Chapter 986

While the Portuguese in Lisbon were waiting anxiously, on this day, the King of Spain and his party finally arrived in Lisbon.

On this day, the streets were truly deserted.Everyone, regardless of whether they were able to walk or not, came out to see this grand occasion.

Spain used to be the overlord of the European continent, with a majestic prestige.In the past, it was even more aggressive that the army suppressed the border and suppressed Portugal's independence.

At that time, even the cats and dogs among the Spaniards were the masters of the Portuguese.

However, nowadays, even if King Philip IV of Spain walks on the streets of Lisbon, he always has a flattering face and is very humble.The position of the owner was changed, which made the Portuguese feel in a trance.

Is this really the King of Spain?
On the square where the gate of the palace is located, Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine and her party are all there, not to say that they are to respect the King of Spain, but to accept the surrender of the King of Spain under the watchful eyes of all the Portuguese.

Not surprisingly, Philip IV and the Spanish nobles he led all knelt down to Catherine very humbly, obeying as much as they wanted, without any face of the Spanish king.

"His Royal Highness Princess Catherine, please accept the surrender of an old man who has repented, and forgive the old man who has lost his way!"

Hearing Philip IV's words, Her Highness Princess Catherine's back had goosebumps for some reason, it was so despicable.

"I managed to trap those British who rebelled against Portugal." Seeing that Catherine was in a daze and did not agree to his surrender, Philip IV was a little anxious, and quickly expressed his credit, "This is mine. A little heart, to make up for the mistakes I made before. Please accept this sincerity and let Spain become a vassal state of Portugal from now on!"

According to the news heard before, these British people are not in Spain.But now being presented by Philip IV, it is estimated that it took a lot of effort to catch them.

Thinking of the tragic death of her father and younger brothers, Catherine's eyes immediately turned red: These British people deserve death!

Thinking of this, she nodded and said, "Okay, based on your sincerity, I agree with your surrender, but you have to tell me the specific situation of the Warsaw War first!"

Upon hearing this, Philip IV was overjoyed.Since Princess Catherine agreed, there was no need to hide the Battle of Warsaw.Anyway, after some time, Lisbon will definitely know about it.The purpose that he tried his best to hide before was to get Catherine to agree first.

So he told what the soldiers who had fled back to Spain reported.

Naturally, Philip IV did not know the specific situation of the new artillery and muskets, but only described that the Ming army had a weapon of God, which only existed in legends and could destroy the world. completely annihilated.

Hearing his words, Zheng Zhilong, who was listening beside him, couldn't help but be overjoyed: So that's the case, there is such a powerful weapon, that's why the emperor ordered the elite troops from various European countries to rush to Warsaw to die!

Even though he thought so in his heart, he immediately asked: "How is the damage of my Ming army?"

It's not that he bet on the handicap or something, but as a Daming person, of course he is most worried about the death or injury of his comrades.

Seeing that it was a Ming army general who asked the question, and after hearing what the interpreter said, Philip IV replied very respectfully: "It seems that no one was killed or injured!"

That's right, the Ming army fired and fired on its own position from the beginning to the end, and the pursuit battle that was most likely to cause casualties was also completed by the soldiers of the Ming vassal state.Therefore, even if Philip IV has not been to the battlefield, he can guess the conclusion that no one was killed or injured.

Hearing this, almost everyone was shocked.

The 71 elite troops from various European countries suffered a crushing defeat, almost completely annihilated, but the Ming army never lost a single person.Even if the legendary God of War came down to earth, it would be impossible to do this!

Imagine the Battle of Warsaw thousands of miles away. The Emperor Ming just came with more than 2 people. Including the Ming army that had already arrived, there were less than 10 people in total. Facing 71 enemy troops, he was alone in the end. It would be a spectacular thing to wipe out the enemy without dying!

After coming back to her senses, Catherine finally understood Philip IV. He was definitely frightened and felt that it was impossible for him to stop such a powerful Ming army, so he surrendered, right?

One thing that Catherine did not expect was that the Emperor Ming had let go, saying that apart from Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands, the surrender of other countries could be accepted.That is to say, Spain's surrender is not accepted.

Philip IV was frightened, and so was he, so he sent his idea to Catherine.If Catherine accepts his surrender.The Emperor Ming should be able to spare Spain.Of course, he can't guarantee this absolutely, but he has no other choice.

As is customary in Europe, countries also fight each other.However, as long as one country surrenders, the other country will not be particularly embarrassed. This is considered a European tradition.

Sure enough, Catherine agreed.Of course, this has a lot to do with Philip IV's very humble attitude.After all, this is the most powerful Spanish king in Europe, so low profile, what else?
Of course, Zheng Zhilong would not interfere with the decision of the princess.At this time, he was more shocked. When did Ming have such a powerful weapon?

Although he doesn't know the details, there is one thing he can be sure of, it is definitely related to the emperor!
Philip IV's words, although not loud.But it spread to ten, ten to hundreds of places, and finally the Portuguese in Lisbon and the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty all knew about it.

Whether it was the size of the Ming army or the ratio of the Ming army's battle losses to the enemy's, everything was beyond their expectations.Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine was there to accept the surrender of the King of Spain, but so many people watching were silent, because they were all stunned by the result.

Even the handicap with the highest odds has never thought of such a possibility!
After a long time, they came back to their senses, and the craziest cheers erupted immediately.At this time, when they looked at the soldiers of the Ming army, their eyes were filled with admiration.

Is Daming's strength really something that humans can have?Even if everyone is Guan Erye, it is impossible to be so powerful!
Portugal has the Ming Dynasty as its backer, isn't it going sideways in Europe?From now on, the Portuguese no longer have to look at other people’s faces!

Since Portugal became independent, it has been humiliating when seeking support from other countries, being betrayed as a bargaining chip for others, etc. Even ordinary Portuguese people can feel these things.

Today, however, it is the complete opposite.One can imagine how happy they will be.

At this time, they immediately thought of their future king, the prince of Ming Dynasty, the son of the future emperor, and they were all very lucky.The king used this move to marry Princess Catherine to the Ming Dynasty. It was really great!
Afterwards, Catherine announced that all those hated British people would be hacked into pieces to commemorate the victims of the Battle of Lisbon, including of course Joao IV.Philip IV also knelt in front of the grave to repent, weeping bitterly.

Later, at the urging of Philip IV, the Portuguese formed an army to go to Spain and occupy part of the territory.Spain will also change its flag and hang the flag of Portugal.

In the midst of this, news from Warsaw finally reached Lisbon.The King of Spain was not exaggerating at all, basically what he said.

Even if they were shocked once, even if they celebrated wildly once, when the news came back, the Portuguese celebrated wildly again.

At this time, the Portuguese were drinking oriental rice wine and imitating oriental etiquette to bow to each other. If they didn't look at their western faces, they would have thought they were in Daming.

Originally, the Portuguese were the first to learn everything from the Ming Dynasty. With the victory in the Battle of Warsaw, this trend reached its extreme.Many people even wish that their skin is also the skin of a Daming person. In short, everything in Daming is the most fashionable!

Philip IV made a decisive decision, and he was really right.

The troops of the vassal state of Ming Dynasty took advantage of the situation to attack European countries, just like a group of poor people who suddenly faced the possibility of getting rich, they were a little restrained from the beginning, but later, they started to rob and do bad things regardless.

All European countries, including their elites, were lost in the Battle of Warsaw.Secondly, the soldiers who fled back brought back news, which made them feel that the Ming army with new weapons was unable to resist at all.Therefore, even under the attack of the Ottomans, Tsarist Russia and other countries, they did not dare to put up much resistance.

Later, the troops of Ottoman, Tsarist Russia and other countries aroused anger and resentment in the occupied areas, and the remaining countries finally began to resist.

But by this time, only a few countries had not yet fallen.

Regarding this situation, Emperor Chongzhen, who had been in Warsaw, waited for the follow-up army replenishment, especially after the ammunition supply, and finally began to march westward to clean up those excessive vassal state troops.

In this way, all European countries are looking forward to the early arrival of the Ming army, and all the hearts of the people will be on the side of Daming.

When such a situation occurred, some people speculated afterwards that the Emperor Ming did it on purpose.Let those vassal states be bad people, and the Ming army can be good people, changing the resistance of the local people to the occupying army.

However, this statement has no factual basis.Because Emperor Chongzhen never let those vassal states do bad things, they did it themselves, and Emperor Ming upheld justice and punished them!

After the army moved westward, only France and the Netherlands were left.

No country has ever captured Paris until France surrendered.

For the glory of France...

(End of this chapter)

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