Datang: At the beginning, Princess Wencheng was robbed

Chapter 209 If I knew it earlier, I would take advantage of it first

Chapter 209 If I knew it earlier, I would take advantage of it first
The [-] households in the Hedong area are easy to solve.

But five-watch seven surnames, that is not a vegetarian.

You can't say, if you let me go, I'll go. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for me?Is there no kingly law in this world?
When Li Er told about the relocation of the five families of Fanyang Lu, Boling Cui, Qinghe Cui, Zhaojun Li, and Xingyang Zheng to Wei.

In the court hall, there was also an extremely shocking moment.

Because you have to know that there are many people in the court who are married to these families.

If you do this, you are not afraid of their rebellion?

But don't tell me, now Li Er is really not afraid.

He might have been afraid before, but now he has Wei Yan.

Amidst the opposition, Li Er said directly: "If these five families feel that they can compare with Xue Yantuo, Goguryeo, and Western Turks, then they can give it a try."

In fact, there are many things that are inconvenient to say directly.

and so……

The next few whispers could only be said behind the scenes.

There are those who don't have the background of Wuwangqixing.

I feel that Li Er's doing so may cause strong opposition from those courtiers who are married to Wuwang and Qixing.

in fact……

Li Er had expected this a long time ago, but just like when Hou Jun was asked to levy Gaochang back then, when the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty opposed it, he insisted on doing so.

This can completely solve the hidden dangers of five surnames and seven surnames for Datang.

Second come!

He can also obtain the method of making antihypertensive drugs.

If anyone is disobedient, don't blame him for cleaning.

Li Er asked Cheng Yaojin to lead the team.

And the first one to solve it was Cheng Yaojin's wife's Qinghe Cui family.

Who is Cheng Yaojin? He is definitely not just a man who knows how to use three tricks.

But very politically minded.

how to say.

It seems that both sides have difficulties.

His Majesty has long been displeased with five and seven surnames, and it's not just today.


What we're doing now is really great.

But when we go to Wei Dynasty, we don't mean to kill all the members of the Cui family.


It's just a change to a not so good place.

Cheng Yaojin felt that now that the world is stable, the Tang Dynasty should not return to the troubled times at the end of the Sui Dynasty, so the Qinghe Cui family should be obedient.

Hearing this, Patriarch Cui almost wanted to slap him.

However, Cheng Yaojin is not too young now, in his 60s, so this slap will be avoided.

"What if I just don't want to leave?"

Cheng Yaojin said: "Then we can only be rough."

"Are you Qinghe Cui's son-in-law?"

Cheng Yaojin also said: "You must think of the common people in the world."

Compared with the Five Watches and Seven Surnames, the interests of other forces in the DPRK are more important.

How many people do you have five surnames and seven surnames.

Unless someone from your Five Watches and Seven Surnames can come out, unite, take the lead in rebellion, and form a separatist force.

But the problem is...

With the current prosperity and stability of the Tang Dynasty, no one will follow you in rebellion.

The people are all sheep. Unless they are about to starve to death, otherwise, the thousands of people in your family will not be able to accomplish anything big.

of course!

Some people also persuaded Li Er to give these people to Da Wei. Wouldn't that make Da Wei develop faster?
Also, this may make the monarchs and ministers divorced from morality after the Tang Dynasty.

Because what happened to the five surnames and the seven surnames today is what they might face in the future.


Li Er couldn't care less.

Disobedient courtiers, keep them for the New Year?
For example, the Wang family in Taiyuan and the Li family in Longxi were not affected by this.

The two of them are loyal.

The Wang family in Taiyuan and the Li family in Longxi did not dare to say a word at this time.

Because they were afraid that if they said anything, Li Erhui would send them to Dawei as well.

in fact……

If any family members kneel down and beg for mercy from Li Er now, Li Er will probably keep them here.

But the problem is...

Wu Wang Qi Xing is so tempered.

Li Er sent them to the Wei Dynasty because they had always looked down upon the emperor and despised the imperial power.

Don't say it yet.

This reason sounds quite reasonable.

But this is obviously a crime to be imposed, there is no reason to worry about it.

In fact, what the five companies are most reluctant to part with is their local operations.

Those stretches of land are all theirs.

Li Er's doing this is tantamount to forcibly confiscating their property. The key point is that he did not mention anything about compensation. Of course, those five families will make trouble.

Those who don't listen to discipline.

Datang's side can only be tough.

He was tied up by them and thrown directly to Da Wei.

This also made Wei Zhizhi have to do a lot of work to deal with the aftermath.

after all……

These five surnames didn't even listen to Li Er, so how could they listen to Wei Zhizhi, a little brat.


For this kind of person, Wei Zhizhi is not helpless.

Anyway... just starve them a few meals.

After throwing them here, the door is closed and they have nowhere to go.

How long can they stay outside the city?
It's not really fragrant.

And just when Wei Zhizhi took over the Five Hopes and Seven Surnames.

Wei Yan here.

He is also planning to take over the Xu family, Li Daozong, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Because Wei Yan had a feeling that they might not be safe anymore.

The Xu family will just take Xu Xiaode's family and servants away.

For other Xu family members, such as collaterals, Li Er would not bother them.

Then Li Daozong here...

to be frank.

People of the older generation probably have this common problem, that is, they are unwilling to leave the place they are familiar with.

Then Wei Yan could only forcefully take away his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

After taking it away, next, Li Xueyan has to do psychological work every day.

It took a total of half a year. According to the agreement, Wei Yan must hand over the method of making antihypertensive drugs to Li Zhi.

It was at this time that Li Zhi took action.

In order to celebrate the happy cooperation between the two parties, this banquet is of course indispensable.

If it was the past, then Wei Yan would definitely not drink, so he withdrew, because he didn't have time to waste time with Li Zhi here.But... But this time, he was really interested.

Because he wanted to know what kind of medicine was sold in Li Zhi's gourd.

"It can only be said that the Crown Prince has not sat down to drink with Ding Guogong for a long time. This is a fine wine from the Western Regions as a tribute. Please taste it. Crown Princess, go and pour wine for Ding Guogong yourself. "

Seeing Queen Wang Shi Shi coming, don't tell me, this Queen Wang still has some beauty.

Wei Yandang immediately said: "This doesn't feel good! And...the prince is so enthusiastic, why do I feel that this is a Hongmen banquet?"

Li Zhi's face didn't change at all, "Mr. Ding is really joking, you and I are brother-in-law, why should I have a Hongmen banquet? It's just... the prince has been a little worried all along."

I saw Queen Wang was already pouring wine.

Wei Yan also said: "I guess, this must be poisoned wine!"

Li Zhi's eyelids twitched.

At the same time, some movements seemed to be heard around the small garden.

Wei Yan continued: "But since my sister-in-law poured it, I'm being disrespectful."

Wei Yan drank it directly.


The poisoning reaction was not as fast as what was shown on TV, so that Wei Yan thought that Li Zhi hadn't poisoned at all, so I misunderstood my uncle.

Seeing that Wei Yan didn't notice, Li Zhi immediately felt relieved.

Next, let the queen pour another cup for Wei Yan.

At this moment, Li Zhi wished he could change his cup to a larger cup, because the more Wei Yan drank, the faster he would die.

Drank for about ten minutes.

Only then did Wei Yan slowly feel that his heartbeat seemed to be beating a little faster.

Just like those who have not exercised for a long time and are very weak, they are asked to climb stairs all of a sudden. It is also like some college students who don't eat in the morning and are hungry until noon.

Wei Yan took a deep breath for the last time.

He used his last strength to say, "This is indeed poisonous wine!"

Li Zhi also gave an order, "Come here! The emperor of Wei, as a married man, was so reckless, and even tried to moleste the concubine of the Tang Dynasty, his sister-in-law, come and dismember him. "

Hearing this, Wei Yan became angry, he was so slandered, if he knew it earlier, he would take advantage of it first, and touch his little hand.

In the small garden, the soldiers entered through the three small gates of the east gate, west gate and south gate in unison, making tinkling noises.

The person leading the charge was Liu Shi, the uncle of the Crown Princess and the Empress. Seeing that Wei Yan was already lying there, Liu Shi felt that it was no longer necessary.

But Li Zhi then urged: "Quick! Go! Cut him into pieces!"

Liu Xun was still a little unhurried, cupped his hands and saluted: "His Royal Highness, he is already dead, there is no need for that anymore."

Li Zhi said: "You don't understand!"

After saying that, he rushed forward, pulled out Liu Shi's horizontal knife, and wanted to give it to Wei Yan.

At this time, Wei Yan also sat up slowly in front of many soldiers.

Even stretched.

The Queen Wang who was on the side was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak at this time.

Seeing that Wei Yan was full of anger, he didn't look like he was poisoned at all, and said: "I think, you should listen to what your highness the crown prince has to say."

Then he said: "I remember this poisonous wine."

(End of this chapter)

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