Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 822 Miserable

Chapter 822 Miserable
As Emperor Chongzhen himself said, the transportation in Guizhou, Yunnan, and Dongwu is inconvenient. Even though the infrastructure has been vigorously developed in the past few years, due to the limitations of the times, the progress is limited.Moreover, these provinces are not yet grain-producing provinces, and their own grain needs support from other places.If the army sets out from here, logistics will definitely be a big problem.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen knew the general battle situation on Dongwu's side from the eavesdropping system, that is, the invading army of the Mughal Empire had retreated on its own and was defending in Bangladesh; Zhang Huangyan's side had assembled heavy troops and rushed to the border.With his steady and cautious character, it is impossible to invade Bangladesh on a large scale before getting his own will.The situation here is likely to be a stalemate for a period of time.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen decided to detour from the west.There are several advantages to doing this.

First of all, in terms of railway infrastructure, because it was to support the Tianshan Mountains before, it was a key section of the road.Except for some terrain reasons, it is temporarily impossible to turn the moat into a thoroughfare, and railways have been opened in many places.When the army marches westward, it can travel by train.

Secondly, over the Tianshan Mountains, Hong Chengchou had already wiped out several small surrounding countries.Although there is no clear boundary line, the area that the Ming army can control at this time is already very large.Emperor Chongzhen decided to follow the same route that the founding emperor of the Mughal Empire took when he invaded India, entering India from the Central Asian Plateau and directly threatening the ruling center of the Mughal Empire, the Delhi region.

The advantage of doing this is that the first one is Mumbai and Dongwu. It should be possible to end the war within a short period of time, which will definitely attract the attention of the Mughal Empire and disperse their forces.In addition, from the Tianshan Mountains, the logistics is like that of nomads. In addition to transporting part of the food, you can also drive cattle and sheep as military food, which is an advantage that other routes do not have.

The last reason, if you launch an offensive against the Mughal Empire from here, the Mughal Empire would never think of it.

Because of these reasons, Emperor Chongzhen decided to go west and enter Tianshan first, join Hong Chengchou, and then mobilize the cavalry here. In this way, the total strength of the cavalry can reach about [-].In terms of troop strength, the mobility is high, and the troop strength should be enough.

Also, when Emperor Chongzhen set out, he did not forget the foreshadowing he had laid for the Mughal Empire.When he set out, he sent a messenger to Tibet to deliver a message to Gushi Khan, asking his army that had previously gathered on the border of Tibet to go south to the Mughal Empire. They did not ask to capture cities and territories, but they wanted to act as a diversion to attract the Mughals. The role of empire.


Let's talk about Mumbai. On this day, the warships of the British colonists finally appeared.Needless to say, this time the British colonists really paid a lot of money.There are more than 50 battleships alone, almost all of their strength in the east.

A fleet of sail warships appeared in a mighty manner, spread out on the sea, and approached Bombay provocatively, trying to usher the Ming Navy out for a decisive battle.

However, Li Dingguo is not an inexperienced person, so how could he be fooled, and he didn't let a warship go out at all.

Seeing this, the British colonists did not attack immediately, so they docked on the shore and went to join the army of the Mughal Empire first.

Dara Shiko was actually a little impatient with waiting. When he first arrived, he was hit head-on by the Ming army, which made him lose face. He was in a hurry to destroy the Ming army in Bombay to save his face.

Therefore, as soon as he saw Max, the governor of the Far East who was a British colonist, he turned black and urged Max to launch an attack immediately to destroy the Ming army or drive the Ming army to land.

Max heard this, and of course he would not undertake the task of attacking Mumbai independently, so he said to Darashiko: "His Royal Highness, I believe you should have seen that the Ming army in Mumbai is heavily guarded, and their coastal defense artillery, built It’s everywhere. If only our army attacked Mumbai, I’m afraid the losses would be huge, and I’d be hard-pressed to explain it to my subordinates. What do you think of this? While attacking Mumbai, I sent ships to transport your troops to land. Next, Mumbai will be captured easily and the Ming army will be wiped out, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Darashiko agreed without hesitation, and Dang even arranged for his men to prepare for the attack as Max said.

For him, there is no need to take this opportunity to consume the strength of the British, so that both the British and the Ming army will suffer.His purpose is one, to destroy the Ming army as soon as possible, so that he can go back and give Shah Jahan an explanation.

As a result, the British colonists didn't even have a chance to take a break and drink saliva, so Darashiko drove the Mughal Empire's infantry onto the boat and prepared to go to war.

For all this, Li Dingguo could see clearly through the telescope, and he just sneered at this.After such a long time of preparations, if you didn't even think about the enemy's way of attacking the island, if you didn't make preparations, you would be really stupid.

Therefore, the military order on his side was passed down accordingly, and then he waited for the enemy's attack.

After about an hour or so, the British colonists installed about a thousand infantry troops of the Mughal Empire and started their first attack.

The British fleet surrounded Bombay from all sides, not caring that the number of warships in any direction would be less than the number of Ming warships, and just started the attack with such arrogance.

"Boom boom boom..." The British warship faced the island with the side of the ship, approached from the side, and fired at the same time, the sound shook the four directions.

A series of iron bullets roared and smashed towards the seven islands of Mumbai, destroying many flowers and plants on the islands.

However, there was no movement from the Ming army. Even though the British warships fired, it seemed that there was no one on the island.

As a result, the British warship slowly got closer and closer to the island.Even the ships carrying troops were also approaching, but they were not attacked by the Ming army on the island.

When Dalashiko saw it, he couldn't help laughing and said: "See, the British are stronger after all, and those Ming people are too scared to fight back. It seems that before sunset, the king may be able to go to Shanghai Check out the island!"

"It's thanks to His Highness's prestige that he frightened the Ming army first and scared them out of their courage!" The local governor standing next to him heard this and immediately flattered him to curry favor with the future emperor.

However, Max of the British fleet did not see it that way. The Ming army did not move, which made him worried. He kept observing the Ming army on the island with a telescope.

In fact, he knew very well in his heart that although the shelling of warships at sea sounded lively, in fact, the damage to the Ming army on the shore was very limited.Not only was the battleship fluctuating, the artillery's accuracy was not good, but the enemy's fortifications on the shore were also well repaired, and they could not pose a threat to the shore defense batteries at all.The Ming army did not fire artillery, and some inconspicuous coastal fortifications were not exposed.All these made him feel uncertain.

If the fleet approached in such a powerful manner, the Ming army on the island would fight back, and the two sides fired artillery, which would make him feel more at ease.

Slowly, closer, closer.

The warships in other directions could stop and dare not approach any further, and continue to test. However, the five warships equipped with the Mughal Empire infantry had to continue to approach.

Seeing that they were getting closer to the island, the Mughal soldiers on the battleship screamed excitedly.In their view, the Ming army has been shrinking on the island and dare not go ashore again, which is a sign of incompetence.What else can the Ming army do besides sneak attack?If you have the ability to fight, fight head-on, whoever is afraid of whom!

When the battleship was only about ten feet away from the island, these infantrymen held their weapons and prepared to land, but the British fleet was even more nervous.The surrounding warships also approached, and fired their artillery fire at the predetermined area of ​​the island to cover their approaching warships.

Several places where the flags of the Ming army were planted were hit by shells, but the Ming army still did not fight back, as if there was no one on the island at all.

It's near, it's near, it's finally here.

No matter how worried, the British warship with the Mughal infantry finally came to the shore, but he didn't dare to run aground directly, but urged the Mughal infantry to disembark quickly.

Small boats were being lowered one after another. The Mughal infantry had to take the small boats to the shore before landing. Otherwise, if they jumped directly, the sea water was still very deep, and these landlubbers who couldn't swim would drown directly.

But even so, these landlubbers didn't feel too bad sitting on a big battleship, but under the background music of "boom boom boom", sitting in a rickety boat, all of them suddenly turned pale with fright, clutched the side of the boat tightly, and Afraid of falling down.

Of course, it is not unlucky to make a mistake and fall off the boat at this tense time, which attracts the accomplices to rush to save people.

In short, it can be said that from the battleship to the small boat attacking the island, it can be said that it can be as messy as it is.

This scene made the British on the troop carrier furious, but there was nothing they could do. They had to send these landlubbers aboard, otherwise, would they have to attack by themselves?
When they were in a hurry, suddenly, the sound of "boom boom boom" sounded on the island, and the Ming army finally fired back.

Max, who had been paying attention to the battle situation here with his telescope, suddenly discovered that several conspicuous coastal defense guns were fake, because there was no counterattack at all. Instead, there were Ming army artillery roaring in several unexpected places. .

"Boom boom boom..."

It was only the first round of shelling, and the few British warships that had stopped became live targets. Either the masts or the armor were penetrated, wood chips flew around, and the masts collapsed.

Max gasped when he saw it, how could the Ming army hit so accurately?Shouldn't it?

In his impression, the artillery skills of all the eastern enemies he encountered were really average, far inferior to the British.However, judging from the current situation, why is the artillery fire of the Ming army almost the same as that of the British?
Miserable, miserable!
 Thank you SHAJIA for your tip!
(End of this chapter)

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