Chapter 79 Two?

But just as he finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, the door of the wing room was smashed, and a person fell out of the door.Just by looking at this attire, you can tell that it is a Dongchang fan service.

Immediately, many people were taken aback. The servant looked strong, but he didn't expect that he was so strong that he knocked out the door?
However, the sergeant was taken aback.Because he recognized that this fan who fell out was one of his confidantes, not that damned Jiang Dong!

Just as they were in a daze for a while, another servant ran out of the wing room, clutching his arm, blood oozing out.

"Jiang Dong?" A refugee guard saw him, and he was taken aback and shouted out loud.

At this moment, behind the injured fan, another fan chased out with a knife, and there was still blood dripping from the knife.

For a while, no one could figure out what was going on?

Jiang Dong was the injured guard holding his arm. After he ran out of the wing, he ran towards the refugee guard, and at the same time shouted with shock on his face, "They want to kill me!"

After hearing this, the fan servants who were chasing after him came back to their senses. Seeing so many servants in the courtyard and the servants of Wang Zhixin's family surrounded here, they were stunned.For a moment, he didn't know what to do. It was impossible to continue chasing and killing Jiang Dong while so many people were watching, right?
So, he had no choice but to look at the sergeant.

But in this case, the captain doesn't know what to do?Under the watchful eyes of everyone, there are many refugees and so many prisoners.Besides, even the old people in the fan service may not always listen to him, at least for serious matters, such as killing a fan service in public, they will not really be completely with him. In this case, what should we do?
Waste, incompetent waste!At this moment, the captain couldn't help cursing in his heart.

The two of them followed in, with no intention to calculate their intentions, they could end up killing the damned Jiang Dong, and then killed the servant, saying that the servant resisted and killed Jiang Dong, this is not an easy thing Well, how could it be like this?

He didn't know, Jiang Dong looked at him dumbfounded, he seemed a little bit dumb, he didn't know how to adapt, but in fact, how can someone who can survive in the refugee camp and protect his sister all the time be really dumb?
The chief officer stared fiercely at Jiang Dong with a fierce look in his eyes, then strode towards the officer holding the knife, and asked sharply, "What's going on? Tell me clearly!"

The sword-wielding guard pointed at Jiang Dong and stammered a little: "He...he has been on guard for a long time, he..."

"I asked what you were doing?" The captain interrupted him fiercely, and continued to shout: "If there is any misunderstanding in the middle, I will explain it clearly to me!"

When he was talking, he winked quickly, and then he was about to enter the wing, and at the same time shouted: "What's going on, come here and explain!"

Most of the people in the courtyard were at a loss, the guard with the knife heard this, and shouted to Jiang Dong sharply: "Did you hear what the leader said, don't make any misunderstandings!"

At this time, the fallen fan worker got up, but he was still clutching his stomach, his face showed pain, and he looked at Jiang Dong with extraordinarily vicious eyes.

Jiang Dong was not an idiot, and he was willing to enter the wing room again, and when he was about to say that he had something to say in the courtyard, he heard a yell from outside: "The factory is here!"

While talking, Cao Huachun, the admiral of the East Factory, walked in, surrounded by a large group of soldiers.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback and hurriedly saluted.Including the sergeant, they rushed back to the courtyard in a few steps and came to greet Cao Huachun.

When Cao Huachun saw them, he immediately asked: "How is the inspection going? Our family is still waiting to report to the emperor!"

He was just anxious about the results of the search and wanted to report it to Emperor Chongzhen as soon as possible. He heard that this last place was still being searched, so he came over to have a look in person.

After finishing speaking, Cao Huachun saw at a glance that although Jiang Dong's arm was covered with his hands, there was still blood flowing out. He couldn't help being startled, and asked with a downcast face, "What's going on?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to Jiang Dong.Later, when the fan service saw that there were still people injured, they couldn't help being a little surprised.Generally speaking, when Dongchang takes people, few people resist.

The sergeant was very anxious, and quickly replied to Cao Huachun: "Go back to the factory, and the subordinates asked him to interrogate the prisoner, but the prisoner resisted and was accidentally injured by his colleagues!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Dong immediately followed up loudly: "Back to the factory, the captain hid property privately and was stopped by the villain, so he held a grudge and asked people to interrogate the prisoner and tried to kill the villain in the wing room." Therefore, the villain has this injury, and it is definitely not an accidental injury!"

This remark shocked everyone in the courtyard, including the servants of Wang Zhixin's family, the original servants and the new servants.

Cao Huachun stared at Jiang Dong, and now he recognized that this refugee who was protecting his sister before, because the emperor was watching, he had to spend a lot of words to let him let go of his sister's hand.

Cao Huachun also knows the virtues of his subordinates.Blocking someone's way of making money is like killing one's parents. The people under him are not vegetarians. To put it bluntly, they are all ruthless people.

With that in mind, he turned his head to look at the sergeant, and asked in a cold voice, "Is this really the case?"

"No, absolutely not!" How could the sergeant admit it, and quickly replied, "Don't say that it is impossible for subordinates to hide property privately, but if they want to murder him, how can he escape a death penalty with his body?" Jie? He misunderstood, absolutely nothing!"

Regarding his previous sentence, Cao Huachun directly ignored it.

With a cold face, he walked to the wing room, checked the situation inside, then stood on the steps, turned to look at Jiang Dong, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

When Jiang Dong saw it, he knew what the factory owner was wondering about, and quickly replied: "The villain's father is an escort, so he has learned a little self-defense!"

Hearing this, the sergeant immediately became anxious, and shouted sharply: "How dare you lie to deceive the factory owner? I... I saw in the refugee camp that you have no skills at all. If you are beaten by those people, you will die." You can't even protect your own sister!"

That day, he was by Cao Huachun's side, so he saw Jiang Dong being beaten by those servants in order to protect his sister, so he had no power to fight back.

Cao Huachun also remembered, and looked at Jiang Dong with some doubts, waiting for a reasonable explanation.

Jiang Dong didn't panic, and immediately replied: "I haven't eaten for many days, even if the villain has self-defense skills, it's useless."

Hearing this, the sergeant immediately became anxious. While peeking at Cao Huachun's face, he was about to say something more, but he saw Jiang Dong turned to Cao Huachun and said: "Mr. Chang, there is a rich family next door, and there is a door here, but it has already been closed." It has been sealed for many years. But the captain saw that the family next door was rich, insisted that the next door was also a family of criminals, and ordered a search. The villain had stopped him before, and he had already hated the captain once. Just now, he stopped the chief for hiding property, and they all I can testify that the villain dare not lie and report it to the factory owner."

After he finished speaking, the scene became extremely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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