Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 892 Disgraceful things

Chapter 892 Disgraceful things
In May of the 28th year of Chongzhen, the three vassal kings, including King Lu, led the subjects they recruited, sat on the boats they hired or bought, and followed the second batch of Ming expeditionary forces under the command of Zheng Zhilong. Set sail across the Pacific Ocean.

At this time, based on the pressure of the Ming army, the Spaniards in America were seeking ways to reconcile with European islands.However, because the Ming army led by Sun Chuanting was operating along the Pacific coast, there was not much conflict of interest with the pirates on the Atlantic side.On the contrary, it is the property of Spain, the overlord, that arouses the covetousness of islands from all over the world.

Therefore, just as in history, when the second batch of the Ming Dynasty's expeditionary force set off, the British fleet jointly led by the British William Byng and Robert Venables captured the Spanish Jamaica.Then, they immediately invited pirates from France, England, the Netherlands and other countries to the island's port of Port Loire to help defend against possible Spanish counterattacks.

In short, at this time, the situation in America has changed because of the butterfly wings.However, this change has not completely changed the situation in the Americas.In this case, the Spaniard has the most pressure and the most headache.

On the contrary, the second child in the American colonies, that is, Portugal, knows the whole situation and is very happy.Anders believes that in a few years, Portugal will be No. [-] on the American side, Ming will be No. [-], and there will be no such thing as Spain.

On this day, in Port Loire, Jamaica, William Byng and Robert Venables were discussing a possible Spanish counterattack.

To be honest, for Spain, the overlord, the two of them are still very worried.Otherwise, they would not have invited pirates from other countries to come to the territory they had finally won.

They were talking, when suddenly they heard their subordinates running to report, "A Spanish ship is approaching with a white flag!"

William and Robert couldn't help being a little surprised when they heard this, and they glanced at each other.Afterwards, I heard Robert say: "What's going on here? It's so easy to discuss, to negotiate? I thought they would send a fleet over?"

In the original history, the Spaniards were indeed unwilling. They started from Brazil and came to compete for Jamaica several times, but they all failed in the end.

After hearing this, William suddenly showed a hint of excitement on his face and said, "Could it be that the things in the legend are true?"

"What legend?" Robert asked curiously after hearing this.

William replied with a bit of gloating: "I heard that the Spaniards are in big trouble. It seems that they were attacked by the Orientals, and even Mexico was lost!"

"Oh, this is unlikely, right?" Robert was very surprised after hearing this, "Can there be Orientals in America? Are Orientals so powerful?"

Obviously, the pirates in the Atlantic are not well informed, and they don't know that the Ming army is now attacking everywhere, and its strength is strong.These people are still looking at things with old eyes and old thinking.

Therefore, William only heard about it and wasn't sure. The two chatted for a while, and they were going to see what kind of medicine was sold in the Spaniard's gourd?

After about half an hour, the Spanish ship with the white flag docked, and an envoy finally came to the island's meeting hall.Not only William and Robert are here, but other pirate leaders are also here.Because they were also curious and didn't know what the Spaniards were doing, so they all came to listen.

The person who came was not someone else, but Filot, who was originally in Manila, escaped from the Battle of Manila and returned to the American continent on the most wanted list of Ming Dynasty.Because he was most familiar with the Ming army, he was sent to negotiate with these pirates.

Looking at the somewhat noisy meeting hall, to be honest, from his heart, he was proud and looked down on these pirates from various European countries.However, the situation was stronger than others, and he had no choice but to use a humble attitude, and said to the two British guys on the main seat: "The governor sent me here to tell you a very bad news."

Having said that, he paused, and seeing that everyone stopped whispering, he announced loudly: "The devil is coming from the east. If we don't unite, we will be expelled from America."

Hearing this, William and Robert couldn't help but glanced at each other, confirming that the rumors were true and that the Spaniards were in big trouble.

However, they didn't take it seriously. If it was a big trouble, it was also a big trouble for the Spaniards, and it had nothing to do with them.

The two of them hadn't spoken yet, and the pirate chiefs who were listening had already started shouting.

"What eastern demons? Can there be demons in the east?"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, Orientals are all soft-legged crabs, the most obedient!"

"Don't you have any doubts in your heart? We all want you to get out of America!"

"Are you guys playing some kind of conspiracy? You must want to take back Jamaica, right?"


Hearing that these people were so villainous, Philot was so angry that he wanted to turn around and leave immediately. Talking to these pirates was really humiliating his identity.

But thinking of the current situation in Spain, he had to suppress his unhappiness, and shouted loudly, trying to cover the voices of these pirates, and said loudly: "You don't know, Mexico has been taken by the Orientals! They saw We white people are all going to be killed, do you think you will be fine if you meet them in the future?"

His news was really like a blockbuster, which stunned the pirates.

Mexico has always been a place where the Spaniards focus their business. No matter how courageous they are, the pirates did not dare to attack Mexico.

During this period of time, they just felt abnormal, because the Spanish warships in the Gulf of Mexico increased a lot.However, they didn't know what happened on land.

At this time, they got the real hammer, and they were really surprised that Mexico was captured by the Orientals.

Robert immediately reconfirmed: "You said that the Easterners captured Mexico. How many people did they come? Don't you Spain always think that you are the strongest? Why didn't you even keep Mexico?"

Others also had this question after hearing it.

In fact, although they dare to grab something from Spain, there is one thing they have to admit, that is, the Spaniards are really strong.

"The Orientals, to be precise, are from the Ming Dynasty. Have you ever heard of the great empire in the Far East? Silk, porcelain, raw silk, etc. are all their specialties!" Philot explained to them, "It is This great empire sent troops across the ocean, about 2 people, and took Mexico."

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and then added: "By the way, there are also the Portuguese. They are helping the Ming people, and they are the ones who attracted the Ming people."

In fact, in his heart, there was actually another reason why the Ming people came to America, that is, the Ming army came to hunt him down, but this was a secret, and he buried it in his heart, and no one said it.

Hearing his news, the pirates in the meeting room couldn't help talking again.

Some are saying that they have heard of the empire of the East, which is said to be very rich, and they are still thinking about when they will go to the East to snatch it!Others expressed doubts, never heard that the Easterners would run out, at least the Eastern army would run out, I am afraid that this is not just made up by the Spaniards; some people even expressed doubts about the combat effectiveness of the Easterners, They feel that in this world, white people are the most powerful, and the rest are used to be colonized...

Seeing that the meeting hall was a little chaotic again, Filot had to speak loudly and loudly again. This time, he said to the Dutch pirates: "I'm afraid you don't know that in the Far East, we Spain and You Dutch people joined forces, does your Batavia governor Anthony know? We in Spain joined forces with him to fight against the Ming army. However, the result was that the entire army was annihilated. Did you hear that, the entire army was annihilated!"

Hearing the explosive news again, all the pirates were stunned.If they didn't have an impression of the fighting power of the Ming army before, then the news of Filot at this time can let them roughly know how strong the Ming army is!
However, it's not that what he says, these pirates will believe anything!
Therefore, Robert immediately asked about the situation.

Filot was the party involved in that battle, and even in the Far East for so many years, he began to tell them in detail about the Ming Empire in the Far East and the details of the battle in Nanyang.

He is a person who has experienced it, not someone who hears it. Therefore, when he talks about it, even in the face of pirates' questioning, he can explain it. In the end, these pirates basically accepted the fact that the Far East The Ming Empire was definitely not what they imagined.

Having reached this conclusion, William confirmed again: "So, you really lost Mexico?"

"This is not a glorious thing!" Filot was a little annoyed, but he still had to answer patiently, "Mexico was indeed taken away by the Ming army, but the coast is still under the control of our Spaniards. Today's Ming army , mainly fighting southward along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. If we Europeans don’t unite, there will be no place for us Europeans in America by then!”

Hearing this, the meeting hall was quiet for a while.But soon, they were noisy again.

Some pirates said that the Ming army beat you Spain, it's none of our business!
Some pirates began to ask for prices, give money first, and then help you fight!

Other pirates are asking how the Ming army's wealth is, how much is it?Looking at the appearance of these people, it seems that they are going to rob the Ming army like they want to rob the Spaniards.


In short, there are all kinds of pirates, with various ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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