Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 849 The old man talks about the teenage madness

Chapter 849 The old man talks about the teenage madness

Emperor Chongzhen knew about the governor of Lahore's request to the Safavid dynasty.Because when Lahore was besieged, he had "rewarded" a Grade A wiretapping seed.

However, he didn't know that the other western governors of the Mughal Empire also followed suit to the Safavid Dynasty.Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't even know the situation on the side of the Safi dynasty.

However, no matter how these things happened, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care.Because his plan was to conquer Delhi, the capital of the Mughal Empire, and then fight eastward, eventually reuniting with Dongwu.In this way, the Ming army in Mughal was not rootless.

At this time, Delhi’s campaign to “attack local tyrants and distribute their property” was still going on with great vigor.However, Emperor Chongzhen was not in Delhi, but in a place that would become famous in later generations, the Taj Mahal.

In the previous life, he had not been here.However, he had heard of the reputation of the Taj Mahal.Although it has created a lot of wealth for future generations, in this era, it has consumed a large part of the national power of the Mughal Empire.This Shah Jahan doesn't know what he thinks, he's doing construction everywhere, is it interesting?

Looking at the magnificent Taj Mahal in front of him, Emperor Chongzhen secretly warned himself that instead of spending manpower and material resources to do this kind of thing, it would be better to invest in infrastructure!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen thought of the instigator of these things, Shah Jahan, and he should be back to Delhi soon, right?I don't know how he would feel if he knew these situations in the north, especially when his old lair was shot down.
It would be the best if he was furious and rushed to take revenge with his men regardless of his disregard.If you kill him directly, the Mughal Empire will immediately collapse, there is no doubt about it.

I'm afraid that he doesn't have the guts. He didn't dare to come over when he heard Derry was defeated by him. Instead, he turned around and ran back after tangling with more people. It would be a little more troublesome, and he didn't want to wait here forever .Of course, I don't even want to chase him. After all, Mughal is still too big, and the mountains and rivers are unfamiliar. It would take too much time for Shah Jahan to fight guerrilla warfare.


When Emperor Chongzhen was thinking about Shah Jahan, Shah Jahan was also thinking about him.However, the attitude was a bit different. Shah Jahan was gnashing his teeth towards Emperor Chongzhen.

Five days ago, he already knew that the emperor of Ming Dynasty led the army to surround Delhi.

No matter what, Shah Jahan would not allow Delhi to be captured by the Ming army. After all, this is his capital, so he hurried on his way desperately, but even so, just now, just three days away from Delhi, he heard the latest news. News that Derry has fallen!

At that time, when he heard the news, he yelled and then fell off his horse.

Although Shah Jahan was the emperor of the Mughal Empire, it is useless to have an emperor alone. There must be enough courtiers and his wealth, all of which are in Delhi.All of them disappeared at once, and the blow to him can be imagined. He didn't vomit blood, but just fell off the horse, which is already considered good!

Originally, Shah Jahan thought that it would be impossible to take down Delhi so quickly, so he worked hard and hurried, thinking that he could arrive in time.As a result, it was such a blow to the head, and it took him a long time before he came back to his senses, stabilized his emotions, and could start thinking about things.

After all, after being a great Khan for so many years, Shah Jahan immediately sent out scouts to find out about the situation in Delhi. At the same time, he was promoted in front of the line and awarded a bunch of titles to the officers of the cavalry army he led.

At this time, he was still thinking about what if, if the Ming army captured Delhi and it was still in chaos, maybe he would lead the army to kill him suddenly, and he would be able to take advantage of the fire, kill the Ming army by surprise, and turn defeat into victory?
However, he didn't have this sweet dream for long, and when the scouts he sent out didn't come back the next day, it was Daming's Yebushou who started to appear around, looking for news from here.

Seeing the traces of the Ming army's night refusal, Shah Jahan knew that his hope had failed.That emperor of the Ming Dynasty really knew how to fight, he had been prepared for a long time, and the probing horses were released so far, it was impossible to give him a chance to sneak attack.

Although he hated the Ming emperor very much and wanted to retake Delhi very much, Shah Jahan's rationality finally defeated his emotions, but before leaving, he swore to his subordinates: "I swear to the sky that I will take back Delhi with my own hands." , to shred the emperor of Ming into thousands of pieces!"

In his opinion, since the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had already occupied Delhi, it must be there.The most important thing now is to gather more troops and fight back.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and went to gather troops from the southern provinces with the intention of counterattacking Delhi.


But what Shah Jahan never expected was that Emperor Chongzhen only stayed in the captured Delhi for three days before leading his troops eastward.He is very open-minded. For the Mughals, those who are willing to continue to follow him to the east will follow him, and those who are willing to stay in Delhi will continue to stay in Delhi. He does not force it.

Needless to say, although the Ming army is powerful, in the end only half of the troops are willing to follow Emperor Chongzhen and continue eastward.And the other half of the army is with that kind of mind: the monkey is the king when the tiger is not at home.

This is Derry, what a pity to lose it!

Of course, there is another point, that is, those who have families and mouths, they took care of their families and chose to stay, waiting for the Ming Emperor to call back again.

In this way, after Emperor Chongzhen entered the Mughal Empire from Kashmir, wherever he went, he destroyed the ruling foundation of the Mughal Empire, not to mention, and provoked those untouchables who had always been obedient to their promises to resist.

In short, whether it is the side of the Safi dynasty or Shah Jahan's side, it is definitely not that easy for them to restore the ruling order.And this is the Mughal situation that Emperor Chongzhen wanted at this stage.


Back to Mumbai, after Yan Yingyuan, Li Dingguo and others discussed and agreed, they have been observing the enemy's situation.

On Darashiko's side, after suffering a loss, when Shah Jahan led the cavalry and just left, he was really careful.However, when he saw that the Ming army had been shrinking, just defending, but the navy tried several times to attack the joint fleet of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, he slowly relaxed his vigilance: it seems that the focus of the Ming army's operations has changed. Went to sea.

Darashiko didn't care about this.For him, seeing the Ming army and those Europeans fighting non-stop, while he sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, it was best like this.

He thought this way, and his subordinates and soldiers almost thought the same way. They were all watching the excitement cheerfully, and their vigilance gradually dropped.

As a result, in another early morning, the Ming army launched an attack on Dalashiko's side under the clearing of the cavalry.In this attack, not only the entire army, but even the sailors were also involved.

When the battle started, both Max from the UK and Anthony from the Netherlands had the mentality of sitting back and watching the fight.When it got daylight, they discovered that the situation at Dalashiko was critical and wanted to send musketeers ashore, but the victory or defeat was already decided.

The Ming army was chasing and killing the Mughals everywhere, and the Mughals were kneeling and surrendering everywhere, and Dalashiko, just like the last time, slipped away quickly without being caught.

At this moment, the joint fleets of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands were a little dumbfounded.At this time, they had an impression, why wasn't the Mughal Empire very powerful, why was it so vulnerable when it encountered the Ming army, and was defeated one after another?Shah Jahan is better when he is here, but he looks like a bird when he leaves?
Originally, the supplies of the Ming army were exhausted with great difficulty, and it was estimated that the difference was not too much. In the end, they were completely defeated on land. How can this battle be fought?
That Darashiko is a pig!
With this in mind, the combined fleets of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands could only retreat westward.They can't stay here anymore, because if they stay here, there is only a stalemate, and they can't get supplies from the land. If they must stay here, they will definitely lose in the end.

On Yan Yingyuan's side, although Zheng Chenggong asked for a fight, Yan Yingyuan did not agree.While letting Goa and Ceylon deliver supplies, he sent back orders to Dongwu to transfer the warships left there to continue to reinforce Mumbai.In addition, he also wrote a memorial, reporting the battle situation here to the court, and then asking for reinforcements.

As for the land, Yan Yingyuan let go this time, and gave Li Dingguo the right to start attacking the surrounding areas. It is also very important to obtain supplies on the spot.

As a result, on the Mumbai side, the territory that the Ming army can influence has also expanded dramatically.Unless new reinforcements arrived from the Mughal Empire, otherwise, it would be impossible to threaten the Ming army based on its strength after being attacked by the Ming army several times in succession.


The endless sea, apart from looking at the sea every day, just looking at the sea, Sun Chuanting has never experienced such a feeling, this time, he has experienced it well.

Fortunately, he had the experience of taking a boat from Busan, North Korea to Fusang Province, otherwise, he felt like he would go crazy after taking such a long boat ride for the first time.

But this trip also allowed him to see things that he had never seen before.

Under the violent storm, no matter how big his flagship is, it is nothing. How great it is to feel the power of nature!

There are also fish in the sea, which are even bigger than his flagship. Fortunately, these fish are docile, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.


Finally, on this day, while he was still resting in the cabin, he suddenly heard cheers from outside.

Hearing the movement, Sun Chuanting hurried out to look, and saw the end of the sea far away, and faintly saw the shadow of the land.

It's here, it's finally here!
The old man chatted and became crazy about teenagers!Excited, Sun Chuanting burst out with ingenuity, and immediately recited three poems, and hearty laughter rang out on the sea for a long time, without any scruples about his identity!
(End of this chapter)

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