Chapter 835

However, Da Lantai was still very cautious. Although he knew the general situation, he was still worried about whether the Mughal Empire's army would be deceitful.

Because generally speaking, there is absolutely no reason for the stalemate between the two armies here, so just evacuate directly?

Da Lantai thought, really don't care about their own side, they think they are very safe and won't take the opportunity to make trouble?Or is it that he is weak and the impact is negligible?
Of course, it was obviously negative, so Da Lantai sent out scouts and sent out a long distance to check for the movement of the Mughal army.

But what surprised him was that the news brought back by Tan Ma not only withdrew the army of the Mughal Empire, but even pulled away the elite from the local area as much as possible.

"..." Dalantai really didn't know what to say about this.

On the contrary, the envoy of Ming Dynasty guessed something, and said to Da Lantai: "It must be that the emperor has put enough pressure on them, making them feel that there is not enough troops, so they recklessly mobilized the local troops!"

The enemy must be saved!After hearing this, Dalantay couldn't help but think of such a sentence.

But this is easy to say, but difficult to do. To have such an effect, it is estimated that only the famous Emperor Ming can do it!

Thinking of this, Da Lantai suddenly wanted to meet the Great Ming Emperor, what kind of person was he?So powerful?

Soon, he made a decision, issued a military order, and started to attack again, attacking the towns on the northeast side of Delhi, and the soldiers headed all the way west.


At this time, Emperor Chongzhen had changed his strategy again.In the towns around Lahore that could be captured, in addition to "public trials" of the rich and powerful and dividing their property as before, they also organized the common people and let them lead them without training. He took the captured tents and set up camp outside Lahore.

As a result, it was even more unclear on the Lahore side, how many troops did the Ming emperor bring?Seeing such a huge crowd outside the city, I was even more impatient.The couriers who risked their lives were dispatched batch after batch, and they were urged more and more urgently each time.I'm afraid that the Ming army doesn't know when to launch an offensive, and whether Lahore can stop it is really uncertain.

At the same time, Lahore was besieged, and the rich and powerful around them had to be careful not only whether the Ming army would turn around and attack, but also be careful of the rebellion of the untouchables in their own city.

Because it has been so long, no matter what, the way the Ming army dealt with the city must have spread.These rich and powerful people looked at those untouchables, no matter how they looked at them, they seemed to be the internal support of the Ming army.Especially those towns with few troops are even more afraid.

In the end, many rich and powerful people gave up their territories and fled to a safe place, which is Delhi.

In Delhi, as more and more rich and powerful people fled, the atmosphere became more and more tense day by day.Even one day, outside the city of Derry, a cavalry army from the Ming Dynasty appeared without knowing when, not many, just over 5000.

But even so, Derry was so frightened that he closed the door tightly, as if he was facing an enemy.Fortunately, this Ming cavalry army just wandered around for a while and then left.But even so, they were terribly frightened, and the urgent messengers were dispatched one after another.

This situation lasted until the second prince Sha Shujia led the army back.

Seeing the arrival of a mighty army of at least 10 horses, all the rich and powerful in Delhi were relieved and flocked to the city gate to warmly welcome the arrival of the savior.

To be honest, facing such a warm welcome, Shashuja was shocked.In his heart, compared with Shah Jahan's time, he didn't feel so enthusiastic.

This feeling made him feel a little flustered.The desire for the throne of the Mughal Empire is even more eager.At the same time, he feels good about himself.

When rushing back from Ude, local elites must be mobilized along the way. No matter what, the army still needs to rest.

However, those rich and powerful people who fled to Delhi from the west were worried that their hometown would be attacked by the Ming army and their property would be looted, so they immediately went up and strongly demanded that Shashuja send troops to Lahore immediately to destroy the Ming army.

"Second Highness, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty will not be your opponent at all. If the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is eliminated, the Great Khan will definitely be very happy!"

"If the Second Highness can save Lahore, if the Second Highness needs anything in the future, just ask us!"

"Wei Chen has already seen that the Second Highness is the Taizu alive, and the second Highness must save Mughal!"


The flatterers slapped each other one after another, making Shashujia laugh from ear to ear: I am so embarrassed that you tell the truth like this!

However, some people were surprised and asked Shashuja, what happened to Gushi Khan's troops?5 horses went out, but 10 horses came back, what's going on?

When Shashuja heard these words, he felt very uncomfortable.But he didn't answer, and these questions were sprayed back by those dignitaries with vital interests in the northwest.

It's rare for the second prince to come back so quickly, and he's reassured, what more do you want?
The second prince came back with so many soldiers and horses, as long as he wiped out the troops of the Ming emperor, other places would be scared to retreat and surrender when they heard the news. Does this make sense?

All these things made Shashuja truly feel the feeling of being able to fly by standing on the air vent without doing anything!
Therefore, firstly, in order to silence the mouths of a few people, secondly, unable to withstand the persuasion of those rich and powerful, and thirdly, unable to restrain his desire for glory after the destruction of the Ming emperor, Shashuja only rested in Delhi for three days, and then Decided to lead the army westward.

"Your Highness, Second Prince, you are invincible!"

"Subjects in the north, have been waiting for His Royal Highness the Second Prince for a long time!"

"His Highness the Second Prince is mighty, His Highness the Second Prince is a thousand years old!"


In the farewell of flattery like a dragon, Shashuja led cavalry, elephant soldiers, infantry, etc., more than [-] troops, and marched mightily towards Lama, which is [-] miles northwest of Delhi. Hell.


When Shashuja set off from Delhi, Shah Jahan, who was far away in Mumbai, received another urgent report from eight hundred miles.

In the tent of the Chinese army, Shah Jahan stood up from his seat in fright, and even knocked over the desk in front of him in a hurry. He didn't bother to take a look, but stared at the messenger and asked sharply: " The emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally led the army to invade Kashmir?"

This news really made him unimaginable.

First of all, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would personally lead the army to attack the Mughals, which exceeded his expectations.What made him even more puzzled was, how could the emperor of the Ming Dynasty appear in the Kashmir region?If he appeared on Dongwu's side, he would not be so surprised, nor would he be so panicked!

You know, Dongwu's side is too far away from his ruling center, if anything happens, he can definitely lead the army back!However, Kashmir is much closer to Delhi, the most prosperous area of ​​the Mughal Empire!
"Hui Da Khan, it is indeed the Emperor of Ming's conquest!" The messenger presented the urgent report with both hands, which were still shaking, but his tone was very certain.

After hearing this, Shah Jahan couldn't wait for his personal guards to forward the urgent report, so he strode over, snatched the urgent report and read it.

At this moment, the curtain at the entrance of the Chinese army's tent was lifted, and Shah Jahan's personal guards came in to welcome the two Westerners.These two people, Max and Anthony, were summoned by Shah Jahan to discuss the attack on Mumbai.

To be honest, the two of them can see it clearly.After attacking Mumbai so many times, Shah Jahan still couldn't even capture Tucheng. The two of them had already lost confidence.I am going to suggest to Shah Jahan that the only way to take down Mumbai is to consume the military equipment, food, grass and other materials of the Bright Army.As for letting them attack the islands on the sea while fighting on land, they will not do it.

Because once before, they also tried.However, the coastal defense artillery built by the Ming army on the island taught them how to behave.And neither the British nor the Dutch were willing to take the risk of heavy losses to attack Mumbai. Therefore, both sides retreated in unison and complained to Shah Jahan, explaining how powerful the army's artillery was. What a disadvantage, anyway, the Mughal Empire did not have a navy. Even if they talk nonsense about the maritime affairs, as long as they don't expose each other, Shah Jahan will not be able to see it.

At this moment, the two of them had just entered the tent of the Chinese army and were preparing to greet Shah Jahan when they realized that the atmosphere in the tent of the Chinese army was very strange.

I saw Shah Jahan's imperial case turned upside down, and the guards didn't have time to clean it up. A courier who was in a hurry for eight hundred miles had seen it once before, so he knew it at a glance. Sweat, as if fished out of the water.And Shah Jahan himself was looking at a document with a very ugly face, and the other guards around him all looked like they owed them a lot of money and would not come back.

Did something happen again?Max and Anthony both thought so in their hearts, and couldn't help but glanced at each other, understanding the eyes of the other.

Immediately, their brows were all frowned, why are their allies so unreliable, why are there so many things?
At this time, Shah Jahan had finished reading the report, and felt his forehead was on fire. Holding the report, he walked quickly in the Chinese army tent. Even if he saw Max and Anthony, he seemed to have not seen it. Obviously , his mind is only the things in the report.

In the tent of the Chinese army, everyone held their breaths, not daring to make a sound, waiting quietly for Shah Jahan's result.

After an unknown amount of time, Shah Jahan suddenly stopped and turned to look at his personal guard commander. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly remembered that there were two outsiders in the tent of the Chinese army.

So, he turned his head to look at Max and Anthony again, frowned at them for a while, and then said suddenly: "Ben Khan has decided, what do you two think?"

 Looking at the stock market feels like the end of the world
(End of this chapter)

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