Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 827 The War of Destruction

Chapter 827 The War of Destruction
Needless to say, in order to recommend responsibility, he must try his best to defend himself and exaggerate the strength of the Ming army.Therefore, the number of Ming troops in Mumbai was pushing towards the [-] mark, depending on the posture, it was coming to destroy the Mughal Empire.

When Shah Jahan heard this, he was furious. Just at this time, the Taj Mahal had been completed, so he concentrated his thoughts on the Ming army.

Of course, if the army wants to move, it's not something that can be done just by talking about it.It is necessary to mobilize troops from various places, and to raise food and grass, etc. There are many things to do.


At this time, with the train, a means of transportation beyond the era, it is possible to travel day and night. On this day, Emperor Chongzhen led the army and arrived at Luntai.

Hearing that Emperor Ming's army had arrived again, almost everyone came out to greet him.Those who went to herd far away, when they heard the emperor came, they also left the herds alone and hurried to see them.

Hong Chengchou was also very happy, and greeted him from a distance, and then reported the current situation on the Tianshan Mountain to Emperor Chongzhen.

Emperor Chongzhen already knew almost everything through the Grade A eavesdropping seeds on his body, but he didn't interrupt the conversation and watched the changes of the wheel platform.

To be honest, Luntai has changed a lot from the Luntai he saw when he first came here.It has been expanded a lot, at least twice as big.There are already many Han Chinese living here, not only some of them have migrated here, but also some of them have come to do business.

In fact, during his time here, Hong Chengchou didn't do anything other than fight. He just expelled those captives to build the railway, so the construction of the railway beyond the Great Wall was fast.

With convenient transportation, the population from within the pass will naturally increase.

Listening to Hong Chengchou's introduction, Emperor Chongzhen kept nodding his head, satisfied with his work and said: "Qing has made great contributions, and his name must be recorded in the annals of history."

For many civil servants, being able to leave a name in history is a lifelong pursuit.When Hong Chengchou heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.By the way, he couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, and finally asked: "Could it be that your Majesty is going to attack Tsarist Russia this time?"

After Emperor Chongzhen decided to go on an expedition, he sent a messenger in advance to Hong Chengchou urgently, asking him to mobilize troops and prepare cattle and sheep supplies.As for where to attack, it did not elaborate.

As for Hong Chengchou, during this period of time, there has been a small-scale conflict with Tsarist Russia.After all, Tsarist Russia originally had conflicts with the Zhungeer tribe. The Ming army wiped out several small neighboring countries one after another, and the territory expanded again. Compared with the original Zhungeer tribe's sphere of influence, conflicts were inevitable.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen guided Fang with a whip and said: "The Mughal Empire in the south sent troops to attack Dongwu and kill the people of Dongwu. This time, I will go out to conquer the Mughal Empire."

When he was in the mainland, Hong Chengchou had never heard of the Mughal Empire at all, but he has not been in charge of the Tianshan Mountains for a day or two, so of course he has heard of the Mughal Empire.Knowing that the empire controls a large land in the south and is powerful, it only defeated Kandahar a few years ago, and those small countries avoided its edge.

Thinking of this, Hong Chengchou immediately said worriedly: "Your Majesty, to destroy this great country, relying solely on the strength of the humble officials, it is really a little less."

Speaking of this, he made a little estimate, and then added: "Although there are about [-] cavalry troops on my side, if we want to recruit herdsmen to join the war, it is possible to gather [-]. However, there are many unruly things in northern Tsarist Russia. If you know that the main force here is exhausted, you will definitely lead your troops south, rob my cattle and sheep, and slaughter my people!"

Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly when he heard this, and when he was about to say more, the shout of "My emperor, long live, long live, long live" sounded.

It turned out that he had already arrived at Luntai, and all the people around him were kneeling to welcome him.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen cordially condolences to the people, let's not talk about this topic first, which makes Hong Chengchou feel a little depressed, wondering what the emperor's plan is?
It has to be said that when Emperor Chongzhen came here for the first time, he had already convinced everyone here for the benevolence of the Oirat tribe and the heroic Wuwei who hunted down and killed the Zhungeer tribe until they were exterminated.

Also, who doesn't want his emperor to love his subjects like a son, and treat the enemies of the tribe with iron blood and ruthlessness.The people of the grassland originally followed the law of the jungle, but if there is a king who is kind on the inside and strong on the outside, how can they not cherish it!
Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen received the warmest welcome from the bottom of their hearts!Cheerful singing and enthusiastic dancing are everywhere on the grassland, expressing their respect for the arrival of the emperor.

This scene surprised Wu Sangui and Kong Youde who came here for the first time, but at the same time, they also had a strong sense of pride!
When night fell, Emperor Chongzhen convened a military meeting overnight before announcing his plan: "To conquer the Mughal Empire, in addition to the [-] cavalry I brought, Hong Qing can send another [-] cavalry. No matter how many more, the logistical burden will be too great, and it will hurt the livelihood of the people on the Tianshan Mountains."

"Your Majesty, absolutely not!" Hong Chengchou was taken aback when he heard this, and quickly advised him, "I know that your majesty is good at fighting, but you only have [-] cavalry troops. If you want to conquer the huge Mughal Empire, even if your majesty wins every battle , this force is too small!"

No matter what, even if we can fight, there must be casualties in every battle, right?Even if the number is small, the accumulation of each battle will definitely have a great impact on the total force.

Also, after taking down the city, do you want to occupy it?If you want to occupy, then the troops will be divided.

If Emperor Chongzhen hadn't been victorious in all battles, Hong Chengchou would have thought that the emperor was just talking about war on paper, and that wars were nothing more than fighting with troops.

It was the first time for the other generals to hear about it, and no matter how courageous they were, they were all taken aback.If the emperor took them to the territory of the Mughal Empire to fight for a while, even if they went deep into the territory of the Mughal Empire, there would be no problem, just like the Jianlu who entered the customs and looted back then.

But if the goal was to destroy the country, Jianlu, who was so arrogant back then, probably never had this idea.

Seeing their expressions, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smiled slightly and said: "Over Dongwu, the governor of Dongwu, Zhang Qing, has reached the border with all his troops and horses, and is currently in a stalemate with Aurangzeb, the third prince of the Mughal Empire. Follow up in Yunnan If more troops arrive, there will only be more troops, this is one of them.”

Hearing this, there was another second thing, Hong Chengchou immediately remembered that it seemed that the emperor made a decision before moving, and there must be another trick, so he felt a little relieved and listened with his ears up.

"Secondly, Yan Qing, governor of Dongwu, has led a total of more than [-] naval and land armies to Mumbai and built a defense line in Mumbai." Having said this, Emperor Chongzhen walked to the map that had been hung up, pointing to the city of Mumbai. Take a seat, and then continued, "Here, the army of the Mughal Empire has been defeated twice, and more troops have been wiped out each time. If my expectations are not bad, Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire will definitely The main forces marched to Mumbai in person, intending to destroy Governor Yan's troops."

"Your Majesty, isn't Governor Yan's troops too small?" Hong Chengchou reminded with a little worry after hearing this.

Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "Hong Qing probably forgot that there is a navy on Yan Qing's side, and he can't resist it. He can withdraw to the island, even where the allied forces are withdrawing to Goa, or even Ceylon." Yes. At least in the short term, nothing will happen to Yan Qing."

In Hong Chengchou's mind, the word navy really didn't exist.Hearing it now, I remembered that there was the sea over there, and there was also a navy reorganized by the navy. This was completely different from the land battles he had been fighting all along.
Emperor Chongzhen glanced at the many courtiers who were already relaxed, and then said: "A few years ago, I had a decree for Gushri Khan in Tibet to station an elite army here. Now, he has also After receiving my order, I sent his son Da Lantai to take over this elite army, and will enter the Mughal Empire from here."

While saying this, he pointed to the northern border of the Mughal Empire on the map, and drew a line to indicate it.

Hearing this, all the generals were surprised, they didn't expect that there would be such a surprise soldier, and they were all overjoyed.

"It's located on a plateau, so leading troops to the plains has a great tactical advantage." Emperor Chongzhen continued to smile and said, "The order I gave him was to wait for the opportunity, avoid the real and make the false, and attract the Mughal Empire's forces." The military is overwhelmed."

Speaking of this, he drew a line on the map again, and said loudly: "And I lead an army of [-] cavalry, and from here I will enter the territory of the Mughal Empire and take their capital. If there is no chance, just Cooperate with other troops to annihilate the effective forces of the Mughal Empire. As long as the mobile forces and even the main force of the Mughal Empire are wiped out in the wild, then go east to meet the Dongwu army to attack the Mughal Empire, and attack cities and villages along the way until Destroy the Mughals!"

The plan of Emperor Chongzhen was not perfect. Therefore, the various armies were located in the southeast, northwest, and north of the Mughal Empire. It was difficult to communicate with each other and it was difficult to cooperate seamlessly.

However, Emperor Chongzhen has a golden finger, he can know the battle situation everywhere.Even on the side of the Tibetan army, he threw a Grade A eavesdropping seed on the envoys he sent.Using [-] cavalry to maneuver, cooperate with various operations, and take an overview of the overall situation, this strategic arrangement can be achieved relatively perfectly.

I have to say that this wiretapping system is really powerful in the age of poor communication in ancient times!It's just ridiculous, I thought this cheat was weak, so I almost scolded the system!Emperor Chongzhen thought about it, and a smile appeared on his face.

Hong Chengchou and others understood the overall plan of Emperor Chongzhen, and they immediately became enthusiastic, wanting to participate in such a big war of destroying the country.They are sure that this time the battle of annihilating the country will definitely become a classic battle example for future generations. Wouldn't it be a pity not to leave a name for it!
(End of this chapter)

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