Wu, he had no choice but to give up, disperse the onlookers and demons, and return to the car together.

Leaving Ye Wu quietly waiting for the man to vent his emotions.

1 minute...10 minutes...half an hour.

Finally, the driver coughed up a little blood because of dry mouth, overuse of vocal cords, dry and cracked throat.

Ye Wu patted him on the back and asked, "Have you finished scolding?"

"Why...cough cough...maybe the cursing is over?"

The driver's voice was hoarse like an old man who was hundreds of years old. He still wanted to say something, but he had already had more than enough energy.

Ye Wu then said: "I don't deny that all my actions contain selfishness, but I can also tell you with a clear conscience! Everything I do is for the family!"

"If my death can really bring hope of family revival, then I will commit suicide without hesitation."

"Can you become strong again with your blood and the glory of your ancestors that have long since passed away?"

Ye Wu shook his head with contemptuous eyes, and continued: "You are too naive and too idealistic."

"The world is not fair, nor gentle, and will not treat those of you who cannot keep up with the times well."

"Even if our family has an ancient cultivation method, we can beat several ordinary monks by ourselves."

"But how many bullets do you think you can block?"

"The Ye family now has ten thousand people, and there are a thousand people who are qualified to be called monks. There are only a dozen people who are talented enough to be the backbone of the family."

"This number is not even enough to block a hundred missiles."

"Or killing us with missiles is just a waste of resources. Those who have long been eyeing our family's cultivation method will swarm us and eat us up with just a word of permission from Huaxia."

"You don't really think that the Ye family is the Ye family that no one dares to provoke, do you?"

"Without me, you wouldn't even have food now."

"Those who disobeyed me were indeed killed. I will not defend myself on this point, and I will not use the family's principles to explain things."

"As for you, I will save your life and put you in the family prison to witness what the Ye family will go under my leadership."

Ye Wu took out the rope and tied the driver tightly. After finding out the mobile phone he used to send messages, he threw it into the car and handed it over to other clansmen to take care of it.

He returned to Lu Chu's side in silence for a long time.

It seemed that he was not as ruthless as he had shown, and the betrayal of his clan made him very uncomfortable.

I glanced at him for a long time, continued to drive, and asked by the way: "Do you understand?"


"Being a leader is like this. People... No, conscious creatures are complex, each has its own ideas, and you have no ability to convince everyone."

"When you make a decision, maybe half of the people agree and half of the people disagree."

"Then how do you judge whether your decision is correct? Do you believe in the half that agrees, or the half that disagrees?"

"I don't know... No, since I have made a decision, I will implement it. If the result is wrong, I will take responsibility, even if it is a thousand cuts."

Ye Wu's eyes became more determined, and he smiled with relief for a long time. This little second apprentice is indeed a person who can accomplish great things.

That is his family, and it is his responsibility and right to protect the family and revive the family. If he cares too much about the opinions of a few people, it will lead the majority of people to destruction.



After 10 minutes, just as Ye Wu said, they arrived at the ancestral land of the Ye family.


Lu Chu looked at the Ye family's ancestral land in front of him with a look of surprise, and murmured to himself, "Have I time-traveled? What kind of dynasty is this ancient town!"

"It belongs to the Han Dynasty. Our Ye family rose from the Han Dynasty. This is where we rose. It has been passed down until now and has not changed."

When talking about his family, Ye Wu rarely showed a proud expression.

In his opinion, although the family's thinking is old-fashioned, it is still the place where he grew up.

Ignoring old-fashioned ideas and arrogant pursuit of the past, most of the clansmen are also amiable.

(End of this chapter)

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