Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 837 What chance can there be?

Chapter 837 What chance can there be?
Compared with Mumbai, in the Northwest War of the Mughal Empire, some people are very clear about the development of the war.This person, needless to say, is Emperor Chongzhen.

Before, more than 5000 Ming soldiers were found outside the city of Delhi. They walked around and left. Emperor Chongzhen was actually inside. He came to see the situation in Delhi, and dropped a Grade A wiretapping seed on the guard at the top of the city.Therefore, when Shashuja first led the troops out of Delhi, he knew the situation through the wiretapping system.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen led the people outside Lahore to leave Lahore in a mighty way and head east.

Regarding this situation, Lahore did not dare to pursue it at all, because Kashmir had learned a lesson. The Ming emperor would fight back with his carbine, and he was a very cunning person.


Shashuja walked for half a month and only completed about half of the distance.After passing the Panipat Plains, prepare to enter the hilly and mountainous areas.

Just when he was about to urge his men to leave quickly, the sentinel in front came back and reported that the Ming army had been discovered.

Upon hearing this, Shashuja was a little surprised, thinking in his heart, isn't the Ming army in Lahore? How did it get here? Could it be that Lahore was captured by the Ming army?

With these doubts in his heart, he quickly ordered the whole army to be on alert, and ran to the front to watch the formation himself.

Sure enough, in front of the army, the dust was billowing, and groups of Ming cavalry, wearing dazzling red uniforms, were constantly swarming out.

Shashu Jia was watching, and suddenly his eyes widened and his expression became excited.At the same time, his generals also shouted: "Imperial flag, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is here!"

Their tone was full of excitement, as if it was their great military achievement and they could get it without any effort.

But before they got excited, the Ming cavalry directly attacked them.Teams of cavalry soldiers lined up on the wall, row after row, slowly moving forward, and slowly increasing their speed.

Come up and fight?Shashuja was a little stunned, thinking in his heart, could this Ming emperor be a barbarian?Or is he trying to catch himself off guard?
Hehe, isn't that too underestimating yourself?Sha Shujia sneered in his heart, and immediately ordered the cavalry to be on guard, and the infantry to line up.

Since the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wants to seek death, then he will do as he wishes!
The thunderous sound of horseshoes accelerated rhythmically, and the neat formation of the Ming army when they charged, row after row, made the Mughal army feel the pressure quickly.

Shashuja looked back and found that his infantry was still in the marching formation of a long snake. In a hurry, he assembled the army formation to meet the enemy, but he seemed very flustered. It was impossible to complete the formation in a short time.

Seeing this, Sha Shujia's face turned ferocious. It's not like he doesn't have cavalry, if he has the ability, then let's spend it!
So, he immediately ordered loudly: "All the cavalry will charge to me. Whoever can kill the emperor of the Ming Dynasty will play the role of the king in the father's sweat, and crack the soil and make him a marquis!"

He doesn't need to say this, if he can really kill the Ming emperor, then Shah Jahan's reward will definitely not be less!
Therefore, when he heard his military order, almost all the cavalry, whether it was the imperial guards or the local cavalry, all screamed, not afraid at all, and immediately drove their horses to meet the Ming army, ready to cavalry Hedge!
"Boom, boom, boom..." The loud drums sounded behind them, cheering them on.And those war elephant troops are very regrettable.If the Ming army rushed over, it would be their chance to make meritorious deeds.But now, under such a confrontation, it is impossible for the elephant to compete with the horse for speed, so it can only watch from behind regretfully.

The cavalry troops of the two countries are speeding up and approaching.It is estimated that it will not be long before the cruelest riding battle will happen before our eyes.

Judging from the current military strength, it seems that the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty only has more than 1 cavalry, which is obviously less than that of the Mughal Empire.This made the cavalry of the Mughal Empire even more excited, and they tried their best to drive their horses to speed up, thinking that others would not take the credit.

However, at this moment, what none of them could have imagined was that the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty clearly put on an indomitable charge, but why did they start to turn?

The Mughal Empire army was a little dumbfounded.

Could it be that the Ming army was strong from the outside, and they wanted to flee if they wanted to scare them away?

Sha Shujia thought so in his heart, and when he saw the Ming army, he turned a corner and ran back. He really ran neatly!
The cavalry of the Mughal Empire chased for a while, but never caught up. Seeing that they ran for dozens of miles, they were getting farther and farther away from the infantry.A general of the Royal Forest Army said to Sha Shujia: "Your Highness, you can't chase him any more. Don't chase after the poor!"

On the Imperial Forest Army’s side, although many elites were taken away by Shah Jahan, the ones who remained were those who had gone with Shah Jahan to fight against the Persian Empire. I'm a little worried.

After hearing this, Sha Shujia felt a little reconciled. The emperor of Ming Dynasty was in front. If he could catch up, he would definitely win with more than 2 cavalry on his side and only ten thousand cavalry on the other side!
So, he ignored the words of the general of the Imperial Forest Army, and just kept urging him to hurry up.

After chasing for a while, both sides were cavalry, but in the end there was still such a distance, and they never caught up.

Seeing this, the general of the Imperial Forest Army advised Sha Shujia again: "Your Highness, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty definitely has more than this number of people around him. What if there is an ambush? Your Highness, be careful. I heard that the Ming Emperor is also very good at fighting. , don’t be fooled!”

Hearing this, Sha Shujia was very unwilling, but he also understood that the general of the Yulin Army was right. Looking at the Ming Dynasty imperial flag flying in front of him, he felt very regretful, so he had to order to stop the pursuit.

When the military order was spread out, the generals of the cavalry army in those places were a little unwilling, but the military order was like a mountain, so they had no choice but to gather their subordinates and did not plan to pursue them.

However, when the Mughal army stopped here, Shashuja and others found that the Ming army also stopped, and they even got off their horses to pant, as if they were very tired.

Seeing this, Shashuja couldn't help but be overjoyed.Some local generals were eager to make contributions, and hurriedly said to Sha Shujia: "Your Highness, the Ming army can't run anymore, let's chase, the Ming emperor is ahead!"

Sha Shujia himself had this intention. For him, it was too important to seize the Emperor of Ming Dynasty and finally change his future. So just when he was about to nod, the general of the Royal Forest Army advised him: "Your Highness, just in case If there is a scam, you must be on guard, there might be an ambush ahead!"

"What kind of ambush can there be?" Before Shashuja could speak, the local general retorted immediately.

The general of the imperial forest army heard this, and immediately asked: "The dignified emperor of the Ming Dynasty, there will only be more than ten thousand cavalry around him?"

"Isn't it enough to have more than ten thousand cavalry?" When the local general heard this, he retorted without showing any weakness, "At this moment, Lahore is an important northern Mughal town. How could the Ming army capture it so easily?" Maybe the Ming army is besieging Lahore, and the Ming emperor just led these more than [-] cavalry troops to attack something else, but he didn't expect that His Highness happened to lead the army and bumped into it, right?"

Hearing this, Shashuja immediately felt reasonable and said: "The city of Lahore is strong and strong, and it is absolutely impossible to be defeated by the Ming army so quickly. We rushed back immediately after hearing the news, and only rested in Delhi It’s only been three days, it’s so fast, it’s possible to meet the Ming Emperor here by chance.”

"Your Highness, don't come when you can't miss this opportunity!" the local general yelled loudly when he heard this, his eyes were red, and his eyes were only fixed on Shashuja.

"Your Highness, what if there is an ambush?" The general of the Imperial Forest Army also insisted on his opinion.

Shashuja turned his head to look at the Ming soldiers in front of him, and many of them were lying down on the ground to rest. Seeing where the imperial flag was, his heart was so hot, and thinking of his situation among the princes, he stopped hesitating. He resolutely shouted: "Chasing, just be careful!"

When the local general heard this, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly gave his orders loudly and continued to chase.

Those Mughal cavalry soldiers were not willing to go back like this. When they heard the order from their superiors to continue the pursuit, they immediately drove their horses and chased excitedly.

Seeing that, the general of the Royal Forest Army felt a little helpless, so he had no choice but to keep up.

On the other side of the Ming army, when they saw the Mughal army chasing them again, they naturally got on their horses and ran away.

Just chased for a while, but in the end, he still couldn't catch up.

When the general of the imperial forest army saw it, he persuaded him again.

The resentment in Shashujia's heart, why is the Ming army belonged to the rabbit, it is obviously not good enough, how can it still run so fast?

After chasing so far, I still can't catch up. To be honest, I am a little bit unwilling.However, what the general of the imperial forest army said may not be unreasonable, and Shashuja finally ordered to stop the pursuit and go back to join the infantry.

This time, the Ming army did not stop. After seeing the return of the Mughal cavalry, they also slowed down and headed west.

Shashuja felt regretful, and when he was walking back, a local general suddenly shouted in a surprised voice: "Your Highness, there is something moving ahead!"

When Shashuja heard the sound, he hurriedly looked around, and saw that the general had a good view in the direction of that place, and he saw that there were smoke coming from many places about five or six miles ahead.

The general of the imperial forest army saw it, looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly said to Sha Shujia: "Your Highness, there is probably a Ming army camp ahead, and they are cooking fire!"

Hearing this, Sha Shujia frowned, and couldn't help but feel a little scared and said: "It's a pity that I didn't continue to chase forward, otherwise, I would have bumped into it!"

Hearing this, the general of the Royal Forest Army was uncharacteristically, and said to Shashuja: "Your Highness, this might be our chance!"

The general of the Yulin Army is also a human being, so of course he also wanted to capture the Ming Emperor and make such a great contribution.Therefore, if there is an opportunity, he certainly does not want to miss it.

Hearing his words, Shashuja couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked with suspicion: "Opportunity? What chance can there be?"

(End of this chapter)

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