I made myths

Chapter 64 Compensation

Chapter 64 Compensation
He recalled what he did after the arrival of half a day, and it was indeed not very good.

Dominated by incomplete memory emotions, he made offensive behavior like a lunatic.

If he had experienced such a thing, he wouldn't give the other party a good face, and he might just raise his sword and slash at him.

He felt the breath for a long time, and began to unconsciously suspect in his heart whether it was the cheap dog that day, otherwise how could it be so powerful?

"Forget it, since there is a mistake first, no matter whether it is wrong or not, pull it over first to avoid being pulled away by the enemy."

He comforted himself in this way in his heart, but before he could say anything, he felt a heavy blow on the left side of his head.

The powerful strength is mixed with the characteristic of thunder and lightning itself, which is aimed at extremely yin things.

The jade-like skull of the skeleton dimmed a bit, and the entire body smashed through the wall and flew towards the hall outside.

Flying tens of meters away, the broken sword in his hand fell heavily on the ground and was also thrown away, falling into Ban Tian's hands.

Touching the broken broken sword, he felt the power that was like a candle in the wind, but the temperature would still burn people.

There was an exaggerated smile on the corner of its mouth, and it laughed wildly in its heart: "It's worth it! It's worth going through such an embarrassing thing again!"

Just when it was excited, the skeleton had already stood up, but did not make any movements. Hundreds of soldiers in armor protected him behind him.

Ban Tian hastily put away the broken sword in his hand, determined to protect his compensation to the end.

"Master is mighty! Physically supersede all these demons and goblins!"

The fat man hid behind the pillars of the main hall, his face full of excitement showing off his power for half a day.

He saw with his own eyes that his master had knocked that horrible carrion hundreds of meters away, easily snatching the opponent's weapon.

really!Just follow the master, he's just a little fat guy running errands and it's over!
Those present only knew two languages ​​for half a day, and the skeleton naturally didn't understand either.

He shouted to the soldiers in front of him: "Get out of the way!"

Before he finished speaking, before the soldiers could react, he forcibly pushed them away and walked towards Bantian by himself.

Step by step, the sound of joint friction sounded in the silent hall.

After a long time, he prepared his fighting stance, and planned to find a way to erase his memory after going out, or make the fat man, to protect his secret.

[-] meters...

50 meters...

ten meters...

There was a crisp sound, the sound of kneecaps hitting the floor.

The oppressive atmosphere in the audience froze in an instant.

What did they see! ?The general who led them knelt down in front of a demon dog?
Even when he faced the pain of the soul-stripping curse, he never showed a trace of fear!
Today, he knelt in front of the Yaozu!Even if it smells horrible!You shouldn't kneel!
The astonishing reversal, the strange change, and the weird situation made it hard for half a day to know what to do, but could only watch the skeleton and listen to what he said.

"I offended you just now. Since I was wrong, you must admit it! The broken sword is yours! But please consider my proposal carefully!"

"Since guest, you can cultivate to such a state, and you don't have a trace of murderous aura in your body, you must have the common people in your heart, and you definitely don't want to let this planet face such suffering."

It took a long time to understand that he was not kneeling because of his own fault, but because the creatures on this planet would no longer be slaughtered like livestock.

"So a sad person must have something to hate. You don't really think I'm the kind of monster you said, do you?"

It glanced at the skeleton with contempt, and did nothing, walked around him and took Lu Chu away.

No soldier dared to stop it, and the skeleton didn't stop it anymore.

It wasn't until the figure of one person and one dog disappeared that the voice came to his mind for a long time: "I naturally have my own judgment, do your own thing well, and don't bother me anymore."

"I hope your judgment is correct enough."

The skeleton shook his head, sighed deeply, told the soldiers not to look for anyone again, and returned to the room deep in the hall after half a day.

On the other side, Lu Chu followed behind for a long time full of doubts, opening his mouth several times without saying a word.

Still took the initiative to talk for a long time: "If you have something to say, you have to fart, don't hesitate behind me."

"Those ghouls offend Master like that, why don't you call them..."

When the fat man said this, he put his hands in front of his neck, and after making a circle motion, he clenched his fists and made a gesture of pulling, his eyes turned white and he stuck out his tongue, the meaning was self-evident.

Apparently he had just been "abandoned" in the hall, and those soldiers didn't give him a good look.

After a long time, he slapped him on the head and reprimanded him with a serious face: "Do you think I look like a murderer?"

"The skeleton was a general during the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors. He guarded this planet and vowed not to surrender. After being killed, his body developed spirituality with the passage of time, and he became the Lord of Hades in this little underworld."

"He can also be regarded as a great benevolent person with meritorious deeds. If it weren't for what he did in the past, do you think I would endure it and jump in front of me?"

"I don't think I'm a good dog, but I don't do such a wicked thing."

Ban Tian's righteous words successfully raised his image to a higher level in Ban Tian's heart.

"It's worthy of being a master! After years of erosion, I still have the common people in my heart!"

"It's fine."

I laughed for a long time and started to pretend.

Those words were true though, and it would have crushed Skeleton if it hadn't been for the Skeleton telling what he was doing.

After all, it is not a good-tempered guy, he was slandered by others, and the last apology turned the fight into jade.

"However, capital crimes can be avoided and living crimes cannot be escaped! In order to prevent that skeleton from making the same mistake next time! The two of us, master and apprentice, need to pay more for mental damage!"

"I have to agree!" Who would have too much treasure?Lu Chu asked excitedly: "Master, have you found out that there are many treasures there?"

"Don't worry, my nose has already smelled the evil smell of copper!"

With a greedy smile for a long time, he dragged Lu Chu and ran towards the east of Xiaoyin.



"Strength! Be fast! Sprint!"

In Kunlun Mountains, the lights in the Gulong Cave are brightly lit, and the fluorescence emitted by the stone walls is dazzling, not much dimmer than the sunlight.

Groups of little demons of different races trained their speed and stamina amidst Qing Zun's reprimand.

They were panting heavily one by one, but they still didn't give up resting.

Looking at the thriving ethnic group, Qing Zun nodded in satisfaction.

In a world of great strife, the Yaozu should work so hard to protect their homeland.

"My lord! That little tree is blooming!"

The intrusive exclamation distorted Qing Zun's smiling face, showing distress.

It looked at Snow Leopard, and asked helplessly, "Is that little tree really hard to pull?"

"It really can't be pulled! The small tree that naturally grows from the top of Kunlun is a natural spiritual plant! It is a priceless treasure!"

"When the king is about to break through the earth level, swallowing it might give you a great chance!"

"Hey, don't let the statue of the holy spirit be damaged."

Qing Zun sighed helplessly, turned around and crawled towards the depths of Gulong Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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