Chapter 235 Inner Volume

Wei Xiantong was arranged by Wei Yan to go to court with Wei Zhizhi to learn how to govern the country.

Faced with this situation, the ministers of the Great Wei were obviously a little uncomfortable.

Your Majesty, isn't your move enfeoffing and destroying unity?

Seeing that everyone is hesitating, it seems that they want to say something, but they can't say it.

Wei Yan asked them to speak boldly.


Some courtiers brought up the disadvantages of doing so.

After it was brought up.

All the courtiers also quietly watched Wei Yan's expression.


How can Wei Yan be that kind of fatuous emperor?

"It's because I didn't think carefully. This is also a great harm to the prince, but... I still want to try."

"And... the world is so big, it's impossible for the crown prince to manage it all by himself."

"At that time, in the not-too-distant future, there might be a civil strife in my Wei family. However, even if it is unified, it means that the world is peaceful and everything is safe?"

"The unification of Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, North and South, and Sui does not mean that the country will survive for thousands of years. The key is to know how to manage a country well."

"I know that you can regard Xiantong as your imaginary enemy, but I hope that there will be a healthy competition between you."


Wei Zhi arrived in Alexandria.

Wei Xiantong is also Alexander.

Wei Zhizhi never thought that he actually had a competitor.

And Wei Xiantong also felt that his father was actually setting him on fire to roast him.

After the meeting is over.

Wei Yan left Wei Zhizhi alone again.

Moreover, tell Wei Zhizhi his real purpose.

in fact……

He just wanted Wei Xiantong to have the pleasure of being an emperor.

That's right!

His thoughts are just so simple.

Wei Zhizhi understood.

My father was so willful sometimes when he did things.


But then Wei Xiantong will be miserable.

After all, being an emperor must pay a price.

In the morning, apart from going to court with Wei Zhizhi, he learned how to handle political affairs.

In the afternoon, I also went to the island of Great Britain to watch the warmth and warmth of people and watch the Anglos fight.

as well as……

He also needs to be a supervisor for the establishment of the future imperial city.

no doubt.

That's it at first glance.

This is definitely not a good place, it can even be called a barren place.

Although there are towns on this island, in terms of prosperity, compared with the Cicada State, it is more than a star and a half behind.

It is estimated that someone saw such a poor appearance.

Can't help but want to escape.


This is exactly what Wei Yan wanted Wei Xiantong to see.

How do you think your good life came about? It's not because of your father's hard work for you.If you want to gain more satisfaction when you take over this country in the future.Then, from now on, you have to invest in the construction of this country.

Rather than sit back and enjoy it.

The first batch.

Wei Yan snatched two thousand households from Datang.


These two thousand households were Wei Xiantong's first family property.

half year later.

These two thousand households increased sharply to [-] households.

The Anglos slowly realized something was wrong, because this newcomer seemed to be developing too fast.

They have an amazing machine.

Call it an excavator.

Whether it is used to open up wasteland or farm land, it is a first-class good thing.


Their houses are built many times more luxuriously than their local houses.

At last……

They also seemed to be good at farming.

Faced with this sudden stranger, and they still have a lot of food, the Anglos couldn't bear it.

This also caused a conflict between the two sides.

Anglos can't do anything when they're starving.

Wei Xiantong also saw what kind of existence his father was on the battlefield.

I also understand what this world is actually like.

Do you think the world is full of peace and tranquility?
Do not!
It's just that someone is in front of you to protect you from the wind and rain.

Facing the captured Anglos, Wei Yan asked Wei Xiantong what to do.

Wei Xiantong had already learned how to make them slaves.

how to say.

It's not impossible.


From Wei Yan's point of view, it is not uncommon for slaves to kill slave owners.

If it was Wei Yan, just to be on the safe side, he would definitely kill all these prisoners directly.


Since Wei Xiantong said so.

For the sake of his son, Wei Yan should give it a try.

Let these Anglos all go to open up wasteland for him, cut down trees, and move wood.

But when it was done, he would still kill them all.

When two months later.

Wei Xiantong found that all his Anglos seemed to have disappeared.

It also seems to know something.

According to the local guards, all of them were used as fertilizer by His Majesty.

For the first time, Wei Xiantong felt that an ordinary father was just an ordinary father, and that he might never have seen his real father.

in fact……

Wei Yan is really deceptive on the surface.

after all……

How could such a good-looking person be a murderous maniac like Bai Qi.

"Father, my son is a little puzzled."

Wei Xiantong asked.


Wei Yan said.

"Why kill those slaves, isn't it good to keep them?"

Wei Xiantong said.

"It's not impossible to keep it. But your father and I are a steady person, and I don't want to see the slightest possibility that the people will be hurt. So... If you want to completely eliminate the threat, you can only Kill them all."

Wei Yan replied.

Although Wei Xiantong can't fully understand it, he still seems to be able to understand the feeling of wanting to protect something.

In addition, it was the Anglos who made the move first. If it wasn't for his father's power, it's probably his people who will do the opposite now.

During this period of time, Xinxing was also very concerned about Wei Xiantong's performance outside.

I often ask Wei Xiantong what he does outside.

Fortunately, Wei Xiantong didn't tell the part about the beating and killing.

It is only said that the city is almost built.

It's just a little small now.

Compared with the Cicada State, it is not worth mentioning.

Wei Xiantong's younger sister was still making noises on the sidelines, saying that he would take her there to see what his brother's palace looked like.Will she also have a palace in the future?
Xinxing said with a smile, you are a princess, but you are not.

The little guy was not happy, saying that she was going to ask the father, and the father would definitely build one for her.

Xinxing didn't take it seriously either.

After all, it's just childish nonsense.


in a few days.

Wei Zhizhi also heard about it, and so did the princess.Wei Zhizhi found that his father was becoming more and more inappropriate.I work so hard to be the prince here, what is the reason for it?

At this moment, he had to ask himself this.

I also told Mrs. Xu.

After listening to his complaint, Mrs. Xu only told a story about a lack of human heart.

of course.

Your Majesty's doing this is indeed easy to chill the prince's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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