Chapter 271
To be honest, Song Renzong has a good impression of young people.

Probably the courtiers in the court are too old, and they always feel that they are suppressing me, otherwise I will do this, and I will not let myself do that.

Wei Shanbai was different, he dared to raise conditions with himself, and he also had the guts.

May I ask Li Yuanhao's trouble, who has Wei Shanbai's courage?

It can be said that there is not a single civil and military person in the entire dynasty!

Song Renzong felt inexplicably that this young man was close to him.

After waiting for a few days.

Song Renzong also found a candidate.

His idea is very simple, more kisses.

If he had an adult princess himself, then he would definitely let her marry her.

The issue is……

He didn't have it.

However, there is no adult princess, but he knows that Empress Cao has an adopted daughter named Gao Taotao.

This Gao family was raised by Empress Cao in the palace since she was a child, almost equivalent to the empress's own daughter.

Song Renzong felt that the queen's adopted daughter was her adopted daughter, and the key point was that the Gao family fully met the conditions Wei Shanbai said.

The problem now is how to convince Empress Cao to agree.

Song Renzong didn't understand Empress Cao's thoughts. Empress Cao might not be able to raise a child because of her health.

In the future, it will be difficult to say that anyone can provide for her in the old age.

What if when the time comes, something unexpected happens to me, even if I am sick in bed, I may not be able to find someone to take care of me.

As for what you said about Song Renzong's own official family.

There are countless concubines in the harem, and they don't know when the other party falls out of favor.

The marriage of the two is really not a good marriage.

Song Renzong himself was 'arranged' to marry the other party.

As for the other party, his character is also a bit tough.

Song Renzong obviously prefers little women.

and so……

Gao Taotao said that she was brought in as an adopted daughter, but in fact, it was probably a sign of distrust towards him as an official.

of course!

After all, Song Renzong was not a heartless person.

The relationship between him and Empress Cao is not that good, but after all, they are still husband and wife.

Sometimes he just doesn't want to face this woman.

He still recognized the other party's ability to handle the internal affairs of the harem, but he simply didn't like her.

Because of such a relationship, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

The relationship between him and Empress Cao is really not simple, and it can be clarified in a casual sentence or two.

"Why is the official's family so free today? Come here, prepare the food and drink, have the official's eaten?"

Song Renzong gave Empress Cao a complicated look.

Afterwards, he finally returned to normal and said, "I've already eaten, but it's okay, let's serve it up."

Seeing that he was uncharacteristically, Empress Cao understood that she probably had something to say.

Next, the man put on a hypocritical appearance and touched her hand.

I usually don't touch her.

And she also knew that this man didn't love her at all.

Speaking of...

My own fate is miserable, why did I marry into this palace?

How much she wanted to be a free bird outside.

It's a pity that she was born in Cao's family.

"What's the matter with the officials?"


This man can't hide things on his face, even now that he has become an official.

"The official came here so late, he must have something to say."

Song Renzong said, "Recently, I met a nice young man."

He said slowly: "I think this young man is very close to me, and he happened to ask me to find him a virtuous wife. I feel that by my side, in terms of virtuousness, there is nothing better than the queen."

Queen Cao thought to herself that she was wearing a high hat.

"So... I felt that if we want to find a virtuous wife for him, we must find someone close to the queen."

"Look, this Tao Tao has also reached the age of marriage, or else, I will be the master and give Tao Tao a marriage."

Listening to Song Renzong's words, Empress Cao seemed to be able to guess who that person was.

All ghosts know.

These days, who is close to Song Renzong and can even enter and leave the palace, except Wei Shanbai.

Moreover, Empress Cao had also heard of Wei Shanbai.

Wei Shanbai worked under Fan Zhongyan's subordinates at the beginning. Fan Zhongyan and Empress Cao admired him very much. As the saying goes, "things of a kind gather and people are divided into groups", so Wei Shanbai should not be far behind.

However, what shocked the Song court most recently was that this young man killed Li Yuanhao, the confidant of the Song Dynasty.

Such a person is simply a crane among chickens.

The Cao family is also a family of generals, so they actually have a better impression of this kind of people.

Only the origin of this person is a bit unclear.

Empress Cao asked, "Then where is his background?"

Song Renzong also said: "He said that he was born in the south, with parents at home. His father married several concubines, and there were more than 20 brothers and sisters in the family."

I'm afraid Empress Cao thinks it's not good.

Song Renzong said again: "However, fortunately, it can be regarded as a big family. Think about it, if a family can raise more than [-] sons and daughters, can that family be an ordinary family?"

When Empress Cao heard this, she also asked: "Which family is he? In the southern part of the Great Song Dynasty, there is a family named Wei?"

I'm afraid it's not a merchant's house, right?

Then this is a bit bad.

Although Taotao is just his adopted daughter, she is still the daughter of the Empress of the Song Dynasty.

Not everyone can marry such a status.

In fact, Song Renzong didn't ask in detail.

"How about, wait until tomorrow, I will call him, and you will ask him face to face?"

After all, Empress Cao is a generation of virtuous queens, so of course she would not give Wei Shanbai a chance, and said: "Then you let him come tomorrow, and I will also let Taotao see if he likes it or not."

The next day.

The two specially prepared singing, dancing and food in the harem, and invited Wei Shanbai here.

Song Renzong also asked Wei Shanbai to dress better, after all, this is equivalent to meeting the mother-in-law.

Gao Taotao was also hiding in the dark at this time, looking out quietly.

can only say……

Wei Shanbai is still a good-looking talent.

This first meeting quickly won Empress Cao's favor.


Facing such a big scene, Wei Shanbai didn't seem to panic or worry at all.

It can only be said that it is rare to see such a calm young man.

The voice is also nice to speak.

Empress Cao praised Wei Shanbai with a smile and said: "At first, the concubine thought that the hero of our Great Song Dynasty was a young man who was not to mention fierce in appearance, but at least he was definitely not easy to mess with. Such a good-looking talent, even looks a bit gentle, it is a bit unexpected."

In the dark, the palace maid also said to Gao Tao: "Look quickly! He looks pretty good, no worse than those children from aristocratic families."

Wei Shanbai also said respectfully: "The empress has won the award, but Shanbai is not really a talent, but he was born better."

Empress Cao said, "Oh? What should I say?"

Wei Shanbai said: "I was born in a good family. My father is very good at fighting, and my mother is also very honorable. I am only able to be where I am today because of their honor."

Empress Cao: "It's filial, so...then who is your father?"

This can't fool Empress Cao.

Wei Shanbai said casually: "If you tell me, the queen may not know her. My father's name is Wei Yan."

Empress Cao murmured: "Wei Yan... I haven't heard of it. Why is there someone named Wei Yan in the southern part of the Great Song Dynasty?"

Wei Shanbai couldn't help coughing, and said: "Actually...the empress can think a little more boldly, and think that besides the Song Dynasty, we live in a place called Chanming State, and the people there are all from the Tang Dynasty. emigrate there."

After much deliberation, Wei Shanbai felt that it might be more reasonable to say so.

Wei Shanbai said again: "My father, to be precise, is the emperor father, who founded a country called Great Wei, with a population of about 200 million people. They are all Tang people. So... how should I put it, maybe at the beginning , my dress will be more like Tang Dynasty."

Empress Cao said, "At first?"

Wei Shanbai: "Well, at first, from the first day we set foot in Song Dynasty."

Empress Cao: "What's going on here?"

Wei Shanbai: "Actually, I only came to Song Dynasty a few years ago. At the beginning, I lived in Fubi's house for a period of time. Later, under the arrangement of my father, I went to Qingzhou and found Fan Zhizhou. .”

Empress Cao felt a little overwhelmed.

Empress Cao: " are the prince of a foreign country?"

Wei Shanbai only felt a little embarrassed, but he still replied: "You can say that."

Song Renzong was also surprised, and it was written on his face, why didn't you tell me this before.

Wei Shanbai said, then I haven't edited it yet.

Just compiled it last night.

Empress Cao: "Are your ancestors from the Tang Dynasty?"

Wei Shanbai: "Yes."

This can only be said to be too amazing.

Empress Cao: "Then where is the cicada singing state you mentioned?"

Wei Shanbai asked for pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

Immediately afterwards, he roughly drew it for Empress Cao, and also accurately stated the distance from Chang'an, why it was from Chang'an, because Chang'an was the most famous place in the Tang Dynasty at that time, so it was natural to use Chang'an as a reference system.

Wei Shanbai said, "The Chanming State is more than 7000 miles away from Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, and the Chanming State is surrounded by the sea. It is difficult for ordinary people to go to that place."

Empress Cao: "Then how did you get here?"

Wei Shanbai said casually: "If you want to be slower, you can take a boat, if you want to be faster... Sorry, I can't say this at the moment. However, Da Wei has a way, otherwise, I wouldn't be standing in front of you now."

Empress Cao: "Then after you marry your wife, are you going back to Great Wei?"

Wei Shanbai said: "Probably. It mainly depends on how the father arranges it."

Two-point deduction.

When Gao Taotao heard that he was the prince of a small country, he suddenly lost a lot of interest.

after all……

200 people?
There are 200 million in Kaifeng Prefecture.

Song Renzong also felt, you boy, you didn't tell me these things, you deserve it because you can't find a wife.

He hurriedly came out to smooth things over and said: "Since you are married, it is normal to live with him at home. But he is still a prince. You go back and ask your father if you can stay in Song Dynasty."

Anyway, in a small country with a population of 200 million, and there are more than 20 brothers and sisters, it is not up to you to divide it up.

Stay in Song Dynasty to eat delicious food and drink spicy food.

Wei Shanbai also said: "Actually... I guess my father wants me to stay in Song Dynasty, but... sometimes I have to go back and visit my father and mother."


That's a good answer.

But can you omit the mother concubine at the back.

When Empress Cao heard about this concubine, she also knew that Wei Shanbai was definitely not a descendant, but it was normal. If he was a descendant, how could he be assigned here.

Empress Cao had mixed impressions of Wei Shanbai at this time.

The appearance is what she likes, but it's a pity that this is her background.

Song Renzong felt that Wei Shanbai's advantages must be highlighted, so he said to Empress Cao: "Although Shanbai is not a legitimate son, but with Shanbai's talent, he will definitely be able to make some achievements in the future."

You can't be too short-sighted, you have to take a long-term view.

If your personal ability is not enough, even if your father left you a mountain of gold and a mountain of silver, it is useless and you cannot keep it.

Empress Cao said: "Do you think you can make some achievements in the future?"

This question is too straightforward.

Wei Shanbai said to himself: "This is inevitable! In the future, I will conquer Xixia and Yanyun sixteen states, so that the Song Dynasty will no longer have to be invaded by foreign tribes."

Empress Cao was also infected by Wei Shanbai's eloquent words.

Empress Cao: "Okay, young man, very ambitious! I am also born in the general family, perhaps this is fate."

after that……

Empress Cao said that she was tired, and asked Wei Shanbai to watch the dance by himself, and then go back after watching.


Song Renzong also withdrew.

It made Wei Shanbai very embarrassed.

Okay, it's not like I haven't seen it.

He estimated that someone must be watching him from the sidelines.

took a look……


It was discovered that there was something sneaky.

It's a pity that this sneaky one also escaped quickly.

When Wei Shanbai looked at it, they all ran away, so should he still see it?

Forget it, no need.

Soon, he also got up, asked someone to tell Song Renzong, and then withdrew.

When Song Renzong heard that he was leaving, he also kept him.

Why didn't you tell him this before questioning him.

Wei Shanbai also said: "The problem is that you didn't ask."

Song Renzong looked at him helplessly, and said, "It's hard to say! If it doesn't work, I'll find another one for you."

Gao Taotao went back to find Empress Cao.

Empress Cao also asked Gao Taotao if he liked it.

to be frank.

How can this kind of thing be so fast.

At least……

No matter what, let her know about the other party's articles.

Empress Cao said to herself, what kind of articles can a general understand, aren't you embarrassing him?

in fact……

It was very difficult for Queen Cao to refuse the official family.

Because it seems okay for you to refuse now, but later, when he thinks about it, he will definitely feel that you are not cooperating, and he will blame you.

To be honest, it's really difficult for her to be the master of the harem.

However, she does have a certain fondness for the family of military generals, after all, her ancestors were from military generals.

Then think about it.

Empress Cao said, "Why don't you...give you a chance to get along? Let you take a closer look at what kind of person the other party is?"

In fact, Gao Taotao didn't want to marry.

And she is afraid.

Getting married or something, it's horrible.

"Aunt, don't you really want to marry me off so soon?"

Empress Cao said: "You are already 15 years old this year, and you are not young anymore. I thought about it, instead of keeping you here, I would rather marry you off. This palace is actually very dull."

"Auntie, I don't want to marry so early. I still want to continue to serve my aunt."

Empress Cao said, "You can still serve your aunt after you get married."

It's over!My aunt is determined to marry her off.

When she thought that the other party was the prince of a small country, she somewhat looked down on him.

and so……

Afterwards, she could only be depressed, even seeing Zhao Zongshi, she felt out of mood.

Zhao Zongshi also heard about it.

The only way now is for him to come forward and tell Wei Shanbai that Gao Taotao doesn't like him.

However, what Zhao Zongshi said was quickly stopped by Gao Taotao on the grounds that it would make his aunt unhappy.

In fact... Song Renzong originally said that he wanted to marry Gao Taotao to Zhao Zongshi, so why did this happen.

But as an adopted son picked up from outside, he doesn't have much right to speak.


Some things, missed, is missed.

But this is also because Zhao Zongshi really doesn't have too deep feelings for the other party.

Otherwise, if he really likes it, he will definitely think of [-] ways instead of just watching.

Probably, Gao Taotao didn't count on him either.

Otherwise, Zhao Zongshi should be used as an excuse now.

(End of this chapter)

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