Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 90 Arriving at the Imperial Horse Supervisor Barracks

Chapter 90 Arriving at the Imperial Horse Supervisor Barracks

Emperor Chongzhen saw Jiang Dong's other side through eavesdropping on the seeds, and he didn't have any dissatisfaction. He just sighed that no one in this world is a fool!

This Jiang Dong had a conflict with Jiading Bo's mansion because of his sister's affairs, so he was bold enough.You know, that is the queen's natal family and the prince's grandfather's family.

But it's good, I like it!
As for the Jiadingbo Mansion, although the Emperor Chongzhen had a relationship with the empress because of the fusion of memories.But based on the impression of later generations, at this time, he was still very dissatisfied with Jiadingbo, the father of the queen.When the country was in crisis, not only did he not help, but he was extremely stingy, and even betrayed his relatives and nephews in order to keep himself.Such a person is almost the same as the famous Shui Tailiang, even worse.

Just wait, sooner or later you will have to deal with this family severely!

Emperor Chongzhen thought so, and temporarily put the matter behind him, because he had already arrived at the military camp at this time.

This time, he didn't come over immediately, but someone had come to inform him in advance that all soldiers lined up on the windy school field according to their respective affiliations.

Emperor Chongzhen boarded the Dianjiang platform and glanced at the four guards and one battalion in front of him, that is, the left and right guards of Tengxiang, the left and right guards of Wuxiang, the Yongwei camp and the training camp in the training camp.According to the establishment, the number of the Four Guards Army is about 2.The selection and training camp is composed of [-] people from various officials of the Jingwei.However, as far as I can see, there is no such number of people at all, and it is estimated that half of them are overestimated.

Even so, the old and the weak accounted for about half of the strokes in the lineups that we saw before our eyes.There are even some old and weak, wearing tattered military uniforms like beggars, who can be seen as the dignified guards of the emperor, the forbidden army among the forbidden army!
That is to say, the Yongwei Battalion is fine, with more than 1 people, who are now fighting abroad, which is a real elite.

Emperor Chongzhen remembered clearly that he had not reviewed the troops under the Royal Horse Supervisor before.But what I saw at that time was that they were all fully staffed, and there were no old or weak soldiers among the soldiers, and all of them were vigorous and high-spirited.

Obviously, at that time, when the original Emperor Chongzhen was about to inspect the army, Wang Zhixin recruited people from other places to make up for it, and showed it to him.If it weren't for the sudden investigation and punishment of the Yumajian by Dongchang this time, and almost the entire officials of the Yumajian, it is estimated that the actual situation of the emperor's guards would not have been seen.

It can be seen from this that the original Yumajian received an unknown amount of empty salary, and also deducted an unknown amount of military salary.Wang Zhixin and the others really deserve death!
At this time, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the soldiers below, and he could find that most of the soldiers had frightened faces and panic in their hearts.It is estimated that the actions of Dongchang fanzi in their place these days scared them.

After all, Dongchang will not be gentle when doing things.Moreover, there are so many people involved this time that it is almost to the point of arresting one by one.Under such an atmosphere, it is strange that the entire Yumajian would feel at ease.

Of course, some of them were numb, and their dull eyes looked like walking dead.For them, so what if the emperor came?They were replaced by other officials, but they were not all the same in the end!
Emperor Chongzhen looked at it for a while, then slowly opened his mouth, and said to about 1 soldiers on the school field: "Dongchang's investigation of the imperial horse supervisor has nothing to do with your ordinary soldiers. And if Dongchang hadn't reported to me, I would have been Being deceived by Wang Zhixin and others, they don’t even know what’s going on in the army!”

Speaking of this, he paused and then said loudly: "Since I already know, then I will never let my guards be treated so unfairly. If you owe any wages, you will make up for it. Hope you all have a good year!”

It is false to say that other things, even if the emperor is talking about being deceived by Wang Zhixin or something, most of them have become numb and indifferent.However, when Emperor Chongzhen said that he would make up for the arrears, all of them came to life immediately, and their emotions were obviously a little excited.However, their expressions were mostly skeptical, as if they didn't dare to believe it.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't talk nonsense, he just waved his hand.Chen Baoting, who was behind him, waited for a few servants, and ordered a few captains of Jin Yiwei to open all the boxes that had been carried on the stage and dump them on the stage.Immediately, all the white money rolled out at once, more than 8 taels of silver, all rolled out, and piled up in a huge pile.

At this moment, the soldiers below were immediately excited. Seeing so much money in vain, they immediately believed that they could finally get the money.Many of them have no military pay at all.Not only that, but he was also ordered to go out to work, and the money he earned was taken away by those officials.Dare to say no, this is the army, and it requires military law to handle it.Over the years, it would be strange not to feel numb and hopeless!
However, no matter how desperate he is, if he is stimulated with money, he will come back to his senses.

Emperor Chongzhen saw that the trick of pouring money was effective, so he began to say again: "Don't worry, this time I will watch over you, and no one will deduct your owed wages. I will come to ask you in person when I turn around, but there is a problem. , but you can say it directly in front of me!"

When he said this, he suddenly changed the subject, and raised his voice a bit: "However, my guards cannot be made up of the old and the weak. Now the world is in chaos, the people are in dire straits, and the Manchu and Qing troops are still raging in the capital. The army you want is to be able to fight for the country like the brave guard battalion. The kind that can follow me to fight in the north and south like when the country was founded. If anyone among you thinks that he can go into battle and fight against the powerful enemies of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, hey hand!"

After speaking, in order to relieve their worries, he added: "If you can't kill the enemy, I will not blame you, and I will arrange for you properly. As long as you work hard, you will be able to have enough food and clothing. This is my promise to you , Never break your word!"

In the public court, the emperor's golden words, for the vast majority of people, even if he didn't add the words "never break his promise", they would still believe it.

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, the soldiers on the school field immediately became a sensation.They looked around at their familiar comrades, and the eye contact was no longer enough to communicate, so they immediately started whispering.

"Do you think it's better to go to the battlefield or wait for the arrangement?"

"The emperor seems to want to follow the example of the founding emperor, and we will go to battle with the four guards, shall we go?"

"As long as you work hard, you can have enough food and clothing, which seems to be good!"


Regarding the situation on the school field, Emperor Chongzhen did not stop him, and let them discuss it. After all, this is one of the most important choices in their lives.

The soldiers on the school grounds, after considering their own situation, some people began to raise their hands one after another.

"I'll give you fifty more time to think about it." After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, the Imperial Guards School Captain began to count loudly.

The soldiers below heard this, and even more people whispered to each other, obviously thinking about how to make a choice.

So how many people in the four guards and one battalion with more than 1 people will raise their hands?

(End of this chapter)

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