Chapter 222

When Yi Siqi first succeeded to the throne, he also thought that he must restore the glory of Persia hundreds of years ago.

Hundreds of years ago, Persia was a super empire spanning three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe.

However, by his generation, the prosperity of the past has long been lost, and only one-third of the original territory remains.

Until today, another third is left, that is to say, only one-ninth of the Persian Empire is left.

"Five thousand soldiers, I can give it to you, but... next, can you tell me, what plan do you have?"

Wei Yan and Yi Sicheng walked side by side, and Yi Sicheng couldn't help asking.

At this time, there were [-] soldiers in Mulu City, but these were untrained militiamen with extremely poor quality.

The weapons and equipment were also of extremely poor quality. Some soldiers didn't even have an inch of iron on them. The only weapons were a wooden shield and a spear.

Not to mention bows and arrows, and their bows and arrows are all light bows and arrows, which have a long range but a long range, and the shooting speed is fast and fast, but it is difficult to break through armor.

Shooting at an enemy can be like scratching an itch.

The big cannibals have more soldiers and slaves. Back then, the big cannibals were just mercenaries for their war against the Fushi Kingdom.

However, who would have thought that one day, these lowly slaves would actually bite the two masters back.

Next, the two watched the current Persian army together.

"The big cannibals fight bravely, and their weapons are sharper than ours."

"They are often not afraid of death. Every time they fight, their infantry will form a dense formation. The heavy infantry will use shields and spears in front to keep approaching. Their archers will shoot from behind."

"If it was Persia in its heyday, I wouldn't be afraid to compete with it, but now, as you can see."

As soon as Yi Siqi opened his hand, now they only have these three melons and two dates left in Persia.

"Don't panic. As long as there are people, you can still win." Wei Yan also said.

After sorting out the soldiers, General Safamo came to report to Yisi: "Your Majesty, five thousand soldiers have been assembled."

Yi Siqi shook his hand gently, and Safamo stood aside.

At this time, Wei Yan also came to the high platform and looked at the 5000 people below. These people at least had a little light in their eyes.

Wei Yan stood on the high platform and said loudly: "Do you want to restore Persia to its former glory?"

No one spoke below.

Wei Yan said again: "Do you still want to return the land you lost?"

A silence.

Wei Yan: "Believe in the things outside the city, everyone here should have heard about it. I am the emperor of Great Wei. As long as you follow me and be loyal to me, then you can get back the land you lost!"

Yi Sicheng said in his heart, I won't take you to give such a speech.

What does it mean to be loyal to you?

Why should be loyal to you?
Don't you abduct my five thousand soldiers.

However, Wei Yan didn't want to abduct these people, it was just a rhetoric, the main purpose was to make these people trust him.

If you don't trust him, then it's a fart.

Wei Yan said: "As long as you trust me, then I can lead you back to Taixifeng, the most prosperous and prosperous place in Persia. Today's Kaka is just the beginning!"

If there were no incidents outside the city, no one would believe Wei Yan at all.

But now, everyone is looking at Wei Yan, even if they know that this is impossible, or the possibility of success is extremely slim.

"Can you really call back?"

At this time, a man below who looked to be in his thirties also said.

Wei Yan said with certainty: "Of course! I swear in the name of Emperor Wei."

Although everyone doesn't quite understand what the Great Wei Emperor is, it's better to have hope than no hope.

"But how do we call back now?"

someone else asked.

"In three days, there will be an answer."

Wei Yan betrayed a pass.

After seeing five thousand soldiers, next, Wei Yan asked Yi Sitang to prepare a warehouse for him to store his things.

If you want these 5000 people to follow him to fight, you must buy them a suit of armor.

Otherwise, whoever is so stupid will go to war with you in a commoner suit.

That's called death.

Yi Sitong also specially prepared a residence for Wei Yan, and also specially prepared several maidservants for Wei Yan.

At the same time, he has sent people to go around, spread the news, and recruit rebels. Only in this way will it be more likely to win.

Wei Yan then asked for a map, and learned in detail about almost all the cities and the Dashi army in Persia.

This way, it's straight into the night.

After finding an excuse, he told the maidservant that he was going to rest, and left a note. Immediately afterwards, Wei Yan went back to Dawei by himself.

Go back to Guangyang Hall.

Immediately after...

Wei Yan summoned Wei Zhizhi again.

Although he can defeat ten thousand with one, Wei Yan always feels that others don't respect him very much.


Probably also in order to save face for himself, Wei Yan summoned Wei Zhizhi and prepared to do something to save face for himself.

"I wonder why my father summoned his ministers late at night?"

Wei Zhizhi, who is ten years old this year, seems to have grown a lot taller.

It looks more like a little adult.

Wei Yan first asked Wei Zhizhi how he was doing recently. Although governing the country is very important, he also needs to combine work and rest. Whenever he has the opportunity, he would go out to play with the princess, ride a horse or something, and... he is ten years old It is time for Wei Zhizhi to learn how to ride a horse. Children of nomadic people are quite proficient at riding a horse at the age of ten.

Then, Wei Zhizhi was asked to do something.

That is to send an announcement to the people of Great Wei to recruit soldiers, fifty cents a day, no need to fight, just stand and see if anyone signs up.

Wei Zhizhi didn't know what his father wanted to do, but he would just do what his father said.

"My son will make an announcement tomorrow."

By noon the next day.

As soon as the cicadas rang in the East and West City of Zhouzhou City, a group of people could be seen pointing around the announcement.

Fifty Wen, to be honest, this salary is not low.

But what really puzzled them was that they were clearly recruiting soldiers, but they said they didn't need to fight and just stood around. This was very puzzling.

"Is this going to war?"

Someone guessed.

"I heard that our Great Wei has declared war on Great Tang."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Yes! I heard it accidentally when my third uncle was delivering food to the county captain's house."

"Can our Great Wei beat Datang?"

"Brother, you are underestimating yourself! Do you think we can't beat it? Our number is a little smaller, but it doesn't mean we can't beat it."

"Now everyone has armor, horizontal knives, bows and arrows, except for long spears and crossbows. How can we be worse than Datang?"


Every household has it.

It is precisely because of this that some officials are worried whether this will cause some people to want to rebel.

In case someone rebels...

of course!

This is to say in court, Wei Zhizhi also told Wei Yan.

Wei Yan felt that this matter was not a big problem, because there would definitely be no rebellion in the short term.

There are so many places outside, and no one will starve to death, who would rebel.

It's just neighbors in this neighborhood, maybe there will be a quarrel, and then maybe it will develop into a fight.

But in the short term, the possibility of such a contradiction happening is also very small.

Because if there is a quarrel between neighbors, it is nothing more than a land issue.

But now that everyone has a house and everyone has land, the possibility of this happening is not great.

Each person has [-] mu of land, and they are exhausted from farming every day, so they have no time to fight with weapons.

"Then what is the purpose of recruiting soldiers?"

Many people stood in front of the announcement and asked market managers and government officials, but they couldn't get any results.


There are people from the government, standing there, doing registration.

To be honest, no one was there in the first place.

But fifty renminbi is really a windfall, and it is said that there is no need to fight, just stand still.

Then it's a bastard if you don't take advantage of it.

"I come!"

There is a sidewalk that is not afraid of death.

With the first, there is the second.

Some people say that these people want money rather than life.

Some people also say that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.Fifty cents a day, even if it's going to war, it's worth it.

Down all day the next day.

Although not many, it seems that dozens or hundreds of people have signed up.

When Wei Yan heard this, he was just so little.

It can be seen that the enthusiasm is not high.

Wei Yan then increased the rate again, this time it rose to [-] coins a day, and those who had signed up before were counted.

It can only be said that all the ministers of Wei Dynasty were speechless.

He told Wei Zhizhi, "Your Highness, what exactly is Your Majesty trying to do?"

Wei Zhizhi said conveniently: "Father does things, don't ask why, just do it."

People yesterday heard that the price had risen again, so there were hundreds, thousands of people.

Some people went home, and when they talked about this, they were reprimanded by the women at home, saying that you are asking for money instead of your life?

Now the family is not without food.

The man had no choice but to explain: "Your Majesty has been so kind to us, and this is the time when we need people. I just want to contribute."

Day three.

Wei Yan raised the price again, [-] Wen per person, even those who had registered before.

Then, on the third day, the number of people suddenly soared to 3.

[-] households, plus Tiele people, a total of [-] households, that is to say, almost half of the people have signed up.

This also made Wei Yan have to say with emotion: "This is the power of money."

Then Wei Yan asked someone to arrange a time to reorganize all the people who signed up.

During this period, Wei Yan also had to run around.

Three days are up.

On the side of Mulu City, Yi Siqi thought at first that Wei Yan ran away in fear after he finished bragging.

Facts have proved that Wei Yan not only did not run away, but even brought them five thousand armors.

Persia likes to use chain mail here.

Wei Yan considered that the one that suited them might be the best.


They did not prepare the standard armor of the Tang Dynasty for them, but their typical full-body chain mail.

After getting this batch of armor and weapons, the morale of the five thousand Persian soldiers instantly rose.

Yi Siqi also asked in surprise: "Where did you get these five thousand armors from?"

Wei Yan replied: "Don't ask, it's a secret. You just need to know that I can't let Persia lose."

And look at Dashi again.

After hearing the news of Kaka's death, the big cannibal was furious.

A big battle is inevitable.


From Yi Sicheng's mouth, Wei Yan also learned that in the few days since he disappeared, the big cannibals had already assembled an army of more than [-] to come here.

It is estimated that within ten days, they will arrive at the foot of Mulu City.

5 people sounds like a small number. That's because the main target of the cannibal's army is not here.

But if it is based on the general situation, these 10,000 soldiers, plus the recruited civilians, even if these civilians have no combat effectiveness, it can be estimated that there are still [-]+ people. Therefore, it is not a problem to besiege Mulu City. thing.

Moreover, maybe they will continue to increase their troops in the future, and this possibility is not ruled out.

This mainly depends on what the battlefield situation will be like later.

You must know that Kaka's death has a great impact on Dashi. From Dashi's point of view, Persia is just a rickety, dying old man, but who would have thought that even such an old man could still Kill their tiger generals.

If this doesn't teach Yi Sideng a lesson, how will they hang around in this land in the future?
This time, the man who led the cannibal was Nuyaim, who was the general who had been quick-witted and concealed the death of the coach during the Nihavand battle, thus leading the cannibal to victory in the battle.

"We must avenge Kaka! If we turn a blind eye to this, there will only be more riots in the land we occupy now."

Nuyaim knew very well that it was not an easy task to conquer these pagans.Not to mention, he had already heard that someone had come to them to spread the news about the Son of Heaven.

It is said that the other party's supreme god sent to save Persia.They Allah is the real God.

Ten days.

Ten days were enough for Wei Yan to prepare the cards and conduct simple training of the Persian army.

It was the morning of No. 11 day.

It was almost ten o'clock, and then...

Soon, the Persian soldiers who boarded Mulu City could see that the cannibal soldiers had appeared outside the city.

There are a lot of cavalry, at least 1, and the rest are all infantry.

Influenced by sects and religions, the willpower of Dashi's soldiers is often amazing, and their soldiers are often not very afraid of death in battle.

On the contrary, the Persian side will be much inferior.At the beginning of the Battle of Nihavand, they had to tie up the soldiers' feet to form a certain will to fight.

In fact, because he believed the news that the enemy had reinforcements, he was soon frightened and had no idea of ​​fighting anymore, which ultimately led to the loss of the entire battle.

When Yi Sideng saw outside the city, Nuyaim was not a human being. As soon as he came up, he camped outside the city. When they were no one in Persia, he also said angrily to the crowd: "This Nuyaim is too underestimated. , are you not afraid that we will attack the camp at night?"

Wei Yan also looked at the cannibal army.

In fact, the equipment is still good.


Their heavy infantry, with their long chain mail armor, seemed to be difficult to chop.


Many of their soldiers still have Zha Jia on their bodies.

Of course, this number is relatively rare.

It is often only seen on those who look like military officers.

How to say this.

Maybe only rich people can afford zhajia.

In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, Persia even had heavily armored cavalry. They also had elephant soldiers, a column of soldiers equipped with an elephant. But now, well, I can only say that things are different now.

After fighting for 30 to [-] years, all family fortunes were wiped out.

And the Great Cannibal obviously has a good inheritance of Persia's previous legacy.

According to a rough estimate, Dashi's current armor rate is not bad.

There should be thirty to forty percent, at least.

This battle is not easy to fight.

After Wei Yan finished reading, he also sighed in his heart.

just now……

Everyone can only count on him.

Seeing Wei Yan frowning deeply, they couldn't help looking over with worried expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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