Chapter 184 Infighting
Hanoi country.

on the coast.

It can only be said that Japan's surrender this time was quite sincere.


Wei Yan saw at a glance that the number of people who surrendered this time was not only much more than the last time they came to discuss.

at the same time……

He could also see a 60-year-old woman among these people.

And if Wei Yan guessed correctly.

The old woman taking the lead must be Emperor Kotoku's sister, Emperor Kogi.

Since we were still far away, Wei Yan didn't know what she was saying, so he could only see her chanting words through the binoculars.

After she finished speaking, she bowed this way again.


It is to send someone to raise a small white flag, as if to express surrender.

Wei Yan looked at it for a while.

After confirming that it was not a false surrender, he pulled a hydrogen balloon and dropped from the sky.

The Japanese ministers have seen such a way of appearance.

I saw an armored man covered in iron armor, and the Iron Buddha fell from the sky.

At first, they probably thought it wasn't Wei Yan, maybe there was someone else in the palace.

Until Wei Yan peeled off the armor that covered his face.

On the Japanese side, only a few people who had seen Wei Yan knew that it was Wei Yan who came.

It's no wonder that Wei Yan is so cautious, it's really uncomfortable to be shot with an arrow.

And with the appearance of Wei Yan.

At this time...

Everyone's heads were buried even lower.

Emperor Huangji who took the lead was holding something like a surrender letter, and then presented it to Wei Yan respectfully.

after that……

The translator also confirmed Wei Yan's guess.

But Wei Yan definitely couldn't just let him go just by hearing that the other party had surrendered.

Then he said to the translator.

"You can translate for her. If you want me to accept Japan's surrender, it's not impossible."

"However, you have tried to assassinate me time and time again. I can't pretend that this has never happened."

"In this way, you all assassinated me..."

Wei Yan counted on his fingers. From the first time he pretended to surrender to when he set the fire, he was almost shot down by a hidden arrow, "Three times in total!"

After speaking.

Wei Yan continued: "In this case, then give me three quarters of your land. From now on, no Japanese slaves can appear in my land of Great Wei, otherwise, you will be killed."

The translator quickly translated Wei Yan's request to Emperor Huangji and the Japanese ministers.

The Japanese ministers thought to themselves, isn't this killing them all!

The whole of Japan is only so big, if three quarters of it were given to Wei Yan, wouldn't they only have that little land left?

Wei Yan figured it out.

At most, they only have a piece of land like Tokyo left.

But Tokyo at this time is not the Tokyo of later generations.

Today's Tokyo has not been developed at all.

Seeing that the Japanese ministers all had dissenting expressions on their faces.

Wei Yan said again: "If you disagree, then let's continue playing."

Fortunately, Wei Yan is wearing armor now.

Otherwise, these people might have already started thinking about killing him again.

"Isn't three-quarters a bit much?" The prince of the sea people still wanted to bargain, so he raised his head and asked.

Wei Yan said: "I have shown mercy now and gave your clan a chance to survive. If you don't agree, then the Great Wei Emperor doesn't mind continuing to implement the previous strategy.'s not me who wants to exterminate the clan. "

at this time……

Emperor Kogi had no choice.

"Okay! We agree to your terms."

Wei Yan thought to himself, is this person Cixi?He agreed so quickly.

I guess even Cixi was not so prodigal.

Wei Yan took out a map and said: "Okay! Everything below belongs to me, and the above is your territory. You have only one month to organize everyone to leave the territory of our great Wei Kingdom. .”

"Mother, this condition is unacceptable."

Emperor Huangji said: "I don't accept it, do you want the Japanese ministers who have been serving us to starve to death?"

This said.

Emperor Kogoku was undoubtedly a very good politician.

Originally, you were the one who surrendered, and you were also the one who lost face, but now, you have brought all the Japanese ministers together.

The key is……

After hearing her words, the Japanese officials couldn't help feeling very reasonable.

After Emperor Huangji finished reprimanding Prince Dahairen, he then said to Wei Yan: "We accept the surrender and accept the conditions you proposed."

After a pause, she then said: "So, His Majesty the Great Wei Emperor, you can keep your promise and not harm my Japanese people."

Wei Yan said quickly: "That depends on whether your people dare to disrespect my majesty."

Then Emperor Kogi understood.

He knelt down facing Wei Yan and put his forehead on the ground.

Although this surrender is a bit humiliating, at least...

It can temporarily preserve their peace.


The new letter of surrender was rewritten.


It also bears the seal of Emperor Kogoku.

The font is Chinese characters.

Because Japan itself does not have its own writing, and almost all of its writing was transmitted from the Central Plains.

This saves the possibility of Wei Yan being deceived.

Not so many bells and whistles.

Wei Yan took the letter of surrender and then asked them to make arrangements by themselves.


The time is only one month.


Wait until Wei Yan leaves.


Emperor Kogi asked the right minister to handle the next matter, because among the people who advocated surrender at the beginning, the most active one was the right minister.

But the right minister seems to be unhappy now.

Because if you think about it carefully with your head, you will know.

Whoever is responsible for this is destined to be scolded.

Soga Ishikawa Maro couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

It seems that he is destined to be Japan's biggest sinner.

Many people are actually homeless.


This is not difficult to mobilize.

Except for some particularly stubborn ones who continued to stay where they were, basically more than [-]% of the others left.

Of course, this is the Hanoi Kingdom and the Guanzhong Basin.For example, it is still difficult to mobilize in other places except here. Therefore, in this case, one must persuade, and the other is direct and strong intervention.

During this process, peasant uprisings occurred frequently in Japan.

after all……

The crops in this field will be harvested in about a month. If they leave at this time, wouldn't that kill them?

Therefore, some people are determined not to leave.

If you don't leave, you have no choice but to leave these people behind and let them wait for death.


Su Wo Ishikawa Maro also communicated with Wei Yan, what if some people don't leave?
Wei Yan then said: "If you don't leave, have them killed. If you don't kill them all, then I will kill your whole family."

Cold words.

Let Soga Ishikawa Maro's back feel cold.

As a result, the contradictions in Japan have become even greater.

(End of this chapter)

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