Chapter 188 Shocking Li Er
Li Er looked at Wei Yan and froze for two seconds.

He found that Wei Yan was really younger than him.

"That's good! Then, let's talk as the emperors of the two countries."

Li Er said next.

"The Emperor of the Wei Dynasty is really powerful. He was originally just my consort of the Tang Dynasty, but now he has created a Wei Dynasty... Moreover, he blatantly threatened me in his credentials. He said that if I didn't agree, that's all. "

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Wei Yan also replied: "There is no way, some people are unkind, you can't blame me for being unjust."

Xu Chongrong found it interesting that Wei Yan called himself me.


It seems a bit outrageous.

But as long as Wei Yan doesn't call me in the Tang Dynasty, then there seems to be no problem in calling him outside.

"Why am I so ungrateful?"

Li Er conveniently said.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, Emperor Tang, just tell me whether you agree or disagree."

"Can I say no?"

Li Er asked.

Wei Yan then said: "Of course you can. Anyway, if I don't cooperate with you, I can still cooperate with others. There are many other countries in this world."

"Can I know in advance what you want to do next?"

Li Er asked again.

Wei Yan: "Of course I can. It's even fine to take you to see my palace."

Then he saw the doubt on Li Er's face.

Wei Yan also stood up, "Let's go!"

Li Er: "Go here?"

Wei Yan: "Otherwise?"

"But only two people can go."


with doubt.

Li Er and Xu Chongrong all followed.

In the room behind him, Wei Yan had already prepared any door in advance before the two of them entered. Once they entered, all they had to do was open the door.

Because both sides of the door were made exactly the same by Wei Yan.


Li Er and Li Er didn't feel that they had crossed the boundary of space at all.

I just feel that they seem to have crossed from the front of a door to the back of the door.

It seemed like nothing had changed around him.

This is a visual art that Wei Yan has recently figured out, and it can deceive everyone.

Li Er felt like a fool and had been deceived.


"What's the difference?"

Wei Yan said, "Open the door to the house again and see what's different outside."

After hearing what he said, Li Er realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

Just now he clearly remembered that when they entered the house, they didn't seem to close the door of the house.

But after they passed through this door, they were like fools.

When he turned his head to look at the door of the house, it was closed.

Li Er, who did not believe in evil, let go of Xu Chongrong's hand and went to open the door of the house himself.

After he pulled it away.

The scene outside also changed instantly.

If it is said that the door of this room faced a stone table and the chess pieces left by Wei Yan and Xin Xing playing Gomoku.

So now, what Li Er saw was a very smooth road.

The road is still very long. Not far from the road, there is a side door. At the end of the road, there seems to be a painted red gate.


I don't know why, but the sky outside seems to be very close, and it is much clearer than before.

One is because the weather today is different on both sides.


Anyone who has studied geography knows this.

Japan's time zone is in East Ninth District, while Chang'an City's time zone is in East Seventh District.

In other words, if it is ten o'clock in the morning in Chang'an City, then after arriving in Japan, it is twelve o'clock at noon.

The higher the sun climbed, the clearer the sky naturally looked.


Still feeling a bit sunburned.

"This is……"

Li Er was stunned.

This is completely different from before!

"Let's go! I'll show you around."

Afterwards, Wei Yan led the two of them into the palace complex through the side door.

along the way.

Corridors connect various palaces.

And this corridor, walking on it, also feels extremely clean.

Others were paved with wood, but Wei Yan was paved with stones. As soon as he took a few steps, he saw a sweeping robot moving slowly.

Li Er has seen something like this before.

After the thing passed by, he immediately pointed in the direction where it disappeared and said, "What is that thing?"

Wei Yan said casually, "The sweeping robot is responsible for keeping the corridors clean."

From the corridor, some palaces can already be seen in the distance.

Any of these palaces are bigger than Li Er's in Luoyang Palace.

"And what are those palaces for?"

Li Er pointed to the palace in the distance.

"That's the palace where Chang Shan lives."

Then Li Er pointed to the largest one.

It is more than double the size of the main hall of his Luoyang Palace.

"Then who lives there?"

"That belongs to Li Xueyan."

"how about yours?"

Wei Yan said quickly: "I'm a man, I don't need to live in such a good place. Besides, what they live in is not where I live?"

After a whole month, Wei Yan had to check in between their palaces almost every day.

Even if he had his own palace, it would be a waste and he wouldn't live in it at all.

after that……

The group also arrived at Chang Shan's residence. Originally, Chang Shan and Xin Cheng were studying how to put on makeup, when they heard the servants from the Western Regions outside calling for Your Majesty, so the two came out to greet them together.

Originally, I wanted to surprise Wei Yan.

Seeing that his father had also come, he was instantly stunned.

It's like putting on makeup and not wanting my parents to see it.

"Father, Xu Chongrong, why are you here too?"

Li Er wondered whether Wei Yan was particularly good at raising people.

I always feel that after my daughter was raised by Wei Yan, her temperament has become more and more extraordinary, the whiter is whiter, and the tenderer is more tender, which naturally makes people feel that she is more beautiful than the one raised in her palace before Time is much prettier.

"Well, let's see. They're all grown up."

Li Er couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Now, Changshan and Xincheng can be regarded as slim.

In fact, Wei Yan wanted to say at this moment: 'When you see your father, you call me father, but when you see me, you don't need to call me your majesty? '

But forget it.

There's no need to say that just to disgust Li Er.

This will only make the two women a little overwhelmed and embarrassed.

And to be honest.

Wei Yan hoped that this was a nickname instead of being used in serious situations.

"Your father already knows about our great Wei."


Wei Yan replaced it with this sentence.

"If Xu Chongrong is interested, you can go in and visit it."

"As for the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty... let's forget it."

Wei Yan said again.

No, what does this mean?
I am their father.

Can't I go in and take a look?

But the female college avoids her father...

Li Er then gave up struggling again.

After that, I didn't go anywhere else.

Just find a place nearby to sit down.


Let others come and meet.

I saw all the princesses living well, wearing good clothes, and having ruddy complexions. No, other people marry their daughters, and even go back to their mother’s house to help their mother’s family. Alright?Li Eryi suddenly felt very depressed.


This may also be because when they got married, they were still young and didn't understand these things at all.Or, they were already enjoying a good life at Wei Yan's place, and they were so happy that they almost forgot about their natal family, let alone knowing what difficulties their natal family had recently.

I feel like I need to cultivate this aspect in the future.

After visiting the palace, I also met my daughter.

after that……

Wei Yan took Li Er to the city wall again.

These palaces alone would be enough to shock Li Er.

Then when he saw that he was actually on the top of a mountain on the sea, and the land not far away was the land of the Japanese country, Li Er was even more shocked.

Is this something humans can do?
Does this mountain itself exist?

Regarding these, Li Er can only say that he is not sure anymore.

At this moment, there was only incomparable shock in his heart.

He began to doubt that there was anything else in the world that Wei Yan couldn't do.

(End of this chapter)

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