Chapter 330 The Finale
During Wei Yan's first 100 years as Immortal Emperor, officials and common people lived in peace.

This is because Datang and Wei have just merged, which has created many new opportunities.

This at least gives people hope.

But after 100 years, this situation began to change slightly.

Even though Wei Yan targeted to eliminate many corrupt officials and profiteers every year.

But the problem is...

Human selfishness and greed still make people prefer money.


The people have also begun to dislike Wei Yan's rule over them.

After all, if you think about it, you know that you have earned money with great difficulty.

In the end, they will all be swallowed up by Wei Yan, or it is more appropriate to be eaten by the common people.

Then who wants to make so much money.

But people's desire for money will not weaken.

Some people began to think about how to defeat Wei Yan.


Under Wei Yan's high-intensity attack and the deterrence of force.

The second century.

People like them cannot affect Wei Yan's rule over them.

By the third century.

Relatively speaking, the wealth of the society has increased to a certain extent, but it seems that the wealth of the society is still very average.


Don't let this average fool you.

It comes at the price of suppressing human greed.


But anyone with some ambitions will definitely not listen to Wei Yan completely.

After killing a few typical.

The relationship between Wei Yan and the officials took a turn for the worse.

At the same time, there are also some so-called anti-human arguments, not bad!
That is, some poor people have no value at all, why not give them up?

Only elites deserve to continue living in this world.

And Wei Yan's average is obviously not accepted by these elite officials.

But, after all, he couldn't beat it.


They can only lie dormant.

Or, when you start doing things, you start to do things in a positive and negative way.

This also led to the rotation of many officials in the third century and the fourth century.

In the first 100 years, it may still be the home of the landlord of the aristocratic family.

In the next hundred years, he might just be a farmer.


They also began to criticize Wei Yan.

after all……

Why is it that only you, Your Majesty, can live forever, why can't they?

To know……

Since ancient times, the most provocative people are actually these scholars and intellectuals.


A large number of people began to unite around them.

But with a wave of Wei Yan's hand, all these people were killed.

This is the strength of the Immortal Emperor.

Fifth century.

People seem to have begun to gradually forget about the fourth century.


Being an official in China is really a high-risk occupation.

Everyone knew that if His Majesty wanted them to die, they had to die.

It's not easy to be an official.

But because the income of being an official is not bad, and it doesn't have to be as hard as farming, everyone is eager to become an official.


With the departure of those aristocratic families and the rise of ordinary officials, the personal morals of these officials, and even all aspects, naturally cannot be compared with those of the aristocratic families.

In a simple sentence, they are more shameless and bottomless than the family.


Things like corruption are not necessarily less than before.

They probably thought that Wei Yan didn't know.

But Wei Yan actually knew everything.

But they still felt that Wei Yan didn't know.

After repeated times.

can only say……

In the past, Wei Yan would fill the court with the wives and daughters of corrupt officials.

just now……

We can only kill them together.

Unless they are particularly beautiful and famous.

So hundreds of years later.

It also made the women understand what human nature is.

As Mr. Lu Xun said, once the Chinese become officials, they like to make things difficult for others.

to be frank.

How can such a person be saved?
Might as well let it fend for itself?
It was Sizi who persuaded him.

after all……

After all, this villain is only one part, and His Majesty is actually good in the hearts of the other part of the people.

1000 years later.

It is a process of constantly changing officials.

No one knows whether the next person to be replaced is himself.

Or the people around you.

On the businessman's side, they are even more worried every day, because they are afraid that if they make too much money, they will be confiscated by His Majesty.

The people are getting richer and more average. If you think about it, this is the so-called Great Harmony.

The so-called Datong should have a strong and powerful hand in order to control it.

Whenever there is a slight deviation in society, this hand must be stretched out to adjust the deviation a little.


Later, Wei Yan's mentality also became very stable.

I just discovered that there are a lot more people who want to rebel recently.


after all……

Smart people, who is willing to be enslaved by Wei Yan.

At this time, Wei Yan's philosophy of governing the country was almost known to everyone.

The elites were dissatisfied with Wei Yan's lack of equality.

As for the poor, they also started eating too much and being lazy.

Because they know that their support is His Majesty.

Of course, Wei Yan will not get used to these delicious and lazy things.

Only those who work hard deserve his protection.

This also led to Wei Yan almost offending the officials, even the common people.

If Wei Yan hadn't used his golden finger, he would have administrative efficiency that would be beyond even those of later generations.

It is estimated that when Huaxia arrives here, it will almost collapse.

In the process of this.

Wei Yan also kept coming up with new ideas.


It is bound to create a person who loses greed.

of course!

Can this still be considered a human being?
It is estimated that it can no longer be counted.

Just think of her as a robot with flesh and blood.

These robots began to replace the positions of officials who belonged to normal people on a small scale.

until the end...

achieve a complete replacement.

Wei Yan still did something like this that would cause psychological problems.


At one time, he wanted to wipe out human beings, thus creating a new species.

The biggest characteristic of this species is that it not only pays attention to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, but also has no greed. The key is loyalty and obedience.

In No. 18 of 100 years.

Wei Yan roughly achieved this goal.

For this reason, he also started what he told Li Xueyan, and started to be a fool.

after that……

Naturally, it is the wine pool and meat forest every day, drunk and dreamed.

The fighting outside was as chaotic as the Seven Kingdoms, but they turned a blind eye.

So well squandered 100 years.

at last……

It seems that I am tired of being a fool.

After that, it was back on track.


This time, since there is no greed anymore, as long as they don't squander, everyone will live well.

Even after the lack of bad, this good suddenly becomes tasteless.

What to say?


Everything in this world still has yin and yang, life and death, good and bad, darkness and light, which is interesting.


After 800 years.

Wei Yan finally wants to restore the world to its original appearance.


This original world can no longer accommodate them.

It can only be integrated with this land.

want to come.

Pangu created the world, that's how it came about.

After an unknown amount of time, legend has it that there was a god in ancient times. After his death, his breath turned into the wind and clouds of the four seasons; his voice turned into rumbling thunder; his eyes changed into He became the sun and the moon; his limbs became the east, west, south, and north poles of the earth; his skin became the vast earth; his blood became the endless river; His sweat turned into rain and dew that nourished all things...

Stories like this have been passed down.

He himself may actually be yin and yang.

(End of the book)

(End of this chapter)

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