Chapter 845 Bet No

After learning about the situation in Delhi, Jimuda wanted to bring the good news back quickly, so he couldn't wait to say goodbye to Zhu Zhongming, and then hurried back without hesitation.


Darante's side has already led the army less than 150 miles away from Delhi.If you walk faster, you can arrive in three days.

He was about to arrive at the capital of the Mughal Empire, which made Da Lantai feel that the burden on his shoulders became even heavier.

In any case, as the capital of the Mughal Empire, Delhi is definitely heavily guarded, right?I only have more than 1 troops, and the rest, looking at the large number of people, are actually useless at all.If you really want to meet the enemy's main force in the wild, you only need to charge, or even charge, as long as you shout at the opposite side, the possibility of betrayal is very high.

It was also because of this worry that Da Lantai ordered Jimuda to go to check in person, otherwise, he was not at ease.

However, since Ji Muda sent someone to report that he was not far from Delhi, and he personally went to Delhi to check out, there was no news. What's the matter, there's not even a messenger?
Thinking inside the tent of the Chinese army was annoyed, but after stepping out of the tent of the Chinese army and broadening his vision, Da Lantai was not so angry anymore.In fact, he knew very well that in terms of time and distance, Jimuda did not send anyone back, and it was still within the normal range.It is estimated that after waiting for a day or two, there will definitely be a reply.If you haven't heard from it yet, it's really abnormal!

Speaking of which, I was still in a hurry!Dalantay thought so in his heart.

At this moment, the sound of armor colliding was heard.Da Lantai heard the sound and looked, but saw that it was the envoy of Ming Dynasty walking towards him surrounded by several captains of Jinyiwei.

Before this person arrived, a smile appeared on his face, with a cheerful look on his face: "I'm almost in Delhi, right? I want to see if this Mughal dares to invade my Ming Dynasty, there is no way in this capital city." How great is it?"

"..." Da Lantai was a little speechless. Does the Mughal Empire invade Daming and their capital so much? Is there a direct relationship between this?

Also, if you really want to be fair, if Daming doesn't "tease" the Mughals, they will attack Daming?

Even though he thought so in his heart, if his butt was on Daming's side anyway, he could just think about these words in his heart.

But Da Lantai hadn't had time to say anything, the envoy of Daming had already arrived in front of him, and said to him again: "I don't know if your majesty has killed in Delhi? If not, tell me, let's make a fuss in Delhi first." , or go west and join His Majesty?"

Fortunately, the envoy of the Ming Dynasty finally did not say the words to bring down Delhi to meet the Emperor of Ming!After hearing this, Daranta thought as he watched the Daming envoy.

In his opinion, this envoy of Ming Dynasty is really not an ordinary person, he is too optimistic!

Such a blindly optimistic attitude is not good, especially when we are near the capital of the Mughal Empire.If the enemy comes to attack heavily, it will suffer a big loss.

Thinking of this, Da Lantai made up his mind, coughed as a prelude, and then solemnly said to the Daming envoy: "We haven't reached such an optimistic point yet, and we don't know how your Majesty's situation is..."

When he just said this, the Ming envoy raised his eyebrows and interrupted him immediately: "Why, are you worried about His Majesty? Haha, don't worry, that's my Emperor Ming, just like Mughals. What else can you do to win His Majesty, a clown? It's impossible!"

When he said the last sentence, his tone was decisive, and according to Dalantay's understanding, it was very pious.

"No..." Da Lantai said helplessly when he saw this, "The Mughal Empire cannot be underestimated. After all, they are also a big country with a vast territory, a large population, and strong military strength..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Upon hearing this, the Ming envoy waved his hand to stop him from continuing, and then said to Dalantai, "Okay, let's make a bet. I bet that your majesty can defeat the Mughal army. If you don’t have the power to resist, no one can do anything to your Majesty, how about that?”

"No, no, that's not what I meant!" Daranta heard that, his awareness was still very high, how could he bet that the Emperor Ming could not beat others!This matter is going to be passed on to Emperor Daming, can there be good fruit for him to eat?Therefore, he immediately shook his head and said, "I mean, I just want to be more careful, be more careful!"

When the envoy of Ming Dynasty heard this, he couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder, showing that kind of knowing smile, then put away the smile, and said to him seriously: "You haven't seen Your Majesty before, and you don't know how powerful your Majesty is in fighting! Go, after seeing His Majesty, you will understand, I am absolutely not exaggerating. Your Majesty, that is God's help. As for us, we only need to obey His Majesty's will and do what He told you to do well."

Da Lantai felt the seriousness of the Ming envoy, he was a little surprised, could it be that the Ming emperor was really that good at fighting?
At this moment, Dalantai really believed it.

However, he was the commander-in-chief of the first army, and Gushi Khan entrusted the army to him with confidence. He quickly came to his senses, remembered the reality, and decided not to tangle with the Ming envoy, but to follow his own predetermined ideas and be cautious. westward.

However, the envoy of Daming was always urging himself to go west quickly to meet the Emperor of Ming, which was also a troublesome thing.Thinking about this, Dalantay began to think about how to express himself tactfully.

At this moment, the rapid sound of horse hooves was suddenly heard from the camp.

Generally speaking, galloping horses are not allowed in military camps, unless there are particularly important matters or news to report.

Thinking of this, Dalantai immediately frowned and turned to look.

At this time, in his mind, the first thing that came to mind was that the army of the Mughal Empire had finally arrived.Because it was too close to the capital of the Mughal Empire, this was what he was most worried about.

The envoy of Ming Dynasty naturally heard it too. He also understood the rules in the army, and was equally curious, but his expression was much more relaxed, and he turned his head to look.

I saw the one running on horseback, dressed as a sentinel.Dalantai even recognized that the person in the lead was his confidant general Ji Muda.Immediately, there was a bang in his mind, as expected, Jimuda must have detected the news that the Mughal army was attacking, so he rushed back to report the news.

At this time, Ji Muda also saw Dalantai in front, so he reined in his horse, then got off the saddle and walked quickly towards Dalantai.There was an uncontrollable smile on his face.

This situation made Dalantai stunned, what's going on?Ji Muda can still laugh?Didn't he bring bad news?
Just as he was thinking, he saw that Jimuda had strode up to him, saluted with joy and said at the same time: "I have seen His Highness, I have seen angels..."

Maybe he rushed back, when Jimuda said this, he couldn't help but take a breath and relax for a while.

Da Lantai had already come to his senses when he was speaking, so he took advantage of the gap between his words and immediately asked nervously: "How is it, what news did you find?"

At this time, Jimuda had already breathed out, and he said excitedly: "The last general sent out to Delhi, and met Yebushou under His Majesty the Ming Emperor. He was an old acquaintance of our former Heshuote department. By the way , Your Majesty is now leading the army to besiege Delhi!"

Maybe it was because he was too excited. When he spoke, he wanted to tell all the big things at once, so that Da Lantai was confused.

"What do you mean? They told you that His Majesty has already led the army to attack Delhi?" Da Lantai confirmed in surprise.

"Yes, oh, no!" At this time, Jimu felt that he had lost his composure, and quickly recovered his emotions, and then the regulations clearly reported that he saw the army attacking Delhi, and then met the fellow, and got it from the fellow All the known situations were explained in concise language first.

Da Lantai listened to it, as if he was listening to a legendary story, the kind that the great Khan was invincible.Only [-] cavalry troops galloped across the northwest of the mighty Mughal Empire. They were invincible. What's more, they defeated the elite Mughal army that was far more powerful than their own. Use it, and attack the Mughal capital instead!

Could it be that the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was really a god who came to the world and was discovered by the Mughals and worshiped him?
With a "snap", Da Lantai was thinking about it when he felt someone hit his shoulder. He looked back and saw that the envoy of Da Ming had just retracted his hand and said to him happily with a smile: "Why?" So, am I right?"

The facts were right in front of his eyes, no matter how unbelievable Da Lantai thought it was, he had to believe it was true.So, he nodded and replied to the Daming envoy, "Your Majesty is really amazing!"

When he said this, he suddenly had a very strong expectation in his heart, that is, he really wanted to meet such a powerful Emperor of Ming Dynasty. By the way, what is the Emperor of Ming Dynasty who has been praised and convinced by his father? A great emperor of ?

So, after Dalantai asked Jimuda some questions carefully, he also discussed with the Daming envoy, and ordered the whole army to march quickly to meet the Emperor of Ming. Don't go too late. Delhi was beaten by the Emperor of Ming If you come down, you will miss a very important battle.

There is nothing to say about the troops he brought to the headquarters. The most important thing is, if he marches in a hurry, what should he do with so many burdens?These captives, as well as the coerced ones, didn't really surrender. Once they marched in a hurry, they would definitely make trouble and even disperse in a hurry.

Regarding his worries, the envoy of the Ming Dynasty didn't care about it, and immediately sent someone to pass the decree, saying to those people: "My emperor, the Ming Emperor, has destroyed Shashuja's troops and is leading an army of more than [-] to besiege Delhi. Take it. Now our army has to march to Delhi in a hurry, and take down Delhi together to share the great merit. If you want to gain military merit in this battle of capturing Delhi, hurry up yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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