Chapter 93

Next, Wei Yan spent a full nine months learning about everything related to railway construction and railway operation.

In the blink of an eye, the northwest wind outside was blowing again.

I feel that in the past nine months, he has been more serious about studying the railway than taking the college entrance examination. As for the outside affairs, he can care less about it, or not.

But in fact, it was nothing major. It was just that King Wu of Goguryeo was killed and the Western Turks caused some trouble in the west.

Since he wanted to study the train behind closed doors, he also refused to follow Li Er for a while.

And Li Er's range of activities throughout the year is quite wide, whether he goes to Lishan to soak in hot springs or go hunting.

Of course, this kind of behavior cannot be completely called pleasure, because sometimes, it still includes various rituals and etiquette symbols in it.

For example, winter hunting is a large-scale physical exercise for nobles, but Wei Yan is really not interested.

Definitely not just because he's bad at archery.

At the end of December, Li Er went out to play and came back, although Wei Yan's warning to Li Tai made Li Tai restrain himself to a certain extent.

But Li Chengqian's nature of liking men and not listening to his ministers' advice will not change in the slightest.

No!As soon as Li Er came back, he heard about the prince's mess in the East Palace, and it was earlier this year.

In fact, the prince has already done a very excessive thing.He even ordered one of his household slaves to almost kill an official on his way to the morning court.

This is quite serious.

It can be said that, for a period of time, not only did the prince's behavior not restrain himself, but in Li Er's view, it became a little bit worse.

"Go! Call me Wei Yan."

As for the ministers, it can be said that everyone knows that, just like the crown prince, if he is allowed to ascend the throne in the future, I am afraid that the Tang Dynasty...

So although Li Tai has restrained himself recently due to Wei Yan's yellow card warning, this restraint is only temporary.

Under this comparison, the ministers in the court felt that King Wei was the better choice.

But now those who are standing in line must be some scumbags. The big bosses are all in a stable position, and it is absolutely impossible for them to express their opinions easily, even if they know that Li Chengqian can't take on the heavy responsibility of the crown prince.

Recently, Li Tai has been thinking about how to kill Wei Yan, because Wei Yan is really an eyesore.But the problem is...

He really couldn't find anything wrong with Wei Yan, because for a person without any desire, even if you dig a hole and want him to jump, he won't jump.

But... since you can't find the fault from Wei Yan, you can only find the fault from the prince.


Recently, the crown prince seems to be very fond of a Taichang Temple Le Tong named Xinxin, and Li Taidang even asked someone to disclose this news to his father.

Wei Yan should be optimistic about the prince, so he can only start with the prince and drag Wei Yan into the water.

Over the years, many people have been dragged into the water by the prince, for example, Du Zhenglun, who was originally the Minister of Zhongshu, is the existence of the prime minister.

As a result, because of the prince, he is now relegated to the position of local governor. Fortunately, he is not far from Chang'an, only [-] to [-] miles away.

However, that place is sparsely populated and there are mountains everywhere. It can be said that birds don't shit. For someone like Du Zhenglun who once held a high position, it should be enough.

Now Li Tai wanted Wei Yan to say something nice to the prince.

Or maybe Wei Yan had said good things to the prince, but now the emperor got angry and demoted Wei Yan to the outside.

Otherwise, if Wei Yan is here, he will feel that he is tied up in everything he does.

Even now, his literature museum doesn't even dare to recruit people anymore.

"I hope my father will definitely solve this Wei Yan."

Fang Yiai listened to the emotions of his own King Wei, and couldn't help but said: "But he is the son-in-law of the three princesses after all, would His Majesty do that?"

Li Tai had a stern look on his face, "What happened to the son-in-law of the three princesses? If the son-in-law did something wrong, they don't have to be punished?"


Ganlu Temple.

Wei Yan stepped in.

The addiction to broken sleeves!

Li Er never expected that his prince would actually do such a treacherous thing.If it's someone else, that's fine, but now, it's the prince!

Li Er suspected that Wei Yan didn't tell him this.

So when Wei Yan stepped in, the first thing he asked was Wei Yan's question.

"Do you also know that the prince has a habit of breaking sleeves!"

What is this?

Wei Yan frowned tightly, so it seemed that it was not far from Li Chengqian raising his sword to rebel.

Of course, there should be a more critical figure.

Just Li Chengqian's useless appearance, given him a hundred brains, he would never think of rebelling.

and so……

There had to be someone who emboldened him and planned for him.

There is no doubt about the identity of this person, only Li Yuan's son.

Because Li Er is also Li Yuan's son, why can you, Li Er, initiate the Xuanwu Gate Change and I can't?

Thinking of this, Wei Yan asked, "What do you mean by the broken sleeve?"

"It's just men and men getting together!" Li Er was very angry.

Wei Yan said: "Oh~ I don't know."

Li Er couldn't see any look on Wei Yan's face that seemed to be lying.

"Come on, someone! Tell me to bring someone to arrest Le Tong from Taichang Temple and beat him to death!"

Just when the servant was about to go out to arrest people, Wei Yan said:
"I don't think it's right to do that."


Li Er stared at Wei Yan.

"If you do this, it is impossible to teach the prince well. According to me, since the prince has become like this, he should be abolished altogether. Let him stay and fly with that Le Tong."

"Wei Yan, what do you mean?"

Why every time I open my mouth, I abolish the prince.

Li Erhu stared closely at Wei Yan.

But Wei Yan was not afraid at all.

"Think about it, what would you think if I executed Empress Changsun to death?"

"You mean, a happy boy in Taichang Temple is as important as my queen!?"

Li Er's eyes almost revealed the whites of his eyes.

Wei Yan then said:

"When the teacher told me that the prince would rebel, I felt a little confused. Now, I seem to understand."

"Actually... the crown prince is a waste at all. His biggest dream is nothing more than to be able to eat, drink and have fun, just keep squandering."

"And the last thing he wants is to be controlled all the time."

"But you are doing well now. He has finally found his true love, but you want to kill his true love. Then aren't you forcing him to rebel?"

"Have you ever heard of living for love? When love is gone, people naturally don't want to live anymore."

Li Er listened to Wei Yan's words, and said to himself: Wei Yan is out of his mind today?
A Le Tong actually said it was true love?

Said it was born for love.

Wei Yan also knew that this was indeed difficult to understand.

But through his hindsight analysis, that's it.

If it wasn't true love, Li Chengqian would have erected a monument in the palace for Xinxin?And weep day and night.

It's definitely not just as simple as just playing.

As for Li Er, he thought about this matter too simply.

Wei Yan said: "If you think what I said is too alarmist, that's up to you. I have nothing to say. By the way, since everyone is here, I will apply for the railway repair."

With that said, Wei Yan took out a topographic map.

For the time being, he would like to build the railway from Chang'an to Tongguan first.

The total length is about 140 kilometers.

Since there is no need to cross any large rivers, the difficulty of construction is relatively small.

If it is to cross the Wei River or the Yellow River, then the difficulty is relatively high, which is why Wei Yan has to study a railway for nine months.

Another thing is that the land here is relatively flat and open, and there are not many passes.

Passes are also a very important factor to consider, because you have to know that ancient roads usually had passes, and you have to pass through these places when building railways. How can you preserve the military value of passes and play the role of railway transportation.

This is naturally a test for Wei Yan.

Li Er picked up Wei Yan's topographic map, and there was actually a red line on it.

The point is, he still doesn't know what Wei Yan means by railway.

Although Wei Yan explained it very vividly last time, the problem is that Wei Yan said that you didn't understand, and then sent him away.

Are you angry?
"What is the function of your railway?" Li Er asked.

"After I've fixed it, you'll know what it's useful for. Since it's a road, of course it's used to transport things."

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(End of this chapter)

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