Chapter 280 600 years

After giving Wei Zhizhi his abilities, it was time for Wei Yan to hibernate.

He's going to sleep for 600 years first, and, beforehand, he won't tell anyone.

this day.

Wei Yan also called Wu Cairen over first, and asked her if she was tired of playing?
"Tired of playing? What do you mean?"

"Just to be the emperor."

"It's a bit greasy."

"Then do you still want to be?"

"If you say you don't want to, you still think about it a little bit. Why are you asking this?"

"What else can you do. Or... I'll change it to a bigger one for you."

Wu Cairen knew what he wanted to do.

"How big is it?"

Helplessly said.

"At least ten times bigger than Wu Zhou."

"Can I say no?"


"Then you still ask."

As she spoke, she acted like a little girl to Wei Yan, and said coquettishly.

A generation of female emperors, acting coquettishly, also has a lot of fun, Wei Yan continued: "No matter what, I have to ask, this is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation-teachers are famous."

"You are clearly forcing."

After Wu Cairen is dealt with, the rest will be easy to handle.

Just let them come to Tianren Palace.


Wait until this night.

A transparent wall surrounded the entire Tianren Palace.


Time flies.

600 years, like a flick of a finger, fleeting.

In 600 years, no one knew what happened in the Palace of Heaven and Man, and the population of Great Wei at this time had already swelled to [-] million.

in fact……

If it weren't for natural disasters and man-made disasters, the population is estimated to have risen further.

Wei Zhizhi also left long ago. Today's Great Wei is the No. 20 fourth-generation descendant of Wei Zhizhi. Wei Youran is in power, and Great Wei has also become a place of exile.

The prince who was exiled here can only grow old day by day and wait to die.

"Your Majesty, I have researched something called gunpowder, maybe it can blow up this Celestial Palace."

Wei Youran, who is over 50 years old this year, urgently needs to wake up his ancestors. It is said that his ancestors are the first generation of immortals who understand the science of immortality.

He didn't want to die, so he could only do this.

Wei Youran knew from his name that he was not a good person, since he was a child, he was a typical playboy.

You know, the generation of princes taught by Wei Yan himself is okay, at least they haven't done anything out of line, but the future generations are not so good.

In recent years, Wei Youran has been building large-scale construction projects in the Great Wei, overdrawing the people's power without any scruples, searching for the people's fat and anointment, and even looking for beautiful women everywhere, causing the people of the Great Wei to complain.

In 600 years, if the undeveloped areas of Dahe Prefecture and Cicada Prefecture were not large enough, the Wei Dynasty would have been overthrown countless times.


Nowadays, although the Great Wei has a population of nearly [-] million, there are also some people who actually occupy the mountains as kings and belong to the princes who are rebelling and separatist.

Now these princes have planned to unite and kill Wei Youran.

Of course, Wei Youran didn't care at all.

Let's not talk about whether these people have that kind of strength, even if they do, he is confident that the slanderous ministers under his command can solve them all.

after all……

Until the moment when the country is subjugated, no one knows that the country will be subjugated.

I will not believe that I will perish.

Now, there are slanderous ministers who advise, maybe gunpowder can be used.

He finally got this gunpowder from Datang.

It has to be said that it is a miracle that Wei and Tang maintained peace for 600 years.


The two countries have also married.

Just like this Chu State and Qin State.

The state of Chu is the Great Wei, and the State of Qin is the Great Tang.

For a period of time.

Like the Queen Mother and the Empress, they were all from the Wei Dynasty.

Moreover, these empress dowagers and empresses also controlled the court of the Tang Dynasty when the mother was strong and the son was weak.

of course!

Just like Chu State and Qin State, although Qin State has always been controlled by women from Chu State, it is not considered to be a major harm to Qin State.

after all……

A large part of the reason is that these women want to satisfy their own personal desires.

They will not help Chu State unconditionally just because they are originally from Chu State.

And Qin State...

To be precise, it is Datang's side. In recent years, there have been several generations of Mingjun successively, and they have the posture of Qin State back then.

In 600 years, the Tang Dynasty not only had steam trains and steam ships.All kinds of things that can be replaced by steam are basically powered by steam.

Although you still look like the costumes and buildings of the Tang Dynasty, in these antique environments, machinery is also unconsciously integrated into it, and a unique beauty of ancient machinery is formed.

When the two are put together, it is not as simple as one plus one equals two, but one plus one is greater than two.

of course!

In order to facilitate work, some lighter clothing has also been derived.

Most of these costumes are mainly narrow sleeves.

But for nobles, this toga with big sleeves is still the mainstream.

And the wider the robe and sleeves, the more you can show your status is high.

on the contrary……

They are all wage earners.

As for the system, although it has entered the age of steam, the social system has not changed much.

In the final analysis, no matter when and where, China will only and can only be a unified country.

There must be an emperor above.

Maybe it's just luck.

When the age of steam came, I happened to meet an emperor who was not a faint emperor, and this emperor put all these things under the management of the court by means of thunder.

Without this emperor, maybe Datang would have developed capitalism, and then maybe a system similar to a constitutional monarchy would have emerged.


A constitutional monarchy can only be done if the imperial power is not adequately protected and capital dominates.

However, the imperial power of the Tang Dynasty has always been very strong, and because the Tang Dynasty has always been in the midst of internal and external troubles, in the past 600 years, there have been very few faint kings.

As long as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty came to power, he naturally had a mission, that is, to promote technology.

Otherwise, if they don't do this, they will be shrouded in the control of Da Wei forever.

On the other hand, Dawei didn't care so much about climbing technology, and even a lot of new things had to be obtained from Datang.

In addition, every generation of Datang has worked hard to govern.


In fact, it can no longer be said that Great Wei is better than Great Tang.

If it hadn't been for the great Wei being suspended on an isolated island, the Great Tang might have sent a large army to conquer it long ago.


It's true that Da Wei is rich.

Because in the world trade, Dawei has always been in a leading position, and it can be said that he has made enough price difference.

"Then you can try it."


Immediately after...

The slanderous officials under his own hands went to find someone to arrange.

a few days later.

The booming sound resounded outside the Tianren Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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