Chapter 39 Meeting Li Er
Li Er went to Gaoyang and stayed there for a while.

Although today is the day when Gao Yang gets married, as the king of a country, it is impossible for him to give up handling the country's government affairs just because of the marriage of a daughter.

So it didn't take long, when he returned to his study, he could see Li Daozong and the young man who put down both Tuyuhun and Tubo in the report.Of course, he hasn't forgotten that Wei Yan also robbed his princess.

Although Princess Wencheng was not his own, since she has been canonized, she can be considered his daughter.And if he dared to snatch his daughter, it would be against him, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Naturally, the next Li Er would not give Wei Yan any good looks.

A heroic face, a pair of piercing eyes, and a pair of mustaches.

Otherwise, Li Er is Li Er, with this appearance, ordinary people would not dare to make mistakes.

But who is Wei Yan, Wei Yan is obviously not an ordinary person.

Wei Yan even looked at this person with relish, who was evaluated by countless celebrities and netizens with mixed reviews.

As far as appearance is concerned, the other party should have one-tenth of his level.

But in terms of temperament, I really can't compare with such an emperor.

Because I am just an upstart, I can't talk about any precipitation.

Wei Yan had no choice but to make such an evaluation.

And Li Er felt surprised in his heart, why is this young man not afraid of him at all?

You must know that even Li Daozong would not dare to look at him with such a relaxed gaze.

"Chen, Li Daozong, pay homage to Your Majesty."

After finishing speaking, he crossed his hands and seeing that Wei Yan was motionless, Li Daozong also quickly pulled Wei Yan's sleeve.

After Wei Yan reacted, he also saluted and said: "Wei Yan, a third-party force, part-time Tibetan envoy to the Tang Dynasty, met the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."


The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

What is a third party force?

Li Daozong found that this was completely different from what he had imagined.

As for Li Er, he had to react a little bit, what is a third-party force?
He had never heard of someone introducing himself like this.

"What do you mean?"

he asked sullenly.

"In this world, apart from Tang Dynasty and Tubo, there is another me. Originally, if it wasn't for Princess Wencheng, I would have established a country in Qinghai. I have already thought about the name of the country, and it will be called Wei Guo."


Li Er looked at Wei Yan like an idiot.

I wonder if this person is crazy?
Of course Wei Yan is not crazy. He originally wanted to embody a lot of people, maybe there are robots among them, and then establish a country in Qinghai. When the time comes, he will punch Tubo and kick Tuyuhun. If Datang dares to come, he will beat Datang Ya without.

But in the end he didn't do that.

That was the result of careful consideration, because his goal was not to dominate the world.The joys and sorrows of people are always disconnected. Some people want to dominate the world, while others just want to eat and die.And he just thought, if he is poor, he should take care of himself alone, if he is wealthy, he should at least help the world for a while, that's right, it's just for a while, nothing more will help.

He was never a good person, and he never said he wanted to be a good person.

Whether or not to help others, and to what extent, all depend on what he likes in his heart.

Tubo could be wiped out by raising his hand, but he didn't, because it didn't do him any good.

People in Datang will not be grateful to him either.

It’s like the owner of the steamed bun shop delivering steamed buns to beggars every day. In the end, the beggars not only disliked the tasteless steamed buns, but also regarded the steamed bun shop as their own home. They opened the steamer and took it by themselves.

He is golden-fingered and invincible, but he is not Datang's nanny. He does not have to do anything for Datang.

Of course, some things in principle cannot be completely absent.

That was his idea of ​​benefiting the world with great virtue. In his heart, if the people of Tang Dynasty could live a slightly better life, he would be willing to try to do it as long as he made such efforts.

As for the steam engine, the Industrial Revolution...

For the time being, the steps cannot be taken too far.

Observe and observe first.

In fact, he once had an unrealistic idea, that is, to let Huaxia explode its troops, using Qin Shihuang's method, assimilate 50 troops before and after the dispatch of troops, and assimilate any other place suitable for farming in the same way.

Here comes the question, what about the places that are not suitable for farming?
Let you herd the sheep, will you go?If you think about it with your brain, you will know that you definitely don't want to.

Then Wei Yan can only give his hope to Murong Nuohebo.

Anyway, they are cousins. Although they are of a different race, they are also the most suitable candidates.

At that time, when the world is unified, it won't be a big deal if one's own family fights one's own family.

There is a saying that is actually good.

All history is contemporary history, and all insights are contemporary views on the values ​​of historical figures in the present.

You said that Qin Shihuang's 50 troops marched south, isn't that an invasion?

But from the unified perspective of future generations, he is the emperor of the ages.His aggression was right.

The biggest problem for Wei Yan is whether he belongs to the contemporary people or the future generations.

Or nobody?
Sometimes, even himself, had to hover on both sides.

Even, it seems to be looking at the world ruthlessly from the perspective of God.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

Lao Tzu's state, sometimes, he can also achieve.

Because after becoming immortal, he can enter that state very passively.

However, judging from the stable, unified and prosperous scenes of later generations, he felt that Qin Shihuang should have done the right thing.This is probably the so-called 'sin is in the present, but the merit is in the future'.

That's why he talked to Songtsen Gampo about unification and the benefits of unification for the common people.Rather than saying that it was for Songtsan Gampo, it is better to say that it was for Wei Yan himself.

However, he estimated that Songtsen Gampo must not have listened.

First of all, Songtsan Gampo will only protect his own interests, what are the people of Tubo doing to him.

Secondly, didn't you tell him to lay down his arms and surrender?You said how could Songtsan Gampo surrender without fighting.

That's spineless.

Back to the topic.

Now Li Er is looking at Wei Yan like a fool.

just you?

Also Jianguo?
At this moment, Li Er felt as if he saw a mountain village boy who came out of a mountain bump whose name he didn't know, and was talking ridiculous things without shame.

Li Er couldn't help laughing.

From a slight smile on the lips at the beginning, the smile at the back turned out to be a little bold.

"That means that you came this time, not to wait for my fate, but to talk to me as a monarch?"

Wei Yan did not expect Li Er's comprehension to be so fast.


"Then you still think you're innocent?"

"How could I be guilty? I'm not from the Tang Dynasty. Your laws from the Tang Dynasty can't control me."


Li Daozong was shocked, boy, you are looking for death, it doesn't matter if you die, but what about my niece?My brother is just such a precious daughter.

This was the first time that Li Er saw someone dare to speak to him like this.

He said: "Since you say so, then I will also regard you as the king of a country."

Then he said sharply: "But you are not afraid, I will destroy your country?"

Wei Yan: "What are you afraid of, I haven't built it yet."

Li Er: "..."

You are playing tricks on me here.

Wei Yan continued: "At first, I wanted to build it. Later, seeing that Princess Wencheng didn't want to live with me in Qinghai alone, I had no choice but to give up and settle down in Datang. Besides, Princess Wencheng must miss her relatives, and I am also the most emotional person, and I can't turn a blind eye to her needs."

"As a man, it's okay for me to be wronged, but my woman can't be wronged."

Wei Yan's words were calm, a little firm, and unquestionable.

Li Er: "..."

Li Er felt that Wei Yan must be under 20 years old.

Because only minors can say such childish things.


He felt that Wei Yan's words were correct.

My own woman cannot bear the slightest injustice.

He used to do the same to Guanyin's servant girl.

It's a pity that Guanyin's servant girl has left him now.

In an instant, Li Er had a somewhat sympathetic affection for this silly boy.

"The flag was raised and lowered on the king's city, and I learned about it in the deep palace."

"14 people were disarmed, and none of them were men."

"Is it your poem?"

Wei Yan replied: "I said it."

But it wasn't him.

Li Er asked, "What do you mean?"

Wei Yan: "It means literally."

Li Er: "Of course I know the literal meaning. I'm asking you, what does it mean for Li Daozong to tell me this poem?"

Wei Yan: "Naturally, to mock you."

Li Er: "..."

Li Er said: "Then what you wrote is not quite in line with the truth. First of all, I didn't raise the flag, I sent Hou Junji to win the battle, and we got married. Moreover, your number of 14 is not right."

Wei Yan: "Just rhyme."

Good guy!
But thinking about it is right, if the other party can know the number and even the arrangement of Datang's army, then he can only wonder if Wei Yan is a spy from another country.

In fact, there are two major doubts about this poem.

First, the concubine is in the deep palace.

Second, 14 people.

Princess Wencheng has never lived in the deep palace, and the army of the Tang Dynasty has never exceeded 14. If the Longyou area is counted alone, it is far less than 14.At most only [-] to [-].

In short, it doesn't match up no matter what.

But if you insist on being stubborn, the concubine can force it out in the deep palace.Because the princess can generally be regarded as a person who lives in the deep palace.

Then at this time, when he heard Wei Yan's "just rhyme", Li Er had no doubts.

Li Er: "I can only say that your poems are fragmented."

Wei Yan: "..."

Your poems are not very good. They don't even rhyme.

Li Er: "Since you have pacified Tuyuhun and made the oath of alliance with Tubo, then I will regard it as merit and demerit."

In fact, Li Er really wanted to ask him how he did it.

But if you ask me this way, I will lose my momentum.

Anyway, Wei Yan is in Chang'an now, and he will have more opportunities to ask questions in the future.

Wei Yan said: "Does that mean we don't owe each other anything now?"

Li Er put his hands behind his back, turned his head, and said dissatisfiedly: "Why, you are not satisfied?"

Wei Yan said quickly: "No, what I mean is, since you've finished talking, it's up to me. I haven't said what I want yet."

 In the new week, beg for further reading, beg for recommendation tickets, thank you all


(End of this chapter)

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