94 Threat
Of course, it is not so easy to form a truly elite division.Even if the elite servants are drawn from various armies, it is impossible for them to obey the command and follow the orders without a long period of training.

However, in order to deal with the current situation, at least an army stronger than the ordinary army must be formed, not to mention a bloody battle with the Manchu Qing army, at least put pressure on it. This is Lu Xiangsheng's purpose.

After the military order went down, there were various reactions in the army immediately.

"Now you can receive military pay, and you will also receive rewards, not bad!"

"That's right, Old Wang's side, their team Ye Bu Shou killed two Tartars, and they will get a reward of 40 taels of silver, each of them will share some, that's a lot of money!"

"Yes, to be a soldier and fight a war is to sell your life for money!"


Some people were moved, while others hesitated.

"What if you die in battle? What if you get disabled?"

"That's right, with just a little money, how will you live your life in the future?"


The army was originally depressed, but now after several 10 taels of silver were thrown down, they finally had two thoughts.One is hesitating, what should I do if I am afraid of being disabled?The other kind, don't care about 21, just fuck his mother, kill the enemy and get the money while there is a reward.

Lu Xiangsheng had actually expected this.Therefore, his newly formed army actually ordered the generals and family members to go out with him, and the ordinary soldiers stayed behind.In this way, although the expeditionary army has been cut by more than half at once, the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.Correspondingly, it can also reduce the logistical burden.

"We wish our army a great victory!" Gao Qiqian said with a smile as he sincerely bid farewell to Lu Xiangsheng.

He is the director, and this time he is in charge of staying behind, with the least pressure.On the contrary, it was Wang Chengen who acted with Lu Xiangsheng this time.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't say much, and led the army to the Jinzhou battlefield.

At the same time, on the capital's side, the messenger Wang Chengen sent to rush back finally arrived.At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was discussing matters with two assistant ministers in the Wenhua Hall.

"You two dear ministers, this is a request from my ministers." Emperor Chongzhen signaled Lan Tianbao to transfer the things to the two subordinate ministers for review, and at the same time continued, "Anyone who meets this condition can be recommended to the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Science and Technology." How about getting an official list from the Dao palm seal officer?"

Fang Fengnian is recuperating at home, the chief assistant is not in the capital, and there are only two assistant ministers in the cabinet, it is really too busy.Therefore, it is only natural to add auxiliary ministers.

After Xue Guo watched it, he immediately nodded and agreed: "Your Majesty, I think this is a wonderful move!"

But after Yang Sichang saw it, he smiled wryly in his heart.Look at the requirements listed by the emperor, being honest and honest, how many people in the officialdom can do this alone?

In addition, it is also highly required to have experience in local government and have good political performance.

You know, in the past, a large part of the cabinet ministers entered the Hanlin directly after being a Jinshi, and they have been officials in the capital all the time.

He was thinking about it when he heard Emperor Chongzhen ask him, "Does Yang Qing have anything to add?"

When Yang Sichang heard it, he couldn't help it. After all, the conditions listed by the emperor should be the basic conditions normally, and logically speaking, they should be like this.But, actually?

Just now Xue Guoguan seemed to agree without any hesitation. Did he know to please the emperor because he couldn't see it?Doesn't he know that if he only wants to please the emperor and is not recognized by all the officials, this assistant minister will not last long!

But this is also good, Xue Guoguan is a shit-stirring stick, Xue Manzi is one, let him toss it first, and in the cabinet, who else can compete with him, the position of chief assistant will be his own sooner or later!

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and just as he was about to report, a servant's report came from outside the hall, saying that a good report had arrived.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen heard it, he knew what good news it was.But at this time, he naturally pretended that he didn't know, and he hurriedly sent an order to let the messenger see him in joy.

Yang Sichang on the side heard this, and couldn't help but secretly wonder, good news?What good news can there be?No matter what, he didn't believe that the Ming army could defeat the [-] Manchu army?Taking a step back, if the Manchu army cannot be defeated, what good news will there be?

Thinking of this, suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.Could it be... Could it be that the high dive really rescued Lu Xiangsheng?This is what he doesn't want to see, even he would rather the Qing army wipe out Lu Xiang, and then be defeated by the Ming army!
Sure enough, what the messenger reported was exactly what Yang Sichang didn't want to see, and Lu Xiangsheng was rescued.

At this moment, Yang Sichang immediately thought of Lu Xiangsheng's resume.Born as a Jinshi, he has been in charge of government in the local area and served as the magistrate of the Daming Prefecture.Then he was ordered to reorganize the army and has been leading the army to fight without a single defeat. Therefore, he has always been trusted by Emperor Chongzhen.Until Lu Xiangsheng served as the governor of Xuanda, he went home after his father's funeral.But after the Manchu Qing army invaded Guannei in early October, the Chongzhen Emperor was the first to think of Lu Xiangsheng, so he recovered, and he was named Minister of the Ministry of War, commanding the world's soldiers and horses.

In the past, Yang Sichang didn't really care about it.Because of his policy of repelling the outside world first, he was accepted by the battered Emperor Chongzhen.In other words, Yang Sichang is more important than Lu Xiangsheng.Because of this, he became a cabinet minister and was also in charge of military affairs.But Lu Xiangsheng almost became a victim of his strategy.

But now, the Emperor Chongzhen has refuted the policy of making peace at home before fighting against the outside world, and attaches more importance to Lu Xiangsheng than ever before.In this way, after this battle, even if Lu Xiangsheng will no longer be promoted, if he really goes to the capital to become the Minister of the Ministry of War with real power instead of concurrently, how can he manage military affairs?As a cabinet minister, I will become a figurehead!
At this moment, Yang Sichang felt threatened like never before, and he was so preoccupied that he couldn't hear what Emperor Chongzhen said clearly.Even when Emperor Chongzhen issued another decree to Lu Xiangsheng, he didn't pay much attention to it.Just like that, he returned to the cabinet in a daze, and then went back to the government.

Rescuing Lu Xiangsheng and forcing the Manchu army to withdraw, no matter what, this is a good thing. For today's capital, it must be widely publicized, at least so that everyone can feel at ease during the New Year, isn't it!

However, when the news spread in the capital, some people were not happy but worried.Because this matter is not what they want to see.

Fan Fu hurriedly left the bank and rushed to the residence of Yushi Liu Meicai.Before entering the mansion, he was quite cautious, looked around and entered Liu's mansion after finding no one.However, he did not expect that there were several pairs of eyes staring at him in the corner.

 Thanks for chatting 15 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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