Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 899 Manpower is sometimes poor

Chapter 899 Manpower is sometimes poor
In addition, occupying Persia and the Arabian Peninsula is not enough in terms of the troops currently stationed there.

Although Li Dingguo and Wu Sangui are currently reorganizing the original Mughal Empire's army, if they want it to eventually become a territory directly under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty, they must have a strong sense of belonging to the Ming Dynasty, and they still have to be sent from the mainland. Military strength is the best.Even their descendants must be stronger than the army assembled by the natives.

Based on this idea, Emperor Chongzhen began to dispatch troops again.Both the army and the navy have dispatched some troops to go there.

Sometimes, Emperor Chongzhen was also speechless.The matter of that man and woman, I didn't expect it to be very attractive, and all the armies enthusiastically signed up to go to overseas borders.Especially the northern grasslands, as well as the northwest and southwest, which are not particularly developed compared to the entire Ming Dynasty, are the most active.Forget it, let you spread the branches and leaves for Daming!

The Bukhara Khanate did not escape in the end.

On Hong Chengchou's side, after the pressure of Tsarist Russia's counterattack was gone, he began to turn his attention to the south.Whether it was to appease the hearts of the original Tuerhut tribe, or for the fertile land in the Volga River Basin, Hong Chengchou never planned to let the Bukhara Khanate go.

After the ice and snow melted, Hong Chengchou sent troops to attack the Bukhara Khanate, attracting a large number of troops from the Bukhara Khanate.Afterwards, Wu Sangui's troops, who were notified by Hong Chengchou, stabbed the Bukhara Khanate from behind, and under the attack from the north and the south, the Bukhara Khanate was wiped out.

In this battle, not to mention, there was revenge for revenge, and grudges for revenge. The soldiers of the Torghut, who had been bullied by the Blaha Khanate, put in a lot of effort.After they invaded the Bukhara Khanate, they were also the ones who hated the most.In the end, there were still women and children left behind.

Basically when Zheng Zhilong arrived in North America and wiped out the main force of Spain with Sun Chuanting, the Bukhara Khanate was destroyed.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't pay much attention to these.He had given Hong Chengchou this kind of power, otherwise, he would ask for instructions back and forth, and everything would be delayed in such a far place.

However, there is one thing that Emperor Chongzhen did not expect, and that is Tsarist Russia.

According to what Hong Chengchou finally found out, Tsar Alexei was indeed a capable person. Facing Sweden and Poland's sneak attack on the empty rear, after he signed the Treaty of Fort Mingwy, he did not go back. The two armies fought, but led the way into Poland.

In other words, he doesn't care about his own country anymore, you kill you, and I kill mine, it's completely like a fish to death.

Or it might be because of the sad soldiers, or it might be that Poland has too few troops left in the eastern part of the country. I didn't expect Alexei to use this trick.After the Tsarist Russian army entered Poland, it was so overwhelming that Poland couldn't bear it, and immediately returned to rescue the country.Unexpectedly, he was ambushed by the Tsarist Russian army halfway, and the main force was disabled.

But no matter what, the Tsarist Russian army was defeated at Mingwei Fort first, and then rushed back to attack Poland day and night, and finally fought the main force of Poland. It never stopped.Therefore, after this battle was over, the Tsarist Russian army finally ran out of strength.

In the end, Tsarist Russia and Poland ceased the war and signed the treaty again.

On the Polish side, there was no benefit at all. Instead, the country was robbed repeatedly after working hard, which dealt a great blow to Poland.

The army was dispatched, and the money and food were countless.The people were very dissatisfied at first, but after suffering from the military disaster, many people no longer wanted to be oppressed by Poland and the Lithuanian Commonwealth, and imitated Khmelnytsky and started rebelling.

Originally in history, the era of the great flood that started with the Khmelnytsky rebellion finally happened in Poland and the Commonwealth of Lithuania.

After the Swedish army heard about the war in Poland, they did not go to rescue Poland, but they were worried that Alexei, a madman, would fight for his life.Therefore, after capturing Moscow, they burned and killed it for three days and three nights. In the end, Moscow was burned to the ground, and then they retreated with their troops.

However, the towns adjacent to Sweden were still occupied.Since then, the Baltic Sea has become the inland sea of ​​Sweden, and there is nothing wrong with Tsarist Russia.

It can be said that in this scuffle, not counting the Ming army's side, it was the Swedish side that reaped the greatest benefits.Their new king Karl X also used this battle to consolidate his royal power abdicated from Queen Christina.

One thing that Hong Chengchou didn't find out is that after Sweden heard about the turmoil in Poland, it started to think about Poland again.Just like a hungry wolf, hiding aside, waiting for the best time to pounce and bite hard.

Of course, Tsarist Russia was not much better.

This polar bear was also bruised and had no strength left to do anything, so it could only go back to its den to lick its wounds.At this time, Alexei not only did not dare to tear up the Samara Fort agreement, but was worried that the Ming army would not abide by the agreement and tear up the Samara Fort agreement.

This is probably the case in Eastern Europe as a whole.

After Hong Chengchou learned about it, he didn't really have to tear up the Mingwei Fort agreement, and then led his troops westward.It's not that he doesn't want to expand the territory, but that his troops are really limited. If he occupies more territory and the troops are dispersed, he is afraid of accidents.

After all, in this strange Europe, he has too many unknown things.He is not as confident as the emperor that he can win the battle absolutely. Therefore, he wants to manage Mingwei Castle well, and then slowly encroach on the Eastern European plains adjacent to Mingwei Castle. This is his plan.

To sum up, at this time, it was not the strength of the enemy that limited the pace of Daming's expansion, but Daming's own limited manpower.

In this regard, the approach of the Ming Dynasty was completely different from that of the Genghis Khan era.

In the era of Genghis Khan, it was crazy expansion. Although the occupied territory was extremely wide, but the occupied areas were not properly managed, they quickly fell apart and split into many khanates.

On Daming's side, it's steady and steady.Set up a place, close to it, and move the people of Ming Dynasty to become the territory of Ming Dynasty, such as Annan, Dongwu and other places.

Far away, they enfeoffed vassal states and ruled the local areas with the same ancestral state, such as Tianzhu, and the American region.

In the end, whether the method of Genghis Khan's era is better or the way of Ming Dynasty is better, will ultimately have to wait for the test of history.But one thing is certain, that is, even if Genghis Khan wanted to learn from Daming's method of expanding territory, he would not be able to do it.Because his population is many times smaller than that of Daming, there is no way to learn.

Of course, although Daming has a population of nearly [-] million, it seems that the population is not enough after so much expansion. Otherwise, with the current strength of Daming, it will definitely be one step closer, such as Mingwei Fort.

In addition, there is another place that is even more lacking in population, and that is Australia in later generations.

Although in the original history, this place was more of a place where Western colonists exiled criminals.But, I have to say, this place is actually a good place.The whole world is in a world war, but Australia's direction is rarely affected.

If it weren't for this place being too far away from Europe, and Europe's population base in the past was too poor, otherwise it would definitely be easier to immerse yourself in development than North America.

Daming also wants to occupy this place, but just like the Americas, it is too far away and the transportation is too inconvenient. Apart from his own relatively strong control over that place, I am afraid that the future generations of Daming will have a heart for it. Powerless.Therefore, on the Australian side, it is better to divide the vassal kings.

After kicking a few more from the Americas, the other feudal lords will all be kicked to Australia, and the feudal lords of Ming Dynasty will basically be settled.

But right now, say one thousand, say ten thousand, the most important thing is the infrastructure!Without developed transportation, the territory is too wide, and it is really powerless.This is why the territory of China in the past dynasties was only so large, not that the previous emperors did not want to expand the territory.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen didn't think too much, and devoted all his energy to domestic construction.

Although he has a wiretapping system in his hand, he can still know the world's affairs without being deceived by his subordinates without going out of the Forbidden City.However, for Emperor Chongzhen, he obviously didn't like to stay in the Forbidden City.

As a result, the footprints of Emperor Chongzhen were left in all parts of the Ming Dynasty.

Take the train directly to Guihua City, inspect the Hetao Plain, meet the Mongolian people, listen to the people's sentiments, and guide the Mongolian officials on how to do things better.

This is unmatched by any other emperor.With Emperor Chongzhen's insight, every instruction can hit the point.

On this Mongolian grassland, the first thing is to vigorously develop agriculture on the Hetao Plain, and the cultivation of potatoes has been improved to a higher level, so as to fully ensure the food rations of the people under natural disasters.Second, Emperor Chongzhen also specially went to Baotou to inspect the iron mines and iron smelting here.

In addition, he also inspected a circle along the Yellow River, found problems, solved them, and ensured that the Yellow River would not flood or divert.

Later, when the weather turned cold, he took the train to the south again to inspect the Yangtze River Basin, which is also the most important patrol for Jiang Defense.The infrastructure situation in various places, and every time he goes to a place, he has to listen to the reports of the local officials, solve the difficulties if there are difficulties, and vigorously improve the infrastructure if there are no difficulties.

As the backbone of the Ming Dynasty, the railways stretching from Guihua City in the north, Guangzhou City in the south, Luntai in the Tianshan Mountains in the west, and Kunming in the southwest, are almost complete.

Originally, according to Emperor Chongzhen's plan, the southwest railway was to eventually reach Dongwu's port in the Indian Ocean.However, the terrain in the southwest is too difficult to build a railway, and the cost is too high if it cannot be built.We can only hope that after the yellow explosive is successfully developed, we will no longer have to fight against nature.

Emperor Chongzhen took the train to inspect, and also demanded that on the basis of this train traffic, the construction of railways and roads should continue to be spread across the country like a net.No matter what you leave for future generations, it is better to leave these things the most real.

(End of this chapter)

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