Datang: At the beginning, Princess Wencheng was robbed

302 Chapter 1 The Ethos Is Rising [-] New

Chapter 302

Xincheng stared at Sizi's upper, but couldn't see anything.

After all, the problem wasn't with the shoes at all.

Fortunately, Wei Yan appeared next, so...

Everyone's eyes fell on Wei Yan again.

If you have any questions, you should ask him, the instigator.

"What are you talking about here? I see it from a distance, and I feel it's lively."

Li Xueyan said quickly: "Here, Xincheng said that you seem to be very fond of Sizi recently."

Wei Yan quibbled: "Who do I not love?"


Then he walked over to Li Xueyan and touched Li Xueyan's shoulder.

Seeing that Li Xueyan didn't understand what he meant, he hugged Li Xueyan directly, and then snatched her seat.

The girls saw that Wei Yan hugged Li Xueyan like this, and then sat on her seat, followed by an intimate gesture, looking directly at the red face.

of course!

Li Xueyan was also embarrassed.

after all……

It’s fine when there’s no one around, so what’s the deal?

Directly express that I dote on each of you so much?
Li Xueyan still wanted to struggle, but after Wei Yan glared at her, she stopped struggling.

He just said: "I feel uncomfortable sitting like this."

"Then find a comfortable position and posture by yourself."

"There are so many people watching."

"Look at it, it's not like they haven't been hugged by me before."

The girls immediately coughed and coughed, and looked up at the sky.

Not to mention, they were really hugged by him before, it's just...

In front of others, of course, such a situation rarely occurs.

"Since they are all here, why not have some fun this afternoon?"

"playing what?"


Wei Yan thought for a while, "How about throwing sandbags?"

When Wei Yan finished speaking, Sizi's butt tightened.


After Wei Yan moved into Xing Xing's palace.

The officials here couldn't help but start to get a little nervous.

This is not!

Do you want to receive it yourself?

and also……

How long will His Majesty stay here, in case His Majesty suddenly has a whim and says he wants to visit the place.

Do you want to do face-saving projects for the place you manage?

in fact……

Most of the officials probably prefer to see His Majesty playing with the concubines in the palace instead of coming out.

Because once you come out, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen that will affect your future.

"Order! During this period of time, you must be careful and careful, and say important things three times!"

"Your Majesty is currently on Qingfeng Mountain, which is less than twenty miles away from the county seat. If one day he comes down from the mountain and sees something that is not done well in the county seat, I will ask you!"

After the guard finished listening.

Immediately afterwards, they went to tell all the evil forces that were covered by them, as well as the wealthy businessmen from aristocratic families who usually bullied the market, to tell them to restrain themselves in the recent period.

"If His Majesty sees it, I can't protect you."

However, it is naturally impossible to dissuade this kind of thing, no, less than half a month later, a family of people went directly to Wei Yan to complain.

It is said that the daughter of his family was ruined by a dude from a wealthy family.

He also had nowhere to report to officials, and the yamen refused to accept them at all. He also said that he was a mess and wanted to blackmail them, so he had no choice but to find this place.

When Wei Yan heard it, he definitely couldn't pretend that he didn't see it.


He ordered the relevant personnel to conduct a thorough investigation.

after all……

It doesn't seem appropriate for him to check it himself.

But you have to find someone who has nothing to do with these people.


Wei Yan got a good trial talent from Wu Cairen.

During the trial, although Wei Yan said he didn't attend the trial.


He can use his ability to make a live broadcast and watch it in the palace.

in fact……

He mainly supervises this person well, and it is enough that he does not come to cover up again. In this way, through this appointed official, after a trial, with all the witnesses and material evidence, the dude will be sentenced according to the law The sentence was only three years in prison.

to be frank.

Wei Yan was certainly not satisfied with this verdict.

But that's what it says in the law, so Wei Yan can't help it.

The so-called three-year prison sentence is a sentence of forced labor for three years.


This matter did not stop there, Wei Yan still had to be held accountable, who refused to accept the old man's case, there must be a clear statement on these.

It’s time to remove officials and remove them. If there is still evidence of officials protecting each other and collusion between officials and businessmen, then...

Needless to say, just copy the house.

In fact, Wei Yan must be the most clear about whether they have official protection and collusion between officials and businessmen.


Everything must be based on evidence, he cannot say that he is a fairy, he knows everything, so he directly convicts the other party.

can only say……

Don't rush.


In order to break this kind of mutual protection between officials and officials, and the collusion between officials and businessmen, in fact, the best way is to let them bite dogs, or wait for them to show their feet.

Wei Yan doesn't deal with them now, it's just that the time has not come yet.

Wei Yan will continue to have people track him down, and if evidence of the crime is found, he will be turned upside down.

Speaking of...

Wei Yan also felt strange.

That is why every person who takes bribes must keep an account and keep an account book.

After asking the small officials who are good at solving cases, I realized that the most important thing to be a corrupt official is to sort out relationships and relationships.Whoever you give a gift to, you can't miss it; whoever you receive a gift from, you can't miss it.What's more, this gift doesn't mean that you don't leave once you go there, every year, festivals, and various gatherings are all opportunities to give gifts.There are so many back and forth, normal people's brains must not be able to remember, so they have to be recorded in the account.

Another situation is that if you have the ledger in your hand, when something happens to you, you can take the ledger and seek asylum. Otherwise, everyone will split up and see who dies first.

Dare to be like this.

After understanding why the accounts should be kept, Wei Yan asked the little official to check carefully.

It is conceivable that when the county magistrate was found out to have colluded with the government and businessmen, how fearful the magistrates in other places who might be selected as the places to build patrol palaces were.


It seems that there are many more people who come to report the crime every day.

"This world is really difficult to the bone."

Apart from such an exclamation, Wei Yan had no choice but to let people continue to investigate.

after all……

He must not disappoint the people of the world.

of course!

Wei Yan will definitely also distinguish those who come to fish in troubled waters, make false accusations, and cause sabotage. After filtering out these, what is left is what to do.

In other words.

You can sue!

But you can't tell nonsense, Wei Yan will first judge whether this person is sent by the enemy to make trouble, and then let Yousi continue to investigate.

Invisibly, this actually reduces the harm caused by wrongful convictions.

half year later.

When Lu Renjie came to the place to report to Wei Yan the situation in the court, and then observed the people's sentiments, he found that the atmosphere here was completely new.

(End of this chapter)

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