Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 901 Ottoman Empire

Chapter 901 Ottoman Empire

"Haha, this is not simple. Grandmasters of the Ming Royal Academy are true scholars. Of course, they must stay away from officialdom and the noise!" Mr. Liu finally reminded them.

When the tea guests in the teahouse heard this, they were suddenly enlightened.

"So that's it, it's really quiet enough outside the city!"

"That kid from my family wanted to take a scientific examination, but I also sent him to the countryside. I'm afraid he won't listen!"


Amidst the discussion, an elderly tea drinker suddenly said: "However, this is located outside the city, in case there is a military disaster or something..."

Obviously, he experienced the early years of building captives and fleeing thieves, and he seemed to be deeply impressed, so he put forward his meaning.However, as soon as he said these words, he was drowned in the saliva of a group of people.

"Military disaster, what other military disasters are there now?"

"That's right, in this world, only I, the Ming Dynasty, dominate, so it would be great if I don't hit others!"

"Isn't that true, today, who can be the enemy? Repaying the military disaster, believe it or not, the emperor destroyed them so much that they don't even know their ancestors?"

"Now the surrounding area is full of our Ming. Do you know where the border of our Ming is? The Arctic Ocean, Fort Mingwei..."


Originally, this elderly tea drinker wanted to distinguish that when the Ming dynasty flourished and declined, there might be military disasters, but he didn't even have time to speak, so he could only focus on wiping the saliva sprayed by others, and finally had no choice but to close his eyes. Mouth.

Nowadays, if Ming Dynasty wants to say something like this, it’s really embarrassing!
His worry, in fact, Emperor Chongzhen had already considered it.With the progress of the times, if there is a military disaster, it is no longer possible to prevent the army's attack by relying on the tall city wall.

Furthermore, with the current situation of Ming Dynasty, Ming Dynasty has begun to crush other countries in terms of science and technology. At least in the foreseeable future, only Ming Dynasty can dominate its enemies.

Even if Ming Dynasty had an economic crisis or something in the future, it would be easy to divert domestic conflicts and fight Europe and other countries.The so-called 300-year cycle of the dynasty, after opening up so many territories, how can it be buffered?
Of course, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't guarantee that the Ming Dynasty would last forever and no war would happen.

But isn't Daming a two-capital system?This Ming Royal Academy, which is used to study knowledge, plans to build one in Nanjing after the one in the capital is on the right track.Then the library inside, the researched knowledge, published papers, etc., are all in duplicate, and one copy is also kept in Nanjing.

If something happens in the future, it is impossible for both sides to have an accident at the same time, right?The two-pronged preservation method can always preserve the essence of Ming culture as much as possible!

Nowadays, the salary of the Daming Royal Academy is increased, the quality is improved, and he is called the yamen admired by the world, and it is widely advertised. For example, let this Mr. Liu and other people who belong to Dongchang to promote it, which is to make people who are really scholars , raised to what everyone yearns for, thus providing Daming Royal Academy with a steady stream of talents.

In Emperor Chongzhen's vision, any government office was not as important as the Daming Royal Academy.The output here will lead Daming all the way to the sea of ​​stars.

Therefore, he will gradually set goals for each category in the Ming Royal Academy for them to study.The path for the future has already been preset for them.As for things beyond his knowledge, they are only alien civilizations, and he can't control this.


While Emperor Chongzhen was busy with this, the butterfly effect caused by his time traveling also began to change the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East.

At this point, the real head of the Ottoman Empire is not the young Mehmed IV, but Sultan Kosem, their empress dowager.This is the last and most famous of the Sudanese feminist era.

These empress dowagers are a bit different from Wu Zetian. They like to dominate the harem, but they are not very interested in politics.Therefore, no one has the idea of ​​being a female emperor, just holding power in her hands.

The empress dowager was in power, the emperor was abolished, and the young grandson succeeded to the throne. Against this background, the Ottoman Empire was politically corrupt, corrupt officials were rampant, and there were even rebellions.

Therefore, even if the strength of the Persian Empire was greatly reduced, the Ottoman Empire did not gain much benefit.This made Aurangzeb, who fled to the Ottoman Empire, very angry and disappointed with the Ottoman Empire.

In the end, he went to the rebels in the Ottoman Empire and assisted the rebels in their rebellion. He thought of using the power of the rebels to kill the puppets and make a comeback when the time was right.

Not to mention, with his assistance, the strength of the rebels suddenly increased significantly, which finally made the Ottoman Empire wake up a year early.

For this reason, the Empress Dowager promoted Koprulu Muhammad Pasha as the Prime Minister of the Empire in order to change the current situation of the Ottoman Empire and revitalize the authority of the Central Empire.

This Koprulu Muhammad Pasha is a man of real ability. In the original history, he quelled rebellions, suppressed hostile elements, reorganized the army, and defeated the Venetian fleet. He really revived the power of the central government of the Ottoman Empire and became a Founder of a prominent family.

In the following hundreds of years, the actual power holders of the Ottoman Empire, that is, its prime minister, all came from his family.Either his son, or the continuation of his son-in-law.

This Koprulu was born in a rural area in Albania. He was a person who climbed up from the bottom, a bit like Hong Chengchou of the Ming Dynasty. He was promoted step by step. He was a guy with rich experience and strong ability.

As soon as he took office, he immediately placed his cronies in important positions so that his orders could be carried out.Strongly rectify the government and the army, and say the same thing.Suddenly, the central government of the Ottoman Empire really had to take on a completely new look.

The Pasha of Aleppo, Abazar Hassan, was the leader of the rebels. He came to power because he was the leader of a fierce mercenary force. With the help of Aurangzeb, he originally had a good momentum, but the enemy However, the wily Koprulu was quickly suppressed by him.

Poor Aurangzeb was destroyed before he even thought about killing the puppet. Naturally, he himself was also destroyed by Koprulu.

By this time, the Ottoman Empire had regained the strength of the old empire and began to threaten the surrounding areas.According to the original history, Koprulu would then organize an expedition to Venice and win the war.

But in this plane, before he could make a decision, an envoy from the Crimean Khanate, a vassal state of the Ottoman Empire, came to ask for a meeting.

"What, the Bukhara Khanate was destroyed by the Ming army?" Koprulu was taken aback.

Earlier, when he heard that the Mughal Empire was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty, he was actually shocked.However, after all, there is a Persian Empire across, there is no need for the emperor not to worry about the eunuchs, just let the Persian Empire have a headache first.He was busy himself, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, the Ming Dynasty was so powerful and aggressive that it destroyed another country.In addition, they captured the Samara Fort and forced Tsar Alexei to sign a treaty ceding territory and paying compensation.At this time, he was truly aware of the threat from the Ming Kingdom.

"Yes, my lord!" The envoy of the Crimean Khanate reported anxiously, "Now that the Ming army is not closing at night, it has appeared on the border of the poor country. I don't know when they will launch an attack. Please help me The country is the master, help the country drive away this hungry wolf!"

Koprulu frowned after hearing this.Because in his original plan, he had no plans to develop his power eastward.He was preparing to go west and fight with those Christian countries.

However, Ming Kingdom was aggressive in the east, which made him feel threatened, so he had to reconsider his plan.

Of course, it is not so easy for a character like him to change his mind at once.

The existence of a vassal state is to pay tribute to the suzerain state and become a barrier to the suzerain state.Before the Ming Dynasty conquered the vassal state, the suzerain country had to stand up for the vassal state. The vassal king was not his biological son, so he would not do that.

What if the Ming Dynasty had no plans to attack the Crimean Khanate and ran to question it?Today's Ottoman Empire is not the empire at its strongest, and it can despise all enemies.If you really want to do that, if you recruit the Ming army who didn't fight the Crimean Khanate, wouldn't you be asking for trouble!

But if you don't care, if the Ming army launches a surprise attack, most of the Crimean Khanate will be wiped out before you can react.Before he sent his troops, he destroyed the Crimean Khanate. In that case, the flames of war might reach the Ottoman Empire, which Koprulu didn't want to see.

Just when he was hesitating and had not made a final decision, suddenly another report came from below, saying that the Persian Empire and the envoy of Abbas II had arrived.

This is an old rival of the Ottoman Empire, and it can be said that it came from a feud.So what did Abbas II send people to do?
With doubts in my heart, I finally formally received the envoy, that is, the empress dowager and the emperor were present, and received the envoy from the Persian Empire.

What they didn't expect was that although the current Ottoman Empire was pressing down on the Persian Empire, the humility and low profile of the Persian Empire's envoys was unprecedented.

The wise empress dowager, the wise emperor, and the wise prime minister, anyway, they flattered as much as they could, and the big gifts they gave were also very heavy.Abbas II also expressed his willingness to surrender to the Ottoman Empire and repair it forever.

This situation made the empress dowager of the Ottoman Empire very happy.What the emperors of the Ottoman Empire failed to do, she did when she was in power.Even if she is not interested in outside politics, she is still very proud.

But Koprulu felt something was wrong, there must be a demon if things go wrong.So, he asked directly why he came.

(End of this chapter)

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