Chapter 819 Two Moves
As soon as he finished speaking, the hall fell silent, and no one spoke.

Dongwu is so far away from the core area of ​​the Mughal Empire, leading the army to fight the Ming army, the number of troops cannot be brought too much, or the logistics cannot keep up.

However, if the number of troops is not large, and the Ming army is not a good enemy, or else it will not be able to destroy Dongwu, then a very realistic question is, can the Ming army be defeated?
If you can't win the Ming army, don't say die in battle, even if you come back, will there be good fruit to eat?
No one is stupid, this matter is too difficult, and if you don't do it well, you are more likely to be reprimanded and punished!Who is stupid to accept this errand!

Seeing that no one responded, Shah Jahan couldn't help being very annoyed because he didn't know what they were worrying about. No one shared his worries?

Just when he was about to get angry, a voice suddenly sounded: "Father Khan, my son is willing to lead troops to Dongwu to teach the Ming Dynasty a lesson!"

Shah Jahan was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and when he heard the sound, he found that it was his third son, Aurangzeb. His joy disappeared instantly, and he ignored him. His eyes swept to other people, such as his second son. Son, and his confidant generals.What he hopes more is that someone among them can stand up.

The reason why he doesn't like Aurangzeb is because Shah Jahan sees his own shadow in Aurangzeb.When he himself was still young, he rebelled against his father Khan to take the throne.

But now, since Aurangzeb grew up, he also showed a desire for military power.Shah Jahan was disturbed by the ambition exposed in him.If possible, he didn't want to be in danger.

But at this time, he looked around for a week, and no one could stand up to accept this order, which made him very disappointed.In his heart, he also had to admit that this matter is not easy to handle!

So, he turned his head to look at Aurangzeb again, and saw him bowing his head, still standing there respectfully in the same posture as before.He frowned, and then thought, maybe this difficult task really needs to be done by this son who likes to fight.

Of course, Shah Jahan did not want the troops sent out to add military exploits to the Ming army.Now that it has been dispatched, it is to win!He also admitted in his heart that Aurangzeb had a talent for fighting.If he goes, it will be more likely to be done.Of course, the most important thing is that now he is the only one asking for a fight!

Thinking of this, Shah Jahan no longer hesitated, otherwise, if he waited any longer, the other courtiers still did not respond, and his face would be embarrassing!
So, Shah Jahan looked at Aurangzeb and said: "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, and this king can rest assured."

Aurangzeb lowered his head, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his eyes. He had expected his father Khan's thoughts and actions just now. Such a thing would happen, and the power was nothing more than that!

This thought flashed through his mind, and the sarcasm in the corner of his eyes also disappeared, and then he immediately responded: "Qizou Father Khan, if you want to have a small number of troops, but can promote the reputation of our Mughal Empire, you still need Father Khan." It would be better to send an additional Imperial Forest Army to my ministers!"

The army of the Mughal Empire is usually composed of four major parts, namely light infantry, war elephants, artillery and cavalry.

Among these arms, cavalry has always occupied a dominant position.In the first, second and third battles of Panitni, cavalry rewrote Indian history as a decisive force.

The cavalry of the Mughal Empire was composed of city cavalry, feudal cavalry and guard knights.The former two are troops provided by the local government, while the latter are elite warriors supported by the national treasury.

At this time, what Aurangzeb took the opportunity to request was the most elite imperial cavalry of the Mughal Empire.

In normal times, others would definitely not be able to covet the cavalry of the imperial forest army directly under the emperor.But at this time, Shah Jahan asked to use a small force to go on an expedition to Dongwu and also to defeat the powerful Ming army, so it was reasonable for Aurangzeb to ask for the elite cavalry of the Imperial Forest Army.

Although Shah Jahan's first reaction when he heard this request was anger.However, he is still a rational monarch after all.After thinking about it for a while, I didn't think it was possible to refute Aurangzeb's request.Otherwise, after the news spread, others thought he would be afraid of his son.

With this in mind, Shah Jahan agreed and decided to send a group of his trusted Guards Cavalry to Aurangzeb.As soon as the battle is over, the cavalry army of the Royal Forest Army will be brought back immediately, and the matter will be over.

After the discussion paused, the eldest prince Darashiko and the third prince Aurangzeb were busy with their affairs.But Shah Jahan himself focused his mind on the Taj Mahal again.


At this time, the British colonists helped the Persian Empire, that is, the Safavid Dynasty, drive away the Portuguese, thus obtaining the business rights of the Persian Empire and obtaining huge benefits.This success made the British colonists even more ambitious and opened up further eastward.

However, unlike the Safavid Dynasty, the Mughal Empire is in a period of rising national power, and there are no foreign enemies in the coastal areas. There is no such thing as the Safavid Dynasty, which can use the excuse of helping to expel the Portuguese to intervene in the Mughal Empire. .It can only be obediently using silver bullets to attack, trying to bribe the important officials of the Mughal Empire to gain a foothold, but with little success.

Just as he was worrying, he received an invitation from the great prince of the Mughal Empire, Darashiko, to discuss business matters.This news, for the British colonists, it was like sleepy and met a pillow, so it's not too good!

So, without further ado, a high-level delegation was invited to meet Darashiko immediately.

For the Mughal Empire to make some demands, the British colonists actually had expectations in their hearts.What surprised them was that they were not asked to fight Portugal, but the army of the Ming Empire in the Far East, which surprised them.

At this time, the influence of the British colonists had not yet developed to the Far East.Although they had cooperated with the Dutch and expelled the Portuguese together, this was just cooperation, and it was not good enough to wear a pair of pants.

The fact that the Dutch were expelled from Nanyang by the Ming army was not an honorable thing in itself, and of course the Dutch would not publicize this matter everywhere.Moreover, in this era, communication is very backward, and information is even less developed.For the British, they probably heard about the alliance between the Portuguese and the Ming Dynasty, but there was no more news.

In their impression, the empires in the Far East have always been weak countries on the ocean. To be honest, they really look down on them.Therefore, when the representatives of the British colonists heard that as long as they helped expel the Ming army in Mumbai, they could obtain the trading rights of the Mughal Empire; British stopover.

The British colonists couldn't help being overjoyed about this, and without a word, they made a decision on the spot to discuss how to attack the Ming army in Mumbai.He even boasted to his face that he would definitely mobilize the surrounding British warships and destroy the Ming army in order to obtain Mumbai as a stop.

So, after a while of discussion, the British colonists went to inquire about the Ming army in Mumbai, and at the same time were busy going to the Safavid Dynasty and East Africa to mobilize their warships and start making preparations.

On Dalashiko's side, naturally, he reported the good news to Shah Jahan and won praise.Later, this side also began to deploy troops and generals, preparing to march from the land, and together with the British, wiped out the Mumbai Ming army!

For all this, Li Dingguo did not have the golden finger of Emperor Chongzhen, and he was not familiar with the place, so of course he didn't know.

The range he can send Yebushou to investigate is only a hundred miles away.Therefore, the information that can be obtained can only be within this range.

Even so, Li Dingguo understood that after the defeat of the Mughal Empire, it would definitely not be reconciled, and there would be revenge in the future.Therefore, he used all the captured prisoners to improve the defense of Bombay. As for the land, he did not build fortifications for the time being.

On the Ceylon side, the Governor has already sent a reply, saying that after the Ceylon side arranges things, it will send reinforcements over.

On this day, when Li Dingguo was inspecting the fort under construction, he suddenly heard the sound of an alarm.

Looking up, I saw the sentinel on the sentry tower pointing to the west.Seeing this, Li Dingguo turned his head to look, his face immediately became serious, and he quickly picked up the binoculars on his chest to look at it.

In the distance, a patrol ship was rushing back. Behind the patrol ship, there were two sailing warships following, and they were getting closer and closer. It looked malicious.

Seeing this situation, Li Dingguo immediately ordered ten warships docked in Mumbai to respond.

Only at this time did he have the time to observe the situation of the two sailing warships.

Li Dingguo obtained some European information from the Portuguese, such as common sense things such as the flags of European countries.Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he knew that the two warships should be the so-called British warships.

"This is the English Western Yi that the emperor reminded us to pay attention to?" After seeing his identity, Li Dingguo thought in his heart, "What kind of ability do they have, so that the emperor secretly told them to pay attention?"

Only then did he think about it, and saw that the situation at sea had changed.

I saw that the two British warships at sea did not run away immediately after seeing ten warships dispatched by the Ming army. , and then approached Mumbai.

"They are investigating the reality of Mumbai!" Li Dingguo couldn't help but be surprised when he saw it.
So, he immediately ordered to send ten more warships to drive away the two British warships.

Although the Ming army dispatched about [-] ships, half of them were the same western-style sailing warships, but it took a long time to drive these two British warships away!

From the beginning to the end, there was no battle and firing, but just from the point of manipulating the battleship, Li Dingguo discovered that these British people should not be underestimated!

(End of this chapter)

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