Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 833 High spirited

Chapter 833 High spirited
Judging from the conversation on the top of the city displayed by the eavesdropping system, they were all shocked. They didn't know how many troops were on their side. Even at the beginning, no one recognized that they were the Ming army.A group of people didn't know what they were doing to eat, but some people even speculated whether the Tsarist Russian army was coming?Fortunately, a businessman told them that this was the army of the Ming Empire, so they came to their senses one by one.

Emperor Chongzhen also saw that they were all very worried, because among the troops in the city, the elite had been mobilized once before, and they were ordered by Delhi to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Gushi Khan's troops.

Suddenly, Emperor Chongzhen raised his binoculars again, carefully observed the location of the city for a while, and then took back the Grade A wiretapping seed that he "rewarded" before, and "gifted" it to a fat man who just arrived. Governor of Kashmir.

After doing this, he used the eavesdropping system to observe the movements on the top of the city.

Emperor Chongzhen found that the governor of Kashmir was very timid. When he heard that there were not enough troops, he immediately recruited civilians to join the ranks of defense.In short, the requirements are impregnable, and there is no such calm and steady action.

After a while, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly turned around and ordered: "Let's go to the next target!"

After hearing this, Wu Sangui and the others immediately received the order without the slightest hesitation.

It didn't take long to see the Daming Cavalry, fleeing in the muddy dust, and finally disappeared outside the city.This made the defenders on the top of the city dumbfounded. The Ming army came from afar, why didn't they fight, and then left?

Naturally, they felt that this was a strategy of the Ming army, and they might be able to counterattack.The general who defended the city suggested sending out sentries to check on the situation of the Ming army, but his request was also rejected by the governor of Kashmir, saying that if the sentries were caught by the Ming army, wouldn’t they confess the truth in the city? This is absolutely impossible!

Therefore, in the next few days, Emperor Chongzhen led more than 2 cavalry troops and swept across the entire Kashmir region. Except for a few strong cities that were not captured quickly, the other towns were taken by the Ming army. Got off.

Do the same for each town that was taken, and after seven days, they rested in a relatively remote town.

During this period, Wu Sangui and others worried that the troops of the Mughal Empire would attack. After all, the entire Kashmir region had already been turned upside down by them.

"It's okay, just take a rest!" Emperor Chongzhen was very indifferent, and just ordered them lightly, with a well-thought-out look, which made Wu Sangui and others feel relieved immediately.

During the rest period of the Ming army, news from all over the country finally began to gather in the capital Srinagar, hearing that one town after another was captured by the Ming army, local dignitaries were killed, and untouchables rebelled, which made the governor of Kashmir very angry!

When he realized that the Ming army did not occupy those cities, but left all of them, his mind became active again.

Losing the city and losing the territory must be a serious crime!However, if he was able to regain the lost ground after the Ming army's surprise attack, then at least he would be able to make up for it, right?The only concern is, where did the Ming army go?
Thinking about it this way, the Governor of Kashmir finally agreed to send out sentries and go to various places to check.

The sentries sent to various places will naturally report back to Srinagar at different times according to the distance.

When the governor of Kashmir heard that the lost cities were a group of untouchables messing around, playing all kinds of banners, he suddenly exploded in anger.At first, he suppressed his thoughts and waited for news from the Ming army.However, because Emperor Chongzhen led the army to rest in a remote place far from the capital, the sentries would not be able to find it for a while.

Even if they came over, the Emperor Chongzhen knew in advance that there would be a sentry, so he asked Yebushuai to block it, and clean up as many as he came, even if there was a leak, it would be reported back to Srinagar later than the originally scheduled time.

In the end, Emperor Chongzhen really got the opportunity he wanted.

The governor of Kashmir lost his patience and sent troops to suppress the rebellious cities in various places.As soon as Emperor Chongzhen learned from the eavesdropping system, he ended his rest and immediately led his troops to fight back.

But he didn't hit Srinagar, but chased and killed the army that went out of the city.When this enemy army was suppressing the untouchables in a certain town, they surrounded them and made dumplings.Afterwards, he cut off the head of the army and threw it outside the gate of Srinagar before slapping his ass and walking away.

This time, the town emperor did not stay in Kashmir anymore, but went straight to Lahore, the important city of the Mughal Empire in the north.During the time of Akbar the Great of the Mughal Empire, this was the capital of the Mughals, but the later emperors moved their capital to Delhi.Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty also visited here.Even Shah Jahan, the current emperor of the Mughal Empire, built many famous buildings here that have been handed down to later generations.

If Srinagar is just an important border town and its influence is not too great, then the influence of Lahore is absolutely great.The arrival of the Ming army made all parties rush to ask for help as if they were facing an enemy.


In the Ud area northwest of Delhi, the two armies are in a stalemate here.

The military barracks of the Mughal Empire were spread all over the mountains and plains, with a sense of endlessness and great momentum, which was really a bit scary.

This made their commander, Shashuja, the second prince of the current emperor Shah Jahan, very high-spirited.

All along, he has not been very happy.

In front of him, there is his elder brother Darashiko.Born early and hypocritical, he has won over countless ministers in the court, and when he is spoken out, they all say how wise he is, as if the throne belongs to him, why!
Not only that, the third brother Aurangzeb, who was born later than him, had some kind of shit luck to win every battle and win a lot of fame.Even many generals in the army have a good impression of him, why!
On weekdays, he can only compare with the youngest fourth brother, but the question is, can he compare with the one who is still breastfeeding?
However, it is different now!

Leaving aside that lunatic Aurangzeb, Darashiko suffered a big defeat, which made his father Khan have to go to fight himself, which made him very happy for a while.But what he didn't expect was that there was even better luck waiting for him!

I can also have such a day, leading the northern army to save the empire from peril.With one order, thousands of troops and horses will obey, what a majesty!

Thinking of this, Shashuja couldn't help but want to thank those enemies on the opposite side for giving him a chance to show his talent!

Now it is finally proven that I, Shashuja, can also lead troops to fight!Look, it won't take long before this menacing army can be defeated!

Satisfied, he completely forgot the panic he felt when he heard the invasion of Gush Khan's army, especially when he received the order to lead the army to deal with the fierce Gush Khan's army, he was so frightened that he demanded that all capable Where troops are deployed, they should be deployed as much as possible.

Today, it is five times as strong to deal with Gushi Khan's army, and it is still fighting at home to suppress the enemy.What is there to be proud of!
Shashuja looked at the camp of Gushri Khan's troops in the distance, waved his hand and shouted to the generals beside him: "Pass down the prince's military order, continue to send troops to challenge tomorrow, make sure to attract the enemy to fight, and kill them without leaving any behind! "

"Obey!" When his generals heard this, they immediately responded in unison with a loud voice.

The current situation is very good, and the enemy's actions have obviously been contained.If the enemy does not retreat to their plateau, they are confident that these enemies will remain on the land of the Mughal Empire forever.For such a great achievement, Shah Jahan will definitely be rewarded after he returns to his teacher!
Therefore, people carrying people in flower sedan chairs, no one spared their enthusiasm to cater to their coach!
The next morning, after the whole army had finished eating, the horn sounded "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow".The gates of the Mughal barracks were wide open, and groups of soldiers came out in formation, including infantry, musketeers, cavalry and war elephants, flocking to the enemy camp.

Shashuja's full body armor is golden, very dazzling, and he also wears a fiery red cloak.Seeing that the enemy was waiting in full battle again, relying on the fortifications of the camp to defend instead of fighting, he spat hard and cursed loudly: "The turtle with its head shrunk!"

After cursing, he turned his head to look, and immediately shouted: "Who wants to fight?"

"The last general is willing to go!" A group of generals asked for a fight one after another.

Anyway, the army here is strong, the enemy dare not come out at all, go to humiliate the enemy, if it can attract the enemy, it will be a great achievement, such a good thing, who would not be willing to do it?
Shashuja enjoyed the feeling of these generals bowing their heads and obeying orders to him very much. After scanning for a while, he clicked on a general he found very interesting.

So, I saw this general and his men, totaling more than 5000 people, including horse and infantry, approaching the enemy's camp within a stone's throw. Then he ordered the soldiers to curse loudly, and at the same time used humiliation that they could understand. way to humiliate the enemy.

Shashuja, who was behind, watched all this with a good mood. Although these days were repeated, he never tired of watching it.

But this time, when he was watching, he suddenly saw a soldier who seemed to have something strange out of the corner of his eye, so he turned his head and found that the soldiers on his left were all looking sideways, as if there was something wrong.

So, he followed their gazes again, and this time, he finally saw what was going on.

I saw that on the left side of the army formation, there was a messenger with a six hundred miles urgent sign on his back, and he was rushing towards the Wang Banner here.

It's six hundred miles urgent, what's the situation?Did something happen in Derry?When Shashuja saw it, he couldn't help but panic.

Normally, he wouldn't care about this.

However, in the past few months, the local authorities first urgently reported to Delhi that the Gush Khan army had invaded; then, eight hundred miles were urgently dispatched to the south.This is an urgent courier again, or six hundred miles urgent, don't be a bad thing, right?

Thinking this way, the messenger was already galloping over.

(End of this chapter)

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