Chapter 306

In order to compensate Wu Cairen for his hard work in recent years.

as a last resort...

Wei Yan had no choice but to let Lu Renjie supervise the country, and then let Wu Cairen take a month off.

During this month, Wei Yan also called her whenever there was anything.

For example, he played with many girls before.

And she just wasn't there.

Although, the process of integration may be a bit difficult.


It is also human-made.

As a result, on the first night, Wu Cairen was so tormented by him that he couldn't get up in the daytime the next day.


It can only be said that loving this kind of thing is not just talking about it, but it has already been shown in his actions.

after that……

It's throwing sandbags, playing hide-and-seek, and what the stupid king will inevitably have on TV, catching people with their faces covered.

Whoever is caught will be in bed tonight.


to be frank.

Wei Yan thought at first that they would all be willing to be caught by him, but the problem is.

This reality seems to be far from the ideal.

Of course, in addition to this, Wei Yan also played other ingenious games.

For example, a lot of food is set in the palace, and then let them eat whatever they want. In the end, the person whose weight gain is closest to the goal wins.

These mini-games are both individual and group.

There are both physical and mental competitions.

For the victorious side, Wei Yan will directly double their monthly tribute, and for the losing side, they will naturally lose it.

Although even the girls are not the kind of masters who are short of money, the problem is that the monthly bonus is doubled, which is still very attractive.

Because money can buy more things they want to buy.


The competitive spirit of the girls was picked up at once.

of course.

Wei Yan is not encouraging them to compete, in fact, the most important thing is to enjoy the whole process of playing the game.

For example, give them a clipboard and play Guess what you draw.

There will be many things that will make you laugh and cry.

Exactly eight people.

Can be divided into two groups.

Li Xueyan is in a group with Xinxing, Changshan and Xincheng.

Wu Cairen is in the same group as Sizi, Gaoyang and Chengyang.

can only say……

Li Xueyan's strength is relatively average.

IQ is in the category of normal people.

As for Wu Cairen.

Those two in the back are just to hold her back.

Of course.

At first, Wei Yan was also a little scruples.

after all……

What if Li Xueyan loses?
Then her face as a queen should be put there.


Before starting to play, Wei Yan also warned repeatedly, mainly for fun, and secondly, Wei Yan also prepared some cheating methods for Li Xueyan.

If the situation is clearly unfavorable to Li Xueyan, then Wei Yan might help Li Xueyan cheat.

Fortunately, between the last two groups of people, there are winners and losers.

"Quickly answer the question! How old is the cardamom age?"

"Thirteen, thirteen!"

Xincheng quickly replied.

"The mountains in Shandong and Shanxi refer to."

"Taihang Mountain."

Wu Cairen scored a point calmly.

"The feather that is lighter than the feather refers to the hair of which animal."


Of course, these problems must not be a big problem for native ancients like them, it just depends on everyone's reaction.


Wei Yan wanted to reveal something they didn't know.

For example, those that keep up with current events are related to China and the people of the world.

This question is.

In Dahe Prefecture, the former capital city, how many acres of land each household can keep on average.

There are options.

They are A, B, C, D respectively.

If you answer correctly, you get one point, if you answer wrong, you get one point.Moreover, the other team has the right to continue to answer after the first team made a wrong answer.

Although Wu Cairen has a computer to help, he may have an advantage.

The issue is……

She didn't bring a computer with her when she went out today.

That can only rely on Meng.

Also, the Chinese people, on average, how many babies each woman will have in her lifetime.

to be frank.

On this issue, they still seem to have a lot of say.



Because what they think must be very different from reality.


It's not what they used to be anymore.

After a month, even in normal times, it is difficult for Wu Cairen to get along with them, but least when they are working on a common goal, they have a good chat.

Also, every day at night.

Wei Yan would deliberately let them sit at the same table.

And eat around a rotatable round table.

At the beginning, I was a little unaccustomed. After all, the customs here, because they have not been impacted by foreign cultures, may be more like the previous Tang Dynasty than in Datang.

But after eating slowly, I got used to it.

Moreover, eating together makes it easier to chat.

After being tired all day during the day, reviewing the interesting events during the day when eating at night, this invisibly brings the relationship between them closer.


In fact, this can be regarded as a special training.

You know, in this game, they learned a lot.

Then after playing for a month.

In the last few days, Wei Yan asked them to write a report, each of which should not be less than [-] words.

When you're done, hand it over to him.

The girls didn't expect it to be like this!

But fortunately, this feeling Wei Yan said that they can write whatever they want, so they can write whatever they want.

There is no need for any logic or central idea, anyway, just write whatever comes to mind.


Someone wrote about the big round table.

Eating at this big round table is quite interesting.

Of course it's not the big round tables you go to food stalls, or the low-end and mid-range ones, but high-end hotels, the kind of big round tables that look very luxurious at first glance.

Chopsticks are divided into public and private chopsticks, and each person will specially prepare a white towel folded into tofu cubes to wipe their hands.

Cheng Yang wrote that it was very interesting to eat together at the big round table.


She especially likes to eat the cicada cicada lobster.

It can't be done, as soon as she writes here, she will start drooling again.

Wei Yan seriously suspects that Chengyang has a tendency to count numbers.

And if it's the turn to be serious, the articles written by Li Xueyan and Xinxing are the most serious.

These topic selections all involve harmony in the harem and the ecology of the harem.

Neither Si Zi nor Wu Cairen wrote so seriously.

After Wei Yan collected them, he looked at them one by one, and after reading them, he didn't punish them publicly, but put them in a private space that only he could deposit or withdraw.


On the last day, Wei Yan went to find Wu Cairen.Wu Cairen also told him that this month seems to have passed too fast, as if it passed in the blink of an eye.Although I don't get tired of being with Wei Yan every day, I feel more fulfilled than before.

In fact, you don't even think about it. In the past, they slept until whatever time they wanted.

And this month, almost every morning from [-] o'clock, that is, from the hour of Chen, they will act in unison. Seriously, don't they feel fulfilled.

But they didn't know how many hairs he would lose every night, because he had to think about what to play tomorrow.

Wu Cairen then mentioned that in this month, because of His Majesty's deliberate actions, she has indeed improved a little relationship with the other women.

Not many, but certainly there are.

Facing Wu Cairen's emotion, Wei Yan could only say: "As long as you feel fulfilled."

After all, it was originally prepared for her.

(End of this chapter)

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