Chapter 867
Thinking of the consequences of Shah Jahan's escape, Odom no longer cared about whether it was smelly or not, and hurried over to see it.

Just running to the door, he saw that in the room, Shah Jahan was leaning against the wall, his head hanging down, motionless.The blood that flowed from his hands had already flowed all over the ground and had already solidified.

The most eye-catching thing is that on the wall next to Shah Jahan's wall, there are bloody characters written all over it. Obviously, it was written by Shah Jahan with his blood: "Killing the king and father, you will die!"

Seeing this situation clearly, Odom was a little relieved, as long as he didn't run away.

But after recovering, he was furious again, and angrily scolded the guards, why didn't he look good?Even if Shah Jahan was going to die, it should be arranged by him and decided by him!
He was furious when suddenly he heard commotion and the sound of horseshoes.Then, someone shouted in panic: "The Ming army has entered the city, the Ming army has attacked..."

Hearing this, Odom was shocked, why did the Ming army attack so quickly?

He ran a few steps quickly and found a place with a clear view to see the situation.Sure enough, in the distance, there was a group of cavalry from the Ming Dynasty rushing in, and they were still rushing towards this side.

Suddenly, as if he had been stabbed by a needle in the butt, Odom jumped up and ran away in a hurry. At the same time, he ordered his men to burn the building.

He didn't dare to stay here and watch anymore. If he ran too slowly and was blocked in the city by the Ming army, he would definitely be doomed, because he belonged to the kind that would be liquidated.

One thing, Odom did not think of.He fled in panic, and of course the guards were also panicked, and they were also afraid of being blocked by the Ming army.Hearing the sound of rumbling horseshoes coming towards this side, these guards also wanted to run away quickly.

As a result, the errand of burning the building, you push me, I push you, and finally because of the approach of the Ming cavalry, they dispersed.

It is strange to say that there are many Mughal cavalry in this Ming cavalry army. They are very familiar with this area. After attacking this area, they did not continue to kill, but immediately blocked it. This area was followed by a search.

When the guards fled, they were seen by the cavalry soldiers of the Ming army. Therefore, the Ming army quickly searched the building, searched up to the second floor, and then saw the scene in the room.

The Ming army general leading this cavalry army was the new deputy general Li Laiheng.After hearing the news and going upstairs, I couldn't help but be shocked when I saw this scene. I quickly confirmed: "Is this person Shah Jahan?"

That's right, he got the order of Emperor Chongzhen, asking him to go straight here to find Shah Jahan.

A Mughal soldier next to him heard what he said, and quickly reported: "The general has met twice before, and it is indeed him. Also, the words on it are regicide and patricide. It’s so damn good! It’s definitely not wrong!”

Hearing this, Li Laiheng looked at the piles of excrement and urine in the room, and saw Shah Jahan's accusation, and he couldn't help scolding the vicious Aurangzeb.

In fact, in the original history, after Aurangzeb won the throne of emperor and killed his brothers and brothers to force Shah Jahan, he gained a reputation for being cruel and suspicious.

"Look at this place, don't move anything!" Li Laiheng issued the military order, and then led most of the army to continue attacking other places in the city.


After about an hour or so, Derry fell into Daming's hands again.The reason why it is so fast is because the Mughal army did not have a desperate heart at all.

After Emperor Chongzhen received Li Laiheng's report, he arranged for soldiers from the Mughals to watch Shah Jahan's end in turn.

To do so is to make everyone realize that Aurangzeb must die and the Mughal Empire must be destroyed.

Even if the royal family of the Mughal Empire had a "glorious" tradition of killing the king and father, it was condemned by everyone after all.What's more, without Shah Jahan's status as a Great Khan, who is just a father, who can stand it if he is treated like this by his son?

During the period when Emperor Chongzhen ordered a rest in Delhi, the morale of the army obviously rose to a new level, offsetting the decline in morale caused by the exhaustion of continuous marching and fighting.It even brought about an unexpected change, that is, there was a lot of movement in the army to call for battle and pursue the enemy.Among the soldiers who asked for battle, both those from the Ming Dynasty and those from the Mughals were almost the same, and the proportions of their numbers were basically the same.

It can be seen that Aurangzeb's atrocities have aroused the public indignation of mankind!
Although Aurangzeb didn't expect this point, he actually didn't care about it at this time.

After all, for him, the most important thing at this time is to defeat the Ming army and reorganize the Mughal Empire.It would be the best thing to provoke the Ming army to pursue.As for reputation, as long as he mastered the Mughal Empire, who would dare to make irresponsible remarks?

However, what surprised him was that the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not take advantage of the opportunity of victory to pursue him fiercely.

Aurangzeb was puzzled: The emperor of the Ming Dynasty didn't want to destroy himself, but wanted to give himself a chance to breathe and reorganize the army before fighting?Logically speaking, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was not a person who knew how to fight, so he shouldn't have made such a mistake, right?The best countermeasure is to eliminate yourself in one go, so that the Ming army will be at ease, right?

In general, Aurangzeb is the happiest, but he has the opportunity to reorganize his troops and fight again.However, the key point is that he now wants to lure the Ming army to the preset ambush point, and kill the Ming army together with Abbas II!If the Ming army didn't pursue them, they were about to arrive. Could it be that all previous efforts were wasted?

He was almost at the door, and ended up stuck here, thinking about how much effort he had put in and how many troops he had lost in order to lure the Ming army to the west. As a result, the Ming army stopped pursuing them at the last point of the road and hid in Delhi. Keeping still, is this going to piss people off?
Thanks to Aurangzeb's young strength and good health, and this situation was not sudden, but a process of mental preparation, otherwise, he might vomit blood with anger.

Sometimes, he didn't expect it. Could it be that the news that he and Abbas II were going to ambush the Ming army was known by the Ming emperor?

But if this is the case, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty must not know where to ambush, because only a few people know the ambush point, and it is absolutely impossible for these people to tell the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and there is no chance.

Then, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty would not have been pursuing him fiercely. He would definitely have some scruples. There was no reason for him to suddenly stop after arriving in Delhi!Aurangzeb really can't figure it out!


On the side of Abbas II, he also received a report from the horse, saying that Aurangzeb's army had appeared west of Delhi.According to the plan, it was about to lead to the ambush site.Abbas II had been waiting anxiously. After all, he was thinking about the wolf that was eyeing the Ottoman Empire, so he immediately entered into an ambush, waiting for Aurangzeb to lure the Ming army over.

As a result, he did the same, waiting left, but did not wait until Aurangzeb went west; waiting right, still did not wait until Aurangzeb went west.OK?

Abbas II was a little confused, so he sent someone to ask Aurangzeb about the situation. After getting the reply, he suddenly became a little stupid. Was there something wrong with the Ming emperor's mind?Why not take advantage of the opportunity of the big victory and wipe out Aurangzeb in one go, should we keep it for him to grow stronger again, and then the counterattack will fail?
I can't understand it!Abbas II couldn't understand the Ming emperor.Although he also thought about it, would the emperor of Ming know about his chance with Aurangzeb?

However, no matter what he thought, there was no such possibility.Judging from the news reported by Aurangzeb, there is no evidence to prove this point.So what's going on?

If the emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not come, did he lead the army back?Or think of a way together with Aurangzeb, and take this opportunity to solve the lunatic emperor of Ming Dynasty?
To be honest, Abbas II hesitated a bit.

His reaction was more or less guessed by Aurangzeb.The situation has developed to this point, and Aurangzeb definitely does not want Abbas II to turn his head back.With his own current strength, he may not be the opponent of the Ming army.

When he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly sent a message from Tanma, explaining that the emperor of the country seemed to be unacceptable or something, and fell ill.

Upon hearing the news, Aurangzeb suddenly realized.No wonder, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was obviously a good fighter, so how could he not know the reason to wipe out his opponent in one go?

As soon as he rolled his eyes, Aurangzeb had an idea, and immediately sent Odom to see Abbas II, told him about the illness of the Ming emperor, and asked the two armies to besiege Delhi and take away the troops of the Ming emperor. Annihilation in Derry!

Aurangzeb also asked Odom to emphasize that this is a godsend opportunity, so that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty has no possibility of escaping, and the threat of the Ming Dynasty can be resolved once and for all.

In this regard, Abbas II still agrees.The reason why he finally chose to cooperate with Aurangzeb was mainly because he was afraid of the lunatic emperor of the Ming Dynasty.It would be the best if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty could be solved.

It is foreseeable that as long as the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom dies here, there will be civil strife in the Ming Kingdom. It will be difficult to say whether the new emperor who succeeds will still have this ability and whether he will have the courage to go on an expedition.From this perspective, it really means that there will be a battle.

As long as this trouble is solved and the Safi dynasty expands so many lands and obtains many prosperous areas, the national power will flourish, and in the days to come, it will definitely be the overlord of the Middle East!
Thinking about this, Abbas II finally decided, agreed to Aurangzeb's proposal, led the army eastward, and joined forces with Aurangzeb's troops to attack Delhi.

In early November of the 26th year of Chongzhen, the coalition forces of the Persian Empire and the Mughal Empire, with a total of about 25 troops, besieged Delhi, which was occupied by about [-] Ming troops.

The prelude to the decisive battle that established who will rule the ups and downs of the South Asian subcontinent kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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