Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 910 Marquis Mingwei

Chapter 910 Marquis Mingwei

Emperor Chongzhen appeared here, and he entered the battlefield at the most appropriate time, and won an unprecedented victory. This is enough to prove that the Emperor Chongzhen they guessed before is a living god in this world, without any doubts.In this way, it is strange for them to be impious.

And Emperor Chongzhen naturally encouraged them, and by the way rewarded each of them with a Grade A bugging seed.After all, it is the first meeting, so this meeting ceremony is a must.

As the sun was setting, Emperor Chongzhen, accompanied by Hong Chengchou and surrounded by many generals, climbed to the top of Mingwei Castle and looked at the plain where the Volga River is located.

In the previous life, this place was always the territory of Tsarist Russia.But now, after this battle, Daming has become as stable as Mount Tai here, and there is no longer any force in the surrounding area that can compete with the Ming army in Fort Mingwei.

The land here is fertile, not only can guarantee the oil fields in the east of the Ural Mountains, but also can explore and control the oil fields in the Eastern European Plain. It is a good place!

As he was thinking, the soldiers of the Ming army under the city tower heard his voice, and all of them shouted excitedly.Not only that, this night, in the various military camps, even though they were disciplined and could not speak, there were still soldiers who couldn't help whispering the glorious deeds of the emperor in their tents.

Early the next morning, some soldiers reported that they had found the body of Koprulu, the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire.

In response, Emperor Chongzhen had Koprulu's body hoisted to the prison camp for public display.And he himself held the first military meeting at Mingwei Fort.

Many generals of the Ming Dynasty stood up straight with their heads held high and their chests held high, showing that their morale was particularly high.

Seeing this scene, Hong Chengchou had to sigh in his heart, the difference between the presence of the emperor is really too big!

After the Emperor Chongzhen came out, after everyone had seen the ceremony, he announced: "I said before, since I am here this time, I will destroy the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire, and let others know that the consequences of provoking Ming Dynasty are definitely not theirs. bearable."

If someone else said this, saying that the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire were going to be destroyed, no one would believe it.Especially the local aborigines such as Racine and Penchuk would not believe it.

After all, the Ottoman Empire has always dominated Central Asia and has a vast territory.Although the Persian Empire is relatively worse, it is not much worse.How is it possible to destroy these two countries at once!

However, now that Emperor Chongzhen said these words, none of the people below doubted them.Everyone seemed very excited, and felt extremely honored for their participation in the war of destroying the country.

They were excited, Emperor Chongzhen looked at Hong Chengchou, and called out: "Hong Qing!"

"The humble minister is here!" Hong Chengchou heard and immediately went out to play back.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at him, and immediately ordered: "You immediately recall the Ming people in the north to restore farming and animal husbandry in the Volga River Basin. And select available people from them, supervise the workers and capture them, expand Mingwei Fort, and continue to open up wasteland."

More than [-] prisoners, this is a large number of labor.In addition to letting them continue to develop the Volga River Basin, Emperor Chongzhen also wanted to turn Mingwei Fort into Mingwei City, making it the basis for Ming Dynasty to rule the Volga River Basin.And take this as the center, build satellite towns, manage this place, make it a prosperous area, and continue to reduce the delivery of military supplies.

"I obey!" Hong Chengchou heard this, and immediately responded in a deep voice.

He is very happy about this.If the emperor's request can be fulfilled, then no matter how many generations later, as long as Daming's deeds in the west are mentioned, Hong Chengchou, the first generation of meritorious officials of the Ming Dynasty who opened up the territory, will inevitably be missed.

Ban Chao, who is famous in history, Zhang Qian only came to the area near the Tianshan Mountains, but he himself went as far as the Volga River Basin. It can be seen that the reputation in future generations will definitely not be worse than these two.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Emperor Chongzhen raise his voice and say again: "Hong Qing opened up Mingwei Fort for Ming Dynasty, guarded it for many years, and even blocked the attacks of Tsarist Russia, Ottoman and other countries. Feng Qing is the Marquis of Ming Wei, and also a Bachelor of the Martial Arts Hall..."

Hearing this, Hong Chengchou felt a "boom" on his forehead, and he could no longer hear what the emperor was saying behind him.

A bachelor, in fact, a minister of the cabinet, was the most desired by the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty; and the sudden title of a prince made him have no time to prepare, and he was completely confused.

From the time he guarded the Tianshan Luntai to Mingwei Fort, his goal was to reach the height of Wang Yangming and Lu Xiangsheng who were knighted as civil servants.

Although Hong Chengchou himself felt that based on his merits and the emperor's temper, he should be able to be knighted.However, he still didn't expect that the emperor would directly make him a marquis, which was higher than Wang Yangming and Lu Xiangsheng.This unexpected joy really shocked him.

Although Penchuk is the Duke of the Kingdom and Racine is also the Marquis, their titles cannot be compared with Hong Chengchou's title at all.Before Hong Chengchou was knighted, no matter whether it was Pengchuk or Racine, they had to listen to Hong Chengchou.Now, let alone.

After recovering from his senses, Hong Chengchou was so excited that he wanted to cry. Even though he was old, it didn't hinder his excitement. He immediately kowtowed and kowtowed to thank God: "The humble minister must do his best to die, in order to repay the king's kindness." !"

When he got up, other generals congratulated him.The hall was suddenly filled with joy.

Emperor Chongzhen waited for them to be happy for a while, and then said loudly: "Everyone will listen to the order!"

As soon as the generals in the lobby heard this, they came out one after another, cupping their fists and waiting for the order.

"I decided to take advantage of the victory to pursue and defeat the invading enemy in one fell swoop, and join forces with the rest of the tribes in the territory of Tang!" Emperor Chongzhen spoke forcefully and beyond doubt, "Give your ministers a day to prepare, and follow me to go to war tomorrow morning!"

"The last general obeys!" After hearing this, many generals shouted excitedly.

After they returned, the news spread.Immediately, the soldiers of the Ming army, those who accompanied them on the expedition, were all elated, happier than picking up gold ingots.

Because there are many examples that have proved that as long as you go out with your car, there is a high probability that no one will die, and you can earn military merits that you can't even imagine.For example, a certain deputy commander-in-chief, who used to be only a general flag who was not collected at night, can go out with him and easily pick up an unknown number of heads. He has made so many military achievements that he was promoted to the top in just a few years. .

Now that you are driving with you, it will destroy the Persian Empire and the Ottoman Empire.In this process, there will definitely be more military achievements than when the Mughal Empire was destroyed.

In short, in a word, fighting with the emperor is the favorite of all soldiers!
Early the next morning, Emperor Chongzhen set off with more than 6 cavalry troops. There was no way, since the Ming Dynasty occupied the grasslands, the Western Regions, and the Volga River Basin, there was no shortage of horses or soldiers on horseback.This expedition is all cavalry.There are even many of them equipped with one person and two horses.

However, more than 1 of them came from herdsmen. Their main task was to drive the herds southward with the army behind the army and provide the food and grass supplies needed by the army.

Before leaving, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said to Hong Chengchou: "There is no need to send him off. You have a lot to do, so go ahead and get busy!"

"Your Majesty, I am not in a hurry." After hearing this, Hong Chengchou quickly expressed his position: "I haven't seen the emperor for many years. I just want to see more of the emperor."

Well, watch it if you want.After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen thought about it, and ordered him again: "Among the more than [-] captives, some can be selected for use. I believe in these things, and you have a good mind, so I won't explain more!"

"Wei Chen understands that Wei Chen will definitely do his duty and will never distract the emperor!" After hearing this, Hong Chengchou expressed his stance again.

Emperor Chongzhen was relatively relieved about Hong Chengchou, so he did not go far and quickly led the army away.


What they didn't expect was that someone was actually planning this Mingwei Fort.

The Ottoman Empire and the Persian Empire united to conquer the Ming Kingdom.Not only mobilized their own troops, but also recruited soldiers and horses from the vassal states.Such a big movement, it is impossible not to attract the attention of the surrounding forces.

However, among the neighboring countries, Poland and the Commonwealth of Lithuania are the largest.However, this country and Tsarist Russia confronted each other, and the fight was a lose-lose one.Subsequently, Sweden tore up the contract and occupied Poland's northern territory while Poland was suppressing the internal rebellion.

The Czech Republic and Austria in the south were similar. Seeing an opportunity to take advantage, they also sent troops to encroach on Poland's southern territory.Unable to spare his hands, he stabbed the Ottoman Empire in the back.

However, there is one country that has nothing wrong with it, that is, the "polar bear" hiding in a remote place in the north and licking its wounds.

After receiving the news, Tsar Alexei was immediately moved.He didn't think the Ming army could resist such a large-scale attack.In this way, he missed the Samara Fort, which was occupied by the Ming army.

If Tsarist Russia could retake Samara Fort, the Eastern European plains between Moscow and Samara Fort would become much safer.It will definitely be of great help to Tsarist Russia to work hard and develop silently.

Based on this consideration, Alexei sent scouts to spy on the news from the east, and at the same time began to secretly organize the army to prepare for war, to see if there was any chance to benefit and revive Tsarist Russia.

When he received the news that the Ottoman Prime Minister Koprulu had led the army to surround Mingwei Fort and was in a stalemate with the Ming army, Alexei thought the opportunity had come.

He secretly assembled the army again and quietly marched eastward, preparing to find a good opportunity to intervene.

As a result, Alexei never expected that before he reached the vicinity of Samara Fort, he heard the urgent report of the horse scouting, explaining that the emperor led reinforcements to kill, and the Ottoman army was wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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