Datang: At the beginning, Princess Wencheng was robbed

Chapter 273 Marrying a Wife and Fighting in One Go

Chapter 273 Marrying a Wife and Fighting in One Go

In fact, Wei Shanbai also had the mentality of giving it a try.


What if you find someone you like.

And in order to choose a good wife for Wei Shanbai, next, Song Renzong simply didn't do it, and kept going.

He called out all the children of his cousins.

Then, a tea party was organized to write poems and compare whose calligraphy was better.

Before the tea party, Song Renzong naturally asked Wei Shanbai if he would.

Reasonably speaking, Wei Shanbai may not be very good at writing poetry, but this character should not be said to be bad.


Wei Shanbai also went up to show off his Fei Bai.

Unexpectedly, Song Renzong also liked Fei Bai.


Wei Shanbai also has his own unique understanding of Fei Bai, and can even tell the secrets of Fei Bai who was written by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty.

In an instant, Wei Shanbai became the most beautiful boy in the crowd.

even if……

In fact, many people don't know whether he is right or not.

"How did you lose your hand?"

Even Song Renzong couldn't help being a little surprised.

Wei Shanbai said casually: "Cough! My little mother is very good at flying white, so when I was young, I practiced a little with other brothers and sisters."

Song Renzong originally thought that the Great Wei was just a small, unpopular country, but he didn't expect that it could have such a rich background.

By the way, I helped Wei Shanbai sell it, saying that he is the prince of a certain country.

The way everyone looked at Wei Shanbai also gradually began to change.

of course!

There are also dismantling.

That is, Wei Shanbai doesn't give money when he visits brothels.

They didn't say it directly, but asked Wei Shanbai if there was such a thing.

Wei Shanbai can only say...

Yes, but he just went in to see.


All the women immediately said this to themselves.

In the end, Song Renzong came out to smooth things over, saying that he just entered by accident.After all, I come from a small country, and I have never seen many things.

After all, it is an official family.

Can an official still deceive people with his words?

Fortunately, Song Renzong didn't tell about finding a wife for Wei Shanbai, otherwise, these people probably wouldn't be so active.

While chatting and tasting tea, Wei Shanbai was also looking at the women in the garden.

to be frank.

I am used to the open atmosphere of Datang, but I am not used to these more reserved ones.


It always feels like they are dressed like shrouds, especially the older ones.

At last……

Wei Shanbai also set his sights on a cute girl with a round face and fair skin.

What does this girl say.

Although the other party didn't express himself very much today, Wei Shanbai saw a kind of agility from the other party's body. If it is said to be beautiful, it must be beautiful.

It just feels a bit like Xiaojiabiyu.

I wonder if the concubine will like it?

After the party.

Song Renzong asked Wei Shanbai which one he liked.

Wei Shanbai thought for a while, and then told her clothes and appearance during the day.

When Song Renzong thought about it, he remembered who it was.

That is Taizong's eighth son, the granddaughter of the Eighth King Zhao Yuanyan.

Zhao Yuanyan just passed away a few years ago.

Before his death, he was also a person of high moral character and, moreover, very talented.

At home, there are also many ancient books, calligraphy and paintings.

And his granddaughter, of course, will not be sent there, after all, the family tradition is there.

Song Renzong saw it, this seems to be okay!

Then call the other party's father.

The other party's father was Zhao Yunliang. He had been a general of Qianniuwei and was also named a great general. But basically, he didn't seem to have any special achievements, because the titles he was given were all honorary titles, but it's okay to have no achievements!
If there is any achievement, then Song Renzong is not easy to handle.

Song Renzong quickly said this in front of Zhao Yunliang.

What Zhao Yunliang can say, the officials have told him so, and it is out of good intentions, of course it is not easy to refuse.

It's just that I may have wronged my daughter a little bit.

A small country of 200 million people.

And he was also a concubine prince.

In addition...

Wei Shanbai also visited brothels without paying.

To be honest, he wanted to refuse.

However, it was not easy for him to undermine the official's elegance when he acted as a matchmaker himself.

Speaking of...

After getting rid of these shortcomings, Zhao Yunliang felt that Wei Shanbai was quite kind.

Although Zhao Yunliang is a person who has a confused mind about day and night, he should be good at judging people. He feels that this person either doesn't sing or his voice is astonishing.

Just because he dared to kill Li Yuanhao single-handedly, Zhao Yunliang had to respect him as a man.

Much better than other waste materials from Da Song.

Like that Han Qi, including Fan Zhongyan.

When Zhao Yunliang's daughter heard about this, she was also stunned on the spot, and then remembered Wei Shanbai's appearance during the day.

And his confident explanation of Fei Bai.

"Little lady, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing."

"Why do you feel like you are craving for love, little lady?"

"You are thinking of spring."

in fact……

She was a little worried and scared.

As the saying goes, one cannot know the heart but the face. Who knew Wei Shanbai was a good person or a bad person?
But at least...

The level of appearance, the level of talent learning, Wei Shanbai can be regarded as a pass.

Then it's time to look at personality.


Song Renzong never gave her a chance to see her character.

Since Zhao Yunliang agreed, let's just settle it, it's just that Wei Shanbai's parents are not easy to get in touch with.

Wei Shanbai also said that he currently cannot contact his parents.

As for going to Cicada State?
how to get to?
He is now going to Chanming State, where there is a wild prairie.

Wei Shanbai had to prepare a dowry for himself.

Song Renzong also saw Wei Shanbai's embarrassment, so he decided to accept the good man to the end, and he gave Wei Shanbai this bride price!

Song Renzong is not the kind of person who likes big hands and feet, and the quilts he sleeps on are not new.

However, he has a lot of hands and feet with others.

Wei Shanbai was very anxious, he tried countless ways that he might be able to contact his father.

But none of it seemed to work.

He had no choice but to think about whether to post a missing person notice in Kaifeng Mansion.

Because his father might not come to see him, but he might come here to play.

After all, it's so lively here.

But just think about it.

Because it will be even more embarrassing when your missing person notice comes out.

Song Renzong didn't know what kind of situation Wei Shanbai was in.

But it's not easy for the woman to keep procrastinating.

They set a deadline, and now they start preparing for the wedding, which takes about half a year. If Wei Shanbai's parents don't see each other for half a year, then Wei Shanbai will get married directly.

half year later……

Wei Shanbai gritted his teeth.

no solution anymore.

It can only be married directly with the Zhao family.

to be frank.

Wei Shanbai likes her face, but he doesn't know much about her personality.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as it looks good and cute.

As for what you want to say about Da Song Chaotang's views on this marriage, what else can you say.

Officials, if you have time, you can manage politics more, don't get involved in this kind of thing.

Another half year passed.

Zhao soon became pregnant.

"Father, when are you coming?"

Wei Shanbai shouted to the sky.

But it didn't work, still no response.

half year later.

It felt like Wei Shanbai had had enough lying down.

It's time to wipe out Xixia.


Song Renzong asked Wei Shanbai to put on armor and take command, and began to prepare for war against Xixia.

At this time, Xixia has also been in constant civil strife for the past year.

This just confirmed the courtiers' views on Xixia at the beginning.

Although Fan Zhongyan despises these people very much, it is better to send troops now than never to send troops.

So, the Song Army marched out together.

The total number exceeded 30.

I plan to solve Xixia in one go.

in fact……

There is no need for so many people.


After thinking about it for a while, Wei Shanbai also felt that it would be better if there were more people. After all, even if it was killing a pig, he would have to kill it for a long time by himself.

As the marching director of Huanqing Road, Wei Shanbai himself led 9 people.

Back then, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty didn't seem to be so forthright with Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

Naturally, Wei Shanbai did not disappoint Song Renzong.

To him, fighting is a very simple matter.

Before the battle, open the door, go to the main account of the opponent, kill all the opponent's chief general and deputy general, then come back, beat the drum, "Kill!"

The other party has no organization at all.

The Song Dynasty army was originally very timid, but after killing it twice, I suddenly realized why the enemy was so weak and began to become brave.

of course!

Wei Shanbai always took the lead in every battle, which also gave them a lot of motivation.

It's just that the eunuchs around here are quite annoying, Wei Shanbai can tell at a glance that the other party is not a good person, no wonder there are no eunuchs in his father's palace.

Before the eunuch beat him, he said, "General, you are still young and you can listen to me." However, when he saw Wei Shanbai beat Wei Shanbai more and more fiercely, he became jealous again.

Because the other party originally planned to come out to take credit, who would have thought that Wei Shanbai would not listen to any of his suggestions, so if the final battle is really over, what else will he do?

So... Then Wei Shanbai began to be held back, and the delivery of grain and grass was two days behind schedule.

Wei Shanbai could see that the other party didn't want to cooperate, but he didn't spoil him.

Killed him with one blow.

But this eunuch is the representative of the official family, and the generals actually tried to persuade Wei Shanbai, but Wei Shanbai recognized it, and this person must be killed.

Then someone made a small report, turning right and wrong into black and white, and reported to Song Renzong.

can only say……

Song Renzong was also very angry.

Isn't this slapping me in the face of an official?

Fortunately, he knew that Wei Shanbai definitely didn't do it on purpose, and there must be something hidden in it, so he asked someone to investigate immediately.

And it was an eunuch, an upright official to investigate.

Afterwards, the reason was also found out, it was because the other party did not respect the military order, and most of the people in the army spoke for Wei Shanbai, so Wei Shanbai was returned innocent.

But let's be honest.

This is also quite taboo, after all, in the Song Dynasty, you can't lead your troops too well, otherwise you will definitely suffer.

It's just that it's still a time of employing people, so there's no other way.


Wei Shanbai's road is full of victories.

It took less than three months to reach the capital of Xixia, and successfully captured the royal family of Xixia.

When his father-in-law Zhao Yunliang saw the news, he couldn't help but say, "This son is really terrifying."

Don't look at Wei Shanbai playing so easily, the other four roads, some of them got lost on the road.

Probably they felt that it was impossible to win, and there was no need to lose their lives because of it.

The news spread to the court, and the whole country was greatly shaken.

Moreover, even the common people on the street soon knew that the Song Dynasty had won the battle against Xixia. Of course, the postmen who came back from the fast horses had a lot of credit. When they passed by, they would say things like great victory.

And during these three months, the people of Song Dynasty have heard various great victories again and again.

Slowly, the people of Song Dynasty also knew Wei Shanbai's name.

Song Renzong was so excited that he almost smashed the armrest of the seat.

"When Shanbai comes back, I must reward him well!"

In order to clear all kinds of obstacles, Wei Shanbai also persuaded all the remaining tribes and strongholds to surrender.

After two months like this, he came back with a group of Xixia royal family and courtiers.

On the day of his return, all the kings and ministers of the Great Song Dynasty came to greet him outside the gate of Kaifeng Mansion.

And Wei Shanbai also had to have a headache, how to explain the detailed combat situation of this battle.

Editing now.

(End of this chapter)

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