Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 841 Unprecedented pressure

Chapter 841 Unprecedented pressure

The soldiers of the nearby Mughal infantry took a closer look, and their faces turned pale with fright.

It's not that they haven't seen heads before, but at this moment, the last thing they want to see are those heads thrown on the ground.Although they may not recognize who those heads are, they know that the heads that the Ming army is still throwing out must be the heads of the cavalry soldiers who were chased out before!
With so many captured and so many heads, it can be basically confirmed from these two points that the cavalry army led by His Royal Highness the Second Prince has been wiped out!

The fear caused by throwing so many heads in front of the formation spread like waves to the entire army formation.Inevitably, the scene became a little chaotic, and there were endless whispers of fear.

Seeing this situation, the officers with combat experience in the Mughal infantry quickly cheered and encouraged them loudly.Otherwise, before the Ming army came to fight, he would collapse first.

"I'm afraid it's useless. Stand up and prepare to fight!"

"This is a plain, who wants to run, can he outrun a four-legged horse?"

"You have no other way, the only way to fight is to win the Ming army to survive!"

"Do you want to let the Ming army cut off your heads like those heads? If you want to live, you have to fight this battle!"


In this way, amidst the officers shouting with all their strength, the infantry of the Mughal army barely maintained their formation.However, the fear could not dissipate from the bottom of their hearts.

At this time, the Ming cavalry had all walked out of the hilly pass area and appeared in front of the Mughal infantry.There are about 3 cavalry troops, plus more than 5000 prisoners, which is more shocking than [-] infantry troops.

Needless to say, in the extreme distance of the hills, it seems that there are still troops approaching, and the dust is flying, which can be clearly seen.If there is no accident, it is likely to be the infantry of the Ming Dynasty!
Slowly, the Ming cavalry came to the front of the Mughal infantry and began to line up. More than 5000 captives were driven to the front of the formation, and behind them were the Mughal people who had just joined the Ming army.Behind them and on both sides are the cavalry of the Daming headquarters.

Under the imperial flag, Emperor Chongzhen glanced through the binoculars at the expressions of the faces in the enemy formation, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he smiled, thinking in his heart, very good, very good!
So, according to the original plan, he turned his head to look at Li Laiheng, and ordered him: "Li Qing, go!"

"The last general obeys the order!" Li Laiheng immediately received the order with his hands clasped in fists, and then drove his horse to the front, came behind the captives, and shouted to one of the captives: "The emperor has an order, go and surrender immediately, or die if you can't do it!"

That prisoner was the second prince of the Mughal Empire, Shashuja, the commander of the Mughal army this time.He heard Ming Jun's meaning through translation. Although he also guessed that such a thing would happen, he didn't have the slightest intention to refuse, because he didn't want to die.

So, under the guard of several people, he walked forward.

Seeing the movement of the Ming army, almost all the soldiers of the Mughal infantry looked at those who walked towards them.

Soon, someone exclaimed.

"Look, it's His Highness. His Highness was captured by the Ming army!"

"No, His Highness was captured alive by the Ming army!"


The news that Shashuja was captured alive by the Ming army was a very shocking news to the Mughal soldiers.For a while, the order that the officers had managed to maintain suddenly became chaotic.At least they can no longer shut up those soldiers.

Although the Mughal soldiers in the distance couldn't see clearly, the voice from here spread quickly, and not long after, the entire army knew that their commander, their highness, was captured alive by the Ming army.

Seeing Shashuja approaching them, many people became worried.

"Is the Ming army going to show us off? Are they going to kill His Highness before the battle?"

"Maybe it was His Highness who came to persuade you to surrender?"

"It's unlikely, if we surrender, Delhi will be in danger!"

"Yes, His Highness is the son of the Great Khan, how could he send Delhi to the Ming army!"


Amidst their discussions, Shashuja saw the heads on the ground. Even when he walked over, he had to step on the gaps between the heads, looking at the heads that were terrified and dying. If someone If you look carefully, you can see that his legs are actually shaking.

When the distance was about the same, the rope binding Shashuja's hands was pulled, Shashuja was pulled, and at the same time he ordered him.

Although Shashuja didn't want to lose face in front of the whole army, what he wanted more was to survive, so he shouted to the Mughal infantry who were not far away: "This king orders you all to put down your weapons and surrender! .”

"Speak up, haven't you eaten!" A Mughal recruit behind him couldn't help yelling loudly when he saw it.

Unexpectedly, one day, he would be able to scold the high-ranking prince like a dog. The excitement of this Mughal recruit could be heard in the scolding.

Didn't I just not eat?After hearing this, Shashuja thought in his heart, but he didn't dare to speak back, so he mustered up his strength and shouted loudly: "This king orders you all to put down your weapons and surrender."

The first time he spoke, someone had already heard him, and his second utterance was heard by even more people.

When the soldiers of the Mughal infantry heard that their prince and their commander ordered them to lay down their weapons and surrender, some looked as expected, and some looked shocked.

The hierarchy of the Mughal Empire is unimaginable to outsiders.This is even more so in the army.Hearing that Shashuja asked them to surrender, many people began to put down their weapons and prepare to surrender.

However, there are many officers who do not want to surrender.Seeing that the situation was not right, he immediately shouted loudly: "Whoever dares to surrender will be punished by the Khan when he returns!"

"Your Highness surrendered to the Ming army, the Great Khan will definitely kill him, he is no longer our Highness!"


It has to be said that at this point in time, Shah Jahan's prestige is still very high.After these officers moved out of Shah Jahan, they immediately offset the shock brought to them by Shashuja's persuasion as a prince.

While shouting loudly, those officers even chopped off a few soldiers who had dropped their weapons and didn't want to pick them up. Needless to say, they effectively prevented the army from surrendering at once.

Of course, this has something to do with their strong military strength, they haven't fought a battle with the Ming army, and many people still have illusions.

Seeing that his words were useless, Shashuja suddenly felt unable to hold back.He naturally recognized those officers, and couldn't help but roll their names one by one, shouting and cursing loudly.

However, at this time, none of the officers who usually listened to him stopped listening to him.No matter how much he scolds, he remains indifferent.Some military officers even loudly advised Shashuja that for the glory of the Mughal royal family, they should die for their country.

Therefore, this act of persuading surrender has been deadlocked like this.

Emperor Chongzhen saw this situation from behind, and he waved his hand again, and an interpreter rode a thousand horses, approached the Mughal army formation, and shouted loudly: "The Emperor Ming ordered you to surrender immediately, otherwise the leaders on the ground will be killed." Level, that is your fate!"

I was reminded again, looking at so many heads on the ground, and the Mughal infantry formation, there was inevitably another commotion.However, those officers had been prepared for a long time, and immediately suppressed it forcefully, barely holding down the somewhat chaotic situation.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he didn't bother to persuade him to surrender, and said to the left and right: "Attack!"

"The general obeys orders!" Wu Sangui, Zhou Yuji and the others immediately clasped their fists together and said as soon as they heard this.

Afterwards, the Ming army moved immediately.

The Mughal recruits drove the captives to open the way ahead, and behind them were the long-range units of the Ming army.The fusiliers, archers, etc., did not dismount, but followed up immediately.

On the two wings, each with more than 5000 cavalry troops also began to drive their horses to support the attack.

On the side of the Mughal army formation, seeing the attacking posture of the Ming army, they immediately panicked.Obviously, the Ming army was a bit shameless, and attacked with their cavalry soldiers in front.If they want to go to war, they must kill the cavalry soldiers first.

so what should I do now?
If the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty charged directly, the elephant soldiers would be ready to block the attack of the Ming army.However, the former comrades were in the front, and they had to kill their own companions first. This kind of unprepared battle immediately made the Mughal soldiers panic again.The order that officers at all levels had managed to maintain was a bit chaotic again.

This time, they didn't wait for the officers at all levels to suppress them. The Ming army was attacking.

Under the premise that there was a weapon behind them, most of the cavalry prisoners had to yell loudly as explained in advance, telling the infantry not to kill people, put down their weapons and surrender, hello, hello, hello everyone.

Among these people, the hard-working Shashujia was at the front, and he yelled the loudest because he was most afraid that the Mughal infantry's relatives would not recognize him.

Although there are some people who did not shout like this, and have the consciousness that if they die, they will die, but their shouts are completely covered up, and they have no effect at all. Instead, they attract swords and guns behind them. benevolent.

Under this kind of offensive, even with the repression of officers at all levels, the Mughal army formation will inevitably be chaotic.However, the scale was small, and it was suppressed by officers of various armies.

But at this moment, the Ming cavalry on the two wings suddenly accelerated and made a gesture of charging.And the long-range units of the Ming army behind the captives also started to attack.

"Blah blah blah..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Amidst the sound of flintlock guns and the vibrating sound of bowstrings, the Mughal army formation, the closest part, soon fell a group of people.Among them, many are military officers who are busy suppressing them.

The lack of repression by some officers, the pressure of the Ming army's attack, and the shouting and offensive of the cavalry captives, these intertwined unprecedented pressure finally crushed the army formation that the Mughal infantry officers managed to maintain.

(End of this chapter)

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