Chapter 884
The closer you get to Fort Mingwei, the more soldiers of the Ming army.The sentries do not accept at night, the cavalry teams on patrol, etc., can often be encountered.

Stepan Razin opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at everything about the Ming army.The Ming army general who came back together saw him like this and didn't mind introducing the situation to him.

Listening and watching, Racine was secretly surprised.If it was said that the Ming army he had seen in the Wangzhang of the Torghut Department was indeed elite, he actually didn't take it seriously.Because in his opinion, the Ming army who was ordered to recruit Turghut's troops must be the elite selected from all the Ming armies, including the best equipment.Only in this way can we publicize the military power of the Ming Dynasty, and it will be easier to recruit the Turghut Department.

However, as he saw more and more Ming soldiers, Racine was surprised to find that almost all the Ming soldiers he saw were the same, and even those Ming soldiers named Yebushou were more elite. wait.

What was particularly rare was that Racine could clearly feel that the morale of the soldiers of the Ming army was very high.

Although they expeditioned to the Volga River Basin and were about to face the counterattack of the Tsarist Russian army, there was no fear or tension on their faces at all.A kind of strong self-confidence, expressed very strongly!

Such an army will go up in the face of disaster, not afraid of a strong enemy, and stronger when encountering a strong one. It is absolutely very difficult to defeat this kind of army.So, why did the Ming army have such strong self-confidence and high morale?

Thinking about this question, Racine immediately thought of some rumors about the Ming army that he heard after he arrived at the Torghut Department.Talk about how they were invincible, not to mention the dominance of the East, and the destruction of the Mughal Empire and so on.Since their emperor's personal conquest, they have never lost a battle!
Or maybe it was because of countless victories that there were such Ming army soldiers!
Thinking of this, Racine couldn't help feeling even more in awe of the Ming army, the awe of the strong.Along the way, he lowered his posture a lot, and kept asking the generals of the Ming army about various things about Daming.

It would be an even greater feat if, beyond the governor's expectation, another faction can be attached to him, especially if the faction's wars are all brave and skilled knights.Based on this kind of thinking, this Ming army general naturally knew everything and said everything.

Listening to the detailed introduction, I heard the earth-shaking changes that took place in the Ming Dynasty, and I heard that something called the railway has been built to the Tianshan Mountains, and it will continue to be built westward. It is an artifact for transporting troops and supplies.

What's more, the life of the people of all ethnic groups in the Ming Dynasty is treated equally. As long as you work hard, life is blissful.Compared to before, how much I can't believe it.

All these things made Racine yearn for it.Compared with the days of my own tribe under the oppression of Tsarist Russia, it is really incomparable at all.

Of course, it is also possible that he felt that the general of the Ming army was exaggerating. Therefore, Racine also maintained a trace of suspicion while looking forward to it.

On this day, it was finally time to arrive at Fort Mingwy.

Looking from a distance, the crowds are surging, and there are people working everywhere.There are soldiers of the Ming army, and there are those who don't wear military uniforms. They should be civilian husbands.However, Racine could not see the overseer with the whip, only some people were directing.It seems that Mingwei Castle is being expanded and fortifications are being built to prepare for the upcoming battle.

Seeing all this, Racine was surprised again.The scene in front of him reminded him of the words of the Ming army general beside him, and the things about the people of various ethnic groups seemed to be confirmed.

Of course, there is another point, that is, the impression Ming Jun gave him was that he was very energetic and vigorous.It is conceivable how powerful such an empire would be. No wonder the Ming army was able to destroy the mighty Mughal Empire with a snap of its fingers.

The world today seems to be the world of Ming Dynasty!

Having figured this out, and seeing the growing shadow of Fort Mingwy, Racine once again adjusted his mentality and made up his mind.


An hour later, Racine arrived at Fort Mingwei. While waiting for the Governor of the Ming Dynasty to receive him, he kept a respectful attitude and showed absolutely no sign of impatience.

On the other hand, Hong Chengchou's attachment to the Turhu Special Department was actually not a surprise, because it was within his expectations.However, the arrival of the Don Cossacks was beyond his expectation.

Although it was his first western expedition, he had heard from Emperor Chongzhen that there was a race in the west who was as good at riding and fighting as the Mongols.Tsarist Russia's expansion of territory to the east mostly relied on this race.

At this time, after hearing the situation of the Don Cossacks introduced by the generals sent out, I realized that the Cossacks are also divided into many ethnic groups. Not every ethnic group is dedicated to Tsarist Russia, and there are also groups that are oppressed and living hard.

In this case, according to the united front principle explained by Emperor Chongzhen, this can be subdued.Now that the leader of the Don Cossacks came here in person, he not only showed his personal courage, but also proved from one aspect that he should be sincere enough.

Although at this time in the Ming Dynasty, there were countless Mongols attached to it, and now there are even Turghuts attached to it, there are not many men who can ride and fight well.However, for such soldiers, who would think too little?
Therefore, based on this idea, Hong Chengchou cordially received Racine.This meeting was also praised by later generations of Don Cossacks.

Both parties are sincere, so the atmosphere in such a meeting is naturally very good.

Hong Chengchou immediately made a promise to give the Don Cossacks the same treatment as the Turghut Ministry.However, it has also been stated that his promise will ultimately be made by the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.

There is an example from the Torghut Ministry, and of course Racine has no objection.On the contrary, if Hong Chengchou agreed without any problem, he would suspect that there was fraud in it.

Based on the current situation, Hong Chengchou told Racine: "You should wait for this journey. I expect that when the Tsarist Russian army comes to attack Mingwei Fort, you will definitely be recruited to join the battle. When the time comes, you will be able to make a decision. great merit!"

This is to blackmail the Russian army!Racine thought about it, and immediately agreed.For him, of course he wanted to make a big contribution.

Therefore, Hong Chengchou wrote in his own handwriting about the recruitment of the Donhe Cossacks, and stamped it with the official seal, so that Racine can have an explanation when he goes back.

It didn't take long for the Turhu Special Department to move to Mingwei Fort one after another to accept Hong Chengchou's rule.As a result, Mingwei Castle became more lively.


From Fort Mingwy to Moscow, it is over two thousand miles away.However, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was not yet in Moscow, but was leading an expedition to Poland, and was attacking Smolensk, eight hundred miles away.

According to the original historical development, Alexei would not be able to capture Smolensk until September, and he would return to Moscow in triumph to deal with it after he captured Wilno and other Polish cities in the summer of the following year. Those troubles caused by Patriarch Nikon.

When the Tsarist Russian army withdrew from Poland, King Karl X of Sweden led his army to attack Poland again, once conquering Poznan, Warsaw and Krakow.

Alexei was very worried that after defeating Poland, Sweden would move eastward and attack Tsarist Russia itself.Therefore, he had to lead an army in 1656, trying to take the opportunity to recover the territory along the Baltic Sea, so as to occupy a strong geographical position in the future confrontation with Sweden.

In short, according to the original historical development, Alexei's center of gravity will always be in Eastern Europe.

And on this plane, when the news of Ming's capture of Samara Fort reached Moscow and then the front line of Smolensk, it had been about a month or so.

At this time, Alexei had not yet captured Smolensk, so he couldn't help being shocked after hearing the news.

Although Samara Fort is far away from Moscow, it can be said that it is the real frontier of Tsarist Russia in the east.But the appearance of a large-scale Ming army over there means that the Eastern European Plain will no longer be safe.If Samara Fort is not recaptured and the Ming army is not driven back to the Far East, the vast plains will be undefendable.

But if the troops are withdrawn at this time, it means that the efforts to attack Poland will be in vain.If you don't be afraid of Poland and lose your temper if you don't beat Poland, then Tsarist Russia will inevitably give up halfway when it accepts Ukraine.Because of this, it was the prerequisite for Khmelnytsky's willingness to merge Eastern Ukraine, centered on Zabarozhye, into Tsarist Russia.

In desperation, Alexey had no choice but to summon Khmelnytsky and tell him the situation.

Khmelnytsky was also shocked when he heard this.Unexpectedly, the distant Ming Kingdom would come to cause trouble at this time.He was definitely annoyed by this.

Alexei said frankly that he had to withdraw his troops and beat back the powerful enemies in the Far East first.Otherwise, there will be a strong enemy in the east of Tsarist Russia, and you will not even be able to sleep at ease in the future.

Of course Khmelnytsky was unwilling to do this, but he had no choice but to stop it.

In the end, Alexei sent someone to negotiate peace with the Polish army in Smolensk, and told the Poles as a victor that this was just a warning to Poland not to send troops to attack the Cossacks in Eastern Ukraine.Otherwise, they will not be so polite next time, and they will definitely take down Smolensk and other places to teach Poland a lesson.

After the beautiful words came out, Alexei immediately retreated regardless of what the Poles thought.

It was only when he was about to reach Moscow that he announced the war in the east, and ordered to continue to mobilize the army, collect food and grass, and immediately go to the east.

For Patriarch Nikon, Alexei sternly warned him to stop promoting religious reforms, issue the strictest real mobilization, and collect as much food and grass as possible for the army.

Anyone, if there is something wrong in this decisive battle with the Ming Dynasty, which is related to the fate of the country, he will never let it go!

(End of this chapter)

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