Datang: At the beginning, Princess Wencheng was robbed

Chapter 9 Don't Stay Here For Long

Chapter 9 Don't Stay Here For Long
"Don't think so much."

"The most important thing now is the bridal chamber."

Afterwards, Wei Yan helped her take off her shoes.

Although it is not black silk, white silk.

However, the ancient style of the ancestor's attire does not have a sense of beauty.

Or rather...

It looks better than black silk or white silk.

Afterwards, Wei Yan put the other party on the bed.

And head jewelry or something.

They also picked them off for each other one by one.

This is obviously a frivolous move.

But in Li Xueyan's eyes, it became an act of righteousness.

He broke her marriage.

So he compensated her a husband.

That sounds reasonable.

But he could have gone to Chang'an with his brothers.

Let me ask who doesn't think of Chang'an.

But it was because of her that he couldn't go to Chang'an now.

Wei Yan felt that she was stupid.

I don't know how to resist.


fair enough.

Just when Wei Yan was about to prepare for the next move.

She finally spoke.

"Why don't you go to Chang'an together?"

"If you continue like this, you will die badly."

"As long as you get to Chang'an, you don't have to worry about your heirs."

In Li Xueyan's opinion, Wei Yan should have abandoned her.Even if it was really abandoned in the deep mountains, it would be better than the current treatment.

After hearing her words, Wei Yan also replied.

"You mean, let me go to Chang'an alone?"

"That's impossible."

"And...Although when I robbed you, I did move very quickly."

"But within two days, my portrait should be pasted all over the gates."

"After all, there are so many people watching along the way."

"Since I dare to rob you, it proves that I am not afraid of death from the beginning."

"And... I'm not a nice person."

"Don't think so well of me."

Afterwards, Wei Yan smiled slightly, "The thing I fear the most now is death."


Wei Yan asked suddenly as if he remembered something again.

"What's your name?"

All this time.

He actually had the nerve to ask her name.


It's okay to tell him.

"Li Xueyan."

"Wei Yan."

Wei Yan also said.

Then his hand reached into the clothes on her chest from the side, and a blush appeared on her face.

Li Xueyan looked at him with a blushing face, tears seemed to be falling out: "..."

Wei Yan also had a helpless expression on his face, as if it said: "I told you earlier, I'm not a good person."

Now you should believe it!

Early the next morning.

Don't stay here for long.

Wei Yan didn't take any of the valuable items like the silver jug, gold hairpin jewelry, and bronze mirror.

Instead, I only brought some clothes, and then, I put the "combined bun" made of the hair left on the bed for the two people into a small bag with the mouth closed, and let the other party take it.

Then I saw that there was nothing left to bring.

Wei Yan was ready to go.

After the cloud and rain last night.

Now Li Xueyan seems to be used to it.

The two rode a horse, followed by three horses.

Originally there were camels.

But Xiao Jiu and the others took them away.

Li Xueyan was puzzled, did they leave like this?
But before she could ask a question.

On the horse's back, Wei Yan gave her a sandwich and said, "Eat this if you're hungry."

Still don't know where he got it from.


This food is no worse than the previous one.

While eating a sandwich, Wei Yan brought her water again.

Then she forgot what she wanted to ask before.

Because she cares more now.

"Where are we going next?"

she asked.

Wei Yan thought for a while, and said, "Why don't you... go find your sister?"

Li Xueyan: "What sister?"

Wei Yan: "Princess Honghua, your cousin."

If Li Xueyan was the second princess of the Tang Dynasty to marry, then this Princess Honghua was the first.

Li Xueyan definitely knew about this.

Even though her relationship with this cousin may not be very close.

But definitely know it.

Then Li Xueyan remained silent.

Wei Yan: "Don't worry, I'm not going to snatch Princess Honghua."

Princess Renhonghua had five sons with King Tuyuhun, which can be seen as true love, and he will object in the next round.

It's just that the current situation of Tuyuhun is not very good.

Two or three years ago, the land was plowed by the Tang Dynasty, and the country was directly destroyed. Then, it was driven to the north of Qinghai by Tubo.

Now that he has snatched Li Xueyan away, he can't just walk away like this.

Both Li Er and Songtsen Gampo must know who robbed it and why.


It's very important to leave a message for me.

But now he really hasn't thought about what message to leave.

Do you want to stay, if you marry the princess again, I will dare to snatch it next time?

If Tubo found out, you Da Tang dared to play me, would you vent your anger on Tuyuhun?

He kidnapped Li Xueyan, and the next development was not just as simple as Datang and Tubo.

of course!

In fact, by doing so, he felt a little self-indulgent.

after all……

Tuyuhun is now a vassal state of the Tang Dynasty, if he went to Tuyuhun, he might be arrested by Tuyuhun king and sent to Li Er.

"Say, where should we go?"

Now they are either going to Chang'an, or going back, or going deep into the desert to find Turks and Xue Yantuo.

But no matter what.

He had to leave a message first.

When he asked Li Xueyan like this, he could only say that Li Xueyan didn't know.

She grew up so big, she never left Chang'an.

and also……

There is one thing that makes Wei Yan very concerned.

That is Li Xueyan's dowry.

In order to coax Li Xueyan into marrying, Li Er promised her that she could take away 'Chang'an', that is to say, she could take away all the things she likes in Chang'an, and these things include various craftsmen, books, technology, food seeds .

If Tubo learns that this marriage is unlikely to happen, will they fall out?

Just snatch all the craftsmen back.

and so……

Think about it.

This problem still needs to be resolved, otherwise, no matter where he goes, he will not be at ease.

Wei Yan thought about where to go next.

But Li Xueyan was thinking, as if no matter where they went, it would be a dead end.

The main reason is that he has only himself, how can he compete with Datang and Tubo?
Isn't that going to die?
So if you can't beat it, run away.

"How about... Let's find a place next and hide our name from now on?" Li Xueyan said.

It's a selfish thought.


Wei Yan thought it made sense, and was very happy, because it proved that last night was still effective.

If it is an ordinary person.

That's what you have to do.

Otherwise it is a dead end.

But Wei Yan is obviously not an ordinary person.

"Then let's leave a message and hide our names? Drive!"

Seeing that she finished eating her sandwich, she can speed up.

(End of this chapter)

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